They lurched to the highroad and awoke from their sun-soaked drowse at the sound of the clopping hoofs. |
The word has persisted, and is still used throughout the Inca country, to describe a post house on a highroad. |
I saw no man, for once I had crossed the highroad none was likely to seek the heights in Maytime. |
On the highroad of his life it would not have done so, but he had left the road and was lost in the jungle. |
Beyond Schwitter's the highroad stretched, broad and inviting, across the State. |
There was a finger post on the highroad they sometimes passed in their walk which pointed to London. |
He was looking through a field glass down the highroad before him. |
Munt's inattentive eyes, a series broken at one point by six Danish tumuli that stood shoulder to shoulder along the highroad, tombs of soldiers. |
She walked back till she reached the tunnel under the highroad. |
Then she turned round, and began to walk back towards the highroad. |
Just as she emerged upon the highroad, her pony and carriage came up. |
It was indeed a moonless night, but he did not make for the highroad. |
On they went, descending a steep declivity of the highroad to the bridge. |
They turned to the right, and came in a few minutes to the highroad. |
At Kamenka a relay of horses was to wait which would take them to the Warsaw highroad, and from there they would hasten abroad with post horses. |
Caius clambered up the cliff and over the fence to the highroad. |
Soyer led him as far as the moulin des Quatre-Vents on the highroad. |
In a quarter of an hour more York was in the distance, and the highroad lay bright and open before them in the morning sunlight. |
She overtook the bicycle, and they went together through the gates and by the highroad to the scene the old man had described. |
He is back there on the highroad with the hardest stick I've met in a good many days. |
He pursued his retreat, careless in what direction it might take him, to a footpath across the fields, which led to the highroad and the railway station. |
The highroad on which he had come out was thronged with caleches, carriages of all sorts, and Russian and Austrian soldiers of all arms, some wounded and some not. |
Set back on a swell of land at my right, I saw a wide farm-house, with a red barn and an ash grove, and cattle-yards in front that sloped down to the highroad. |
The vicarage was set back from the highroad to Tercanbury, and from the dining-room one saw a semicircular strip of lawn and then as far as the horizon green fields. |
Adam hastened with long strides, Gyp close to his heels, out of the workyard, and along the highroad leading away from the village and down to the valley. |
Then they were on the highroad and she saw hedges and trees. |