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How to use hear about in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "hear about"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Toxoplasmosis, an infection you don't often hear about, but you should, because it could be lurking in a steak tartare near you.
We continue to hear about facilities that home launder their surgical scrub attire.
Every day it seems we hear about some kind of incident with an athlete that runs afoul of the law.
Every so often you hear about a tour player coming down the stretch not knowing where he stands on the leader board.
I will want to hear about specific cases where opportunities have gone by the board.
She could hear about two, no, three different roosters crowing, sunlight just barely peeking through her window.
Did you hear about the lobsterman who won a million dollars in the lottery?
The council is also waiting to hear about the detailed arrangements for the planning and administration of the national park.
I wanted more people to hear about the film than the usual art-house channels would allow.
We constantly hear about people being encouraged to dump their cars and get on the bus but then we are left with a rubbish bus service.
We were also expecting to hear about how Moses sealed our covenant with God in the blood of sacrificial animals.
I've decided I can enjoy it if I convince myself that Buffy and Spike had a safeword which we never happened to hear about.
When you hear about the third-generation wireless networks, those backbones are going to be packet-based.
Most people, when they hear about the banjo and guitar, suspect it'll be pretty light.
I don't want to hear about your mind games or your manipulative tricks anymore.
Life is going good but I am sure you don't want to hear about that so on with the story!
We all hear about things that go on and generally it is the same people involved over and over.
I was told by this police officer, who was telling me about a third-hand conversation that no one was supposed to hear about.
Around the age of thirteen, Katherine began to hear about Dr. Martin Luther.
We'll hear about detonation, secondary explosion effects, metal fatigue or misalignment of the planets.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Hope we can ride together often enough for me to hear about the old apache days.
Almost all the good stories you may hear about bears are about the black bear.
Father laughs to hear about Old Wonder Boy, and he says a bragger ought to be laughed at, and bragging is a bad thing.
I don't know what my da and ma'll say to me at all when they hear about it.
But, of course, you want to hear about your mother, more than about Ephraim.
To-morrow night you may hear about Lulu and the gold fish, that is if the lemon squeezer doesn't pinch me.
He was waiting at the time to hear about a tutorship which had been mentioned to him.
She was unco curious to hear about my Eppie, and how I came to lay her there.
Perhaps you would like to hear about it, while you mend that tear in your muslin.
He let her ramble on, for he wanted now to hear about his mother, of whom he knew so little.
They used to hear about him robbing and burglaring now and then, but that was years ago.
Did you hear about him down to the Orthodox Church fair last week?
So if the Space Force should seize the gemsbok, they'll all hear about it?
I dare say they would like to hear about riding on elephants and camels, and about the officers going to hunt tigers.
Green campaigners are gathering on Tyneside today to hear about the plight of an Irish village under threat from a multinational oil firm.
But how should I know he would care to hear about a lot of silly Mammoths.
I am so sorry to hear about Mrs. Swanborough's indisposition.
The reading public is avid of good books, but it does not hear about them.
And from what I hear about those Guvutu sybarites, the best time to shop will be in the morning.
What's all this we hear about your carrying-on this morning?
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