Toxoplasmosis, an infection you don't often hear about, but you should, because it could be lurking in a steak tartare near you. |
We continue to hear about facilities that home launder their surgical scrub attire. |
Every day it seems we hear about some kind of incident with an athlete that runs afoul of the law. |
Every so often you hear about a tour player coming down the stretch not knowing where he stands on the leader board. |
I will want to hear about specific cases where opportunities have gone by the board. |
She could hear about two, no, three different roosters crowing, sunlight just barely peeking through her window. |
Did you hear about the lobsterman who won a million dollars in the lottery? |
The council is also waiting to hear about the detailed arrangements for the planning and administration of the national park. |
I wanted more people to hear about the film than the usual art-house channels would allow. |
We constantly hear about people being encouraged to dump their cars and get on the bus but then we are left with a rubbish bus service. |
We were also expecting to hear about how Moses sealed our covenant with God in the blood of sacrificial animals. |
I've decided I can enjoy it if I convince myself that Buffy and Spike had a safeword which we never happened to hear about. |
When you hear about the third-generation wireless networks, those backbones are going to be packet-based. |
Most people, when they hear about the banjo and guitar, suspect it'll be pretty light. |
I don't want to hear about your mind games or your manipulative tricks anymore. |
Life is going good but I am sure you don't want to hear about that so on with the story! |
We all hear about things that go on and generally it is the same people involved over and over. |
I was told by this police officer, who was telling me about a third-hand conversation that no one was supposed to hear about. |
Around the age of thirteen, Katherine began to hear about Dr. Martin Luther. |
We'll hear about detonation, secondary explosion effects, metal fatigue or misalignment of the planets. |
If you thought that the other house had a bad record, you should hear about this one. |
It's a pleasant show of human kindness in a time when all we seem to hear about is terrorism and violence. |
Talk to teachers today, and you'll hear about their struggle to cope with a veritable tsunami of students pouring into school each year. |
Every now and then, we hear about daylight robberies, shootouts, murders and bomb blasts. |
Meanwhile, we hear about low-level resignations, official investigations and proposals for blue-ribbon commissions. |
That's why my mind boggles when I hear about things like the Roadsworth trial. |
For all the talk you hear about knowledge being such a wonderful thing, instinct is worth forty of it for real unerringness. |
The beginners look at it mystically, a title they hear about but cannot imagine holding. |
We constantly hear about families who are raided in the small hours of the morning. |
Roads Service never hear about the minor scrapes, near misses and non-injury accidents that regularly occur if there are no injuries reported. |
If anyone can shine a light on these mysterious snippets of nonsense I would be very happy to hear about it. |
Every snotty-nosed kid, every whingeing teacher, every bad egg sandwich from the canteen, we get to hear about it. |
So, if you're a seasonal snuffler you'll be glad to hear about the world's first anti-allergen air conditioner. |
One more person might get to hear about the author, might talk about it, might buy a proper copy for a friend, and so forth. |
Every day when I hear about some of our boys being killed, it pains me something fierce, but I still think it has to be done. |
She felt bad to stop him and cut him off when she should be listening but it hurt her so much to hear about Courtney. |
Over the next few years, she would hear about him through her brother, about his remarriage, his downward spiral, his self-destruction. |
He cooked the steak on the barbie while I did the veg and made a quick pepper... Sorry to hear about the burnt offerings. |
You never hear about them unless they're having trouble paying for heating bills in winter or getting free bus passes. |
Apart from all the good things that those present got to hear about Ayurveda, what struck them was the location. |
You know, she hates to hear about situations like this, because it's so close to home. |
You do hear about outbreaks of things like cholera and dysentery as well as malaria. |
People have been phoning me up and stopping me in the street and saying how sorry they are to hear about what has happened to us. |
We hear about terrorists and the language of fear mongering promoted by the government. |
We are interested to hear about day-to-day journeys as well as stories of exciting or unusual events. |
I hear about a lot of builders out there who are changing over from stick construction to modular building. |
A couple years ago, I was fascinated to hear about the possibility that airplane contrails have an effect on the weather. |
It looks the part until you hear about the anti-jetlag flotation tank and the everything-with-bells-on gym. |
I did not like having to park my car in the dark, with all the crime I hear about at the hospital. |
Increasingly we will hear about patients with common diseases who have typical symptoms. |
In the MMR case, however, people do not want to hear about defeasibility and inductive probability. |
He was pretty excited to meet me and hear about the former glory days, and it was nice to get to meet him and the kids on the team. |
When's the last time you hear about a poet's latest world tour grossing a million a night? |
I assure you that when you do look especially good, you will hear about it. |
Everywhere you look and in everything you read you hear about child abductions and murders. |
Oh sure I have friends who care, but there is only so much people want to hear about this. |
We often hear about the importance of picking a company by means of quantitative analysis, which evaluates balance sheets and numbers. |
If a date is too eager to hear about dancing, or judgmental, or overly impressed, he's out the door. |
The council will hear about proposed schemes for the centre in its June cycle of meetings. |
Young people don't want to hear about health information from a man in a white coat. |
Apparently, if I'm not in agonizing pain, he doesn't want to hear about it. |
The geniuses that we so often read about and hear about are in essence no different from us. |
When you learn about history you don't hear about medieval agrarian reform do you? |
When most people hear about Memphis they think of rednecks and country people. |
That is something that you often hear about from the perspective of cultural relativism. |
You hear about it ceaselessly from the Tea Party caucus and Republicans generally. |
But if a manager ever decides to go out on a limb in pursuit of an unsecured position, then you probably won't hear about it until something goes wrong. |
No one likes to hear about heiresses unless they're in danger. |
And did you hear about the one about the drunk bear, walked into a bar? |
And so the world was shocked and saddened to hear about his severe brain injury in the Alps last Sunday morning. |
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother and her confused mental state. |
We all hear about how the rudeness of email has affected our lives. |
Radio stations need you glued to the seat long enough to hear about the latest contrivance you have to own or the drug you have to take or the movie you have to see. |
There's a rulebook, but we only hear about three of its provisions. |
Of course, sometimes we may not even want to hear about the happy, lovey-dovey couples because we're feeling romantically unlucky or lovelorn ourselves. |
Finally, she was cheered frenetically at the party congress, where she was elected by a membership that did not want to hear about any more dirty business. |
I am bracing myself to hear about his chili or chicken cutlets. |
Still, lambert says, he was surprised to hear about the allegations of sexual abuse. |
We hear about pre-Christian religion, pagan beliefs, shamanistic rituals and healing drums, and the story is narrated in ambiguous and multivocal words and concepts. |
But what I hear about the role of women is often inspired by an ideology of machismo. |
Of course, the same people who are clueless enough to respond to spam may also be the ones who get phished and may also not hear about what to do about either. |
All jokes aside, I'd be quite happy not to hear about him ever again. |
My hope is that Rand Paul now recognizes that even the most conservative Americans want to hear about policy, not polemics. |
So if you hear about divorce, it'll be my wife divorcing me. |
Then we hear about widespread accounting malpractices, even in giant corporations, and start to wonder if this is not a huge conspiracy to swindle us out of our money. |
The day just gets more upsetting when we hear about aboriginal rights in Canada. |
We were very sorry to hear about the theft and we were happy to give them a replacement with our compliments and hope that they have a very merry Christmas. |
There, barring a few bad eggs whom you rarely get to hear about, most students are interested in education rather than browbeating other students. |
But we rarely hear about the West's more recent sins of commission. |
These kinds of killings that we witness and hear about have become all too familiar and frequent for us to either exhibit our emotions or even react in any way. |
When you hear about how the no-fly list is administered, it truly sounds like something from the former Soviet Union. |
It focused on four kids who hear about a dead body on the railroad tracks and go on an adventure to find it. |
Everybody is under suspicion but you don't want to hear about that. |
Expect to hear about the God Particle, the recession and Fifty Shades Of Grey. |
His partner, his wife of 20 years, was shocked to hear about his accident. |
It was always intriguing to hear about some new form of crookery or deception. |
Above all things, I liked to hear about horseless carriages and self-powered mechanicals, but I'd settle for ghosts at a pinch. |
Did you hear about the man who was half Portagee and half Italian? He made himself an offer he couldn't understand. |
No, I'm not poly. I have a shitton of friends who are however, and it's one of those 'alternative lifestyles' that people rarely hear about. |
One of the people Joe would never hear about is cassie Johnston. |
When you hear about it, you think it's a bit hippyish but it helped with my low iron and milk supply. |
Despite what you hear about web visitors having the attention span of a gnat, longer copy will still sell better than short. |
Only then did most of those present hear about the diversion. |
Clearly, this is not the near-death experience we typically hear about. |
Our modern ears hear about Emmett Till now and ring with indignation. |
Producers will hear about new market opportunities, as well as learn new ways to modify, classify, micronize and add value to their products. |
One is what people tend to think about when they hear about the hot hand. |
Members of the Newcastle Soroptimist International are to hear about the sacrifices made by women in the war at the Centre for Life today. |
So when you hear about virgin 1911s in Marine inventory, it's like finding the mother lode. |
Then we hear about the expense claims of councillors and Members of Parliament and see them strutting around dressed to the nines. |
I am unhappy to hear about 100 percent cutoff in one college. |
When framing a business model within the consumer Internet space, we may hear about advertising-supported, freemium, subscription, or a hybrid model. |
Did you hear about John's dummy spit over the management changeover? |
If all of the picofarads in a feature turn into microfarads during our PC-to-Mac handoff, and we don't catch it, we hear about it the day the magazine arrives. |
I started to hear about stigmatics and I was just endlessly fascinated, and still am really, with the idea that someone would carry someone else's pain on their body. |
When most physicians and patients hear about folic acid, they automatically think about its role in preventing spina bifida and other neural tube defects. |
We often hear about flowers like Christmas rose, holly, ivy, poinsettia and mistletoe as Christmas flowers because during the winter most of their flowers are in full bloom. |
Despite universal campaigns to end the crime, every day we still hear about pangolins, elephant tusks, and even live geckos seized in airports and harbours. |