In the first chapter, the editors review the normal aging process and the success of healthy aging. |
No amount of yogurt parfaits, or fat free lean beef tacos is going to convince those who eat healthy otherwise. |
She gave birth to a healthy baby boy three years ago by way of in vitro fertilization. |
A healthy body develops antibodies, which hopefully resist the antigens, by binding on them. |
This uneven album is at times brilliantly psycho, yeah, but a healthy kind of psycho all shook up and diffused by the healing beat. |
Chinese demand is growing at an unprecedented rate, and refineries are near capacity with healthy margins. |
The people that truly succeed in the fitness industry walk their talk by promoting and leading healthy lives. |
Cotton flannel or jersey sheets are another healthy option because they're not treated with chemicals. |
Resting land promotes a healthy ecosystem by allowing the flora and fauna to complete an entire annual cycle without any major disturbance. |
Anyway, for the two ladies in our community we say many happy returns of the day girls and may you both enjoy many more happy, healthy birthdays. |
A healthy colon with adequate mucus production and appropriate bacterial colonization prevents the adherence of pathogenic bacteria. |
While both men are tenacious political strategists, they clearly have a healthy respect for one another. |
If you're someone who understands healthy eating, you'll realize that this is not the way to reach your goal of a toned, trim body. |
If you are sick and want to be healthy again, you can't just miraculously cure yourself. |
Opportunistic bacteria, other parasites, fungi and candida, are threats whenever the healthy bacteria diminish. |
His workshop is an introduction to a healthy lifestyle of fun, walking and exercise and lasts for ninety minutes. |
This was true across a wide range of ages in healthy adults and in several measures of sleep quantity and sleep quality. |
When compared with other domestic livestock, the water buffalo is generally a healthy animal. |
The notions of duty and altruism are vital for a tolerant, healthy society. |
Usually by eight to ten months, a healthy infant can have finely chopped foods or zwiebacks with minimal likelihood for choking. |
In the Romanian Orthodox church, the Anointing of the Sick is administered by three priests and may be given to the healthy to prevent illness. |
Although lemon tea is a healthy drink, if your father doesn't like it, of course he will be angry. |
She gave birth to a healthy child, and the respondents accepted liability for negligence. |
In general, these are healthy individuals with no significant pathologic changes related to the hemoglobinopathy. |
At lunch time, chefs from Anji will prepare a healthy bamboo shoot feast, where 100 dishes will be available to choose from. |
He too wished him well and expressed a hope that he would enjoy and long and healthy retirement. |
Undoubtedly, most of us were raised to believe that three square meals a day are the cornerstone of a happy, healthy life. |
It will help keep the bulb healthy longer if you clean off the yecchy outer skin. |
Speaking quietly, his huge chocolate-coloured eyes fringed by dark lashes, he looks the picture of peaceful, healthy youth. |
It gives skin a healthy radiance without exposing it to the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays. |
But it's a deeply flawed squad, built on the faulty premise that star ballplayers remain healthy and productive forever. |
Her longing to reassert control over her body deepened after a series of stillbirths and miscarriages left her with only one healthy child, Elma. |
We do need to keep banging away at the healthy eating message, and hope that it begins to get through. |
I have lost two inches in my waist through exercise and healthy eating, but that hasn't given me any curves. |
I thought the garden was walled all round, but there is a breach in the wall at the back which a healthy animal could have hurdled. |
Employees in buildings with healthy interiors have less absenteeism and tend to stay in their jobs longer. |
As a matter of fact, most so called health nuts don't even scratch the surface of healthy living anyway, no matter how much they can bench press. |
She kept her body slim and healthy with regular exercise and watching the amount of food she ate. |
Cuinneog Natural Buttermilk is rich in natural lactic biotics and contains all the healthy ingredients of natural yoghurt. |
The famous seven hills of Rome were healthy because mosquitoes, the vectors of malaria, only fly at low altitudes. |
The dilemma of the surgeon being asked to amputate a healthy limb is similar. |
Amblyopia, or lazy eye, is a condition of poor vision in an otherwise healthy eye because the brain has learned to favor the other eye. |
Although payouts have fallen from August last year, the annualised rate of return is still healthy compared with other forms of investment. |
Eventually Russian officialdom accepted that, in terms of healthy eating, impure US chicken legs were better than no meat at all. |
They form the foundation of a healthy diet, along with other plant-based foods, including vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds. |
I believe most people would prefer healthy turf even though an occasional treatment of a safe herbicide must be applied. |
The Government is saying they want children to be healthy but our children cannot go out at playtimes. |
Our culture tends to block and suppress the healthy expression of deep emotions. |
Children with diabetes can lead normal, healthy lives if their diabetes is managed properly. |
He knew that if he could buy items at a cheap price, reselling them for a healthy profit would not be that difficult. |
I suggest you combine this therapy with a strict diet of milk, well-done steak and more milk for the ultimate in healthy complexions. |
Just a couple grubs per square foot are not a problem to an otherwise healthy lawn. |
In between the two islands, black tip sharks were sighted near a healthy patch of staghorn corals. |
We challenge you to join us in creating healthy work environments by making these standards the norm. |
The key to protein cycling is to raise carbohydrate and healthy fat intake during the readaptation phase. |
So why did we completely bypass the yummy and healthy fruits and veggies in the salad bar? |
There seemed to be a deep underlying repression in those teens which had no healthy outlet. |
Feo eventually looked healthy and happy, especially once I had trimmed his fur with a shaving razor. |
Contrary to popular belief, they are actually great as part of a healthy balanced diet. |
How does a day turn from a healthy Acai bowl breakfast type of morning to potentially being shark bait in the afternoon? |
He must prove to scouts he can stay healthy and give a solid effort on every play. |
The school nurse visited to talk about healthy bodies and the children learnt to cook wholesome foods. |
He turned 70 last October but is trim and healthy enough to appear at least a decade younger. |
My granddad and uncle worked together in a sweet factory, so always had a healthy supply of coconut ice, jelly babies and sherbet dip. |
Buying wholesome, healthy ingredients and cooking them at home is so simple. |
Although cancerous liver cells easily can be grown in culture dishes, growing healthy liver cells is not so easy. |
The campaign, which urged people to embrace a vegetarian diet for healthy living and to kick the meat-eating habit, had attracted much attention. |
She said Mr Cawthraw had been perfectly healthy until he had a bang on his head at work last November and passed out. |
Ricky's grin of recognition revealed a healthy complement of gleaming white dentition, all the more albescent in contrast to his swarthy visage. |
I find it very disturbing that a pregnant woman's wish for a healthy child is being redefined as being an expression of ableism. |
Scientists hope to someday cure disease by transplanting healthy stem cells into sick people. |
There is enough scope for envy and healthy competition, but not hatred and jealousy. |
Chief executive Paul Ellis said the results were testimony to how healthy growth and concern for the environment could go hand-in-hand. |
It provides healthy fats that offer multiple health benefits, like heart and cancer protection. |
In fact, anyone who enjoys delicious healthy food and that, it seems, includes the likes of the WI and farmers market stallholders. |
His continued success has allowed him to grow into manhood with a healthy sense of self, and a record label called Audio Research. |
If your original plant is healthy and has produced suckers while the fruit has been developing and ripening, a sucker may produce a second fruit. |
I put this down to us eating a relatively healthy diet and not convenience foods which come with too much wasteful packaging. |
The food was healthy and nutritious, and most of the Americans liked it, but wished for fresh food. |
The holistic view of healthy living is now normal, no longer the territory of Birkenstock-wearing kooks and foreigners. |
There were scabs, but where the skin had been angry red, it was now a more healthy shade of pink. |
The researchers measured the binocular visual field of healthy volunteers while they were wearing four different styles of anorak. |
It's all about showing healthy food can be tasty and not just rabbit food, but the menu has to be something the kids want. |
If you're looking for a healthy fitness option then how about trying Yogalates? |
A skeptical press is essential to a healthy and functioning democracy, and the consequences of such an acquiescent media are frightening. |
Amblyopia or lazy eye is characterised by poor vision that is not correctable with glasses in an otherwise normal and healthy eye. |
Most people take sleep for granted and fail to observe some simple and healthy habits that help get a restful sleep. |
This creates a stronger, healthy fox population, which is far more of a pest than if nature had been left to itself. |
If you can afford cuts such as tenderloin or top sirloin, you can feel good about eating a tasty yet healthy source of protein. |
One of the authors treated an otherwise healthy 30-year old female with poor acuity, impaired night vision, and myopia. |
When exfoliating, the key is to remove the dead skin cells but leave healthy ones intact. |
Toss a few sprigs of fresh basil, parsley and dill with the baby greens for a healthy burst of flavor. |
The findings show a clear preference for undertaking leisure activities outdoors and in the countryside as part of a healthy lifestyle. |
If this is so, then a female mating with a lekking male may be avoiding the less healthy males of the population by default. |
It has been said the butter may reduce the risk of cancer because it contains healthy bacteria which aids digestion and boosts immune response. |
A bowl of healthy soup gives you the biggest value for your caloric buck and keeps you from overeating during your main course. |
It screams for junky take-out food and things that contain healthy amounts of bacon. |
He has been rewarded by healthy box-office returns in America, where the film opened last month. |
I thought how lucky we are to be able to take command of our lives by leading a healthy and active lifestyle. |
No need for old-fashioned healthy eating and exercise, says Atkins, bacon and eggs will make you slim. |
His daughter, now a healthy toddler, had open-heart surgery when she was a few weeks old, a time he remembers as traumatic and upsetting. |
Those looking to eat healthy will definitely be gratified seeing the calorific values of almost every dish displayed prominently in most stalls. |
Byron has had some good tuna being landed as the bay is holding some healthy schools of baitfish. |
Greenhouse Staging, shelving and benches enable you to efficiently use all the space in your greenhouse or polytunnel for healthy plant growth. |
Nyctophobia is mostly present in young children, and starts out with night terrors and a healthy fear of the boogeyman. |
We as a sport have gone from showing dedicated healthy bodies to growth-hormone-induced, misproportioned bodies as the standard of bodybuilding. |
Meaty Brazil nuts add a healthy crunch to these savory veggie burgers, which are beefed up with tempeh and black beans. |
Kids do need a healthy balance of love and discipline if they're going to grow into happy well-adjusted adults. |
A healthy dose of escapism is what we have here, balanced with a sprinkling of scientific facts. |
The authors conclude that live, attenuated intranasally administered influenza vaccine is safe and effective in healthy adults. |
I will teach myself to like healthy snacks like wheatgerm instead of guzzling potato chips. |
Excessive military spending is a major factor adversely affecting the healthy progress of both societies. |
Some people mistakenly equate healthy eating with dieting, or with eating only low-calorie or low-fat foods. |
Scientists speculate that the deformed protein acts as a template to reshape healthy proteins. |
For those who have to snack, the doctor recommends healthy options such as fruit, yoghurt, or oatcakes. |
The Swedes have a lavish welfare state married to a healthy economy and the best social mobility in the world. |
It will help break the ice by throwing people together for some healthy competition. |
Because physical exercise also relieves stress, your daily workout can help keep you healthy toe to head. |
Our salad bars are very popular on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the children get a healthy and balanced diet from their school meals. |
Such creeks can contain healthy fish populations, but they are not as easily renewed as those of the big rivers and adjacent backwaters. |
We are all told that to eat a healthy diet we need to cut down on sweets and sweet foods, however not all sweets are bad for you. |
When they're done, add some salt and pepper, and some tamari sauce or balsamic vinegar for a light and healthy taste sensation. |
It can also be used to determine if people are at a healthy weight, overweight or obese. |
For a fit and healthy cardiovascular system, aerobic training should be performed three to four times a week. |
This year the world's last 24 pairs of cahows have produced twelve healthy chicks. |
I lost 70 pounds over the next two years, and I now weigh a healthy 125 pounds. |
There's a healthy irreverence at the heart of the movie, as well as plenty of dry Mancunian wit. |
Sage grouse depend on healthy sage grasslands, especially dense stands of brush, for shelter and protection. |
Many schools are not providing tempting but healthy alternatives to junk food. |
For healthy apple trees, plant some nasturtiums and mint around the trunks to deter woolly aphids. |
The healthy eating campaign to persuade Scots to eat more nutritious foods will be launched in January. |
At first glance, the poster girl for Cachez cosmetics looks as healthy and wholesome as any other. |
The study included 41 healthy subjects who were given amphetamine, ketamine and then saline, in varying sequence. |
The growth of a cancer has a different path of development from that of the healthy body. |
Getting enough exercise is a crucial factor in keeping weight at a healthy level. |
Derby and Sunderland, both with healthy average home gates and attractive third round ties could manage scarcely more than 30,000 between them. |
They sit on top of the refrigerator, next to the healthy but boring multiple vitamins and the kids' Band-Aids and lunch snacks. |
He has been declared healthy for the 2003 season, although the Badgers are holding him out of scrimmages as a precaution. |
There are some delicious and healthy fruit drinks on the market that could tempt our children into good habits. |
Their stand will promote physical activity, mental health, healthy eating and smoking cessation. |
Exercise is also great for skin and gives you a pinkish glow around the cheeks that send out loads of healthy vibes! |
We have good evidence that young adults are buying large quantities of drink and selling it to youngsters at a healthy profit. |
He has well-defined square, straight shoulders and a muscular chest kept remarkably youthful by a healthy exercise regimen. |
Pick a bold but sheer shade to give you that naturally flushed, healthy looking glow. |
Nicola's cheeks had a healthy glow to them now, a glow that had not been there when he first saw her. |
But I think it is parents who really need to be taking the lead on good diet by helping their children to form healthy eating habits. |
She was well dressed, and she had a healthy glow in those rosy cheeks of hers. |
It's time to stop pretending that yesterday's mac and cheese with a squirt of ketchup qualifies as a healthy meal. |
In a healthy liver, blood and bile travel in opposite directions and never meet. |
The American Heart Association suggests the healthy people eat at least two weekly servings of fish, such as salmon, lake trout or albacore tuna. |
What's really annoying about this is that it's quite easy to raise a healthy infant on a vegan diet. |
A hiker, footballer and ladies keep-fit organiser explain how they keep fit and healthy through exercise and sport. |
One study thermally characterized the reactive hyperemic response of healthy skin. |
I've got my healthy meals ordered for tomorrow, so I just have to get through tonight and tomorrow afternoon and I'll be home free. |
You express and share feelings, also help others to feel healthy and whole around you. |
He was a youthful 70 years old and appeared fit and healthy and indeed was taken ill and died suddenly while playing a game of golf on Monday. |
It's often better to put healthy foods into your diet than focus on getting junk food out. |
To be healthy is to be whole, and without unification of the mind, body and spirit, a person will fall ill. |
Eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and nuts, and wholemeal and wholegrain versions of rice, pasta and bread. |
I do not think it is healthy in any democratic parliament to have that sort of a majority. |
Start being sensible about eating wholesome and healthy food and get in shape. |
I recall the quizzical expressions of my classmates who wondered why an apparently healthy girl should suddenly report ill. |
I've followed a healthy macrobiotic diet for 10 years now, which means that I try to stick to fresh organic food and avoid dairy and meat. |
Science will be benefited as long as there is a healthy relationship between science and technology. |
The valuable contribution animals can make in a classroom and to the healthy development of children and juveniles has already been established. |
Tumors often use more energy than healthy tissues do and may absorb more of a radioactive tracer, which allows the tumors to appear on the scan. |
If Inland Revenue lose, then EU states can act to nullify the decision or they can allow healthy full tax competition. |
Poultry vaccines can prevent healthy chickens from contracting deadly strains of avian influenza, Dutch researchers report. |
When I go to bed I put my head on the pillow, shut my eyes and drop straight off into a nice, healthy sleep, not too deep nor yet too shallow. |
I've been keen to get more involved as the place is manned by enthusiastic volunteers who supply locals with tasty, healthy food at low prices. |
Before we all get too carried away it has to be said that his announcement was guided as much by healthy realism as by altruism. |
By introducing new more healthy ways of eating while her children are still young, she hopes it will become second nature to them. |
She even fed him and kept him healthy for six weeks, but producing milk sapped her of the last of her energy and she had to be put down. |
If you commit to healthy eating habits, they will soon become second nature. |
They achieved the impressive weight loss through a combination of healthy eating and exercise. |
The children who often ate dinner with their families had a more nutritionally healthy diet. |
As he pressed his head hard to the man's chest he could hear the thump, thump of a healthy heart beat. |
I have been told, anecdotally, that Maldon is one of the most vibrant and healthy towns in Essex, if not the east of England. |
Marriage is the basis of the family, and it is in healthy families that children are reared to be honorable people and good citizens. |
City now are an established Premiership side after years of yo-yoing and have a healthy crop of young players coming through the ranks. |
I would guess she wears a size 10, but looks hale and healthy rather than actressy and neurotic. |
What I did was make some healthy yummy food for her when she was at my house, then give her the recipes. |
All the cubs, apart from the last-born who is thinner, are healthy and two are male cubs. |
If you have healthy kidneys, you can't eat enough protein to damage your kidneys. |
Multigrain bread, bagels, raisin bread and pita pockets are healthy bases for a nutritious lunch. |
However, late summer and early fall is the time we need to be planting and nurturing our jonquils to make sure they are bright and healthy later. |
Lions are about the only predators strong enough to bring down a healthy sable. |
In essence, this boils down to whether modern industrial capitalism is compatible with a healthy planet. |
With a beautiful, healthy baby girl to raise and plans to marry, the couple had an exciting future ahead. |
Under the program, nutrition educators taught students the basics about healthy eating. |
Then they repopulated these cells with mitochondria prepared from the platelets of PD patients or healthy control subjects. |
Recently, historic ranges have been repopulated by sheep translocated from healthy herds. |
Workers at both hatcheries keep the plants healthy and repot the tillers, the product of asexual reproduction, which grow into mature plants. |
All healing magic is about bringing into focus the innate clarity of the healthy manitou intended for that person, that space. |
Healthy teeth mean that the child is able to eat a healthy diet, and aid the growth of the jaw. |
But that doesn't mean she's less healthy than women at the lower end of the range, as long as she exercises regularly and eats nutritiously. |
If you exercise regularly, follow a balanced diet and don't smoke, your chances of remaining healthy and living longer climb dramatically. |
She has co-written a number of books and also writes regular newspaper features on nutrition and healthy lifestyles. |
A mainstay of the Joe Torre dynasty, Pettitte needs to stay healthy and excel if he wants a new contract. |
Regular activity helps maintain a healthy body weight by balancing caloric intake with energy expenditure. |
At each sampling, healthy berries from different bunches and from different parts of the bunches were collected. |
I would like to wish you all have a very happy, prosperous, wealthy and above all healthy New Year. |
Consume sufficient protein and healthy fats to fuel your body and help recuperation. |
She is receiving regular treatment and leading an extremely active and healthy life. |
For a long time red wine has been touted for its healthy effects on the heart. |
From bowls you will receive self satisfaction, fellowship and healthy competition. |
It can be a great kick-start into a transformation that will motivate her to adopt an active, healthy lifestyle. |
Infants who pass thin meconium, which is yellow to light green and watery, are more likely to be healthy at birth. |
Research published last year showed Scots do not like counting calories and find healthy foods tasteless and boring. |
I'm lean, healthy and strong, which makes me feel so much better than any amount of junk food ever could. |
The devastated parents, who already had a daughter, risked trying for another child and had a second healthy baby girl. |
You can inoculate your soil by finding a healthy wild tree and then bringing a few scoops of the soil beneath its branches back to your ground. |
She may find that her occasional chocolate binges wane if she eats regular meals with healthy snacks in between. |
Actually, coughing is a healthy reflex that helps clear the airways in the throat and chest. |
The redesign is a direct response to the healthy interest the site has generated over the past couple of years. |
And despite global recessionary trends, the industry feels that the next few months will see a healthy increase in travel. |
His hair was light brown, his skin tanned, and his body as healthy as could be. |
Surely we should be able to walk our dogs or simply ramble along in safety and in peace to enjoy the views and healthy exercise? |
Wooden panelling on the walls of the upstairs bedrooms had woodworm and were replaced by healthy new tongue-and-groove panelling. |
Olive oil is very low in saturated fats and loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats, so choose it over others. |
Whole-wheat foods also contain high levels of healthy monounsaturated fats, protein and B vitamin. |
The healthy pet educational program is spreading the word to pet owners that scraps do much more harm than they might realise. |
Live, attenuated influenza vaccine was licensed in 2003 for intranasal administration to healthy children and adults five to 49 years of age. |
The first is about healthy eating and a balanced diet, with the focus on enjoying quality food rather than feeling deprived. |
The researchers scanned the same 13 healthy children and teens every two years as they grew up, for 10 years. |
At the very least, the taxman should take a healthy cut and redistribute it to more worthy causes. |
He's struck what seems a healthy work-life balance, rising before dawn to beat the traffic and get to the gym. |
The most refreshing and healthy drink of coconut water is available in sachets with a shelf life of a year. |
Screaming lustily, apparently as healthy as his sister despite the awkward way he came into the world, the second child was born. |
Plus, this healthy physical attitude of yours indicates deeper emotional well-being and stability. |
It looked for all the world like a very healthy clump of stinging nettles until it produced a fine display of large, pink flowers. |
A healthy child was delivered at term, and the couple will be offered prenatal diagnosis in subsequent pregnancies. |
A wise man once said that a strong middle class is the key ingredient to a prosperous and healthy democracy. |
If they inherited one good copy and one mutant copy they would be carriers of the disease, while remaining healthy themselves. |
As unnerving as they may be, Fischer says nightmares are a useful and healthy response to trauma, as they reconnect us to our emotions. |
We are looking forward to a good entry and hope this advance notice will allow producers of breeding sheep to get together a healthy entry. |
In the worst-case scenario, ministers are preparing for mass evacuations of healthy people from cities. |
Waffles can be made sweet or savoury and with healthy ingredients such as nuts, fruit or wheatgerm added are a healthy snack. |
When you are scraped or wounded you form a scab, an ugly protective covering, until healthy skin can grow again. |
The delivery room nurse, the resident, and the attending physician assisted as the plaintiff delivered a healthy baby boy. |
They then enjoyed a healthy lunch, including vegetable kebabs, dips, and tortilla wraps. |
In June 2001 she was delivered of a 3.1 kg healthy boy, her seventh child and fourth caesarean. |
The pupils were aware of the obesity problem and conscious of the need to eat healthy foods. |
They connected attitude, self-discipline, and self-respect to a healthy state. |
The novel idea aims to promote healthy eating habits for school children around the country. |
When exercising outdoors during a smog alert, even healthy people may cough or wheeze. |
It should also have a healthy and vibrant economy with low levels of unemployment and deprivation, with an increase in quality homes. |
There will also be healthy cooking demonstrations and refreshments will be available. |
High-grade soft tissue sarcomas are a group of malignancies that often affect otherwise healthy young people. |
The dance scenario, particularly Bharatanatyam, they feel, at present reflects a number of healthy trends. |
However, that healthy little fella was safely returned, hopefully to make it up the burn come winter and subsequently add to the gene pool. |
C Jason Kendall is healthy again after a thumb injury ruined his 2001 season. |
At school we had a free gill of milk each morning break as part of the government's plan to build a nation of healthy young things. |
Debriding the devitalized tissue will allow the underlying healthy tissue to regenerate. |
On examination we observed a healthy man with no other burns of the skin of the scalp, face or neck. |
The club affords the opportunity to people of all ages, male and female, to take up this healthy sport. |
You need trade-offs in society, and we're not in a situation to say better rich and healthy than sick and poor. |
A healthy labor market and rising real wages are set to keep the economy humming. |
Those people who gave healthy donations to the labor party will be looking for healthy paybacks. |
The subjects were healthy premenopausal women with regular menstrual periods. |
Instead of automatically reaching for junk foods, we want them to explore healthy alternatives. |
That fact alone permits Christie loyalists to greet the new negativity with a healthy degree of sangfroid. |
A report said that poorer people couldn't afford healthy food and couldn't afford exercise. Can't the reporters conceive of exercise outside a gym? |
To normal, healthy people the prideful self-delusion is obvious. |
All four are wished a long, contented and healthy retirement after all their years of loyal and devoted service to the Council and the people of the district. |
Physicians are asking people to understand the impact smog can have on their health and to take appropriate measures to stay healthy during smog alerts. |
Its activities were designed to provide healthy recreation for young people, and included competitions in running, jumping, quoits, cricket and football. |
Still active and alert Mary attributes her longevity to plenty of hard work, good genes, a healthy lifestyle and a positive outlook on life in general. |
In the end they ruled out only such serious illnesses as active or malignant disease which the doctor thought would totally wreck the child's chance of a healthy life. |
We speak of someone as in delicate health, for example, which means that he or she has to take precautions that ordinary healthy people can disregard. |
A very successful, well-supported December fundraiser had left the coffers in a healthy state and the club has been able to affiliate to the Federation and pay its insurance. |
A healthy body is one that is strong, flexible and aerobically fit. |
All healthy babies under 1 year old should sleep on their backs. |
It has a broad world view, but with a healthy North-West England bias. |
The ash contains calcium and phosphorous essential to healthy milk. |
However, researchers also found that older healthy adults showed distortions, misremembering personal details about the terrorist attacks 25 percent of the time. |
In an ideal world, all dance teachers would advocate healthy work habits. |
Always a healthy cook, Jones created delicious, low-calorie recipes. |
He is a man of deep faith and brilliant intellect, with a healthy dose of modernity and realism. |
Anyone who thinks an ugly planet is a healthy planet is a wackadoo. |
Those who are vowed to celibacy should honor sexuality with forebearance and redirection of sexual energy into pure love and good and healthy works. |
And my hellebores, sweet woodruff, veronica, foxgloves and Candytuft remained a healthy green all winter, as did the primrose foliage, and that of the smaller geraniums. |
Now seven months old, Sam is a very healthy and robust dog, showing that even the most scruffy and mangy animal can be reclaimed and rehabilitated. |
Chefs and nutrition experts say Scots are wasting a prime source of healthy and tasty food on their doorstep by failing to support growers of soft fruit. |
Physicists generally maintain a healthy skepticism about whatever they hear and are much less susceptible to dogmatic conservativeness than one might think. |
Consumers get incredibly upset when dieticians and researchers backtrack on previous findings, proclaiming that products once deemed healthy are now in question. |
Decide as a family to share cooking responsibilities and dedicate enough time for healthy meals. |
They make a mean iced Americano and both healthy eaters and indulgers will be sated. |
Can the nation which gave the world golf and curling and revolutionised football in Victorian times look forward to a prosperous and healthy sporting future? |
What really separates contented couples from those in deep marital misery is a healthy balance between their positive and negative feelings and actions toward each other. |
It will also promote a healthy exchange between performing artists of different countries, facilitating not merely a proscenium, but also a process of interaction. |
She is spontaneous with a great sense of humour, humble yet at the same time driven by a healthy ambition. |
The oxygen level in her blood is three quarters that of a healthy person and this means her heart has to work harder as she grows to pump oxygen around her body. |
Without a college degree, this son of a single parent built a real estate empire with tremendous fortitude, business and political savvy, and a healthy dose of kismet. |
A form of bacterial wilt which withers healthy banana plants and prematurely ripens fruits into a smelly goo is destroying crops and livelihoods as it moves across Uganda. |
If you love eating out, all you really need to know to avoid blowing a hole in your healthy eating plans is which dishes to go for and which to avoid. |
A healthy cell contains between 70 and 90 millivolts of energy. |
A healthy udder is soft and pliable, and has two well-developed teats. |
Whatever the difficulties were with cross-service coordination, many people saw it as a healthy departure from the humiliating withdrawal from Vietnam. |
The lack of pulsation in the middle of a target cell as opposed to a healthy specimen is due to the fact that the cell membrane has collapsed on itself. |