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How to use hates in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word hates? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
He hates to appear big-headed, but he knows that false modesty is equally odious.
If you see it on a rental shelf, point it out to a Joe Sixpack who hates widescreen.
She doesn't even like writing e-mail and irrationally hates receiving junk mail.
Ideally, they should seek advice and then schedule one of those godawful meetings that everybody hates.
The kind of person who drives to the depanneur to buy milk hates the street festivals and the parades.
She doesn't like playing piano and hates being keeked by Nobita Nobi when she was washing.
He knows anyone can read his face like a book and hates the fact that he's always sucked into telling a secret.
All I am to him is the bane of his existence, the blight of his life, the central focus of why he hates his job and wants to kill himself.
It's a nice thought that there's someone who loves you, even when you think the whole world hates you.
My nana is tall, slim, and is in size 10 jeans, and she hates how pleated skirts look.
I'm lucky to have a wonderful wife who hates that we are apart right now but is hanging tough.
I mean how can you ever feel comfortable living in a house with someone who hates and resents you?
In this respect I cannot but feel sorry for anyone who hates or molests any person purely on account of nationality.
He certainly seems uneasy with the accoutrements of fame and says he hates being mollycoddled.
Queen Mary, who loathes sentiment, is obsessed with pruning and especially hates ivy.
This guy, this kid, teaches his dog, a mongrel, to be a pointer, and his father hates the idea because he breeds pure-breeds.
It has the ring of casuistry, of the often hypocritical moralist who declares unctuously that, while he hates the sin, he loves the sinner.
She is a journalist trying to write about America's politics, which she hates, without railing unconditionally against America itself.
I can tell she hates my mother, despises her so much she wishes she had never set foot in her office.
We're going to be late to meet my parents and my mother hates to be kept waiting.
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Examples from Classical Literature
It's sent as a warning to repent you of your sins, and it's howling because it hates to go back.
Am I a creature of blind instincts, jealousies and greeds and hates beyond my own control entirely?
They hate the army of Aerschot and Lorraine as a mother hates the defiler of her child.
He hates me, because he knows that I distrusted him, and asked the king for his dismission.
One hates to refuse food to any human being who claims to have need of it, and the bummer knows this.
How many ancient loves, hates, angers, can we not re-experience in any idle hour we choose to give over to reverie?
A misanthrope hates all mankind, but is kind to every individual, generally too kind.
To correct this vitiation, to abolish these disastrous hates and misconceptions, elaborate learning was not needed.
If there is anything that the mountain-born hates worse than a revenuer, it is a shotgun.
He bent his head, and soon after he went for a walk in the rosery with Lucy Carteret, whom he hates.
She resented her downfall bitterly, and she hates Frederika with the characteristic vehemence of her race.
Nature hates all false coloring and is ever best where she is least adulterated with art.
Chauncey hates to acknowledge that anythings wrong he starts, and blazes ahead no matter what happens.
But I shall not therefore drop one iota of my convictions, or cease to identify myself with that truth which an evil generation hates.
Once, in my youth that is passed, I too had my hates and my envies.
He hates the sight of her odious red wig as much now as we always did.
A bobcat hates dogs about as much as human beings do skunks.
A man who has been active hates 270 to sit down and twiddle his thumbs.
For don't you think she hates an empty nest as much as any human mother?
The misogynist is he who only hates woman, but Euripides loves her also.
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