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How to use guillemot in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word guillemot? Here are some examples.

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They include tundra swans, arctic terns, northern fulmars, black guillemot, and various loons, ducks, geese, gulls, jaegers, and alcids.
Coastal and seabird numbers have remained stable, with big increases in guillemot numbers balancing the decline in kittiwakes.
The razorbill, fulmar, guillemot, kittiwake, chough and short-eared owl will all make your acquaintance on this magical island.
If something black and white whirs by, it's probably a pigeon guillemot, a cousin of the puffin that nests in cliffside cavities.
The black guillemot is a sexually monomorphic seabird that exhibits marked interpair variation in a number of breeding parameters.
There are or have been several great blue heron, cormorant, puffin, black guillemot, razorbill, and storm petrel breeding colonies on the islands.
Alcidae, bird family, order Charadriiformes, which includes the birds known as auk, auklet, dovekie, guillemot, murre, murrelet, and puffin.
In British usage, the name guillemot also refers to birds that in America are called murres.
In 1970 the first sea birds, the Northern fulmar and black guillemot, started breeding on the cliffs of Surtsey.
The other species that nest in colonies there are, in descending order of number of individuals, the Black guillemot, Herring gull, Double-crested cormorant, Razorbill, Great blackbacked gull, and the Common eider.
Numbers of the Ring-billed gull, Great black-backed gull, Kittiwake, Razorbill and Great blue heron have risen since the 1970s, while those of the Herring gull, Black guillemot and Black-crowned night heron have been falling.
And a pigeon guillemot flying breakfast sorties into the cold waters of Admiralty Inlet.
The black guillemot breeds around the Arctic Circle and winters south to the British Isles, Maine, U. S., and the Bering Strait, usually remaining within sight of land and never forming large flocks.
Marine birds are abundant in summer, all of them migrants except, apparently, for a small proportion of the black guillemot population that winters in the Arctic, using the open water, such as the polynyas, for feeding areas.
They were seized and identified by the RSPB as guillemot, razorbill and mute swan eggs.
Outside Forillon Peninsula, in the easternmost part of the sector, there is only one Herring gull colony and there are six Black guillemot colonies on the cliffs, numbering 705 individuals.
In lesser numbers guillemot and razorbills are occasionally seen at this outlet to the North Sea.
For example, once common guillemot chicks fledge, they remain with the male parent for several months at sea.
Important waterfowl species of the Norwegian Sea are puffin, kittiwake and guillemot.
Over 200 species of bird have been recorded on Arran including black guillemot, eider, peregrine falcon and the golden eagle.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The dovekie, or black guillemot, breeds in great numbers in the Orkney islands.
But in the case of the black guillemot, I question if this be its true explanation.
This bird is very similar to the black guillemot except that the under surfaces of the wings are dark.
In winter the plumage of the black guillemot changes to a speckled grey colour.
This bird is very similar to the black guillemot except that the under-surfaces of the wings are dark.
The bird differs from the black guillemot only in having the bases of the coverts white also.
Its actions in the water are almost precisely the same as those of the guillemot.
Mr. Gotchs hypothesis was formed after seeing a large number of eggs of the guillemot in their natural surroundings.
The serwah, a species of guillemot, which is as black as the raven in summer, is white in winter.
I took the Bunting and the guillemot as types of the two extremes.
The birds comprise a darter, a cormorant, a guillemot, and a penguin.
The guillemot makes no nest, merely laying a single egg on a ledge.
The speed with which the guillemot cuts the water is truly amazing.
A man from the south heard one day of a guillemot that could talk.
The black guillemot retires to its breeding-stations in May.
On June 20th the doctor and I shot one black guillemot each.
Like the guillemot it breeds abundantly on the Shiant Islands.
But, indirectly, its behaviour would affect the guillemot race.
One of the auk family, the Guillemot has pear-shaped eggs, evolved to pivot on the narrow seacliffs when dislodged, rather than falling into the sea.
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