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How to use great man in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "great man"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
With an affectionate and admiring smile on his own face, he has written an unaffected biography of an unaffected great man.
He clearly and unchallengeably stands out as the purest great man in universal history.
Admiration for a great man and his important work does not presuppose uncritical acceptance of all his views.
He was a great man, a great South African, someone whom I feel was under appreciated as a South African icon.
He was also an avid reader of the newspapers and a great man for television and radio programmes.
If we can just get the great man to endorse Scottish tourism, we could make a very unspiritual mint.
And if the passing of the great man brought a sombreness to the mood, that wasn't lifted by what happened on the pitch.
Now Berwick is, thankfully, on the road to recovery, the Diary will approach the great man and sound him out.
A great man for walking, he is a familiar sight on most days as he steps it out in style around the town.
It's a controversial portrayal of the great man which isn't above hinting he had a dark side.
And he was, Samuel, a great hope, a great man ab ovo, his father in miniature.
The great man waved to the crowds in the main grandstand, and gentle applause wafted back at him.
I had read a Reader's Digest collection of adulatory articles about the great man.
He felt like he was walking on air when his winning number was called and he was handed a pair of autographed boots by the great man himself.
The great man was so exhausted in the four-hour marathon dogfight that he stood at the back of the court vomiting early in the fifth set.
And when mourners of every age, race, and creed praised him as a great man, I wondered what His Eminence had done to merit those words.
What comes through most powerfully is the pain of the great man as lifelong lonely little boy.
Lee's flamboyant personality and quick, cool, dry wit are trademarks of this great man of musical theatre.
Many years ago an Italian friend of mine, who knew Senna quite well, gave me a baseball cap signed by the great man.
He was a bear to get along with sometimes, and temperamental as the very devil, but underneath it all he was really a good man and a great man.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The great man leaned against the brickwork of the roundel, and swung his arms abroad.
The minister was the great man, and his bodily presence was a restraint upon the unruly, and the ruly too, for that matter.
It must be saddening to a great man to reflect that the schoolboys have no respect for him.
While this great man lives, he ought to be supreme in the affairs of his country.
From this time forward, vague rumors reported the existence of a great man in Angoumois.
Courtesy, they say, is the mark of a great man, discourtesy of a little one.
When all was said, a man in the presence of this quack did feel in the presence of a great man.
We will not do a great man such a disservice as to dig him up for a spectacle.
And the mesne lord will often be a very great man, some prelate or baron with a widespread honour.
They are uncostly, plain, and humble, showing the unostentatious mind of the great man.
The great man is pretty old and doddery, wears spectacles about an inch thick, and a large collection of decorations.
Like many another great man, Morgagni seems to have been especially fortunate in his mother.
That great man, though a friend to bank paper, was an enemy to government paper.
By this means the great man, still despised as a Boston bean-eater, was able to bring his adversary to ruin.
Then the great man began to swear, and did it well and fluently, with gusto.
But it was soon clear that Wightman, the old steward, was no longer the great man at Lexley.
Then, heralded by an obsequious guard, came a great man, proconsular in mien and gait.
There is none of that withdrawing dignity of fujiyama, the great man who looks on.
Dr. Belfrage was a great man in posse, if ever I saw one,a village Hampden.
Of the significance of the life of this great man, it would be superfluous to speak.
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