It would be the gravest dereliction of duty to wait until we have suffered a terrorist outrage and then respond after the event. |
The guerrillas had stirred my gravest anxiety, but little did I know about the hundred additional worrisome things until I debarked down here. |
As a result, few see the business cycle as one of the gravest of our economic ills. |
Thus it is that some of the gravest crimes against humanity are committed in the name of religion. |
What happened there last week was easily the gravest event since the group's attack in New York. |
The least vagarious tendency of the mind in the leaders of men, especially in those holding seats of power, is fraught with the gravest danger. |
In the past few decades, many countries have succeeded in reducing some of the gravest threats to our youngest children's health. |
Finally, the prospect of terrorists gaining access to weapons of mass destruction remains the gravest threat imaginable. |
Differences of power, wealth and geography do determine what we perceive as the gravest threats to our survival and well-being. |
The dramatic fall in cereal stocks is likely to plunge the world into the gravest crisis it has experienced for thirty years. |
When I see, though, how the Council treats treaties and the European Parliament, I have the gravest concerns about what is coming next. |
That temptation must be resisted. To give up hope is to acquiesce to the gravest of threats to international peace and security. |
It follows, therefore, that the gravest of crimes against man would be to paralyze or emasculate his consciousness. |
The gravest of them is, to argue sophistically, to suppress facts or arguments, to misstate the elements of the case, or misrepresent the opposite opinion. |
They can justify all their howling by arguing that this scandal is more serious, more deserving of the gravest steps being taken. |
The gravest threat to U.S. security may come from the militant Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba. |
The challenges we face may be the gravest for generations, and they are evolving at lightning speed. |
Chairman Arafat and those in positions of authority who fail to prevent such practices bear the gravest personal and political responsibility. |
Christ's redeeming sacrifice has the power to forgive even the gravest of sins, and to bring forth good from even the most terrible evil. |
Bishop said the rise of global terror groups such as IS was one of the gravest security threats faced by the world. |
Accordingly in Yemen's legislation, the death penalty is prescribed for the gravest and most terrible crimes. |
The least developed countries make hardly any contribution to climate change but have to suffer its gravest consequences. |
In this case, therefore, the gravest possible consequences resulted from an act of the most serious and morally blameworthy intentionality. |
And so, Venerable Brethren and Beloved Sons, having surveyed the present economic system, We have found it laboring under the gravest of evils. |
In one of the gravest crises of its peacetime history, Britain appeared to have cast an indecisive vote for indecision. |
The death penalty is prescribed by Egyptian law for the gravest and most heinous crimes. |
The whole world is faced with one of the gravest economic crises in recent decades, but Europe is also facing its own crises. |
But Humeri believes that the gravest threat facing the global aviation industry is reputational risk. |
Now the opponents come into sight once more because they pose the gravest threat to the project, leading either to its failure or turning it into its opposite. |
The Encyclopaedia is not just a reference book, but a reading matter provoking thoughts on one of the gravest problems, most difficult to cope with in our time. |
This, of course, requires an objectification of standards that for some reason strikes fear in the very people who carry the gravest responsibilities. |
Today's crisis may be the gravest since the Depression, but global finance will not be remade in a five-hour powwow hosted by a lame-duck president after less preparation than many corporate board meetings. |
Crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity were for the first time qualified as gravest international crimes under the charters of the international military tribunals at Nürnberg and Tokyo. |
The withering of discipleship is one of the gravest threats facing the church today. |
Such a seismic shift in the way the world deals with its problems may have the gravest consequences not only for this crisis, but also for any future crises the global community of nations may face. |
The capture of Wuchang by revolutionists under the leadership of mutinying soldiers constitutes, in the opinion of diplomatists, the gravest situation known in China since the Boxer rising. |
In that context, doping, which undermines fundamental ethical values, endangers athletes' health and thwarts the rules and honesty, has become the gravest threat to the credibility and integrity of sport. |
The frustration – with the lack of climate finance as well as other aspects of the draft text – was widespread among developing countries, especially those in the gravest danger from climate change. |
If Mr Cameron has correctly identified the gravest threat to British prosperity here, he draws the wrong lessons from it when he proclaims the triumph of austerity at home. |
Can it truly be said that we are defending our high moral beliefs and defending democracy when perhaps the sending of war is the gravest betrayal of it? |
We should not forget that respect for the victims and their loved ones implies that the perpetrators of the gravest international crimes must not go unpunished. |
Weapons of mass destruction also pose the gravest threat to humankind. |
The canola estimate provides the gravest concern again in this report, given the 1.8 million acre jump from the April report to 13.392 million and now about on par with last year. |
Thus, the Rome Statute recognizes the need to adopt measures at the national level to ensure that the gravest crimes are effectively brought to justice. |
Perhaps my gravest concern is that much freedom of expression and media freedom may be sacrificed hastily, even voluntarily, on the altar of security. |
However, the gravest of these occurred in the Orizaba area, where there were about 500 fugitive slaves. |
According to the World Health Organization, hunger is the single gravest threat to the world's public health. |
To many, it sounded like he was trivializing the gravest of issues. |
Short of high treason, the gravest form of breach of the peace known to British law is riot. |
Philip's gravest mistake over the long run was his attempt to violently eradicate Protestantism from the Netherlands, which was a major economic asset for the empire. |
I am not ripe to pass sentence on the gravest public bodies. |