As they reached the stables, the stableman took Lennox and bid the prince and princess a very good night. |
If you love the gee-gees and a good night out then the Committee has a treat for you. |
You two don't say grace at meals, or kiss each other good morning, good night or good-bye. |
When it started to rain, we wormed into our bivy sacks, said good night, and pulled the drawstrings so tight that only our noses stuck out. |
At ten o'clock, they went back to their rooms and said good night to each other. |
It was a pretty good night, even if, towards the end, I had to nurse a few people who had drunk a little more than they should have. |
No doubt living in places such as these proves to be a challenge for one without good night vision. |
I can easily see anything in the distance, and I have pretty good night vision. |
A good night kiss, as chaste and as innocent as it could be, just seemed the fitting response to that sensitivity. |
Berndon said good night once they reached the inn and left after she walked inside. |
On a good night, weren't both establishments bursting with dockhands, sailors, river pirates, and errant swells? |
It'll be some local youngster who's parents have given the money to have a good night on the lash. |
After a good night out, I find I am very windy the next morning, so much so that I am totally bloated and cannot do up my trousers. |
The whooping and calling from an enthusiastic audience was reminiscent of a Chippendales' performance on a good night. |
If you start chasing this team on a good night for them, you can end up in all sorts of trouble. |
Each night, when Em said good night, she tore off a page so Margaret could keep track of the date. |
Happy holidays, season's greetings, and oh, yes, merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. |
The night of Passover would be a good night for the Messiah to show up and the king of God to show up. |
Chris praised himself lucky that the shrooms had not taken him to unreturnable heights, that at least this would be a good night of rest. |
It was a good night, as we strove to make conversation employing sign-language and shouting against the blare of the music. |
Then to round off what has been a good night there was blind man's buff and the kitchen floor cleared of the furniture. |
Managing a nervous smile, Alicia wished him good night, mounted her bicycle and rode home, her mind a muddle of happiness and apprehension. |
The norm now for a good night is to get drunk, to get sozzled, to get hammered. |
Amanda's stomach tightened as she wished her friend good luck and bid her good night. |
It was a good night, although it did confirm that I have become a boring old fart. |
It doesn't seem to matter how early or late I do the injection, but getting a good night sleep does help. |
While cyclists get a good night sleep tonight, organisers will be at the venue, setting up watering points, organising marshals and coordinating safety vehicles. |
During the time that we spent together, we learned a lot about each other and when we parted company, it was outside my hotel room with a long kiss good night. |
All I know is that my wife asked me to do something, because she hasn't had a good night sleep since 2000, and she has a hellacious trial coming up. |
I leaned against her doorframe, swinging the book in my hand, saying good night several times until I was absolutely sure she wasn't intimating that I stay a little longer. |
Black, his wife Melinda, and his daughter Caroline all retired fairly early, each moving into their separate rooms after bidding the travelers a good night. |
When the last car had roared extrovertedly down the eastturning road he said a brief good night to the Rankins and walked out of their double gates and under the hedges of tecoma. |
It was a good night of chatter and red wine with crackers and cheese. |
The more equable climate should ensure a good night for the Europeans. |
Today I had dinner with Alec on the pavement outside Thai Metro and some good cider in the Fitzroy Tavern and missed him dreadfully the minute we said good night. |
It had been a good night for the utility player with a penchant for heroics. |
Aurel: We head toward Fort Portal in the north-west after a good meal and a good night sleep. |
Even in conditions of good night visibility, it can be difficult to fly by visual reference over dark or sparsely lit terrain. |
We have got the time so we do not take risks, we enjoy a good night sleep in a real bed to be in good shape to take the road tomorrow! |
It was a good night, though I suspect that lehua Alapai and the Mowbray sisters had at least as much fun as I did. |
So if you want to spend a good night, the choice of the place to pitch the tent is crucial. |
At the time of the collision, the skies were clear and there were calm winds with good night visibility. |
After a good night sleep we get up early as a 600 km stage of a quite good road is ahead of us. |
After a good night sleep we are ready to discover the lakes region around Bariloche, the Road 40 has not finished to surprise us! |
Until next week when we bring you another educational program, on behalf of the production team, I am Alice Lungu Banda saying good night. |
Start as soon as the temperature indicates 0° C. A good night frost alarm is necessary. |
The Motel Château Terrebonne will give you a good night and you will find all convenience near the motel. |
On the seventh morning I could see that the grasslings had grown a full inch from when I said good night to them. |
At the end, our purpose is to give people an entertainingly good night. |
Congratulations, therefore, and good night. |
A good night 's rest begins at bed specialist Bosmans Slaapcomfort-center. |
He replies: no, tomorrow is sunday... A good night ahead for me! |
Professor, thank you very much, and we wish you a very good night. |
As SR 111 proceeded north of the Peggy's Cove area at 10 000 feet, it is likely the aircraft was near the base of a cloud layer and may have temporarily been clear of cloud with good night flight visibility. |
With the likes of Shuggy, Leachy and Karl all agreeing to play, it should be a good night. |
Povich recalls how much hair spray anchormen used and how they would jockey with co-anchors to bid viewers good night. |
Deer also have a tapetum lucidum, which gives them sufficiently good night vision. |
Before saying good night, I would have a quick question on the kind of action plan you could suggest to improve our knowledge globally and locally. |
That we could opt out, and make our quietus, not with a bare bodkin or a plastic bag, or by jumping off the top of a multistorey car park, but with a nice glass of whisky and a pleasing pill – and so good night. |
Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night. |
He said good night and left her wondering bewilderedly what strange thing her dad would do next. |
We dined on squab, which I suspected of having started out in life as nonlaughing sea gull, listened to the current palaver in the bar and said good night. |
Crocodiles have very good night vision, and are mostly nocturnal hunters. |
Obviously a bunch of woolly-jumper wearing saddos, whose idea of a good night is a game of dominoes and a pint of Old Bodger's Dirigible Traction Engine. |
He bowed and wished Audra a pleasant good night, heading jauntily, if a little listingly, toward the door, completely unaffected by her refusal of him. |