It is clear that in spite of modern technology, sorting machines, postal codes etc, the deliveries get worse. |
I'm no longer struck with a feeling that this will only get worse, because frankly it's about as bad as it can be. |
The fluctuations didn't seem to get worse, but, when we descended into the heliport, I saw the fluctuations corresponded to power inputs. |
Very rarely, a person with asthma will have a severe attack in which none of the treatments work and the attack continues to get worse. |
Eventually that dense tangle will get worse, causing a top-heavy tree that can break under heavy snow or in high wind. |
Billy finally realises that without massive investment the club will only get worse. |
And another downward ratchet in wages would just about guarantee it will get worse. |
If they keep paying Mr Garland the above amount things will only get worse before they get better. |
As I was belaying Bryan to the top I asked Jesus to look west at the sky and see if it's going to get worse. |
We had another day at home, doing quiet things with our Christmas toys and hoping the stye wouldn't get worse. |
Either it'll get worse, and I'll end up with a fabulous accent in an alternate reality, or it'll wear off when I find a new cuss of the week. |
Symptoms of acute laryngitis usually begin quite suddenly and get worse over 2-3 days. |
As things get worse, we all know his instinct will be to brazen it out and hang tough. |
Where boys and girls score comparably on cognitive skills, boys get worse grades in the touchy-feely stuff. |
Average speed of rush hour traffic is now down to a crawl of three miles per hour and experts warn it is set to get worse. |
Working a couple of shifts in a row with same people means that the goofiness will only get worse. |
That pressure on Canadians to pay for long-term care is likely to get worse rather than better in the near future. |
These are Tory Trotskyites who are quite happy that things should get worse, because they barmily think they will then get better. |
The whole issue continues to be clouded by half-truths and rumour, and that is only likely to get worse. |
And there are fears that the problem of drunken, yobbish behaviour will only get worse as licensing hours are extended and new bars opened. |
The situation will only get worse as the number of unsellable animals increases. |
The world is in a helluva mess and it is going to get worse before it gets better. |
The UK government has drawn up contingency plans for evacuating more than 20,000 British passport holders if things get worse. |
He thinks the situation will get worse when Swindon Council takes over illegal parking enforcement from the police. |
The problems facing it will only get worse until someone grasps the nettle. |
Emissions were likely to get worse as more Americans purchased and drove automobiles. |
With a threatened increase in charges for refuse removal services the situation could get worse, as it has done before, after price increases. |
Now that the chickens of the liberalised regime are coming home to roost, the employment situation looks like it can get worse. |
Is it your sense that it's going to get worse before it gets better, this whole war on terrorism? |
In some areas the situation is particularly acute and the problems are only going to get worse. |
In line with the old adage, things did get worse around here before they got better. |
If they had access to the inside information about intangible assets that managers have, it could only get worse. |
It is not a comfortable combination, and it could well get worse if the weather compounds man's self-created problems. |
When only woodcuts, etchings and engravings could be printed, the images would get worse and worse over time as the blocks or plates wore down. |
And my sense from watching unemployment claims and inflation expectations is that the misery index is set to get worse, not better. |
I started feeling chunderous at about nine weeks, and it just seems to get worse. |
And I returned to the GP as things seemed to get worse, and she did an X-ray and the radiologist and GP decided I had pneumonia. |
There are fears that the violence could get worse in the lead-up to the handover of power on the 30th of June. |
If we fail, the ugly, cynical situation is guaranteed to get worse for decades to come. |
Today's middle class is suffering as a result of the deterioration of the U.S. currency and things are only going to get worse. |
This needs real leadership from the international community to avoid a situation where everyone's just wringing their hands and watching the situation get worse and worse. |
Not only did a cherished character get a bullet to the brain, but things are only going to get worse on The Walking Dead. |
The problem will get worse as our own gas supplies are running down. |
These insects infest the crop in the field, and the infestation can get worse in storage. |
Many of them fear that if the ban on below-cost selling were lifted or policed by an unenthusiastic regulatory authority, things would only get worse. |
Clearly this is at least partially an international relations problem, which is why I believe we are in a cyberwar that will get worse before it improves. |
Not that I've any issue with gaining the odd pound or two but since I'm guzzling beer and eating chips and chocolate all the time I guess things could only get worse. |
Fear keeps us expecting more calamities, accepting that the situation can only get worse. |
It is an alibi which it is hard not to use, for many feel tired and ailing and this, as the years go by, is apt to get worse. |
Yet it seems certain that the hard times are going to continue for several months yet, and it's not unlikely that they might get worse. |
We need to keep open communication channels because everything can only get worse if we move apart. |
It shall continue to get worse over the main pattern that I will bring upon this continent of America. |
I have a cool-headed attitude in order to calm down the situation and avoid it to get worse. |
If it is written with the same cogency as Sir Kenneth's, Mr Brown's regional problems will only get worse. |
There are tragedies, however, which persist while nobody talks about them, which get worse and fester although they do not make the headlines. |
I'm an oligaargh Edward Shevardnadze, Georgia's foxy president Can Moldova get worse? |
If symptoms get worse or you require your inhaler more than before, tell your doctor as soon as possible. |
This is a situation that will only get worse with the rise in easy instant connectivity to WiFi hotspots and broadband at home. |
To ease unemployment, which is expected to get worse, active labour market policies are still required. |
However it doesn't necessarily mean that it will rain, it means that the weather is expected to get worse. |
Your acne may get worse during the first few weeks of treatment, and then start to get better. |
We must not forget that there is a major crisis in the automobile industry, and it will only get worse. |
These problems are expected to get worse in the next few years as greenhouse gas concentrations increase and temperatures rise more rapidly. |
Before Cyclone Nargis hit the delta region in May of 2008, many of us could not have imagined that things in Burma could get worse. |
It is NOT acceptable to request a medical exam simply out of worry that the employee's medical condition may come back or get worse. |
Our universities provide only about 300 per year, which is fewer than in previous years, and the crisis is only going to get worse. |
But that does not mean conditions will not get worse before they get better. |
Sometimes, certain scaly spots will get better at the same time that other spots get worse. |
Contact your doctor or health care professional if your symptoms get worse or if you have new symptoms. |
It simply means that the air pressure has dropped and the weather is expected to get worse but not necessarily rainy. |
Maybe you feel you should protect that person, but the abusive behaviour might get worse if you don't get help. |
Do you have a bone or joint condition that can get worse with certain physical activities? |
It's crucial to intervene as soon as children show the first signs of antisocial behaviour, before things get worse. |
In fact, it will get worse before it gets better, because we have the house renovations. |
If the disease is not immediately treated, the symptoms can get worse and can even be fatal. |
Typically when a defendant pleads or allocutes to a felony the conditions of pretrial get worse. |
Eventually I gave up trying to accelerate hard because the engine started pinking, which seemed to get worse as time went by, so maybe it was running below par. |
She tried to flannel her way out of it, but it just seemed to get worse. |
The Pew poll also found most African Americans expect relations between police and minorities will actually get worse. |
The team would see a spike in attendance, and depending on how bad he is, could actually get worse without looking like they're tanking to get the top draft pick. |
Yet because the government has been tardy in its response, the initiative was lost, and it's likely the current economic malaise will only get worse. |
As the Boston tragedy continues to unfurl, things will likely continue to get worse before finally taking a turn for the better. |
In the months ahead, it is only going to get worse in Afghanistan in the near-term. |
They are in deep, deep trouble, and the economy will get worse and worse. |
They are the future of our country and if we allow a bad situation get worse, then we are setting the country on a road to an unstable and uncertain future. |
The downward spiral on local business will only get worse, they fear. |
Others are less optimistic, saying that the downturn reflects loss of momentum in the mobile comms sector, and they suggest that things could get worse before they get better. |
It's rare for pain to get worse or for distressing symptoms to appear. |
As many as one fourth assume that the situation may even get worse. |
The challenge for policymakers is to facilitate and stimulate growth while at the same time ensuring that the state of the environment does not get worse. |
But building design is likely to get worse. |
The climate is apt to get worse for civil rights after the elections. |
Things get worse when our heroic man in uniform gets the envelope that every soldier dreadsthe Dear John letter. |
This is stressful for patients and leads to fears that a cancer will get worse. |
The impact of climate change, and the consequences of calamitous weather conditions, are already visible in many parts of the world and will almost inevitably get worse, unless we act fast to mitigate it. |
The cost to the farmer of the teeth emerging will devalue the lamb and this problem will only get worse as the new season trade ramps up. |
We don't want to have an over-expectation, but at the same time, if we don't do it correctly, all of us, if we fail, the problems are going to get worse. |
There does not appear to be any plans on how to meet these deficits, implying that electricity short-falls, which is now at an extremely low level, may even get worse. |
Is the minister aware that two times zero is zero, and that if the second phase is anything like the first, the manufacturing jobs crisis will only get worse in the regions of Quebec? |
As such, being classified with EDNOS gives those with eating disorders a perverse incentive to get worse in order to get better. |
My performance seems somehow always to get worse when there are other people looking on. |
Just when it seemed as if things couldn't get worse, a final body-blow: a feature in Heat magazine on the apparently complicated love life of Paltrow's consciously uncoupled husband. |
In general, children should see a doctor if they appear to be very ill, suddenly get worse or if cold and flu symptoms last longer than two weeks. |
One drongo executive can do harm enough, but things get worse when they start recruiting people like themselves. |
When the wheel size goes up and the sidewall of the tire gets smaller, doesn't the ride get worse? |
Possessiveness tends to get worse over time. |
The repeated release of garbage leachate from compactor garbage trucks has created a cumulative environmental health issue that continues to get worse. |
Due to the accelerated pace of population growth and an increase in the amount of water a single person uses, it is expected that this situation will continue to get worse. |
The personnel shortage, he said, could get worse as the five carriers that deployed to Iraq return to their homeports badly in need of maintenance. |
If we continue to ignore these problems they will only get worse. |