Confusing mugwort with wormwood is at the level of confusing potato with black nightshade because they share the genus Solanum. |
The ancient Greek herbalists thought that plants belonging to this genus facilitated childbirth, hence the common name, birthwort. |
The latter two families contain a single genus each that include one and three species, respectively. |
Under this plan, the average longevity of a genus is halfway between the minimum and the maximum possible. |
The genus Celosia, of the amaranth family, offers blooms that satisfy the florist or gardener who's looking for a more unusual plant. |
The presence or absence of the corbiculae is a good way to determine the genus of female specimens. |
The shell is very long and narrow, falcate, fibrous, and distinctly exhibiting the small septa as they occur in the genus Caprina. |
Like the campanula family, the geranium genus is very large with the pratenses forming only a small part of the whole. |
These surely are Water Scorpions in the genus Ranatra, and they really will give a painful bite. |
As with all raninids, many of the diagnostic features of this genus are found in the fronto-orbital region. |
Newts of the genus Taricha possess large quantities of tetrodotoxin in their skin and other tissues. |
Its blue colorant is chemically identical to indigo made from plants of the genus Indigofera, cultivated in Asia. |
However, closer evaluation of sporangial shape shows clearly that there is more variation within the genus than was previously suspected. |
Hypericin, a polycyclic quinone obtained from plants of the genus Hypericum, has been shown to be a promising photosensitizer. |
A very beautiful serotinal saffron species from Crocus genus which is almost endemic to Romania. |
Because of its systematic and biogeographical position, this genus is also relevant for the understanding of plant evolution. |
Ancient Wings allows users to see how the ventral hindwing of 54 butterflies in the genus Bicyclus have changed over time. |
The family Clusiaceae and the subfamily Clusioideae with the genus Clusia have a minimum phylogenetic age of 90 x 10 years. |
Our research has focused on the relationships between two groups of human blood flukes within the genus Schistosoma. |
Within the genus Maxillaria, rewardless flowers were found in all the species of the alliances studied. |
Lichens in the genus Cladonia have squamulose bases and often have fruticose fruiting structures called podetia. |
Very similar structures, observed on living sponges of the genus Astrosclera, represent excurrent canal systems. |
The gregarine is compared with other species in the genus Leidyana reported from different hosts to establish its distinctiveness. |
For each genus examined, the nominator gives the number of studied species and the denominator includes the total number of species. |
The genus Reseda has been introduced into Panama and is cultivated in gardens in the Boquete region. |
Although it was later assigned to the genus Nemopanthus, morphological characteristics and its general aspect favor its grouping with I. montana. |
Kalmia is a genus of about 7 species of evergreen shrubs from 0.2-5 m tall, in the family Ericaceae. |
Across the genus as a whole, the evolution of mimicry seems to be associated with increased rates of species diversification. |
It is clear that this genus is different and distinct from the two preceding ones. |
However, he denies that it is the most general, or universal, concept in the sense of being the highest genus of entities. |
The main edible species of the genus are the blusher, grisette, and orange. |
Within the genus or family of maple trees, for instance, a red maple is Acer rubrum and a sugar maple is Acer saccharum. |
Members of the genus Asaphes are hyperparasitic on aphidiid wasps in aphids. |
We determined the phylogenetic position of this strain within the genus Wolbachia to ascertain its nearest relatives. |
The genus is about equally divided into two subgenera, those with pedicellate flowers and those with sessile flowers. |
Pipits of the genus Anthus will apply ants to their plumage for cleaning, a behavior called anting. |
Eleocharis dulcis, is not a nut and is a completely different plant from the water chestnuts of the genus Trapa. |
Bacteria of the genus clostridium kill more wild birds each year than any other germ, animal health officials said. |
Each of these lineages radiated separately, with genus succeeding genus for the 10-20 million years of this era. |
Knapp has also investigated the evolutionary origins of fruit size, colour and biochemistry in the genus Solanum using a phylogenetic approach. |
The Myotis or mouse-eared bats are a genus of small, plain brown bats and include the most common and numerous species in the country. |
Taxonomic names are completely indexed, so that genus and species are given for each subspecific name. |
Bird names in which the genus and species are identical except for capitalisation are apparently called tautonyms. |
Occasionally, the Palawan stink badger is classified in a genus of its own, listed as Suillotaxus marchei. |
The genus has some species with single flowers, but most have racemes, corymbs or subumbels. |
The length of the second segment in Agrion antennata shoes that it does not belong to the genus Agrion in its stricter sense. |
This is a monospecific genus restricted to the brigalow belt of eastern Queensland. |
It is thought to be nocturnal, arboreal and eat fruit and insects, like other mouse opossums of the genus Marmosops. |
In summary, based mainly on its apertural features, the following new species is questionably assigned to genus Ringicula. |
The name originally applied to a mucilage extracted from a red seaweed of the genus Eucheuma. |
The genus was originally described as a disc-like organism with a rough-surfaced central boss surrounded by multiple concentric rings. |
The genus Belodontichthys dinema was proposed by Bleeker in his revision of siluroid fishes. |
Of the thousands of mosquito types, only the genus anopheles transmits malaria to humans. |
Spirifer, a typical genus of this time, is characterized by plicate shells with a wide hinge line. |
This genus of cactus is native to the Caribbean and the United States, although Cactoblastis is not. |
The earlier occurrences in North Carolina suggest that the genus dispersed westward through the Central American seaway. |
Primroses are members of the genus Primula and can be perennials, biennials, or tender annuals. |
There are four other species of Kelpfish in our seas belonging to the genus Gibbonsia. |
He did manage to identify the genus of some bits of wood, perhaps 10,000 years old, extracted from the La Brea tar pits in California. |
The genus has reduced unisexual flowers grouped into characteristic pseudanthia called cyathia. |
Here we describe a new case of pollination by genitalic pseudocopulation in orchids, this time in the genus Lepanthes. |
This genus is easily recognized by its sharply notched clypeal margin and the unique dorsellum. |
The material basis for restudy of this genus consists of 21 carapaces from the series originally studied by Gemmellaro. |
Similar teeth with a conspicuously ridged enamel surface are also known for Acrochordus, and for the colubroid genus Enhydris. |
Among the Anaspidea, numerous species of the genus Aplysia, such as A. brasiliana, are capable of swimming by undulating their parapodia. |
The diagnosis of this genus is largely based on features of the cirri and arms, and is thus of only limited relevance to the present specimen. |
Trogini based on Trogus is a junior homonym of Trogidae MacLeay, 1819, based on the coleopterous genus Trox Fabricius. |
The genus Eoporpita shows extensive tentacles radiating from a central boss, which in some specimens appears chambered. |
The little brown bat is the smallest of the mouse-eared bat species, all belonging to the genus Myotis. |
However, the Ediacaran genus Ovatoscutum looks very similar to the float of the living chondrophorine Velella. |
The genus Madhuca belongs to the same family as the sapodilla, and some species have edible, although poor, fruits. |
No other continent is so dominated by one genus of tree as Australia is by eucalypts. |
In the same manner, matter has been regarded prior to form, and genus to differentia. |
Woodland agrimony is the smallest member of the Agrimonia genus in New York. |
Then came the great reform of Carolus Linnaeus and his system of Latin binomials, identifying each organism by genus and species. |
Classification within the genus Italopodisma, based solely on subtle differences in the shape of the male genitalia, is known to be difficult. |
This genus manufactures potent chemicals that attack the liver and so are called hepatotoxins. |
Winter vomiting is due to infection with subtypes of the genus Norwalk-like virus a term that is now preferred to small round structured virus. |
Both herbaria house a broad collection of specimens from North American representatives of the genus Arabis. |
Moreover, there is the CAM-performing Yoshua tree of the genus Yucca with a special monocotyledonous type of secondary thickening. |
The golden bellied mangabeys are a very different species and genus from the black mangabeys. |
A Tetrapterous insect, the genus of which is uncertain, is said, when it is taken, to discharge its eggs like shot from a gun. |
The genus also includes the blackberry, cloudberry, dewberry, and salmonberry, and is part of the rose family. |
Volvariella is the third genus in which one encounters an obvious volva in the gilled fungi. |
Specimens of Aeolidiopsis ransoni are found living on colonial zoantharians of the genus Palythoa. |
Species in the two primary clades in the genus tend to be found in different parts of North America. |
The large malvaceous genus Abutilon is in need of critical revisionary study. |
The oscular margin of the new genus is composed of diactines that are parallel to the main body axis. |
The vespertilionid genus Myotis has the widest distribution of all bat genera. |
The genus Hyenia was a rhizomatous plant, much like modern ferns and sphenopsids. |
The genus Acacia is mostly confined to Africa where almost all have stipular spines or recurved thorns. |
Incidentally, these binomials, as they are called are the genus and species names. |
The terms Sesiinae and Sesiicae were rejected because the type genus of these taxa is not a sphingid. |
Second, Abelard undertakes to establish that contraries will be present not merely in the genus but even in the selfsame individual. |
Plants in the Pelargoium genus may be known as storksbills in some regions. |
This is a large genus of usually thorny shrubs, including raspberries and blackberries. |
Members of the genus Heriaeus are covered with long setae giving them a spiny appearance. |
The genus Cypripedium comprises 49 species, which are widely distributed throughout Northern America, Eastern Asia and Europe. |
Cheilanthes is a genus of small, evergreen, lithophytic, perennial ferns that inhabit warm, dry and rocky regions. |
Albanese's research involved examining curves on algebraic surfaces and the genus of an algebraic variety. |
Swinscoe has escaped his influences and marked out his own genus of non-aligned spiritual music. |
The horned baboon spiders are a very unique genus having a distinct horn-like fovea on the carapace. |
Indeed, until recently, it was generally believed that all members of the Neotropical genus Maxillaria lacked nectar. |
Variation, particularly in leaf shape and pubescence, is considerable in the genus as a whole. |
The genus Pteranodon includes several species of large pterosaurs from the Cretaceous period in North America. |
Lewis took home six bitterroot specimens, which he later gave to botanist Frederick Pursh, who named the genus after Lewis. |
The gooseberries are usually placed in genus Ribes, along with their near cousins, the blackcurrants and redcurrants. |
The only genus of this family positively identified was Terrapene, the box turtles. |
Alternatively they may climb trees in search of tree ants, as do the pangolins or scaly anteaters of the genus Manis. |
Species derive from a common genus and, within a taxonomy, are hierarchically represented according to their essential characteristics and differences. |
It is the French and gastronomic name for the little bird which the French fancy most in the genus Emberiza, whose members are known as buntings in non-gastronomic English. |
The name of the genus comes from the Greek hyla, belonging to the woods. |
He has studied the vibrio genus of bacteria for more than 40 years and still finds it eminently fascinating. |
It is of special interest to agriculture because it has atypically large seeds for the genus and could perhaps be the source of crop-improving genes. |
Prum concluded that the endemic family of asities and sunbird-asities is embedded in the broadbill family and sister to the African genus Pseudocalyptomena. |
Anyway, the North American variety are in the genus Macrobdella, very pretty leeches, sort of an olive colour with a red underbelly and red polka dots going down the back. |
It is a highly contagious viral infection mainly transmitted by droplets caused by single stranded RNA virus belonging to genus morbillivirus in the family Paramyxoviridae. |
The genus Pulsatilla includes about 30 species, many of which are valued for their finely-dissected leaves, solitary bell-shaped flowers, and plumed seed heads. |
Members of the genus Cryptocercus are subsocial, xylophagous cockroaches that inhabit damp, decaying logs of temperate forests in the Palearctic and Nearctic. |
It is debatable whether mamala is unique to Samoa, as the homalanthus genus occurs across the Pacific, but Samoan officials take a very practical view of it all. |
A well-known orchid genus vanda, has its name derived from Sanskrit. |
Haemoproteus is transmitted by sandflies, or biting midges, of the genus Culicoides, and by louse-flies, both of which occur in the Lesser Antilles. |
Do not place tulips in containers with any flowers in the Narcissus genus which have just been cut, as the mucilage they exude can adversely affect tulips' vase life. |
Valves of this genus are commonly found nested inside each other. |
False gromwell is the common name usually applied to plants in this genus because of a perceived similarity in appearance to some of the gromwells. |
Our phylogenetic results indicate that the giant muntjac is relatively closer to Muntiacus reevesi than to other muntjacs and may be placed in the genus Muntiacus. |
Each genus includes its gender, which should help describers of new taxa. |
Liparid snailfish in the genus Careproctus extrude eggs through an anteriorly positioned ovipositor into the branchial chambers of large lithodid crabs. |
The genus obviously preferred environments with slightly deeper water, under quiet, marly sedimentation and a deposition of soft, muddy substrates. |
The Natal fig is the most common tree used for barkcloth-making in eastern Africa, as are trees of the Antiaris genus in west Africa and southeast Asia. |
Most parrotfishes seek out caves and ledges in the reef for protection at night, but parrotfishes in the genus Cryptotomus bury themselves in the sand like wrasses. |
Irregular flowers are common in some species in the genus Commelina. |
The fresco depicts monkeys that are strikingly similar in form and posture to members of the genus Cercopithecus, including green monkeys, vervets and grivets. |
In all, 32 species from 10 genera of four tribes in subfamily Zingiberoideae, and five species from one genus of subfamily Costoideae were tested. |
The genus is characterized by tetramerous flowers with bithecal anthers, lack of pseudostaminodia, a capitate or poorly defined stigma, and pollen of the Amaranthus type. |
Other members of the genus include the apricot, peach, sloe, and cherry. |
I was quite excited by the discoveries that afternoon, even though at the time I had no idea that I had actually bagged a new genus of fossil fish that day. |
She's a paper wasp, specifically a member of the genus Polistes, the sort that builds small, open-celled, umbrella-like nests beneath eaves and picnic-shelter roofs. |
Also known as milkweed and spurge, Euphorbia belongs to an incredibly varied genus that contains over 2,000 species including the Christmas favourite, poinsettia. |
The first appearance of Vernedia in lower Cenomanian rocks of Oregon implies that the genus migrated westwardly across the Pacific into the Old World Tethyan province. |
This seems to be particularly important for Salix species, since this genus is known for its low content of tannic acid, which protects other woody plants against infection. |
Others in the same genus are the longan, rambutan, and pulasan. |
The occurrence of several crossable sympatric species from the genus Pinus in Asia has led to suggestions that some species arose as a result of hybridization. |
The genus is confined to the tropics and subtropics, with 22 species occurring in the Americas and 12 species found in Africa, Madagascar and the Middle East. |
The fact that a new genus of partridge was formally described just three years ago tells how little is known about a large percentage of the species in that group. |
It was formerly known as Aequidens paraguayensis, A. vittata, and most recently put into the genus Burjuquina like many of the medium body size acaras. |
Respiratory syncytial virus is a paramyxovirus of the genus pneumovirus. |
Hylid frogs of the genus Scinax Wagler, 1830, in Amazonian Ecuador and Peru. |
The primary form of wax in the Lactuca genus was the C26 alcohol, hexacosanol. |
It is now the only extant species in the genus Nephrops, after several other species were moved to the closely related genus Metanephrops. |
The acanthocephalan genus Neoechinorhynchus in the catostomid fishes of North America, with descriptions of two new species. |
Revision, phylogeny and comments on biogeography of soapfishes of the genus Rypticus. |
Along the Atlantic coast of North America, the hydroid Lovenella gracilis is a facultative epibiont on intertidal bivalves in the genus Donax. |
However some significant groups, including all known platyctenids and the cydippid genus Pleurobrachia, are incapable of bioluminescence. |
Xylanura oregonensis, a new genus and species of saproxylic springtail from North America, with a key to genera of the tribe Neanurini. |
The cryptic palatal fold is potentially a synapomorphy supporting the monophyly of the genus Avakubia. |
The genus Scrobicularia is sometimes placed as the sole genus in a family, Scrobicularidae. |
Adenophorus was primarily circumscribed as a distinct genus based on the presence of putatively unique glandular, receptacular paraphyses. |
Comparative carpology of the genus Sphenostemon in the context of its taxonomy and phylogeny. |
Juveniles of Soleichthys maculosus mimic toxic flatworms of the genus Pseudobiceros in both colours and swimming mode. |
All Zooxanthellae are dinoflagellates and most of them are members within the genus Symbiodinium. |
By breeding two troglobitic species of the genus Aphaenops, she was able to obtain the first larval instar and observed that it does not feed. |
This showy plant is the first with scented blooms to be found among New World members of the genus Erythronium. |
Indian chalcid wasps of the genus Dirhinus parasitic on synanthropic and other Diptera. |
The eleotrid genus Mogurnda Gill 1863 is common in fresh waters of Australia and New Guinea. |
Within Amaryllidaceae the genus Narcissus belongs to the Narcisseae tribe, one of 13 within the Amaryllidoideae subfamily. |
The genus Allium also contains the onion, garlic, shallot, scallion, chive, and Chinese onion. |
The rushes of the genus Juncus have flat, hairless leaves or cylindrical leaves. |
Owls belonging to genus Asio are known as the eared owls, as they have tufts of feathers resembling mammalian ears. |
In the genus Pseudodaphnella this is generally paucispiral and papilliform with more or less orthocline axial riblets and weak spiral threads. |
Description of the first genus of physoderine assassin bugs from the New World. |
Tellina is a widely distributed genus of marine bivalve molluscs, in the family Tellinidae. |
It is the only living species in the genus Dermochelys and family Dermochelyidae. |
These are followed in the Upper Eocene by the genus Amynodon, in which the skull assumes more distinctly the rhinocerotic type. |
Blood feeding patterns of potential arbovirus vectors of the genus Culex targeting ectothermic hosts. |
In the Baltic, copepods of the genus Acartia can be present in large numbers. |
The reviewer is not a plant taxonomist, and thus cannot comment on the completeness and accuracy of the genus and species descriptions. |
Two new species of the deep-sea cardinalfish genus Epigonus from the Hawaiian Islands, with a key to the Hawaiian species. |
A new species of the deepwater cardinalfish genus Epigonus from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. |
The genus Lloydia was formerly considered distinct from Gagea, this species being called Lloydia serotina. |
Garden variety Daturas have, in recent years, taken the genus name of Brugmansia. |
Toscana virus is a ribonucleic acid envelope virus from the family Bunyaviridae and genus Phlebovirus. |
Genetic variants within the genus Echinococcus identified by mitochondrial DNA sequencing. |
Leishmaniasis is caused by parasitic protozoa in the genus Leishmania that are vectored by Phlebotomine sand flies. |
Seepiophila jonesi, a new genus and species of vestimentiferan tube worm from hydrocarbon seep communities in the Gulf of Mexico. |
Hepatitis A virus is the only member of the genus Hepatovirus within the family Picornaviridae. |
The genus arose some time in the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene epochs, in the Iberian peninsula and adjacent areas of southwest Europe. |
The name of the fish genus Bajacalifornia is derived from the Baja California Peninsula. |
One, a leaf-cutter bee in the genus Osmia, is in the same family as the Anthidium bee and has similar traits. |
Bonamiosis is a disease caused by protozoans of the genus Bonamia, which infect hemocytes of oysters. |
Members of this genus are small, active predators, with long and slender bodies and short legs. |
The genus Salmo contains the Atlantic salmon, found in the north Atlantic, as well as many species commonly named trout. |
Samples from the lower interbedded sequence of limestone and shale were diverse and showed high dominance of the genus Sansahella. |
In the personid genus Distorsio, varix formation is accompanied by a reorientation of the aperture. |
The genus name is a good descriptor of the shells of personids, most of which are moderately to severely distorted. |
On Urocyclus, a new genus of terrestrial gasteropodous Mollusca from Africa. |
Recent postglacial range expansion drives the rapid diversification of a songbird lineage in the genus Junco. |
The genus Oncorhynchus contains eight species which occur naturally only in the North Pacific. |
Narcissus is a genus of perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes, dying back after flowering to an underground storage bulb. |
In 1843, the zoologist Leopold Fitzinger put the genus in its own family, Dermochelyidae. |
It is the largest genus in the family, containing between 525 and 600 species. |
The female epigynum of the genus Hemicloea have a peculiar, folded scapus, which expands during copulation. |
Metapolybia Ducke is a small genus of neotropical paper wasps in the tribe Epiponini of the subfamily Polistinae. |
However, some lichens, notably those of the genus Diploschistes are known to parasitise other lichens. |
However, it is unknown at what point the genus Xenobalanus arose, and presently no data exist on the evolutionary age of cyamids for comparison. |
Tall form pitchers of the genus Sarracenia and their associates are disappearing from the southeastern United States. |
Members of the genus include the buttercups, spearworts, and water crowfoots. |
The specific Agrobacterium bacterial genus and species involved were finally identified as the phytopathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens. |
Gannets are seabirds comprising the genus Morus, in the family Sulidae, closely related to boobies. |
The three gannet species are now usually placed in the genus Morus, Abbott's booby in Papasula, and the remaining boobies in Sula. |
The toads in this genus are included in the family Bufonidae, the true toads. |
In his Synopsis Generum Cyperacearum, Nees defined the genus Rhynchospora in part on the basis of a bifid style. |
For fossil species and paleosubspecies of extant taxa, see the genus and species articles. |
The new species are members of the genus Pilea, which is part of the nettle family. |
The grey heron belongs in this subfamily and is placed in the genus Ardea, which also includes the cattle egret and the great egret. |
The genus Agrostis, commonly known as the bentgrasses, is an extremely diverse and highly outcrossing genus. |
Muntjacs, also known as barking deer and Mastreani deer, are small deer of the genus Muntiacus. |
The genus Morus is much better documented in the fossil record than Sula, though the latter is more numerous today. |
Coahuilan box turtles are smaller and less colorful, and are the only aquatic members of the box turtle genus Terrapene. |
Ortonia, a new genus of fossil tubicolar Annelides.a new tubicolar Annelid from the Silurian of Bohemia. |
The specimen consists of a partial left dentary with a m2 and was assigned to the genus Ankylodon. |
Cocobolo is a hardwood from Central America that comes from several related species of the genus Dalbergia. |
Halenia is a herbaceous genus with tetramerous, mostly spurred flowers distributed in high-altitude areas of Asia and the Americas. |
The genus Gossypium of the Malvaceae comprises 45 diploid and at least of 5 tetraploids species. |
Microbats use echolocation, but megabats do not, with the exception of the genus Rousettus. |
He has named the new pygmy locust Electrotettix attenboroughi, the genus name a combination of electrum and tettix. |
The genus Torvothrips includes only parasitoid species within galls of the coccids, Olliffiella spp. |
The genus Laelia comprises a group of 22 species of the family Orchidaceae located in Central America and South America. |
Visceral leishmaniasis is a systemic infection of the reticuloendothelial system caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. |
Parasitic mites from the suborder Mesostigmata, family Laelapidae, genus Laelaps were also identified. |
The genus name is derived from the Latin name of a game bird, probably the black grouse. |
The third marine genus occurring in Europe, Grania, has never more than one chaeta per bundle. |
Taxonomic study of the genus Campylobacter and designation of the neotype strain for the type species, Campylobacter fetus Sebald and Veron. |
Mammalian reoviruses, members of the genus Orthoreovirus, are nonenveloped double-stranded RNA viruses with a genome composed of 10 segments. |
Testes size in Leptodactylid frogs and occurrence of multimale spawning in the genus Leptodactylus in Brazil. |
Pseudocalanus is genus of the order calanoida and subclass copepoda that is important to the predation and diet of fish in the Baltic Sea. |
These, in the genus Tibicen, come out later in the summer and sport dark or olive eyes. |
The genus Aquila is distributed across every continent but for South America and Antarctica. |
Notes on the discovery and biology of two Bahaman fresh-water turtles of the genus Pseudemys. |
A sprat is the common name applied to a group of forage fish belonging to the genus Sprattus in the family Clupeidae. |
Traditional binomial names, if used, would no longer reflect a genus and specific epithet and could be replaced with uninomials. |
Furthermore, the genus Calodactylodes is of interest, being of Gondwanan origin. |
Mite larvae, or chiggers, of the genus Leptotrombidium transmit the causative bacteria to humans through their bite. |
The genus Mycoplasma consists of wall-less prokaryotes which are small in size and usually have small genomes. |
Uniquely among lycophytes, members of the genus Huperzia are characterized by the presence of asexual propagules borne along the shoot axis. |
They also described a new genus Bassettella, which is characterized by enigmatic surface pits and lamellose frills. |
The genus Neisseria consists of pathogenic and non-pathogenic species of gram-negative diplococci. |
Up to 20 species have been classified in the genus but the taxonomic placement of some of the traditional species has been questioned as of late. |
He knows of 15 members of the genus Penstemon that rely on hummingbirds and may have evolved this reliance independently of one another. |
Taxus is a genus of small coniferous trees or shrubs in the yew family Taxaceae. |
The genus name Circus is derived from Ancient Greek kirkos, meaning 'circle', referring to a bird of prey named for its circling flight. |
In the genus Mitella the androecium can exceptionally be more variable, ranging from obdiplostemonous to haplostemonous arrangements. |
Storm blown materials over the land surface, however, included abundant hand-sized shells of a bivalve mollusk of the genus Tridacna. |
Delayed maturation, neoteny, and social system differences in two manakins of the genus Chiroxiphia. |
Explaining the reasoning behind the genus name, lead researcher Rohan Pethiyagoda was quoted as stating that. |
Truffle fungus is the fruiting body of a subterranean Ascomycete fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber. |
Bottlenose dolphins, the genus Tursiops, are the most common members of the family Delphinidae, the family of oceanic dolphin. |
Some ornithologists also feel it is appropriate to retain the great auk in the genus Alca, instead of Pinguinus. |
In most cases, the protozoans were identified as members of the genus Leucocytozoon because of their morphologic features. |
A preliminary review of the Indo-Pacific gobiid fishes of the genus Gnatholepis. |
In general, identification to genus can often be accomplished in the field using a local mushroom guide. |
While the razorbill is the only living species, the genus Alca had a much higher diversity in the Pliocene. |
Faunally, this biome is supported by the genus Ptilodictya, with a CI of 0.5, and Coelocaulis is endemic to the two Maryland localities. |
The ferret is the domesticated form of the European Polecat, a mammal belonging to the weasel genus of the family Mustelidae. |
Three deaths in California have been linked to a virus in the genus Arenavirus. |
Coniopterygids in the genus Conwentzia may prey on spider mites, but dense webbing can be detrimental to survival of larvae. |
This genus exemplifies some of the prevailing taxonomic uncertainties in halocyprids. |
The genus is generally considered to have about ten sections with approximately 50 species. |
These results suggest that these members of the genus Helianthus are facultative mycotrophs. |
Velatomorpha, a new healdioidean ostracode genus from the early Pennsylvanian Joggins Formation, Nova Scotia, Canada. |
It is consequently an osculating species between the genus Goniophlebium and Phlebodium. |
The spotted skunks, genus Spilogale, comprise one of three genera in the subfamily Mephitinae. |
The two species from the sole anchistioidid genus formed a strong clade in all analyses. |
In the new genus Bathyopsurus, the incessive part and the lacinia are well developed. |
The second dinosaur genus to be identified, Iguanodon, was discovered in 1822 by Mary Ann Mantell. |
Leptodactylid frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus in the Andes of northern Ecuador and adjacent Colombia. |
Species of the robust australopithecine genus Paranthropus also appear to have been confined to one or other of these two African regions. |
The chemistry of the myrmicine genus Solenopsis is so aberrant that it reduces generalizations about ant venoms to the absurd. |
The genus Dryinus Latreille 1804 is present in all zoogeographical regions. |
Bacteria of the genus Streptomyces harbor a group of enzymes, called polyketide synthases, that manufacture polyketides. |
The most frequently identified bacterial organisms belonged to the genus Staphylococcus followed by Corynebacterium. |
A genus of Echastiert, or stilt-birds, belonging to Cuvier's macrodactylic or long-toed family. |
Warm water corals depend on a vital partnership with unicellular algae of the genus Symbiodinium. |
Seed swappers are asked to label their seeds with genus and variety and only bring seeds that are less than two years old. |
Egg capsules are unknown for Aulohalaelurus, but the genus is presumedly oviparous. |
A superspecies in the genus Amaurobius on Crete, and additional records from Greece. |
Immature crab spiders of the genus Mecaphesa were strongly associated with the bloom of many yellow flowers during autumn. |
Hermas, a genus endemic to the fynbos regions of the South African Cape Province, appears as the earliest diverging lineage of this group. |
A genus of aerobic, gram-negative, nonmotile rods, Ignatzschineria was first isolated from flies of the family Sarcophagidae by Erika Toth et al. |
The Henipavirus genus is 1 of 7 genera in this subfamily and contains the first recorded zoonotic paramyxoviruses, Hendra virus and Nipah virus. |
Of the genus Loris are two species, the Kukang or Lemur tardigradus, and the Nycticebus Javanicus, the latter of which however I have not seen. |
The genus Craugastor is divided into three subgenera, each with a distinct series of species. |
Paragonimiasis is an infection caused by lung flukes of the genus Paragonimus. |
Subsequently, both salivirus and klassevirus were classified as belonging to the novel genus Salivirus in Picornaviridae. |
The eighth species, Schizoporella fayalensis, is transferred to the lanceoporid genus Stephanotheca. |
The genus Aloconota Thomson now contains 88 species worldwide, 78 of which occur in the Palearctic region. |
Tapeworms of the genus Oochoristica have also been reported from spotted and striped skunks in North America. |
Systematics and distribution of Brachistosternus ehrenbergii with the first record of stridulation in this genus Brachistosternus. |
They belong to the genus Xanthorrhoea and regrow quickly after a fire, within a year or so, and then begin flowering again. |
The sole agent of scrub typhus has been assigned to a new genus and is now called Orientia tsutsugamushi. |