The group is hardly emblematic of the genre but still commands legions of uberdedicated fans. |
Taavo's set will focus on the vaguely danceable roots of the genre without neglecting some of the more modern highlights. |
The producers know how to subvert the romantic-comedy genre to suit their needs, taking wry digs at the anxieties and expectations of both sexes. |
It seems a bit odd to try to package a fairly deep question in the context of a genre this fluffy and idiotic. |
The genre was gasping for breath, but it would be a good decade or more before the oater died a rather undignified death. |
Watch the shows that impress you, that are in the same genre as your pilot, then send a query letter to the showrunners who created those shows. |
It is a rich mixed genre channel that is available on digital satellite, cable and through an aerial. |
Members learned the genre through pirated CDs and videos smuggled in from Turkey and Jordan. |
To honor you, we have arranged a performance by a middlingly talented practitioner of a genre of music that you have little to no interest in. |
The faults and limitations of the genre are obvious and have been repeatedly stated. |
Chandler has somehow come to embody the genre of hard-boiled detective fiction, although he didn't create it. |
Music is in itself a genre that demands difference, but easily allows for many sheep. |
His six symphonies are coming to be regarded as a major contribution to the genre in the 20th century. |
Do you want to stay in the genre or are you itching to try something different? |
Its mawkish sentimentality and studied compositional restraint is typical of high Victorian genre painting shown at the Fair. |
Although it may be smartly scripted and ingeniously plotted, this is unapologetically a genre flick. |
From warblogs to personal diaries, genre comes out of story, out of content, and is not imposed upon it by form or format. |
Ballard first entered the literary world as a science fiction writer, a genre he soon exhausted and has not explored in years. |
In turning the genre inside out, Godard creates a world in which real emotions resemble artifice. |
Its own journalists after all had more experience in this genre than any of us in India, except for the brief burst of reporting from Kargil. |
The Great Depression bequeathed us screwball comedy, a genre beyond the stars ' grasp in this train wreck of a revival. |
This genre flaunts a cosmology that would have been entirely understood by anyone from the late Middle Ages. |
The motives revealed throughout the novel are more than plot devices and nudge the book over towards the literary end of genre fiction. |
The story is gripping and, although the pace is less frenetic than other genre outings, there are plenty of shocks and scares. |
The genre has since broadened dramatically to include multifaceted historic and contemporary subjects and characters. |
By giving her a love interest, the movie fits into more traditional representations of women in the filmic genre of the woman's melodrama. |
Working opposite sides of the sexploitation street, the two men elevated the genre from the grind house to the art house and the drive-in. |
While it may be tempting to call this a folk record, its instrumentation is generally too ornate for that genre appellation. |
The modus operandi used by genre critics is still connected with means of definition and categorization. |
No matter what genre of fiction you prefer, you'll have a hard time putting down these two endlessly entertaining books. |
What better way to ease an opera first-timer into the world of the genre than to see this? |
It is hypaethral, and belongs to a genre of architecture completely apart from the major Orissan school. |
The heist comedy is a genre unto itself, but there is danger in retreading familiar ground. |
The central characteristic of the genre is accuracy in conveying information about cities and ancient buildings. |
But often the real pleasure of this genre is in the little cons, the microcosmic nickel-and-dime swindles scattered around in the first reel. |
In this respect Trout Mask Replica takes all available musical genres and foregrounds them as genre through abrupt and aggressive juxtaposition. |
There is a long-established genre of writing about boys' public schools in the past century. |
There is an acknowledged double standard in how we view a prolific genre writer and a fruitful literary author. |
Yet all of this mediocre imagineering will probably not matter much to the genre crowd. |
My favorite genre is fighting, but I like everything from first-person shooters to extreme sports. |
Public Enemy is different, visibly trying to be a distinctively Korean genre film. |
This was the popular genre of postmortem images made to commemorate the dead before burial. |
The problem with revenge stories is that they're a staple of American cinema and because of that, the genre is a little shopworn. |
In a film genre simply awash with studio backlots and blue screen trickery, this film has its own distinctive look. |
The big dark genre event of the 1994 Oscars was Martin Landau's Best Supporting Actor Oscar for playing Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood. |
The group's music cannot easily be sorted into a defined genre as their numbers have been influenced by blues, folk rock and jazz. |
This genre was always at the bottom of the hierarchy, unworthy of the superior attention reserved for history painting. |
Send us an email explaining what you feel you can bring to the station and what genre of music you play. |
The punk movement fizzled with the backslide into further genre Balkanization, but that doesn't mean the desire for confrontation has subsided. |
He has taken the autobiographical genre and adapted it to suit his own particular requirements. |
The closest we have gotten to this genre in recent years are the various pirate turkeys and submarine films. |
But the genre resisted overt absorption into the national cultural life, which was a pity. |
The majority occur in the prophetic genre where often these words have a symbolic meaning of blessing or judgment. |
Yet they're all built from the wiggle-room found inside the tightest of genre straitjackets. |
Stacey's film parodies the slasher genre while poking fun at Hollywood hopefuls who would do anything to get in front of the camera. |
Whatever the genre and the relative seriousness of intent, his work is always vivid, effervescent and sometimes unapologetically lurid. |
West also believes the musical genre of the blues is a philosophical lodestone for successful democracy. |
I've played fantasy role-playing games at home with old friends and online with new ones, and it's perhaps my favorite genre for games. |
Today's practitioners and enthusiasts of the genre appear to be undeterred by these realities. |
Such a comparison not only establishes a close paleographic parallel but it also raises the question of genre and audience. |
Despite this popularity the genre has received little study from ethnomusicologists. |
Time will tell if this talented director wishes to reinvigorate and reinvent the horror genre further than this. |
The artist's fascination for the Japanese sumi genre is reflected in the series of landscapes presented here. |
It was in these genre figures that he synthesized the classical and the contemporary in a way that now looks original. |
The exegesis explores the genre of women's erotica and is well grounded in contemporary critical theory. |
Funny and cleverly written, this light-hearted and engaging story parodies the spy genre without sacrificing the reader's involvement. |
What is more, it belongs in that particular niche of the crime-fiction genre in which the puzzle is the overwhelming centre of attention. |
This's a sophisticated and fun album, and there's not a genre or pigeonhole anywhere that can diminish its originality and life-loving energy. |
As an author of a romantic comedy myself, I do understand that it is difficult to make the genre seem fresh after many miserable retreads. |
There are those heartbeat-increasing frights that only the best games of the horror genre have had. |
It had a light-heartedness that was endearing and worthy of that Sherlock Holmes genre it so alluringly wanted to emulate. |
Horror is a great genre for beginning film directors because it is a niche market. |
But that doesn't mean the nicest, most broad-minded editor can't give folks the impression that it's OK to just like one genre of music. |
An eclogue is a poem in a classical style on a pastoral subject. Poems in the genre are sometimes also called bucolics. |
There are six sections in the anthology that are arranged by genre and chronology. |
Your misdemeanors are minor, and your contributions to the genre cannot be overlooked. |
It belongs to an underdeveloped genre critical of our wholesale accommodation to technology. |
Two clicks on Magnatune queues a never-ending selection of our music in the genre of your choice. |
His mystifying style owes as much to African guitar as it does to the double-edged genre of math rock. |
Fact and fiction are welded so that the genre of the biopic has no meaning in the canons of joined-up cinema. |
The main themes this year include comedy, genre cinema, historical and political works, the search for identity and, of course, love. |
Historically, B movies have existed as simplistic, inexpensive distillations of Hollywood's big-budget genre fare. |
Following last year's loose interpretations of what the genre meant, I was expecting something of the sort. |
There is no place in this distinctive genre for the football team, the cricket match or the game of bowls. |
The traditional illusionism of the still-life genre is rejected in favor of bravura flatness and self-revelation of the paint stroke. |
It is also one of the finest police comics of recent times, knocking the rest of the books in the genre into a cocked hat. |
It would figure that this great hog, this glorified genre gourmand, would want more. |
So why did they select this genre for a ride as opposed to studying jazz or Mozart at the conservatorium? |
However, working within genre films, whether horror, high-school or romantic comedy, is a more confining situation. |
So I guess we're obsessed with the exotic otherness of the genre right now. |
In the past couple of years, there has been the distinct sense that the genre of Americana is reaching critical mass. |
It represents the vampire genre well and delivers a quality story with fine performances. |
I was able to talk with him about his genre of music, the new album, who his musical idols are and who he enjoyed sharing the stage with most. |
And yet why is it that African Americans are so little a part of genre science fiction and fantasy today? |
It defies any genre classification, because it can go from insanely heavy drama to light farce in a heartbeat. |
This became my first comic novel, my first picaresque novel, my first epic novel, a genre I had been wanting to plunge into for a long time. |
Dispraise too was a normal folklore genre in Imerina, as can be seen in some hainteny that parody praise poems. |
In fact, some self-help books intended as parodies of the genre contain more sensible advice than those offered in po-faced seriousness. |
Without doubt, it is still in its embryonic stages, and has yet to find its true place as a genre and as a community. |
It's only a matter of time until post-punk or new wave invoke eye-rolling, but don't give up on the genre just yet. |
He began his writing career with genre fiction, from historical novels to vampire horror sagas. |
Since then Robert has been making hay with the series, but the genre is certainly played out by now. |
There's an attempt to Australianize the romantic-comedy genre alongside, and in opposition to, international interpretations. |
It's undeniable that this is a genre of work that could be thought of as dangerous, glorifying violence and criminality. |
Second, slash fiction is so similar to mainstream genre romances that it could reasonably be classified as a species of that genus. |
Like all classification systems, genre typologies are not naive, innocent or objective. |
After inventing the skin flick with The Immoral Mr Teas, he took infinite pains in a genre where very few pains were really required. |
It's a caper film, with all the obligatory touchstones of the genre and everyone underacts to great effect. |
The novel is Barnes's first foray into the genre after a long flirtation with flash fiction and the longer short story. |
The same question can therefore be raised in relation to the whole genre of poetry. |
He seems to have borrowed from every influential genre hit of the past decade to fashion a kaleidoscopic existential thriller. |
It's a show about cops and criminals, but it doesn't follow any genre formulas. |
The format belongs to a recent genre of installation art found in international expositions, that of the mock street bazaar. |
The genre of the sports spectacle is particularly effective in producing such narratives. |
Within the reality television genre itself, new strains and amalgamations have emerged. |
His first mentor was a man who single-handedly destroyed a genre to rebuild it on his own terms. |
This book began as a doctoral dissertation, a genre predicated on solitary effort. |
Hemingway is remembered not only as one of America's most important writers, but as an archetype of a particular American genre of masculinity. |
But today the genre stands as a lucrative niche in an otherwise struggling fiction industry. |
Historical genre was gradually eclipsed by scenes from a semi-imaginary Orient, a reflection of the colonialism of the mid-century. |
There's no question that he is among the last, if not the last, of his genre of old-line, hard-line Marxist-Leninist leaders. |
Do you have what it takes to define a new genre and create a bestselling title? |
We will develop computer software to automatically recognize the genre of documents by exploiting observed regularities of substance and form. |
It's a slight premise, but it's played for laughs throughout, pastiching not only the TV show, but the buddy genre and the Seventies in general. |
It's hard to define precisely, and even bands within this genre shy away from giving it an exact title. |
Though the commentary on each genre is apt and long awaited, his musical poetics crystallize best in his attention to gangsta rap. |
Walcott's metaphoric take on epic is so powerfully originative as to put the whole genre in a new light. |
But his genre was restricted, his aims severely limited, and his characteristic post-war poetry essentially unreal, remote, and fervourless. |
But even love's lament is upbeat in mariachi, a musical genre bursting with the passion of Mexico. |
To me it was a great genre show that made horror and science fiction funny, smart, and eminently entertaining. |
It was also a fantastic dubstep release, appearing roughly a decade before the genre would officially get its recognition. |
The urbanism of Northern dynasts was stimulated by this Mediterranean heritage, transmitted through the genre of Italian view painting. |
We feel that grime has the potential to become an internationally recognised genre as drum and bass has. |
My favourite genre is the dystopia, and this novel is filled with references to a horrible future, filled with fascists and war. |
He is a passionate defender of the noble art of genre film-making, something he feels was ruined by spendthrift Hollywood studios. |
Today, the group is one of the finest exponents of this genre of music, combining bhangra with reggae, a sound that people had not heard before. |
Nothing adds up, nothing makes sense but anyone with any love for the genre will be astounded by its inexplicable energy and consistency. |
If you were forced to put this best-selling pianist's music into a pigeonhole then the classical genre would have to do. |
With her typical panache and literary style, the author comes at the serial killer genre from a new angle. |
There are some other shows too in this genre but we're not going to go into details. |
Despite its revisionist delusions, it offers very little that's new to the genre as a whole. |
Anyone wondering why people palpitate over the exploitation genre will have a hard time finding such excitement incentives here. |
However, I'm encouraged by the emergence of a new genre of quieter, less gory horror films in the early years of the new century. |
A full understanding of elegy needs to move beyond a syntagmatic analysis and follow the genre in its evolution. |
At 120 songs total, this deluxe boxed set is the most comprehensive survey of the genre ever. |
The Byrds were eventually to develop the genre of country rock as they had invented folk rock years before, all under the leadership of McGuinn. |
Over the following decades the reggae genre split into numerous subdivisions including dub, roots, rock steady and ragga. |
Photography and Place, is a typical theme for a restricted as well as dominant genre in photography, landscape. |
His goal was to create new categories, to use the vocabulary of landscape and genre paintings for the most consecrated art. |
But what elevates the novel beyond the genre is the ambiguous, enigmatic voice of Mary herself. |
Just type in Trance and you get a list of all the stations that list trance music in their genre information. |
In a genre overrun by sleazo cheapies, he is the best technician and the only artist. |
First let me flip the script a little bit and name a genre rather than a person. |
What it concerns itself more with is with replicating the successes of genre titles gone by. |
The Autobiography has by acclamation been pronounced the finest example of its genre in American theatrical annals. |
It's not just a nice piece for nostalgic fans, but a classic of the genre that can be enjoyed by anyone. |
The movie is a twisted satire on the feel-good genre in which an estranged family member returns to the fold and redeems himself. |
Its hard-core attitude blows the cobwebs out of the spy genre in a really fun way. |
But, what about world beat music, the slippery genre of music that both Hart and Hussein had a huge hand in shaping? |
Here, with this problem, the relatively new genre of the prose poem resurrects authorial intention as a key to reading. |
It argues that the prose poem is a medium for the transgression of genre rules, for experiment and literary change. |
As the process is reflected upon, an effect of Brechtian alienation occurs, and the naturalization of genre is dismantled. |
Guilty of blasting the anime craze into hyperdrive here in the U.S., Robotech remains a classic of the genre that is deserving of its reputation. |
The studios keep making this genre of film, and people still go and see them, but they're getting old fast. |
Improbable tales of true love overcoming desperate odds are a hallmark of Bollywood, the Indian film genre watched by millions worldwide. |
This genre of music is a kingdom built on braggadocio, with swagger and cocksureness as the foundations. |
As such, this is one aspect of the space opera genre that Vinge retains faithfully in his novels. |
Experiencing fado, a musical genre unique to Portugal, is a sure way to immerse in culture. |
The kind of spellbinding tale that goes down well with several yards of ale and of the genre that can often be heard in our local Shenanigans. |
The authors touch on the critical lambasting the horror genre took from its very inception. |
This genre intersects the literary avant-garde, visual and concrete poetry, text-based installations, net art, software art, and netspeak. |
With their genre hopping style, The Offcuts are a unique live prospect, with many surprised by their sudden, ferocious appearance on stage. |
Caravaggio returns to the half-length format of his early genre scenes, but all naturalistic bravura and illusionistic detail are gone. |
Likewise, in the Metamorphoses Ovid subverts the epic, the literary genre best suited to Augustus's program of cultural classicism. |
He shows such critical and probing intensity that he might well push the film beyond the genre of romantic comedy. |
It's a fresh departure from the action and adventure genre into comedy but we're confident it'll work. |
The unconsidered trifles of this genre and verselets written after 1927 were put together four years after his death in Sphulinga. |
It's not a typical horror movie, in that it really doesn't conform to the genre rules. |
The genre is traceable to The Diary of a Nobody, in which the brothers Grossmith introduced Charles Pooter, the epitome of the petit bourgeois. |
Bossa nova, deep techno, hip hop, broken beat and jazz all find common ground in a sound that is a genre all its own. |
Directors have shied away from making gory movies of this genre assuming that audiences find heroics in historical garb unexciting. |
Many were genre scenes showing everyday Indian life featuring teepees and mounted warriors in traditional costume. |
Indeed, the genre blurring of the title is intended, one gathers, to apply not only to Manet and Flaubert but also to Reed's own text. |
The trick with this genre is to make Indianness merely an identity and a background to a character, rather than the character itself. |
It's a funny thing, but despite the fact that science fiction and fantasy are my genre fiction of choice, I never liked Lord of the Rings. |
The heavy paper and unnumbered pages lend a further arty quality to a production that lies midway between genre fiction and graphic novel. |
Kirk has contributed greatly to the democratisation of electronic music and helped it becoming a genre to reckon with. |
Their female vocalist also allows the band to stand out in a genre full of male singers. |
Do you have any information about the demographics of book buyers, by age and genre of book? |
But I think my favorite genre is fantasy, with historical fiction at a close second. |
Filtering the genre model through a gay sensibility served to burst the romantic bubble that concealed the subtexts. |
It begins with a premise that is well worn and recognizable within the genre of science fiction. |
The year 2003 is shaping up to be a banner twelve months for the flourishing world of the genre small press. |
The genre has certain formulaic elements, tried and tested in their saleability. |
In the mid 50's he was a leading light of the skiffle movement, a genre that would influence the early Beatles incarnation, The Quarrymen. |
It's this sinister sparkle that has drawn me to the genre of cyberpunk in fiction, film, and even to an extent in music, for many years. |
One of the essays deals with the interesting question why biography is a genre that has been rarely well practised even in modern India. |
Some people just don't get this film and believe that the Coens are trotting out weak absurdism to disguise and buttress a genre storyline. |
He is still as purposefully didactic as ever, using the genre of educational information posters to inform us of our own miseducation. |
The film has a very gritty, realistic feel, again lifting it above being a merely stereotypical genre exercise. |
We hope to interest admirers of the genre and hope we do not disappoint their expectations. |
If there's a genre lower on the commercial totem pole than drama, it might be theatre criticism. |
But over time, the horror genre has gone largely from realism and warning to grotesquerie and farce. |
During his career, Hughes would embrace every genre and his work would define as well as interpret the black experience. |
To this end, he focused on a genre that was rapidly growing in popularity amongst the patrons of such libraries, that of escapist romance. |
Bringing a genuinely unique sound to an admittedly tired genre is worth celebrating. |
So many spoofs today make only token gestures towards the genre they're aping, then look for laughs in deliberate anachronisms. |
He was attracted by the simplicity of the French poet, his love for genre subjects, his gentleness of spirit. |
Fantasy is not the only genre that young adolescents show a preference for as readers. |
Not only did Anderson find animators more pleasant company but the genre itself drew him in. |
When I compared the two artists' work, a smart young friend of mine who is far more into the genre than I blanched a little. |
I like his chamber works best, a genre most suited to his essentially modest and reticent artistic nature. |
It is light classical in nature and thus often sung in the vocal genre of thumri. |
First, it is too general to be of any use in distinguishing one narrative genre from another. |
That very internationalism goes some way towards explaining the endurance of this genre of avant-garde art. |
None of it seems to come from anywhere but the Coens' desire to make another airtight genre spoof. |
Elements such as this can potentially add much character to a genre that's typically overwrought with banality. |
In fact, while they are labeled as such, they are not really fantasy stories in the genre sense. |
The sudden swerves from genre to genre prove unsettling rather than exciting. |
While his film songs drive some admirers nuts, that genre is no big deal for him. |
I see no reason why a comic book genre film cannot be taken seriously, building genuine drama, rather than melodrama. |
Swimming Upstream is an interesting genre hybrid, part family melodrama, part sporting saga, part coming-of-age story. |
You might say that Maddin directs in a genre all his own, remaking melodramatic movies that never existed. |
Mashing up the superhero genre with the high school comedy, Mike Mitchell's Sky High is the kind of movie Disney should produce more often. |
Another genre exercise, Roy Colt and Winchester Jack plays like a mash up of Gunsmoke and The Dukes of Hazzard. |
If nothing else, the album instils a feeling that the band enjoys playing what they play, regardless of what genre it falls under. |
Most writing of this genre reads like scripted excerpts from therapy sessions, and is great for making the writer feel better. |
So the genre is still popular with budding thesps and egomaniacs, even if audiences are beginning to tire of it. |
These discoveries about the earliest form of genre painting in Italy open up the topic of realism in the seicento to further scrutiny. |
This text belongs to the well-established genre in ancient philosophy of protreptic or exhortational literature. |
But fans of math rock might not find us as jarring as most bands in the genre are. |
These songs were a genre he made wholly his own, and they're quite wrongly and unnecessarily neglected. |
It could be, perhaps, that the genre is still seen as monolithic and shambolic, Hildas in horn-hats and breastplates. |
Miller acknowledges that fans of the first record might still feel estranged from the band and understand why fans of the genre can be so touchy. |
The fact is that things look a lot rosier with this bag of weirdly-named innovators blurring genre boundaries. |
A club can get a fairly good audience even if it's featuring music in a very limited genre range. |
Romantic comedy is a genre mainly comprised of sappy, syrupy fare with few risks and fewer surprises. |
His reluctance to commit himself to one genre has undoubtedly been a contributing factor to his stop-start success. |
The surrounding space was entirely filled in with smaller pictures, mainly landscapes and genre scenes. |
The body of work includes portraits, landscapes and genre paintings that exemplify the various periods of Russian Realist art. |
His earlier genre scenes concentrate on peasants merrymaking or brawling in houses, taverns, or barns. |
The buddy picture genre gets a kick-start by pairing up a homicide cop and a fire marshal to solve the case. |
During the first few weeks of June, electronica and experimental techno in the purist sense of the genre descends on Montreal. |
The steampunk genre has certainly been better handled in the past, but it's never looked better than it does in Steamboy. |
I've been a fan of hip hop off and on since the 80s and the genre seems to work in fits and spurts. |
Too, the genre fiction paperback provided relatively easy access to the longer stories in one convenient volume. |
The result has been a number of works of art in the distinctively postmodern genre of historiographical metafiction. |
The recent resurgence in the popularity of the genre has allowed Romero not just a bigger budget, but the chance to make a new film at all. |
Many of them have not been anthologized before, so this is a chance to see one of the masters of the genre from his early days. |
In any genre where a happy ending is not only not guaranteed, but almost forbidden, one is likely to find a Tragedienne. |
The zombie genre is one rich in history and it takes a person with honor and reverence for that genre to pull off a good zombie flick. |
The genre includes vampires, zombies, werewolves and psychopathic killers. |
Before the 1990s this genre was practiced on a rather small scale, not least because of political repression and a conservative, rigidly regulated bureaucracy. |
Harmonious, substantial and varied, Nova makes good as a female singer-songwriter, a genre that has been sullied by a procession of semi-talented squawkers in tight pants. |
On the other hand, the In nomine was still alive in Facy's day, and Lugge was composing his cantus firmus settings, so the genre was not quite dead. |
It is nothing less than an extension of genre ghettoization. |
Also worthy of a mention at this juncture are the two tasty releases I received recently from Hit and Run records featuring the multi genre defying Audio Deluxe. |
Reality shows are as tightly storylined and produced as drama, the genre they displaced. |
People sense that it was just a movie way ahead of its time, and if people had kept making those kinds of Latin genre movies, it would be huge business today. |
It's not a genre like, say, science fiction or Gothic horror or romance. |
From the outset, the picture signals a definite genre tradition, and from it flows hommages to the form, to old masters, and to the conventions and themes of wuxia. |
So then we have a comedic genre whose best work exemplifies the genre itself, and a science fiction genre whose best work is based on exceptionality from the genre. |
Tracing the musical genealogy of any given nationalistic genre is no easy task, particularly when there are many influences brought to bear upon it. |
The horror genre had run its course during the '80s, mostly because filmmakers were so quick to cash in on the popularity by releasing inferior sequels and lame knock-offs. |
The sense that historical fiction had sunk to the condition of adventure stories for boys, and romance for the millions, cast a blight on the genre in the 20th cent. |
Much of this stems from the loose, funky feel and scatty genre mash-ups. |
Instead of upending the genre as Joe Millionaire did, the inert Harry mostly shows how much things have changed since then. |
If you are a veteran cinemagoer, the genre of the East European war movie brings to mind pale, unshaven, craggy, muddy-faced soldiers in an apocalyptic setting. |
What then is distinctive about it is that it is best understood as an extended phase of peacemaking, and possesses many of the characteristics of that genre of statecraft. |
All these golden nuggets of wisdom come from The Reality TV Handbook, a new tome dedicated to the lowbrow television genre that is showing no signs of petering out. |
The script's biggest flaw, however, is in breaking an ironclad convention of the genre and contradicting what's known about actual serial killers. |
The very nature of genre fiction distances the reader from these issues. |
Equally adept at all subject matter, Lycett decorated vases and plaques with medallions imitating cameos, polychrome figures derived from Pompeian frescoes, and genre scenes. |
A dozen short stories precede the novella, a reminder that while Updike may not be the equal of, say, Carver, in that genre he has few equals among his contemporaries. |
It took the genre back to its gritty and violently uncompromising origin. |
Perhaps no genre exemplifies the death of the author, intertextuality, and every text's debt to previous writers and texts than the art of fairy tales. |
Looking for an iconic genre he could leverage, he settled on the hot rod. |
It has itself become a self-conscious genre inviting spoofery. |
This soft cover book was published at the end of last year and it is another in the suspenseful thriller genre for which Leather is so well known. |
I also think the book contains a dimension of cultural history, and memoir is a great genre in which to explore connections between the personal and the historical. |
They differ in almost every other respect, but in these shared interests they both belong to the ancient and always fascinating genre of the jeremiad. |
All the laborious editing serves slight purpose, and presents the wearying phenomenon of a spoof of a schlock genre that is virtually a parody of itself. |
But in the past 20 years, as clinicians themselves produced self-help literature for the general public, nonfiction has become the dominant genre in bibliotherapy. |
It was an honour to watch a legend bring alive the genre of the blues. |
If we want to read biography, however, we will decide which one to read on the basis of the specific biographee not on the basis of the genre itself. |
The biochips, used in biological computers will be capable of working in tandem with electronic circuits and perform tasks beyond the capability of present genre of computers. |
Stories of cavemen and other primitives were a popular genre at the time. |
Stacey Patton almost invents a new genre in her book of memoir and history, That Mean Old Yesterday. |
He preferred the small, informal portrait, the conversation piece, landscape, and genre painting to full-length portraits in 18th-century British art. |
Its capacity to straddle different genre classifications is mirrored in the protean life that it has enjoyed through stage, film and musical adaptations. |
People watch night soaps because the genre allows them to believe in a world where people just react off their baser instincts. |
This is an album that will find much favour with people who enjoy this genre of music from a singer who renders his songs in a proud Midlands accent. |
By most accounts, EDM originated with the genre of house music in early 1980s Chicago. |
It respects the genre of romantic comedy while adding a unique flavor. |
This is the basic plot of an entire genre of anime, most notably the 1990s series Neon Genesis Evangelion. |
Whatever genre Dyer tackles, critical study, novel, travelogue, his true subject is generally, charmingly, Geoff Dyer. |
Over the next 20 years his anecdotal paintings of peasant life, based on a close study of Dutch 17th-century genre painters, were universally admired. |
The site covers just about any type of music you can think of, from rock and country to pop and dance, plus all kinds that can't easily be slotted into one genre or another. |
Such distinctions of geography and genre are far from academic, since one of the first things to confront in writing about performance poetry is its internal diversity. |
Vivian Maier is a fairly recent discovery in the genre of street photography. |