These models have examined the problems that might arise from the reunion of diverged parental genomes. |
He explains the roles of the genomes of trillions of microbes in and on our bodies. |
The very large pine genomes are highly repetitive, and microsatellite loci also occur as gene families. |
Recent molecular data indicate differences in molecular chromosome organization among the genomes of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheat. |
Genes have recently been discovered in the nuclear genomes of these that appear to have been introduced by an ancestral endosymbiont. |
Animal models and their corresponding genomes are highly useful for mapping traits that may apply to human diseases. |
But mapping the genomes of animals such as pigs, cows, chickens and sheep is turning out to be every bit as significant. |
Thus, these measures require only knowledge of the chromosome number for the markers in both genomes. |
The compactness of rice and sorghum genomes is evident compared to barley and diploid wheat genomes. |
The mouse and human genomes descended from a common ancestor some 75 million years ago. |
Despite the remarkable similarities among the genomes of various organisms, genomics also informs our notion of genetic variation. |
The genomes of mammals include genes that have been duplicated throughout evolutionary history. |
While HIV is good at adding genes to cells' genomes, it does not target lung epithelial cells. |
However, large chromosome blocks showed good colinearity between the two genomes. |
Throughout this article we assume no heteroplasmy of organelle genomes in gametes. |
The two haploid genomes of the two gametes are then combined to constitute a new individual. |
No suppressor mutations were isolated from a screen of 104,000 haploid genomes. |
We wished to test the generality of these correlations through a comprehensive analysis of completely sequenced genomes. |
Thus, the information in our genomes carries with it a record of our prehistory. |
Early cytogeneticists quantified genomes by analyzing the partition in chromosomes that were counted in cytological preparations. |
To localize genes of interest we have used common markers among foxtail millet, maize, and rice genomes. |
It is very difficult to correctly forejudge the diversity of bacterial genomes. |
A substantial fraction of vertebrate and invertebrate genomes is composed of mobile elements and their derivatives. |
In brief, applied phycology could mimic the technology of crop science, but it could not deliver somatic hybrids with stable, desired genomes. |
Our current work here employs no permutated genomes or other large excursions from wild type. |
These findings provide insights into how genomes and environmental factors interact to determine phenotypes. |
Analysis of EBV genomes is a useful adjunct to immunoglobulin gene analysis in assessing clonality of these processes. |
Membrane proteins probably represent more than a quarter of all proteins encoded in genomes. |
The number of expressed sequences greatly surpasses the estimated number of protein-coding genes in mammalian genomes. |
Parts of the M. tuberculosis genome that are absent from the genomes of all BCG substrains and most NTM have been identified. |
When colonies are formed, the resulting cells tend to have euploid genomes derived from the aneuploid state by chromosome loss. |
On the other hand, in Euarchontoglires, all recognized Alu-SINE subfamilies are distributed exclusively among primate genomes. |
For instance, bread wheat is hexaploid with three genomes, each containing seven pairs of homoeologous chromosomes. |
On the surface, genomes therefore appear to meet all the necessary criteria, and to warrant inclusion in the macroevolutionary hierarchy. |
From this dikaryon, the two progenitor haploid genomes were recovered by protoplast formation and regeneration. |
The hexaploid wheat genome is composed of three related diploid genomes designated A, B, and D with seven chromosomes each. |
However, even with the large size of this hexaploid genome, the genes within the three component genomes remain largely colinear. |
Annotated genomes were examined for novel gene orders and the presence of unassignable sequences. |
This makes biological warfare weapons easier to create, because the genomes of many viruses that attack humans are already known. |
Certainly it appears that there has been enough time and ample means for all plant genomes to become large. |
Events of DNA duplication were described in many eukaryote genomes, but are the duplication dynamics similar in all eukaryotes? |
Microsatellite loci appear to be distributed throughout vertebrate genomes and can demonstrate high levels of intraspecific allelic polymorphism. |
Thus, there is abundant evidence from a range of organisms that gene order in eukaryotic genomes is not random. |
All protein sequences from 21 complete chloroplast genomes are analyzed in comparison with selected archaea, eubacteria, and eukaryotes. |
Next, they scanned the genomes of these microbes for jumping genes. |
No single tree can fully represent the evolution of prokaryote genomes. |
They are already using the junglefowl's new gene sequence to begin searching for agriculturally important variations in the genomes of three types of domestic chicken. |
Orders that are characterized by oogamy and are reported to have large female gametes have the largest nuclear genomes observed regardless of their phylogenetic position. |
These genomes have remarkably similar gene orders to previously published annelid genomes, suggesting that gene order is conserved across annelids. |
Parts of the malaria and leishmania parasite genomes are also known. |
As the analysis of retroelements continues, not only their abundance in genomes, but also the great plasticity apparent in their structure is becoming clearer. |
This led them to suggest that Sardinians might be, like the Basques, descendants of hunter-gatherers whose genomes were only mildly affected by incoming farmers. |
With the exception of a few anomalous primate genomes, such as the hylobatids, most of the catarrhine primates appear to possess very large, conserved ancient linkage groups. |
As new genomes are sequenced, these tools are valuable both in annotation of protein functions and in correlating organismal genotype with phenotype. |
Major chromosomal rearrangements are often found in transformed genomes, suggesting that T-DNA insertion either requires or causes genomic instability. |
Outbreeding leads to permanent pentaploid organisms, which are matroclinal in characters due to the differential contribution of maternal and paternal genomes. |
Results of a parallel mapping effort in the macronucleus, and the correspondence between the two genomes, can be found in this issue as a companion to this article. |
Therefore, it is only following new MAC development late in conjugation that the previously silent MIC genomes from the mated cells are brought into expression. |
Grass genomes differ greatly in chromosome number, ploidy level, and size. |
A genetic map constructed using a cross between the two M. grisea strains used in this study revealed a high degree of synteny between the two genomes. |
Geniculate taxa are characterized by larger nuclear genomes and crustose taxa are characterized by smaller with the exception of Neogoniolithon and Titanoderma. |
An analysis of possible alpha, beta and gamma carbonic anhydrases in the cyanobacterial genomes shows that there is a wide diversity in carbonic anhydrase gene content. |
Ciliates are alveolate protozoa that evolved unusually large cell sizes entirely differently from gregarines, with radically novel consequences for their genomes. |
The smaller free-living eubacterial genomes considered have up to approximately 2,300 genes, ranging from T. maritima at 1,842 genes to L. lactis at 2,266 genes. |
The leucoplast genomes of the beech root parasite Epifagus virginiana, the oak parasite Conopholis americana, and the euglenoid Astasia longa display these characteristics. |
Plants with short reproductive cycles, such as ephemeral and annual herbs, have genomes that are smaller on average than those with long cycles such as perennial herbs. |
The extrapolation from any data set to the whole genome will be plagued by possible biases in representation until the two respective genomes are sequenced and annotated. |
Highly constrained genomes such as those of birds represent the opposite extreme, in which the subgenomic populace suffers under a totalitarian regime. |
While the smaller bacterial genomes can be tackled by direct sequencing, larger ones like that of drosophila or humans require the use of genetic markers. |
All picornaviruses are small icosahedrally-symmetric non-enveloped viruses that possess single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genomes. |
Some plant species have enormous mitochondrial genomes, with Silene conica mtDNA containing as many as 11,300,000 base pairs. |
Recent analysis of a wide range of mtDNA genomes suggests that both these features may dictate mitochondrial gene retention. |
Differences between genomes have anthropological, medical and forensic implications and applications. |
The patterns of positive selection across mammalian, avian and aquatic vertebrate genomes show that sensory receptor genes are highly conserved. |
The genus Mycoplasma consists of wall-less prokaryotes which are small in size and usually have small genomes. |
The genomes of Australian aborigines, New Guineans and some Pacific Islanders are about 6 percent Denisovan genes, according to earlier studies. |
Preservation of viral genomes in 700-y-old caribou feces from a subarctic ice patch. |
Each participant had their immune cells harvested from the blood, then researchers applied zinc-finger nucleases to edit genomes. |
Generally these exist in groups of six to eight genomes bound with proteins in a nucleoid structure. |
Waterston's group found that the roughly 3 billion base pairs in the genomes of the two species have the same sequence 96 percent of the time. |
One remarkable conjecture concerns viral genes that became embedded in the genomes of the forerunners of mammals. |
His team aligned 20 million base pairs from the genomes of five modern primates. |
What's more, Celera is sequencing the genomes of six men and women of differing ethnic backgrounds to find single nucleotide polymorphisms. |
The team studied the genomes of breast cancers in patients with a specific inherited deletion in two of these APOBEC genes. |
Evolution of the high molecular weight glutenin loci of the A, B, D and G genomes of wheat. |
The scientists scanned the genomes of 89 East Asians, 60 Europeans, and 60 Africans to find DNA stretches recently affected by natural selection. |
Combining family linkage analysis and GWAS, the team compared the genomes of two escaper dogs and 31 severely affected golden retrievers. |
Distribution of repetitive DNA sequences in eubacteria and application to fingerprinting of bacterial genomes. |
Recent sequencing of Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes shows that some admixture with these populations has occurred. |
In addition to their disproportionately large genomes, dinoflagellate nuclei are unique in their morphology, regulation, and composition. |
Complete genomes of Aravan, Khujand, Irkut and West Caucasian bat viruses, with special attention to the polymerase gene and non-coding regions. |
A great portion of organism genomes are composed of junk DNA that their cells must stop from transcribing. |
The second clade comprises ictalurid, salmonid, acipenserid, and ranid herpesviruses, which have smaller DNA genomes. |
This was facilitated by the severely reduced state of their genomes, but many genes, introns, and linkages have been lost. |
Completion of the genome sequence of Brucella abortus and comparison to the highly similar genomes of Brucella melitensis and Brucella suis. |
That technique allows scientists to assemble genomes from scratch. |
Despite that fact, no liverwort genomes have been sequenced to date and only few genes identified and characterized. |
Once both diploid genomes are assembled, then research could begin sequencing the actual genomes of cultivated cotton varieties. |
The recent sequencing of the Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes shows possible admixture. |
It is also letting them probe the genomes of other organisms for DNA that could turn out to be a mother lode for medicine. |
An examination of human and Neanderthal genomes and adaptations regarding pathogens or parasites may shed light on this issue. |
Throughout the lives of the individuals, their genomes interact with their environments to cause variations in traits. |
The genomes of its mitochondria and chloroplasts are also being sequenced as part of the project. |
Type 2, type 3 and type 5 mentioned in the plant and fungal genomes also exists in some protist, as well as two unique genome types. |
Protists contain the most diverse mitochondrial genomes, with five different types found in this kingdom. |
DeNovoMAGIC proprietary algorithms enable the full mapping of even the most large and complex genomes, including heterozygous and polyploidy genomes. |
The rice is specially developed using MAT vector system, a bio technology for genetically extracting the necessary genomes, in this case an epitope into the rice. |
The syntenic relationship of the zebrafish and human genomes. |
This in itself suggests that the vast differences between humans and milkweeds must be caused by far more than what we can see in their differing genomes. |
Concern has been expressed by some that artificial gene synthesis could be used to recreate the virus from existing digital genomes, for use in biological warfare. |
There are six main genome types found in mitochondrial genomes. |
Their analysis of the basenji and dingo genomes, plus a previously published boxer genome from Europe, showed that the dog breeds were most closely related to each other. |
An international consortium of researchers has published the genome sequence of the rhesus macaque monkey and aligned it with the chimpanzee and human genomes. |
Entire genomes may also be compared, which can shed light on the evolutionary history of particular organism and permit the examination of complex evolutionary events. |
Third, the essential tools for directing PCR, primers, are derived from the genomes of infectious agents, and with time those genomes will be known, if they are not already. |
Usually genomes get scrambled as species evolve, says Jong Bhak, a bioinformatician at the Genome Research Foundation in Suwon, South Korea, who was one of the study leaders. |
In addition to the conserved split point between dhc1 and dhc2, their organization within agaricomycete genomes with respect to the linked matA locus seems conserved. |
More importantly, transgenesis has less impact on the expression of genomes or on protein and metabolite levels than conventional breeding or plant mutagenesis. |
The goal of the project is to create a high resolution sequence of the Quercus robur genome, and to study genetic diversity by comparison of the genomes of different species. |
Alleles thought to have originated in Neanderthals and Denisovans have been identified at several genetic loci in the genomes of modern humans outside of Africa. |
Today, the technology to edit genomes is limited in the number of changes that can be made at once, which is probably one reason why the Harvard team focused on only 14 genes. |