Funding comes from campaigns, bequests, legacies and the continuing generosity of Cantabrians. |
The couple say they have been left speechless by the kindness and generosity of friends and neighbours. |
He was known for his kindness and generosity and his concern for the young. |
Her kindness and generosity go way beyond what is expected of any human being. |
And a huge thank you for all your kindness and generosity within this department. |
The kindness and generosity of people I have never met leaves me lost for words. |
Everyone's kindness and generosity is very much appreciated by all concerned. |
These awards were given to them for their kindness and generosity to their neighbours. |
Thank you to the Counsells and Beardsleys for their kindness and generosity and hospitality. |
One could argue that a great deal of goodwill and generosity has been generated worldwide by the tsunami. |
The lawyer explained the fact away with a sentimental appeal to basic recording industry generosity and kindness. |
However, we still rely entirely on the generosity of the public for funding. |
This dedication came not through ambition, or from a search for glory, but through his real generosity of spirit, through love. |
Smart people will repay you for your generosity many times over with their trust. |
His will provides a fascinating insight into his Puritan zeal and personal generosity. |
The analytical reason for charitable generosity is, of course, the alleviation of guilt. |
He was widely known for his warmth, generosity, and modesty, and for his fund of humorous and interesting anecdotes. |
All of God's creation, animate and inanimate, reflected God's generosity toward his creatures and evoked an outpouring of praise and thanks. |
Every time we choose generosity, truth or integrity we are revealing God in this world. |
The RFDS is an emergency service that relies on the generosity of the Australian public to keep the Flying Doctor flying. |
You may tend to exaggerate, but if you keep a lid on that, you'll be known for your confidence, generosity and sense of justice, lucky Jupiter. |
This large contribution is in itself a testimony to the limitless generosity of our people. |
The best example of such generosity is their gift of Mectizan, a drug that prevents river blindness, to over 25 million people in Africa. |
But to some, it still hurts to survive on the generosity of the arch-enemy. |
She was currently relying on the generosity of others to provide her lodging and sustenance. |
Fraudsters and scam artists are cashing in on the generosity of the public according to Trading Standard officials. |
There was a Danish king of that name who was famed for his generosity, to whom the rune poem probably refers. |
The authors propose that bragging conveys information about an actor's good deeds, leading to an attribution of generosity. |
Tactfully, he does not accompany it with a note drawing attention to his generosity. |
Written with charm and humour, this is a touching, absorbing oddity of a book about love, grief, avarice and generosity. |
Positive values include an instruction to be just and fair, to value generosity or magnanimity, to demonstrate honesty and cooperation. |
In many Tanzanian ethnic groups, heroes are illustrious ancestors who distinguished themselves by their valor, intelligence, or generosity. |
This man got up and read a little piece thanking the people of Ireland for their generosity. |
The public refuses its masochistic role as philistine, seeking affirmation instead in an art of generosity and pleasure. |
Both groups received a warm enthusiastic welcome from the matron, staff and patients and were thanked for their generosity. |
We have to rely on the generosity of neighbours with water tanks to get water to cook and bathe after a hard day's work. |
Even in the most sophisticated urbanized area of a megacity, every human being is utterly dependent on the generosity of nature. |
This latest display of public generosity once again rebuts the myth that most people only have self-interest at heart. |
Even at a time when Australia admitted a comparatively large number of refugees, its generosity was self-interested. |
Mussar clearly distinguishes this type of generosity from another kind, called tzedakah, which means obligated giving, such as tithing. |
His generosity to the Met had not been soured by a failed attempt in the mid-1970s to establish a fine-arts education center at the museum. |
Clearly touched by the R150000 gift Mandela said he was overwhelmed by the generosity of people in the country. |
How, without recording these acts of generosity, are such people to avoid the suspicion that they are misers? |
This refers to a miser, perhaps the most despised of all types in a world where generosity is the yardstick by which humanity is measured. |
The result is ongoing competition and conflict and the valorization of generosity and condemnation of miserliness and envy. |
To combat miserliness, for example, you would train yourself to practice generosity for only a day or a week at a time. |
Due to their generosity and the troop's hard work, the replacement motor-powered boat is now firmly in our sights. |
Very many thanks for a multitude of letters, and for unfailing generosity, courtesy, tea and simnel cake. |
But then unbreakable generosity of spirit ran through her nature like girders. |
Because of the unceasing generosity by the people of Waterford, Christmas was made easier for more than 1,000 families and individuals. |
An unconventional approach to life was accompanied by humour, frankness, and generosity. |
One of the qualities of kingship was munificence, and generosity was always an important attribute of power. |
Additionally, the Parthenon Marbles have always been on show here free of charge, a generosity unmatched in Athens. |
Hannah writes like a born novelist, with a calm, seductive style and an almost Chekovian vision of subtle humour and generosity. |
Its future does not rely on the generosity of investors with pockets of unplumbable depth. |
The truth that von Trier seeks in his work is realised in this performance, which affects the whole cast with an unselfish generosity. |
James always put others first and his generosity and unselfishness will be fondly remembered by all who knew him. |
It was the fact that her unsurpassed work ethic and her unstinting generosity have made her a legend among her colleagues. |
I humbly request to be included among the latter and to be allowed to quote an example of his unstinting kindness and generosity. |
As we know from past appeals, Press readers are unstinting in their generosity. |
Val was a good lawman but not exactly noted for his neat appearance nor his generosity with his money. |
Ultimately, it's not politics that makes the world go round but generosity, but for a lot of people that's a very nebulous concept. |
Widely reviled bad boy Craig Bellamy nets both goals thanks to some generosity from Crystal Palace goalkeeper Gabor Kiraly. |
Before we talk about the breakup, you want to tell a story about his generosity. |
In his later comments on the Marx Brothers, he vacillated between generosity and steely contempt. |
Some feel the country's reputation for generosity has been spoiled and community sentiment permanently soured. |
Despite Claude's cheery attitude and generosity with her homemade brownies, they all conspire to get rid of her. |
Always sparky company, his enthusiasm and generosity were unremitting, although he remained far from wealthy throughout his life. |
Given these attitudes, they are prone to a number of vices, including lack of generosity, cowardice, and intemperance. |
It finds expression in acts of particular virtues or vices like honesty, generosity, cheerfulness, jealousy or cruelty. |
But mixed with this spikiness was rare generosity and kindness of an unstinting kind. |
This frank, classy champagne has the vinosity and generosity of Bouzy Pinot Noir in a well-balanced frame. |
In poetic words of dazzling imagery, the bards extolled the tribal virtues of honour, courage, generosity, fidelity and revenge. |
These meals are made possible by the generosity of a squad of volunteer cooks. |
Although, I did not feel comfortable sponging off of their generosity, so I did not get much. |
His kindness and moral generosity I found uplifting in today's squalid world of denigration, spin and hypocrisy. |
For all his charm, his generosity, that deep, rasping cackle that rumbles through his conversation, he has a sharp edge. |
The generosity and can-do attitude of people such as Kenneth Branagh and Dame Judi Dench is always amazing. |
A human being, but a professional, he answers questions with generosity, intelligence and candour. |
Although renowned for its corporate generosity, Tata does not subscribe to the model of donations or welfare handouts. |
It exploits the good intentions and generosity of Church members whose Sunday offerings are used in this selfish and disproportionate way. |
Due to the harsh climate and difficulty of life in the tundra, hospitality and generosity are highly prized among the Chukchi. |
Dozens of abandoned and neglected dogs and cats are to find shelter in a new haven, thanks to a community's generosity. |
I do not think there is one person within his orbit who was not the beneficiary of his wisdom, encouragement, and generosity. |
With her sparse, hennaed hair and crimson lips, she greeted us with warm generosity. |
Patrice and Hugh's easy generosity stuns Helen, because the way they treat her is the opposite of the way life has. |
The enormous outpouring of love, kindness, caring, generosity and courage was amazing to behold. |
Thanks to local people's generosity, they have already been able to provide a temporary room and subsistence for eight individuals. |
A by-product of her spirituality, manifested in a variety of ways, has always been her generosity and charitable disposition. |
Of course, generosity, pity, charity, benevolence, or compassion may lead them to do more. |
It smells of warm sun-baked nuts, earth and super-ripe citrus, grapefruit, still on the tree, a bouquet of character and unstinting generosity. |
Kate had a generosity of spirit that reached out to many and she was homely and welcoming to a fault. |
The Druze are known for their generosity and are guided by a sense of chivalry and honor. |
People's generosity and the ideology of reciprocity palliated the experiences of poverty, hard times, and corn shortages. |
His generosity and hospitality will be forever remembered by his neighbors and the many friends he made over the years. |
The generosity and hospitality to people of every nation was greatly appreciated. |
And now, instantly after that amazing and mad generosity, she had the face to look cross because he would not buy Wilbraham Hall! |
She was a woman of good nature, generosity and with an inherent sense of fair play. |
His kindly humour, his great generosity, his reticence about his own achievements, and his sense of fairness pervaded his whole life. |
Wharfedale churches and business have been holding their own collections and charity shops have also witnessed incredible local generosity. |
The sincerely philanthropic Kraft's generosity isn't spread evenly in some cases. |
The greater generosity of Conservatives reflects the value they place on individual philanthropy above publicly-funded welfare services. |
They never fail to honour their commitments and obligations with generosity and a willingness to give of their time so freely. |
In an act of filial generosity, he ordered April to be renamed for his mother. |
She was a lady of generosity, love and friendship and of great intellectual ability and laity. |
The impatience and irritation that was such a marked characteristic of New York is gone, replaced by a rare generosity and calm. |
The appeal employs no professional fund-raisers and relies on the generosity and imagination of the public to raise money. |
The mood, for the most part, was one of easy-going generosity towards the Prince. |
The slur made by your critic is a very serious and damaging one to the organization and its unconditional generosity. |
The Matron thanked all those involved for their generosity and said the gifts would bring hours of enjoyment to the patients in the day room. |
Michael's parents, David and Marie, were present to thank everyone for their generosity. |
There is still great generosity in the heart of man, even in the present age. |
Thanks to the kind generosity of the unnamed man, there was sufficient food for all. |
The generosity of the sponsors covered the expenses including the cost of the flowers. |
We were overwhelmed by the generosity of our sponsors and we thank them most profusely. |
We want to make sure that nobody can take advantage of our charity or our generosity. |
Due to the wonderful generosity of the parishioners, the Church has been modernised using beautiful and innovative designs. |
They were also humbled by the generosity shown by the relatives of the victims they met. |
They made many friends and were struck by the kindness, generosity and optimism of the local people. |
Enjoyed by audience and participants alike, the concert showed the generosity of spirit that community music-making engenders. |
The generosity of friends and supporters kept them going during the bleakest periods. |
Tickets are not being sold for this event but we do ask for your generosity at the door. |
We thank the proprietors of all the venues, whose hospitality and generosity have helped swell the coffers. |
Richardson held out the ball, with outstanding generosity, like someone trying to placate a recalcitrant child with a gobstopper. |
His personal qualities of pastoral care, a genuine humility, generosity and godliness, have always been very evident. |
All Americans have come to see this city as place of bravery, of generosity and grace. |
The generosity of Hooker's reading of Scripture made it accessible to those who could never belong to Puritan society. |
She recalls with gratitude the acts of generosity and courage to which she owes her life. |
Kim was an exuberant, charismatic woman who emanated a warmth and generosity that was instantly recognizable. |
Given the generosity with which people describe themselves, such Web sites are an embarrassment of riches. |
He nodded, somewhat disconcerted by his mother's sudden generosity, and jogged up the stairs. |
The potential margin has been helped by the generosity of firms involved, many of whom gave substantial discounts. |
The generosity of spirit that had existed between my co-diners during our starters evaporated. |
But the club's future is looking bright thanks to the generosity of donators and the repair work carried out by Greenwich Council. |
Never in our wildest dreams would we have imagined the kind of generosity we've seen in recent days. |
At these ceremonies, her generosity and philanthropy towards students with special needs were recognized with an honorary degree. |
They are obviously capitalising on the generosity of the public in the wake of the tsunami disaster. |
The dramatic colours, earthy abundance and fruitful generosity accentuate the passionate spirit that is essentially Corsican. |
On behalf of himself and his family who received such a warm welcome, your kindness and generosity will be gratefully remembered. |
And yet, despite the poverty staring them in the face, generosity and hospitality from the most unexpected quarters have overwhelmed them. |
The quickness of his temper was counteracted by the generosity and benevolence of his heart. |
She is the acme of generosity, wanting to know if I've a sweetheart so she can give her some jewellery, and which Broadway show I'd like to see. |
I have failed to trace my friends and well-wishers with whose efforts and generosity, I am alive. |
These fraudsters are taking advantage of innocent people's generosity but with your help we can ensure they are brought to justice. |
Perhaps his ability to weather the ebb and flow of public fickleness lies in his sheer affability and generosity of spirit. |
But now thanks to the generosity of readers the library is planning for the future and already buying new toys. |
With a combination of willpower and unending generosity, fans managed to haul the club back from the brink. |
A kind-hearted woman who raised the cash to send a neighbour's disabled daughter to Disney World was today being honoured for her generosity. |
While during his dealings with his generals' children, he is seen as a kindly father-figure, capable of generosity and fun. |
Now, thanks to the generosity of our donors, we're almost there. |
We will remember too, the joy he gave us, his unfailing kindness, generosity, his ready smile and huge sense of fun as well as his zest for living. |
Geraldine, who organised the logistics of the trip, said it was what she expected, but the unexpected generosity of people along the way was an added bonus. |
We have benefited inestimably from their generosity and vision. |
I hope I can carry over this generosity to someone else who needs it. |
They were unstinting in their generosity, politeness and helpfulness. |
It survived and prospered thanks to the generosity and fidelity of thousands of volunteers who knew that if the young people were strong Ireland would be strong. |
It encourages discussion which goes beyond the powerful qualities of superheroes to consider qualities such as helpfulness, kindness, compassion and generosity. |
The helpline cannot exist without the generosity of the public. |
These efforts and acts of generosity have helped to fund a worthy community service that positively impacts the lives of hundreds of people in Kitchener-Waterloo. |
Yet despite this unwitting generosity, I cannot legally visit those countries and reimport what my subsidy sold them on the cheap in the first place. |
It took visits from the ghosts of Christmas for scrooge to embrace generosity. |
But about a hundred Oriya kids live today because of his generosity. |
I loved him then for his generosity to others and for his selfless concern for the Cause. |
He should have such virtues as compassion, love, generosity, and altruism. |
There have been far too many acts of generosity and altruism to list. |
In addition to the perennial problems of education and begging that usually presume on the generosity of the citizens, there are a host of natural and man-made disasters. |
We appeal to your generosity to help maintain this valuable amenity. |
Thanks to the generosity of sponsors, overheads were kept to a minimum. |
To be able to interact consistently with these children, he turns to the virtues of compassion, generosity, mindfulness, love, and the transcendence of ego. |
Classical storytelling and notions of time are mostly eschewed, while actors connect to one another with a generosity that approaches some sort of spiritual repose. |
The celebration dinner at the Bear Hotel was the usual blend of conviviality, bonhomie and generosity that has characterised the club's activities over the years. |
As I was walking him to his car, I thanked him for his generosity and offered to pay for his parking ticket. |
People responded with a kindness and generosity I couldn't have imagined. |
In dealing with his fallen enemies, he displayed unprecedented generosity. |
Thanks to the generosity of a number of local horsing enthusiasts the profile of the Cossacks and the skills they possess, can be viewed by members of the general public. |
While he doesn't suffer fools gladly or mince words when something annoys him, those who know him well swear by Jagjit Singh's generosity and purity of heart. |
Thanks to the generosity of the Minnesota Historical Society, the collection also includes among its holdings photocopies of a periodical called The Timely Digest. |
The success of these clubs is due to the extraordinary commitment of effort, energy, time and generosity which a throng of coaches and organizers give willingly and freely. |
Floated high notes, an evenly produced voice throbbing with emotion, warmth and fullness of sound, and generosity of soul all were part of what made Tebaldi great. |
As he grew up, he became known for his truthfulness, generosity and sincerity, so that he was sought after for his ability to arbitrate in disputes. |
When or how generosity is shown is not precisely specifiable. |
These displays of generosity were used by princes to bind their subjects to themselves, promoting a culture based on the granting of gifts in exchange for loyalty and service. |
So Pope Francis has found a way to turn the generosity of others into good luck for a few. |
Through it, George Eliot spoke with an authority and a generosity that was wise and essential and profound. |
Tonight I want to remember my mother's warmth, generosity, wisdom and hopefulness, and thank her for all the sacrifices she made on our behalf, like so many other mothers. |
They had the generosity, the charm, the loquacity of visiting uncles. |
Yes, I accept I'm a doubting Thomas about our capacity for generosity and I do accept that there was a genuine feel-good factor around these last few weeks. |
In the prime minister's words, the minister had also resigned with his integrity intact, seemingly the victim of vindictiveness and his own generosity of spirit. |
It was the elder son, he said, who just could not accept the generosity and graciousness of his father in welcoming back a lost and wayward brother. |
There is a fine line between taking the stance of Ebenezer Scrooge, skimping on our generosity to friends and relatives, and going absolutely mad with the plastic. |
I would like to thank all of them for their unstinting generosity. |
The baby will now be able to have surgery to correct her club feet and deformed hands, thanks to the generosity of the surgeon, who has offered his services for free. |
There Jackson became a cowardly deserter sponging off the martial generosity of Uncle Sam, a man who betrayed his comrades and never paid his gambling debts. |
Whatever the case, the councils and congresses called for the purposes of making treaties were often many-sided exhibitions of generosity, oratory, and military might. |
I was, in fact, one of the lucky recipients of the inexhaustible generosity documented in the film. |
Scrooge, the quintessential penny-pincher, never felt the spirit until sequential hallucinations bearing noble messages scared him into generosity. |
Thanks to the wonderful generosity of the North East Kilkenny Community a new CCTV system has been installed and furnishings have been purchased for the day room. |
But, instead, the plucky teenager is an academic high-flier and the life and soul of his school, where his name is a byword for good natured generosity. |
Due to the generosity of a member who's chosen to remain anonymous, David took home a new golf bag for having the best Stableford total on the day. |
I have witnessed touching acts of generosity and selflessness. |
Most people ally generosity on the side of fairness because fairness seeks to redistribute benefits and properties. |
Your generosity is greatly appreciated to help our web site grow! |
We got a little non-revenue trackage thanks to his generosity. |
This being the recognised time to give alms, I was besieged by beggars, who spread their napkins before us on the ground, sprinkled with a few coppers to excite generosity. |
Bear with me, and we'll hold a magnifying glass to their generosity, including their recent sorry report card from CharityWatch. |
Last year, Britain recorded its the highest number of organ transplant operations ever with 2,867 carried out thanks to the generosity of 1,240 donors. |
In August, through the generosity of our church and friends, we were able to send money to buy 300 bags of maize and pay for transport and distribution. |
In this climate of fear and shortages the support and generosity shown to the Harare branch by their fellow shipmates in the UK has meant a great deal. |
There isn't even a moment's coda acknowledging the generosity of his act. |
The evening was made possible through the generosity of Melcer's colleague and companion Billie Ann Burrill, professor emerita and founder of the dance department. |
This is comedy based on a cold humor, detached, euphemistic, devoid of any generosity. |
The generosity was in keeping with the large portion sizes in general. |
Perhaps the greatest of the Mughals was Akbar, who reigned from 1556 to 1605 and was able, through tolerance and generosity, to win over his Hindu subjects. |
This generosity of spirit has had a ripple effect throughout Republican circles. |
So in a few minutes I'm heading into town to send belated birthday presents and to try and convince myself to think about Christmas with appropriate jollity and generosity. |
He gave his time and labour with a reckless generosity and could be deeply hurt when it was spurned or unappreciated, which was sometimes the case. |
In his philanthropy, however, Soros epitomizes the rare combination of generosity and hard-headedness that is needed to build civil societies from the ground up. |
She was affronted by this terrible slight on her husband's generosity. |
Her growing rapport with the von Trapp children, coupled with her generosity and spirit, gradually captures the heart of the stern Captain and they are soon married. |
It is generous in its scope, but the generosity is based on long-term realism and the proposition that reform and change is not only necessary, but unavoidable. |
Also, I am truly touched by the generosity of the general public. |
Our communities are held together by the generosity inherent in gifting. |
While reciprocity is important, generosity is crucial to a good mate. |
Thus he contemplates both Shakespeare's stinginess and his peculiar kind of generosity, an imaginative one that transformed a dying wastrel into the immortal Falstaff. |
His reckless, open-hearted generosity eventually caught up with him. |
The Chinese traveller Xuanzang visited the court of Harsha and wrote a very favourable account of him, praising his justice and generosity. |
But it was violently criticised at the time for showing a reckless generosity. |
In the last decade or so, this once unabashedly complex serialist, now 68, seems to have allowed a lyrical generosity into his works. |
During the next one hour, the youngsters read out verses comprising abstinency, kindness, generosity, brotherhood and other benefits of fasting. |
Everyone's generosity and dedication is inspirational, especially considering some grieve or face life-changing after-effects from meningitis. |
She was wedded wearing no golden robe but chastity, piety, generosity, and every other virtue. |
Mouha talked about the generosity and solidarity of Berber communities. |
Assistant Dean at the University Pat Hosel paid tribute to Mr Mahoney and revealed Phoebe's father Jeremy was moved by his generosity. |
The first move puts generosity into the relationship, the second puts graspingness first. |
We hope to repay the generosity shown to the Qataris with even harder work and dedication to make Vodafone the most admired brand in Qatar. |
American consumers should relax and enjoy the unrequested generosity and mercantilist mistakes of the Chinese state. |
In 1966, my generation welcomed me into its alienated and skinny arms with a generosity born of outsiderness. |
One of the most gratifying aspects of working with LINGOs is experiencing the generosity of organizations supporting our mission. |
Too Many Teddies is a children's picturebook about the value and virtue of generosity. |
The arachnid highlighted Betfred's generosity last week allowing punters a crack at PS200,000 pools with a five runner race to start with. |
Both could be, and were, handed out by a grateful king to his faithful thegns as an act of formal generosity. |
Among many other benefits, it allows career cheapskates much greater scope for generosity. |
But even though states keep adding checkoff programs, taxpayer generosity is waning. |
Virtues such as kindness, generosity, courage, and humility have returned to textbooks and resources used in both public and parochial schools. |
Hilton Foundation for its tireless support to end homelessness, as well as its generosity in matching the funds raised by participants. |
Venus is getting a toe hold in an area which can see you benefit from someone else's generosity. |
It is no proof of generosity to take the bread of the laborer, to lavish it in banquetings on the rich. |
Like the appeals to sympathy and generosity, the appeal to civic-mindedness attempts to capitalize on benevolent feelings. |
Although they did not want to risk wasting money, faster-climbing managers did value generosity and fair-mindedness. |
We have mentioned generosity as an outstanding virtue required in Sioux life. |
At first I wrote it off to the simpler protocols of grandparenthood, with its premium on uncomplicated gestures of generosity and love. |
Cnut's generosity towards his subjects, which his skalds called destroying treasure, was of course popular with the English. |
It was these skalds who first referred to his greatness with emphasis on his generosity to the church and military achievements. |
Emperors often built baths to gain favour for themselves and to create a lasting monument of their generosity. |
The persistence of high poverty rates in the UK is associated with the relatively low generosity of the welfare state. |
Sadaqah means optional charity which is practiced as religious duty and out of generosity. |
Unlike Clemenceau and Orlando, Lloyd George on the whole stood on the side of generosity and moderation. |
He had a reputation as a competent public speaker and was known for his generosity to his household staff. |
He noted the generosity and kindness of the islanders to him while he was there, which he believed was disproportionate to their poverty. |
The phenomena of community action, shunning, scapegoating, generosity, shared risk, and reward are common to many forms of society. |
He achieved this through various means of generosity and a cutting back of lavish excess. |
Never forget that it was from a people whom you call rude and savage that you receive this lesson in gentleness and generosity. |
Thais have a strong sense of hospitality and generosity, but also a strong sense of social hierarchy. |
During this analysis, it became apparent that the home team seemed to be receiving proportionately greater generosity from the referee than the away team. |
And in an act of festive generosity Pritch, a Welsh professional skateboarder, daredevil and TV personality, has stepped up to the plate alongside media CEO Sian Gunney. |
We would like to offer our sincere thanks to the generous Ragley Hall Battle Prommers, many of whom attend year on year and never fail to surprise us with their generosity. |
I sought among the mules one with a mild expression of generosity and gentleness in its eyes, and found it in a white mule with a crupper adorned with arabesques. |
There are a zillion reasons to avoid generosity, even justice. |
He's a regular gadfly and takes advantage of his friend's generosity. |
Various religions were just different human responses to the one divine Ultimate Reality and their existence displayed God's generosity and bountifulness, Zed pointed out. |
We haven't had a group yet that outdrank the restaurant's generosity. |
Her generosity was rewarded in the success of its recipients. |
Although Walpole enjoyed the limelight, he was secretive about his many acts of generosity to younger writers, with both encouragement and financial help. |
After his death some idea of the scale of his generosity was discovered. |
This Englishman should neither out-do him in generosity nor affrontery. |
During the reign of Nero from 54 to 68, the Stoic philosopher Seneca wrote a number of dialogues and letters on such moral themes as mercy and generosity. |
The lucky youngsters were among 350 from Birmingham's special schools who are being given free rides on the carousel, thanks to the generosity of Bob Wilson's Funfairs. |
The security guards on hand to keep the event safe, secure, and running smoothly were there thanks to the generosity of NSS, which donated the services to support the cause. |
While this side of her personality was never well known to the general public, throughout both the arts community and the charity community she was known for her generosity. |
This programme was made possible by extraordinary financial generosity, which came from the Evangelical awakening and the wealth of the emerging middle class. |
The failure to constitutionalize the question of access to civil justice is not merely a want of generosity, faddishness, political correctness, or even compassion. |
Personally, I can't thank the greater-Shrewsbury community enough for its time, thoughtfulness, generosity and commitment to Paton and the children of Shrewsbury. |
I admit it to be not so much the duty as the privilege of an American citizen to acquit this obligation to the memory of his fathers with discretion and generosity. |
With a generosity and humility too rare in our era of monologues and monomanias, he has entered into a wholehearted dialogue with thinkers of every philosophical orientation. |