Only ultra-wealthy geeks like Allen, who have the interest and the idle cash, can afford to put millions at risk. |
Get users, not geeks, to design the interface, and the project will take wing. |
I've been locked in a room for 12 months with nothing but geeks and techies for company. |
Hundreds of photographers, tourists and celestial geeks gathered on street corners to witness Manhattanhenge. |
He has inspired imitators, tolerated plagiarists and confounded the computer geeks who try in vain to turn his craft into software. |
All kinds of people were invited, geeks, preps, cheerleaders, dancers, jocks, the drama club, and the Marthas. |
Computer geeks are extremely unlikely to suffer one of those spectacular emotional meltdowns that make for good television. |
Above average geeks will want to turn right to the second part of the book for the juicy stuff. |
It's not inaccessible to all but guitar tech-heads and slam-dancing science geeks still trying to calculate infinity. |
For the uninitiated, a reading is more than someone standing at a lectern, reading aloud to a bunch of book geeks. |
Women do not consider careers in IT because they think they are careers for geeks, nerds, workaholics or all of the above. |
People who work in the Internet industry on the other hand are viewed as nerds, geeks, dweebs and propeller heads. |
In vain, I glanced towards the nerds and geeks in the front row, hoping to get some help. |
The stuck-up brown-nosers in school, the geeks and the nerds, they would have balked. |
All geeks rue their choice on arriving at university and wish that they had chosen to study English, French or Spanish. |
I'm trying to teach him not to do that, but he comes from a long line of verbose geeks on his father's side, and it's an uphill battle. |
Thanks to the PGA Tour's new ShotLink statistical program, stat geeks around the world can revel in this type of information. |
This kind of language is a hangover from when weblogs were written largely by and for web geeks. |
I know all the range control geeks are going to have a heart attack when you make this suggestion. |
The assembled geeks laugh hilariously at this as if it were the greatest joke in the world. |
Film geeks in video stores have at least since the advent of VHS spent far too much time talking about badly subtitled Hong Kong gangster films. |
But some are beginning to participate in an activity once thought to be the preserve of technology geeks and political partisans. |
So I immediately wrote this off as yet another attempt by geeks to cope with the social chaos of everyday life by rigidly systematizing it. |
The problem with this analysis is that only geeks and journalists are listening to Apple's story with that sort of clinical attention to detail. |
Is open source software a powerhouse for innovation or a playground for geeks? |
The writers even created three alien languages that have given geeks and FBI code-breakers endless hours of fun. |
Today, instead of fantasy literature, wimpy geeks are totally into gangsta rap, and there is no place in gangsta rap for swords. |
There was a good reason for letting the geeks and other social out-casts do those things. |
From dorks to geeks, and everything between, beer has something for everyone. |
Initially, he'd assumed that geeks and nerds were by default withdrawn, shy, mostly losers. |
They were computer geeks, and after university found careers in information technology. |
How can we take free culture mainstream, and make the movement relevant to people who may not be computer geeks or copyright nerds? |
As the favoured outer garment of trainspotters and computer geeks it was always going to be a laughing stock. |
The result is a breathtaking, psychedelic form of artificial life whose fitness factor is the ability to tickle the aesthetics of computer geeks. |
Rock musicians get paid for looking like carnival geeks and not making music. |
It is a wild free for all three ring big top featuring ethical geeks, moral contortionists and fat sweaty white guys on slack media wires. |
She quickly scanned through the emails from computer forum geeks, fans and people asking for advice. |
All you need to do is find a gaggle of geeks at a party or in a college bar. |
Attractive women of all types mingle with a crowd of black shirted geeks, who let's face it, aren't generally the most attractive demographic. |
He was well known by all students, whether they were jocks or computer geeks, the name Ricky Han was always followed by some form of recognition. |
I can see why he's both beloved amongst geeks and starting to become more widely read. |
Thinking about it, I start to wonder if the Alpha geeks of the future will necessarily be human. |
Some brilliant Latvian geeks made a sequence of images that, when viewed in stop-action animation, shows a robot-like man walking. |
Liz was already sitting there, front row centre among the geeks, yet she seemed to have, once again, zoned out and fallen asleep. |
It wasn't just the usual geeks, anoraks and trainspotters that you would expect. |
As most geeks know, playing with Lego is superb training in math and geometry. |
In general, geeks are very happy to tell you anything, whether you wanted to know it or not. |
The kids in this, who take their RPG into real life, are not geeks, but intelligent kids who enjoy role-playing. |
Why does it make us geeks, losers, or freaks to know the characters, be able to recite some lines, and just love the franchise? |
They assume that all the users online are psychos, freaks, losers, geeks, or desperate, as the internet has a bad reputation for deceit. |
Kathy fidgeted beside him, studying her nails, ill at ease among these obvious geeks and losers. |
Those of you who are not my best friend Julie, and therefore not lunatics and hardcore math geeks, may not know that today is Pi Day. |
Anyway, this bunch of geeks at ANU managed to do this thing, dreaming of Star Trek and Scotty beaming them up. |
Dorks are just geeks with bad skin, but nerds get the ladies. |
But tech geeks, with their superhuman ability to manipulate ones and zeroes, do. |
The space was a great big project lab, with happy geeks combing over various assemblages of wiring, motors, processors and plans like ants on a summer picnic. |
While law geeks everywhere were focused on the nomination today, it is worth noting that the Supreme Court issued two per curiam summary reversals this morning. |
We geeks who buy the latest and greatest will often gleefully trade work-a-rounds, hacks, or other tidbits of information needed to make things work. |
Such developments may initially be unusable, only fathomable to geeks. |
The other concerns the RegEdit program, the haven of extreme geeks with a wish to fiddle with configuration settings the messy, dangerous, no safety harness way. |
The world hates a know-it-all anyway, and geeks especially so. |
Does any of this ancient history of the bellbottom era sound familiar to you, fellow millennial geeks? |
Nest aggregates the data collects and provides a free monthly report that allows energy geeks to track their usage. |
In standard teen movies, they would be the overachieving geeks, the keeners that spent most of high school either buried in homework or watching geeky shows. |
It was a school full of preps and geeks, and neither group could I stand. |
The room was filled with alpha geeks showing off their toys. |
Hey, I should have a prominent mention as one of the alpha geeks. |
Whether we like it or not, computers are part of modern life. Learning about them is no longer the bailiwick of geeks with horn-rimmed glasses and pocket pen holders. |
So you've got the business people, the alpha geeks, the legislators, the military, the policy people and the academics talking about things from very different angles. |
Why not let the alpha geeks build their own OS X machines too? |
Feminists are the new comic book geeks, and the women-led Ghostbusters remake will dominate the box office. |
I was tempted to launch a sarcastic commentary about the difference between nerds and geeks, and their ineffectual nature as insults, but decided it probably wouldn't help. |
But what the boy geeks miss, she argues, is that they are not the only ones who have to deal with harassment or ostracism. |
They were a group made up mostly of men who were all nerds and geeks and dorks in high school who went on to become brilliant and funny and irresistible in college. |
The cult boardgame that was the entertainment of choice for anoraks and geeks in the days before the internet chat-room, Dungeons And Dragons has made it to the big screen. |
Security experts explain how the web has now entered a sinister new era in which e-gangsters have linked up with computer geeks to follow our money online. |
Then in an ideal world we could perhaps patch this into a wireless network, so that passing geeks could genuinely play Tetris on the side of the building from their laptops. |
Internet geeks will rejoice at the latest clever-clever web campaign. |
Yes, there is a difference between band nerds and band geeks. |
As a result, blind dating isn't just for geeks and losers anymore. |
Some will say that all there are are geeks and nerds in there. |
Of such things are legends made, amongst obsessive record geeks, at least. |
The crowds of geeks, tech writers and Apple observers received it with love, whoops and fandemonium. |
Despite being populated by Randroids and sci-fi geeks, 4chan's literature board is another that continually surprises with clever content. |
And last but certainly not least, to all the online book geeks, my sincere gratitude, as always, for your support and encouragement! |
Questions such as these may seem obvious to any good marketer, but aren't always familiar territory to techies and geeks of the interwebs. |
This 'boys' club' attitude that girls can't be geeks is still a major stumbling block for feminerds and girls who want to break into geek culture. |
To celebrate, budget accommodation specialists HostelBookers have created a Geek Travel Map, using 15 travel tips from the world's best-loved professional geeks. |