Electrons from the tissue combine with positrons from the radioactive tracer to produce gamma rays. |
Astronomers discovered through CGRO data that the center of our galaxy glows in gamma rays created by the annihilation of matter and antimatter. |
The jets contain relativistic winds that interact and collide, creating shock waves and emitting high-energy X-rays and gamma rays. |
It is these materials that emit gamma rays, high energy radiation that can pass right through your skin. |
After a time the gamma rays are counted by gamma ray sensitive spectrometers. |
In reality all they did was make my blood radioactive before taking gamma photographs. |
This box, designed to monitor gamma radiation, in itself contained enough strontium 90 to emit 500,000 becquerels of radioactivity. |
Tune into gamma rays, and see titanic explosions scattered throughout the universe at a rate of about one per day. |
The gamma ray spectrometer suite is unique in that it senses the composition below the surface to a depth as great as one meter. |
Four changes occur in iron, which give rise to forms known as alpha, beta, gamma and delta. |
But, just in right now, Tropical Storm Gamma, the third letter of the Greek alphabet, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and so on and so on. |
In 1919, Brown introduced the terms alpha, beta, and gamma to describe the three types of haemolytic reactions observed on blood agar plates. |
G proteins consist of three subunits, alpha, beta, and gamma, and exist in many different classes. |
The sum total of alpha, beta and gamma radiation emitted per second after a week, a month, a year etc. is easy to calculate, if a bit laborious. |
Once in the body, these unstable atoms release alpha, beta, and gamma radiation that damages dividing cells. |
The emission energies of alpha, beta, and gamma particles vary as well as the emission range. |
Usually, a child is treated with intravenous doses of gamma globulin, an ingredient of blood that helps the child's body fight off infection. |
Even a seemingly tiny piece of radioisotope like plutonium can be emitting many millions of alpha, beta or gamma particles per week. |
Titanium 45 has two forms, one a beta positive and gamma emitter with a half-life of 3.08 hours and a second form with a half-life of 21 days. |
I could see the radio waves, microwaves, gamma rays, and other optical and non-optical radiation that black holes naturally give off. |
A radioactive atom used in nuclear medicine that shows radioactive disintegration and emits alpha and beta particles or gamma rays. |
We would like to understand better the connection between gamma ray bursts and supernovae. |
Third is immediate radiation travelling at the speed of light-neutron radiation at shorter distances, and gamma radiation further out. |
The radioactive glucose emits gamma rays which are then detected by the scanner. |
That kind of resolution is good for small objects like neutron stars, gamma ray bursts and black holes. |
The distribution of mutational effects was assumed to be gamma, which allows a wide variety of shapes. |
For that purpose, experts suggest additional sensors such as gamma ray detectors to catch smuggled nuclear material. |
The most tractable model assumes that branch lengths are independent realizations of gamma random variables. |
An electronic signal is generated and a computer composes an image of the gamma ray distribution. |
Visible light is just a small part of a continuum of electromagnetic radiation that extends from radio waves to gamma rays. |
This page displays the Greek alphabet and gives information on pronunciation for both... y as in yet, and before gamma, kappa, xi, or chi. |
A medium that emits light in response to an interaction between a gamma ray and the medium is provided. |
Fortunately for life on Earth, the atmosphere blocks out harmful, high-energy radiation like X-rays, gamma rays and most ultraviolet rays. |
Most known radiation dangers occur at the high end of the electromagnetic spectrum, and include X-rays and gamma rays. |
The first magnetar candidates were a family of rare and peculiar galactic sources of gamma and X-rays called soft gamma repeaters. |
It has been shown that activity in the muscle spindles is influenced, via gamma motoneurons, by joint and ligament receptors. |
The radioactive material generates ionising radiations, which include alpha particles, beta particles, X-rays and gamma rays. |
The neutron bombardment transforms certain isotopes of the elements into radioactive species which then emit gamma rays. |
This complex contains eight different homologous subunits, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, and theta. |
The topmost paper was a graph measuring gamma ray radiation from sunspots over the past few months. |
In this paper, a novel screen is described for mutants hypersensitive to gamma radiation. |
They annihilate each other completely and the resultant energy is high end gamma ray radiation. |
One of the unique properties of positrons is that as soon as they make contact with electrons they annihilate to produce gamma rays. |
Collisions between energetic particles and the solar atmosphere also produce neutrons and gamma rays. |
Antibodies are gamma globulins produced by B lymphocytes when antigens enter the body. |
It functions as what physicists call a calorimeter, measuring the total energy of the deposited gamma rays. |
Nuclear isomers are excited states that eventually decay to the ground state, mostly by gamma radiation. |
These satellites will also pick up gamma radiation emitted if nuclear weapons are being manufactured. |
However, these stars had never been observed to emit outbursts of gamma rays. |
For half a minute, the burst outshone the gamma rays from all the rest of the universe. |
Next time your boss asks you why you are idly staring into space, tell him you are working on that positive gamma wave production. |
The gamma function is undefined for zero and negative integers, from which we can conclude that factorials of negative integers do not exist. |
He also studied infinite series, the gamma function and inequalities for convex functions. |
In beta thalassemia, beta chain production is reduced along with a compensatory increase in gamma and delta chain production. |
But the very same atmosphere is opaque in most frequencies of far infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays. |
For each participant, we computed a gamma coefficient specific to items that participants had failed in the first recall test. |
This energy is often in the form of ionizing radiation like x-rays or gamma rays. |
This process is called ionization, and this capability had led to gamma radiation being termed ionizing radiation. |
The burst of gamma rays and X-rays even disturbed the Earth's ionosphere, causing a sudden disruption in some radio communications. |
Seeds were imbibed in water for 24 hr and then gamma irradiated at 10 krad. |
Currently, the two most common methods of sterilization are ethylene oxide treatment and gamma irradiation. |
High-frequency energy, such as X rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays, occupies the other end of the spectrum. |
The decaying atoms emit positrons, which encounter electrons and are annihilated, releasing pairs of gamma rays. |
The frequency of gamma rays is far too high and that of radio waves is far too low to interact with these kinds of vibrations. |
Eliminating the gamma fusimotor drive prevents alteration in jaw muscle spindle afferent discharge following algesic chemical stimulation. |
The lung disease progressed over the last year despite treatment with steroids, cyclosporine, cloxacillin, and gamma globulin. |
The CSA orientation is described by two Euler angles alpha and Beta, whereas the third angle gamma is evenly distributed about the sample normal. |
Inherited dysfibrinogenemia is caused by mutations in the coding region of the fibrinogen A, B, or gamma gene. |
It is the quick, hourlong sequence of alpha, beta and gamma emissions that can lead to the mutations in the lung tissue, which can cause cancer. |
During steam sterilization, cornstarch is broken down, which eases ingestion by the body, an effect that does not occur with gamma irradiation. |
By measuring the relative velocity of backscattered gamma particles, they reveal the chemical environment of Fe nuclei in the rock. |
It measures total neutron and gamma doses from 0 to 1,000 cGy, and it responds to and measures prompt radiation from nuclear bursts. |
The launcher produces excess radiation that is dumped onto the gamma particles, and creates a large shockwave upon impact. |
Triplicate samples were thoroughly washed and counted, with the cell-bound radioactivity measured on a gamma counter. |
The new finding agrees with Einstein's predicted value for gamma to an accuracy of 23 parts per million. |
Plasma cells then make excess gamma globulin antibody immune proteins that latch onto specific invaders. |
Short courses of treatment with steroids or gamma globulin can help suppress your immune system's attack on your red blood cells. |
Gamma ray bursts are poorly understood short-duration plane waves of gamma radiation which pass through the solar system at rare intervals. |
If, on the other hand, there is a hydrogen ion and a positron, the end result is a proton and gamma radiation. |
Within a decade, rockets and satellites had been launched to scan the skies for objects emitting infrared, ultraviolet, and gamma radiation. |
This effect can in fact be achieved through exposure to gamma radiation, if said radiation is energetic enough. |
The peaks are the days when gamma radiation was emitted by sunspots in high concentrations. |
Centrifuge facilities emit gamma radiation, as well as many other frequencies. |
All of this suggests that it would be more helpful to redirect theoretical attention to the interplay between alpha, beta, and gamma diversity. |
Just as an excited atom can dispose of its excess energy by emitting x rays, an excited nucleus can emit gamma rays. |
Data from gamma ray spectrometry can provide useful information on sediment provenance and environmental conditions. |
They decided that the mysterious emanation must consist of gamma rays, the third form of radiation produced by radioactive decay. |
To me it looked like the alpha males on the rampage, and alpha males are always scary to all the gamma and delta males. |
The electromagnetic spectrum is composed of a range of radiation frequencies from radio waves to X-ray and gamma waves. |
The two new atoms then emit gamma radiation as they settle into their new states. |
Unlike in the earlier experiments, the team recorded gamma rays, a revealing product of fusion reactions. |
As a test sample, the IBM team created a dilute system of single electron spins by irradiating a block of glass with a weak beam of gamma rays. |
When a beam of such energetic electrons collides with an atom, gamma rays burst forth. |
Radiotherapy involves the exposure of parts of the body to radiation, beams of high-energy X-rays, gamma rays or particles. |
The gamma knife is a focused array of 201 intercepting beams of gamma radiation. |
Using a gamma photon absorptiometric technique, a time-effect curve was constructed for the bed rest state. |
The gamma ray spectrum is usually defined as light having a frequency between 10 and 10 Hertz. |
The gamma ray detector hardware and signal processing software is based on technologies originally developed for space science. |
As one of Wall Street's leading quants, Derman did throw off some intense gamma radiation. |
Because gamma rays are hard to focus into sharp images, the science team then used the X-ray telescope on Swift to determine a precise location. |
In this model the gamma rays are emitted as synchrotron radiation by electrons that are accelerated to much lower energies. |
Other types of detectors, like those that use a semiconducting material, are slower but provide more data about the gamma rays they pick up. |
The most direct tracer of these accelerated particles is the X-ray and gamma ray radiation that they produce as they travel through the solar atmosphere. |
The gamma energy burst struck Viegel in the back of his left knee. |
If they can be, usually it is because of radiation in the form of gamma rays, emitted by deformed nuclei as they revert to their normal shapes and lowest energy ground states. |
The small, lead-shielded canisters contain pellets or a fine powder of caesium 137, which emits powerful gamma radiation with a half-life of 30 years. |
It was designed to study X-rays and gamma rays from solar flares. |
Total gamma-ray relates to the natural gamma radioactivity of a sample as determined by the concentration of radioactive isotopes of uranium, thorium and potassium. |
This makes it possible to reach and treat tumors that previously could be treated only with conventional photon and gamma brachytherapy or with external beam treatments. |
The two men inspected recently installed systems for checking passports and detecting stowaways on vehicles, including heartbeat sensors and gamma ray scanners. |
Often, the two satellites have observed the same celestial object simultaneously, to gain a more complete record of the object's behaviour at gamma ray and X-ray wavelengths. |
This complementary data is also helping astronomers identify the celestial object that is releasing the gamma rays and allow it to be more fully analysed. |
Both magnetars are part of the small group of objects called soft gamma-ray repeaters, because they repeatedly experience much weaker outbursts of gamma rays. |
Only gamma rays can do it, since all other forms of light are too low-energy. |
The most widely used treatment to induce deletions is gamma irradiation. |
Why rely on pasteurisation if pathogens can be killed using gamma rays? |
Results showed hypnotic trait effects on skin resistance, heart and respiratory rate as well as on EEG theta, alpha, beta and gamma relative power changes. |
Nor could you know whether it has an electromagnetic field or whether it is strongly emitting gamma rays, X rays, ultraviolet radiation, microwaves, or radio waves. |
The energy levels of the gamma rays are too low to induce radioactivity. |
Cesium 137, a radioactive cesium isotope with a mass number of 137 and a half-life of 33 years, is used for gamma irradiation of certain foods and for radiation therapy. |
When a positron encounters an electron, the two annihilate each other and are converted to two gamma rays, which can easily be detected and localized in the brain. |
At very small velocities, gamma is approximately equal to one. |
According to Baker, one of the strengths of gamma is that it allows us to assess both the strength and the direction of the association between the two variables in the table. |
Meanwhile Defra is urging farmers to sign up to a scheme piloting a gamma interferon test, which could reduce the time herds are under restriction. |
A gamma radiation emitting sulphur colloid is injected around the tumour before the operation, and a vital blue dye is injected intradermally at the time of surgery. |
But their tests were for gamma, not alpha, radiation, so they naturally would have missed any polonium diagnosis. |
When the gamma rays enter the sleeve, they interact with that photon gas, annihilating into electron-positron pairs. |
Ionizing radiation, which includes alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays and X-rays, is radiation that has enough energy to knock an orbital electron off of an atom. |
The mathematical functions include the standards found on a good pocket calculator, such as exponents, logs, trig, matrices, as well as sigmoid, gamma and log gamma functions. |
One hundred plump seeds were irradiated with 35 krad gamma rays. |
Seeds of wild type and uvh1-2 were gamma irradiated at 10 krad. |
The detection of hydrogen is based both on the intensity of gamma rays emitted by hydrogen, and by the intensity of neutrons that are moderated by hydrogen. |
This time, the researchers shined their laser on solutions of glycine, an amino acid that can form three different crystal structures called alpha, beta, and gamma. |
This means that energy that started out in the form of X-rays and gamma rays would now be in the form of microwaves, with wavelengths of around 1 millimeter or so. |
These blazars emit gamma rays, but not all of them reach Earth. |
A radioactive material gives off alpha, beta, and gamma emissions. |
This action causes the solar atmosphere to sizzle with high-energy X-rays and gamma rays and accelerate proton and electron particles into the solar system. |
Heating under controlled conditions or irradiating a mineral using X-rays, neutrons, gamma rays, or other energy sources will effect colour changes in many gems. |
If one demarcates alpha, beta, and gamma world cities as three meaningful tiers, the alpha tier includes the usual urban triumvirate but also Paris. |
There was, however, a rumor that later, when the alpha, beta, gamma theory went temporarily on the rocks, he seriously considered changing his name to Zacharias. |
An analysis of possible alpha, beta and gamma carbonic anhydrases in the cyanobacterial genomes shows that there is a wide diversity in carbonic anhydrase gene content. |
Recent literature suggests that gamma radiation can be efficaciously employed to sterilize allograft material without a deleterious clinical effect. |
He created his own agency, gamma, in 1966, though he later left to join Magnum. |
The nuclear portal monitor and Palm Pilot neutron and gamma detector are designed to detect and identify the illicit movement of nuclear materials. |
He concluded that the gamma distribution can be used for low-to-moderate traffic volumes which have low probability for short headways. |
Having devised a means of measuring gamma radiation, Chadwick proceeded to measure the absorption of gamma rays by various gases and liquids. |
At a conference at Cambridge on beta particles and gamma rays in 1928, Chadwick met Geiger again. |
A possible exception, however, is the burst of gamma rays emitted in the last stage of the evaporation of primordial black holes. |
The nucleus of a metastable isotope is in an excited state and will return to the ground state by emitting a photon in the form of a gamma ray. |
These devices are similar to an integrated circuit and can detect the energy of incoming gamma ray photons. |
The NASA Kepler spacecraft data revealed a large number of multimode nonradially pulsating gamma Dor and delta Sct variable star candidates. |
The principal radiations which will be encountered are alpha, beta and gamma, but these have quite different characteristics. |
Waste from nuclear weapons decommissioning is unlikely to contain much beta or gamma activity other than tritium and americium. |
Radioactive medical waste tends to contain beta particle and gamma ray emitters. |
Industrial source waste can contain alpha, beta, neutron or gamma emitters. |
The first decay processes to be discovered were alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay. |
The rays were given the names alpha, beta, and gamma, in increasing order of their ability to penetrate matter. |
Although alpha, beta, and gamma radiations were most commonly found, other types of emission were eventually discovered. |
A critical mass of plutonium emits lethal amounts of neutrons and gamma rays. |
The beta decay from 137Cs to 137mBa is a strong emission of gamma radiation. |
In some species the pigment melanin may play a role in extracting energy from ionizing radiation, such as gamma radiation. |
A random reversal pattern with inhibition can be represented by a gamma process. |
A second source was induced by mutagenic levels of gamma rays, which putatively silenced one of the genes involved in PPD genesis. |
The unjolly green giant, born from a botched gamma bomb experiment in a 1962 comic book, belongs to an elite class of superhero. |
Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays emerged as the prime carriers of radioactivity's energy. |
Along with electrons and positrons, dark matter annihilation should produce other signals like extra antiprotons, gamma rays and radio waves. |
Production of gamma aminobutyric acid by Lactobacillus brevis NCL912 using fed batch fermentation. |
Contrary to gamma radiation, Jurkat cells do not completely halt the cell cycle 24 h upon haemanthamine and haemanthidine exposure. |
A third type is gamma emission, in which the atom gives off a highly energetic photon along with the alpha or beta particle. |
Some of the earliest bind iodine-131, an isotope that emits low-energy gamma radiation along with a beta particle. |
Acerinox workers wore no protective gear to shield them from the cesium's gamma and beta radiation. |
Malignant transformation of a vestibular schwannoma after gamma knife radiosurgery. |
The pharmaceutical industry currently uses gamma globulin preparations extracted and refined from human blood serum. |
The two next-generation classes of compound that are currently in clinical trials target an enzyme that cuts APP, known as gamma secretase. |
No word on gamma Rays, Delta Squad, Epsilononicom, or Zetabyte. |
It also offers progressive scan, backlight compensation, gamma correction, a signal-to-noise ratio of 48 dB, and a slow shutter speed. |
It is obtained through the process of condensation of gamma butyrolactone and monomethylamine. |
Contribution of each of four Superantigens to Streptococcus equi-induced mitogenicity, gamma interferon synthesis, and immunity. |
The use of gamma ray radiation as a mutagen for inducing variation in the existing varieties of various crops is well established. |
Available in a range of hardnesses from 43 to 73 Shore A, the grades are sterilisable with gamma, Et0 and steam. |
This tubing is seamless, thin-walled, ultra-high strength, Eta and gamma sterilizable and is available optically clear or pigmented. |
The analyzer uses prompt gamma neutron activation analysis technology to perform a real-time, composite analysis on shredded scrap metal. |
Many boreholes are also encased in iron, which prevents conductivity measurements, but not prompt gamma neutron activation analysis. |
Criticality continued for about 20 hours, emitting intense amounts of gamma and neutron radiation. |
Philips Healthcare will sell and support the Dilon 6800 gamma camera in key European and Middle Eastern markets. |
On March 8, 2012, NASA's Swift satellite detected a 100-second pulse of gamma rays from a source in the constellation Ursa Minor. |
Mid Staffordshire General Hospital Trust plans to buy a gamma camera for the nuclear medicine department at Staffordshire General Hospital. |
Completely monotonic functions associated with the gamma function and its q-analogues. |
Hoses may be sterilized by autoclave, CIP, SIP, and gamma radiation processes. |
This patent covers systems and methods for using RFID tags in biopharmaceutical environments where gamma radiation is used for sterilization. |
Generally speaking, gamma radiation is dangerous at high doses but can be blocked by good shielding. |
One concern about gamma radiation is the possibility of too much crosslinking. |
The self-adhesive labels undergo a chemical color change from yellow to red when exposed to gamma radiation. |
First applications were wire and cable and parts exposed to steam and gamma radiation. |
Beta rays come from an e-beam generator, which provides the same features as gamma radiation but with reduced penetrating power. |
The team's discovery of a protein called Butyrophilin 3A1 shows how it binds to microbial antigens and hence activates human gamma delta cells. |
As giant stars collapse into black holes at the end of their lives, they shoot out incredibly intense pulses of gamma rays. |
Effects of gamma interferon and nitric oxide on the interaction of Mycobacterium avium sub species paratuberculosis with bovine monocytes. |
Cobalt 60 gives off high energy photons, called gamma rays, which can penetrate foods to a depth of several feet. |
The compound was tagged with an isotope that temporarily gives off gamma rays detectable by a special kind of computerized tomography scanner. |
At the New York meeting preliminary results were reported on 26 children given aspirin and 27 given aspirin plus gamma globulin. |
Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor gamma is the key regulator of the immune and inflammatory response. |
We have identified a new pathway, centered on IFN gamma, that controls the bone remodelling process both in-vivo and in-vitro. |
It uses photonuclear gamma ray technology to identify substances at the molecular level. |
It uses photonuclear and gamma ray technology to identify substances at the molecular level. |
Two distinct lineages of macaque gamma herpesviruses related to the Kaposi's sarcoma associated hcrpcsvirus. |
Eventually, the positrons collide with electrons in the material and are annihilated, releasing energy in the form of gamma rays. |
Butyrate can be convered to the inhibitory gamma aminobutyric acid or GABA or the excitatory beta hydroxybutyric acid. |
Serum levels of aminotransferase, aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and gamma glutamyl transaminase were measured. |
Its decay produces gamma rays with energies of a trillion electronvolts. |
These last compounds such as plasma gamma glutamyltransferase, urinary glucaric acid or urinary 6 beta-hydroxycortisol are particularly interesting. |
In view of its multifarious uses, the plant extract was tested for its radioprotective properties against sublethal gamma radiation in Swiss albino mice. |
He continues with Abel's theorem, the gamma function, universal covering spaces, Cauchy's theorem for non-holomorphic functions and harmonic conjugates. |
Within about a day the radioactivity is checked on a gamma camera. |
Waste PET samples were irradiated by gamma radiations at different doses and reduction in molecular weight of the polymer was studied using viscometry technique. |
It calls for targeted TB screening and prevention and also recommends the use of the interferon gamma release assays or the tuberculin skin test as testing options. |
This contract is for the maintenance of chains of alpha radioactivity measurement, beta, gamma and neutron radiation protection department of the armed. |
It was speculated that muscle spindles may be the only possible proprioceptors of which acuity might be systematically modulated through the gamma motoneuron. |
Through the application of the iTopia system, and subsequent monitoring with our iTAg MHC Tetramers and Interferon gamma kit, we can help speed the drug development process. |
The chemical, also known as gamma butyrolactone or GBL, is legally available for use as a cleaning product but it is illegal to sell for ingestion. |
Several investigators already showed increased muscle activity following joint afferent fiber or mechanoreceptor stimulation and activation of gamma motor neurons. |
A CT gamma camera with a CT scanner in a single integrated unit allows radiologists to anatomically localize scintigraphic findings on SPECT images. |
They emit penetrating gamma radiation that is much more of a hazard than the alpha or beta radiation from cesium, cobalt, strontium or polonium,' LaMastra said. |
Lexan HPS7 is said to combine excellent lipid resistance with good retention of properties following repeated autoclaving and gamma sterilization. |
Effects of dietary glutamine and gamma aminobutyric acid on performance, carcass characteristics and serum parameters in broilers under circular heat stress. |
Other nuclear materials such as Americium 241, which is found in modern smoke detectors, emit a much higher gamma radiation and is much more abundant. |
Although the data interpretation seems to be consistent with dark-matter theory, the gamma rays could be coming from a source other than WIMP destruction, Kaplinghat noted. |
Moreover, their interspike-time and count distributions are well described by underdispersed gamma processes, indicating regularity in the release patterns. |
The Cherenkov telescopes do not detect the gamma rays directly but instead detect the flashes of visible light produced when gamma rays are absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere. |
Alpha, beta, and gamma radiation are all forms of ionizing radiation. |
The facility is a flexible, relatively simple system of enclosures for handling multicurie amounts of alpha, gamma, and neutron-emitting radioisotopes. |
If this were the only example of moronicity in my teens, I could chalk it up to an aberration or a fluke or even gamma rays from the planet Zoobon. |
Lead bricks were placed around the radioactive source so that the escaping gamma rays would be limited to a collimated beam rather than filling the lab. |
Some studies show that taking gamma linolenic acid, a type of Omega-6, for six months or more may reduce symptoms of nerve pain in people with diabetic neuropathy. |
Advanced Scintillator crystals such as Cerium bromide, have been grown from melt using Bridgman technique, for X-ray and gamma ray detector applications. |
Kaolinite, illite, quartz, microcline, dickite, mordenite, gamma alumina and iron rich minerals, such as pyrite and hematite, constituted the mineral makeup. |