Whole galaxies, made up of hundreds of billions of stars, can produce greater effects though. |
Stars are not scattered randomly through space, they are gathered together into vast groups known as galaxies. |
The clusters smashed together thousands of galaxies and trillions of stars. |
Elliptical galaxies are three-dimensional objects that range from spheres to elongated spheroids like footballs. |
Just as stars are the building blocks of galaxies, galaxies are the building blocks of the universe. |
Hubble discovered that the galaxies are moving away from us with a velocity proportional to their distance. |
Then Edward Hubble discovered that the nebulae were other galaxies like ours only much further away than was thought possible. |
In further studies, he showed that these nebulas are actually other galaxies, and he went on to classify them. |
More distant nebulae and galaxies require longer exposure times, and more fiddling. |
We sometimes use the word nebula to refer to galaxies, various types of star clusters, and various kinds of interstellar dust or gas clouds. |
Among the many mysteries in the universe is the dark matter in galaxies and clusters. |
Within the Milky Way galaxy alone, there are over 100 billion stars, and there are an uncountable number of galaxies in the universe. |
The bright reddish object to the lower left of the center is a BL Lac object at the center of a cluster of galaxies. |
Observational astronomers use telescopes, on Earth and in space, to study objects ranging from planets and moons to distant galaxies. |
In this study, the researchers focused on distinctive galaxies called blazars, which are several billion light years away. |
An astronomy satellite that studied black holes and distant galaxies was wiped out by the one star that it did not watch. |
If, as he has said, the universe was created with a big bang, it may end with a big crunch, when all the galaxies crash together. |
Some of the matter ejected by the big bang forms galaxies, like our very own milky way. |
This clumping in turn produced the galaxies and clusters of galaxies we see today. |
Or it may expand so fast that gravity could never pull galaxies together again. |
Eventually, these protogalactic fragments merged and galaxies and quasars formed. |
The new supernovas were found in galaxies ranging from four to seven billion light years away. |
Some massive clusters of galaxies are similarly held together against the cosmic flow. |
Some force in the universe not only counteracts gravity but pushes the galaxies in the universe apart ever faster. |
In the Nature we observe, the Universe is filled with dust and gas in addition to stars, planets and galaxies. |
So when we observe galaxies in the Coma Cluster in the springtime sky, we're looking across a cosmographic void. |
But of course it has structures in it, stars and galaxies and clusters of galaxies. |
Astronomers say that the six-way cosmic lens will reveal new information about how galaxies interact with each other. |
Corbin and Vacca examined a sample of dwarf galaxies chosen for their compact size and the youth of their star populations. |
Eventually, gravity causes these denser regions to collapse to form stars and galaxies as the universe expands. |
Section IV takes us off the land and into comets, galaxies and constellations of stars. |
The Hubble Space Telescope has been used to track distant star-forming galaxies in a project part-funded from Swindon. |
Not only is it empty, it's just as dense with galaxies as any other era in the history of the universe. |
A dense region of intergalactic gas cools to form several smaller galaxies, which merge to form a larger galaxy with a super massive black hole. |
The new findings promise a better understanding of how galaxies and globular clusters first formed billions of years ago. |
Be warned that first-timers can find it difficult to appreciate galaxies, globular clusters, and planetary nebulae. |
Gazing at the stars, planets and distant galaxies is a universal pleasure, but it's one denied to most of us. |
Note that, even at this early era, galaxies are clustered into filamentary structures, separated by empty voids. |
Viewing the visible and infrared light emitted by galaxies is crucial for determining their mass. |
If the infall of the ordinary matter were not stopped, there would be no visible galaxies, only black holes surrounded by dark matter. |
The Milky Way has about 100 globular clusters, whereas giant elliptical galaxies are surrounded by thousands of globulars. |
The brilliant beacons whose radiation streams out of faraway galaxies are known as quasars. |
One thing we can say about this starting value is that it must be very specially tuned if galaxies are to form in time. |
The resulting theory would be able to describe the behavior of the universe, from quarks and atoms to entire galaxies. |
Soon her palm resembled a chart of lunar phases, four thin moons, their tiny scarlet crescents crossing the lines of galaxies and Fate. |
This will enable astronomers to probe the gaseous component of the early Universe to study the first stars, galaxies, and quasars. |
Studies of two distant galaxy clusters have found that galaxies formed relatively early in the history of the Universe. |
All of the stars, galaxies, and large-scale structure in our universe may have started as tiny quantum fluctuations in the primordial soup. |
Most galaxies have more of the mysterious dark matter than ordinary, visible matter. |
Out beyond the galaxies, there are celestial objects called quasars, whose light has traveled at least 10 billion years to get here. |
Astronomers believe that quasars are galaxies with very massive black holes in the center. |
Astronomers have long exploited this correlation between age and color to study the ages of stellar populations in star clusters and galaxies. |
There is a higher proportion of elliptical and fast-rotating spiral galaxies in dense clusters than in small groups. |
Astronomers may see meteors produced by the annual Perseid shower, before pointing their telescopes at distant galaxies and star clusters. |
Researchers conclude that the existence of winged radio galaxies proves that supermassive black holes collide. |
Orbital analysis can give astronomers valuable clues about the amount and distribution of dark matter in the galaxies. |
He was able to detect the Sun and about five radio galaxies, some of the most distant objects then known in the universe. |
The substance known as dark matter seems to create ghost galaxies that mirror the ones we can see, astrophysicists said Wednesday. |
We know what matter looks like today because we see galaxies, galaxy clusters, and galaxy superclusters. |
The need for the dark energy has been invoked by a need to explain the acceleration of distant galaxies. |
They're searching for superdistant, ancient protogalaxies lurking behind huge clusters of galaxies closer to Earth. |
The early Universe was smooth and homogenous, quite a contrast from the clumpy array of galaxies and clusters of galaxies observed today. |
We realized that our Galaxy was just one of many billions of galaxies in the universe. |
Supermassive black holes are found in the centers of galaxies that contain billions of stars. |
The principle can also be extended to clusters of galaxies, and systems of even larger size than this. |
In 1929 Edwin Hubble's systematic observations of other galaxies confirmed the red shift. |
Astronomers have long observed that light from distant galaxies is usually redshifted. |
Smaller galaxies in galaxy clusters are systematically redshifted with respect to the larger galaxies. |
You can explore glorious colour images of galaxies and the remnants of dying stars through an interactive jigsaw puzzle. |
One is the red shift of light coming from remote galaxies which is usually attributed to Doppler's effect and obeys Hubble's law. |
In 2001, a massive supercluster of galaxies 500-million light years in length was found 6.5-billion light years from Earth. |
That is, we can discover things about the stars and galaxies involved from the way in which the Moon cuts off their light. |
You can find them in phenomena ranging from the shell of the chambered nautilus to hurricanes and spiral galaxies. |
Imagine two galaxies fleeing from each at a faster and faster rate, finally reaching a relative speed that outpaces light. |
Lanzetta bases his conclusion on a new analysis of galaxies in the Hubble deep fields taken near the north and south celestial poles. |
He has photographed enough stellar nebula, white dwarfs and pinwheel galaxies to fill many a photo album. |
There are a hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone, and there are billions of other galaxies. |
A US and Netherlands-led team of astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have identified 19 new examples of gravitationally lensed galaxies. |
The rishis tell us of the galactic center of the universe, which feeds energy to all the galaxies and solar systems of the universe. |
Thousands of galaxies revolve about its center, moving in every possible orbit like bees circling a beehive. |
Astronomers here observe the universe by studying faint radio waves emitted by stars, evaporating comets and distant galaxies. |
The density of stars makes the region in and around the Arches cluster a microcosm of what is likely occurring in starburst galaxies. |
Here the star formation rate may be higher, so these galaxies are called starbursts. |
The galaxies then gathered in clusters, and the clusters gathered in long strings with humongous, almost empty, voids in between. |
Spiral galaxies such as NGC 4414, a dusty spiral galaxy, form from fast spinning hydrogen gas. |
He has observed high redshift companion galaxies connected to low redshift spiral galaxies. |
Supernovae appear in spiral galaxies like M81 on average once every 100 years or so. |
Elliptical galaxies tend to be older than spiral galaxies and the stars within them are thought to be around 10,000 million years old. |
Late spiral galaxies account for only about 45 percent of nearby galaxies, but they were found to contain almost all the supernovas. |
Stars and planets, galaxies and nebulas unveil themselves close to the eyes of the visitors. |
Large spiral galaxies such as our Milky Way, which are rich in gas, would be rarities rather than the rule. |
These galaxies are so young that astronomers can still see a flurry of stars forming within them. |
The tools are also helping astronomers measure the rate of birth of stars in extremely red and distant galaxies. |
With even greater, if not absolute certainty, we know that man can never be in a position to detect life in other solar systems of galaxies. |
Our theory might predict that the most massive galaxies are the most luminous. |
What about selection among communities, ecosystems, biomes, planets, star systems, galaxies? |
The microcosm as well as the macrocosm is based on a constant harmony of movement, from the atoms to the galaxies. |
Starbirth regions exist in most galaxies, particularly in spirals, and are obvious as clouds of predominantly hydrogen gas call H II regions. |
Why, given its exceedingly smooth beginnings, is the universe so clumpy, on all scales from galaxies to galactic superclusters? |
Dwarf irregular galaxies are probably fairly old stellar systems whose chemical and physical properties may be the result of the process of slow evolution. |
And if the effect of acceleration was stronger in some patches than others, that would mean less or more clumping up of galaxies. |
According to the hierarchical model of galaxy formation, the first galaxies were built out of smaller collections of matter. |
However, astronomers have spotted a few luminous black hole pairs, mostly in chaotic galaxies in the early stages of a merger. |
Data from 107 galaxies out of the preliminary sample is freely available to the astronomical community for study. |
One of the big challenges in astronomy involves determining when the first galaxies formed, and what they looked like. |
Not only that, these galaxies were busily making new stars, with bigger galaxies giving birth faster than those with lower mass. |
From here he suggested that in seeing quasars created from the center of galaxies, we are actually looking back in time 6000 years and watching creation as it happens. |
Rich in objects, from galaxies to quasars to white dwarf stars, this vast data archive will serve as a resource for the entire astronomical community. |
Australian radio astronomers assisted Apollo moon missions and were first to identify the existence of radio galaxies, and numerous pulsars and quasars. |
The observable Universe contains around 100 billion large galaxies and a comparable number of supermassive black holes. |
Everywhere we look in the cosmos, we see galaxies, forming a thick network that almost looks like cells in the human brain. |
And it is the galaxies, not individual stars, that are receding from one another, being carried farther apart as the space in which they are embedded expands. |
Not only that, they are a rich environment for galaxies, hot plasma, and dark matter. |
And the thankfully near full moon was magically radiant in its slight yellowness, divinely suspended in nothingness amid the sequined backdrop of stars, planets and galaxies. |
That expectation depends on galaxies merging from smaller chunks, and depleting some of their available star-making fuel. |
You can substitute fairies and goblins, with the stars, the galaxies, and looking down a microscope. |
Something fascinating is going on in the gravitational dance of galaxies, from watching the slow twirls of the dancers. |
Even though supernovas can appear as bright as galaxies when viewed with optical telescopes, this light represents only a small fraction of the energy released. |
Unlike a forest sustaining a small population of predators, most galaxies have only one supermassive black hole. |
There is the almost impossibly small world of gluons and mesons and quarks, but also the infinitely vast cosmological field strewn with uncountable galaxies. |
Stars and galaxies go through the life cycle of birth, growth, death, and replicate themselves. |
However, those galaxies are also more distant, marking a time in the cosmic history when black hole food was more plentiful. |
Elliptical galaxies typically have few large stars that could go hypernova, but are rich in binary systems, with pairs of compact stars closely orbiting each other. |
This universe is very similar to our own, with thousands of stars and galaxies, black holes, comets and meteors each a part in the never-ending celestial dance. |
A number of BL Lac objects are known in the vicinity of clusters of galaxies so this provides indirect evidence in support of their extragalactic nature. |
However, BL Lac objects are the active cores of elliptical galaxies. |
While it shows signs of past activity, our galaxy is pretty quiet now, but active galaxies like NGC 5548 are another matter. |
New planetary star systems and galaxies are being discovered almost daily. |
It was only in the 1920's that the American astronomer Hubble established that some of these nebulae were indeed distant galaxies comparable in size to our own Milky Way. |
They compared the observed shape in space of 160,000 galaxies to models of galactic distribution that incorporated various masses for the neutrino. |
Both galaxies are spirals of roughly the same age, with stars strewn across flattened disks of roughly the same size, more than 100,000 light-years across. |
These nebulae, now known to be spiral galaxies like the Milky Way, were usually thought to represent the early stages of formation of structures like our Solar System. |
Gravitational collisions between small satellite galaxies and big spiral galaxies have long been regarded as possible culprits in the warping of a larger galaxy's disk. |
After losing the raw material needed for creating more supernovas, postcollision spiral galaxies become populated with aging stars, as are elliptical galaxies. |
The maps show the clustering of galaxies into a variety of large-scale structures, including long filaments, empty voids, and dense groups and clusters. |
Pods strung on armatures and made into shapes that evoke crowns, starbursts and galaxies add human or celestial content and help the natural materials transcend their roots. |
Come the 1960s, an American astronomer named Halton C. Arp became the champion of galaxies that did not fit the simple Hubble classification scheme. |
All nearby galaxies are members of this cloud and the low value of Hubble's constant is due to the mutual gravitational attraction of these relatively nearby galaxies. |
About a billion years after the Big Bang, the expanding cosmic dust started to condense or clump into what would become galaxies, stars, and planets. |
Astronomical observations have confirmed more or less beyond doubt that stars, galaxies and clusters of super galaxies are receding from the earth and from one another. |
An excellent example is the cosmological problem, since it contains scales of interest ranging from that of a single star to that of a large cluster of galaxies. |
By the end of that process, matter could move and coalesce on its own, forming planets and stars, as well as galaxies, clusters, and superclusters. |
The most easily visible part of galaxy clusters, i.e. the stars in all the galaxies, make up only a small fraction of the total of what makes up the cluster. |
The most remote galaxies now known are the ones whose light now reaching us was emitted when they were in their infancy, some 13 billion years ago. |
These larger jets shoot out from galaxies into the intergalactic medium. |
Though the galaxies were as bright as 10 trillion suns, their great distance and a cloak of cosmic dust had hidden them from all but Spitzer's finely tuned infrared apparatus. |
The station looked deserted, but it wouldn't be for long once the news reached Alpha Station, and where in the galaxies were the sheriff and his posse? |
It's thought that the overall rotation of these galaxies combines and smooths out the small-scale magnetic fields created by whirls and eddies of gas. |
The model suggests that the quasars are ejected from active galaxies in a grand creation process and that we are now seeing the creation process of Day 4 of Creation Week. |
The astronomers recently focused on three massive, relatively nearby clusters of galaxies known to act as gravitational lenses. |
Studying galaxies imaged by the Sloan survey, Fischer and his colleagues took advantage of a cosmic mirage called gravitational lensing. |
While other spiral galaxies are much neater, with their extended arms clearly visible. |
The problem is that spiral galaxies are not supposed to have such large jets. |
The long-standing theory has been that spiral galaxies merge with each other forming most of the elliptical galaxies in the Universe. |
The conventional wisdom is that such jets come only from elliptical galaxies that formed through the merger of spirals. |
Importantly, Illustris yielded a realistic mix of spiral galaxies like the Milky Way and football-shaped elliptical galaxies. |
The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, two dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way, are at the head of the gaseous stream. |
Irregular galaxies are chaotic in appearance, and are neither spiral nor elliptical. |
The observed recession of those galaxies led to the discovery of the expansion of the Universe. |
Few giant galaxies boast a pair of lively, star-forming galaxies as close to them as the Magellanic Clouds are to us. |
He suggests that these galaxies are traveling with the Magellanic clouds as part of a group that will eventually be gobbled up by the Milky Way. |
The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are the nearest galaxies to our Milky Way, each hundreds of thousands of light years away. |
The simulation reveals that gas flows into galaxies along filaments akin to cosmic bendy, or swirly, straws. |
Launched into space in 1990, the eye in the sky snaps pictures of stars, galaxies, and planets thousands of light-years from Earth. |
Sixty million light-years from Earth in the Fornax constellation, two neighboring galaxies have very different histories. |
The galaxies, now about 55,000 light-years apart, are spiraling toward each other, Rines and his colleagues report in the Aug. |
Galactic tides are the tidal forces exerted by galaxies on stars within them and satellite galaxies orbiting them. |
In such galaxies, dust tends to absorb visible light, subsequently reradiating the energy as infrared radiation. |
There is general consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centers of most galaxies. |
Astronomers have long suspected that most radio galaxies, though varying widely in appearance, have more in common than meets the eye. |
Planets orbit stars, stars orbit galactic centers, galaxies orbit a center of mass in clusters, and clusters orbit in superclusters. |
It trails behind our galaxy's two small companion galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. |
We have identified six radio sources in the Zelenchuk catalog with two quasars, two lacertids, and two pairs of galaxies. |
Around me were computer databases filled with records of innumerable galaxies, exobiotic life forms and extraterrestrial cultures. |
On large scales like that of clusters of galaxies, gravitational lensing indicates that the dark matter is smoothly distributed, on the average. |
The average SFRs of star-forming cluster galaxies show a trend of decreasing SFR with clustocentric radius. |
These black holes could be the seeds of the supermassive black holes found in the centers of most galaxies. |
The rarer, submillimetre galaxies that form stars even more intensely 2, 12, 13 are largely merger-induced starbursts. |
The supermassive black holes in the cores of some galaxies drive massive outflows of molecular hydrogen gas. |
Most supernovae are in distant galaxies that are faint even to the most powerful telescopes. |
These galaxies, called radio galaxies, are distributed fairly evenly through space. |
The pair's repellant energy cracks and clunks like the coming together of two opposing magnetic forces from different galaxies. |
During that epoch, bits and pieces of galaxies may have coalesced, trigging intense star formation. |
Instead of depending on random variables, the index of clumpiness K depends on several factors involved in the spatial distribution of galaxies. |
Research studies pertaining to deep space objects including galaxies, nebulae and variable stars are also being initiated. |
Gradually, organizations of gas and dust merged to form the first primitive galaxies. |
When galaxies form new stars, they sometimes do so in frantic episodes of activity known as starbursts. |
Starbursts also light up galaxies in the early universe, making them bright enough to study. |
About a quarter of all galaxies are irregular, and the peculiar shapes of such galaxies may be the result of gravitational interaction. |
Both the Milky Way and one of our nearest galaxy neighbors, the Andromeda Galaxy, are spiral galaxies. |
Like our own spiral galaxy, these two galaxies also have relatively large and nearby companions. |
This oxymoronic object could provide clues to how larger black holes formed along with their host galaxies 13 billion years or more in the past. |
On average stars in spiral galaxies tend to be much younger than those in ellipticals. |
Elliptical galaxies are more commonly found at the core of galactic clusters, and may have been formed through mergers of large galaxies. |
The Hubble Space Telescope captures a bevy of curvy galaxies 13 billion light-years, distorted by a gravitational lens. |
They also discovered some 15 distant galaxies whose images are greatly magnified by gravitational lenses. |
Sturm and colleagues used Herschel's Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer to study 50 galaxies. |
The present average galactic radius of 40, 000 light years is within the range of dwarf galaxies and large galaxies. |
Stars and gas make up only about 1 percent of the mass of these dwarf galaxies. |
At approximately 98,000 light-years from Earth, Reticulum 2 is one of the nearest dwarf galaxies yet detected. |
The world is beyond heliocentricism to billions of galaxies in an expanding universe that has no center. |
First predicted by Einstein, the waves are thought to be ripples in space-time caused by cosmic events such as the merging of two galaxies. |
Galaxies are believed to form hierarchically through the merger of smaller galaxies and still smaller star clusters. |
Home to a handful of galaxies, Canes Venatici is near the constellation Ursa Major, best known for the Big Dipper. |
Most galaxies are organized into distinct shapes that allow for classification schemes. |
Now Jeff Bezos has focused his sights on populating distant galaxies. |
Our solar system orbits within the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy that is a prominent member of the Local Group of galaxies. |
Beutler's work draws on data from a survey of more than 125,000 galaxies carried out with the UK Schmidt Telescope in eastern Australia. |
This includes the blue stars in other galaxies, which have been the targets of several ultraviolet surveys. |
At first glance, the M87 galaxy appears to be one of many elliptical galaxies in the constellation of Virgo. |
There were the familiar spiral and elliptical galaxies and some irregular shapes previously recognized. |
Spectra of the galactic light indicate that faint red dwarfs account for 80 percent of stars in elliptical galaxies. |
They are commonly divided into spiral, elliptical and Irregular galaxies. |
Unlike grand design spiral galaxies, which contain perfectly distinct spiral arms, a flocculent spiral galaxy is not as well-defined and whose spiral arms appear disjointed. |
Spiral galaxies are typically surrounded by a halo of older stars. |
This suggests that these systems are growing from the inside out, whilst the bulges or protobulges are in place early in the history of these galaxies. |
Solar system ephemerides are essential for the navigation of spacecraft and for all kinds of space observations of the planets, their natural satellites, stars, and galaxies. |
Water probably exists in abundance in other galaxies, too, because its components, hydrogen and oxygen, are among the most abundant elements in the universe. |
Tyson's research interests include star formation, exploding stars, dwarf galaxies and the structure of our Milky Way, and he hosts the television show Cosmos. |
The spectrograph will be capable of obtaining simultaneous optical spectra of up to 300 faint galaxies or stars at wavelengths between 390 and 1000 nm. |
Examining a distant cluster of galaxies, the Hubble Space Telescope has produced the sharpest picture ever of a cosmic mirage called gravitational lensing. |
Dark gas clouds are interesting because they could be protogalaxies,, or they could be debris from the formation of other galaxies,' Staveley-Smith says. |
The galaxies lie within a continuous ribbon of sky known as SDSS Stripe 82, lying along the celestial equator and encompassing 275 square degrees. |
The redshifts of these massive galaxies, and hence their distances, were determined from the SED modeling and have not yet been confirmed spectroscopically. |
That's because ultraviolet light from distant galaxies gets shifted into the near-infrared region of the spectrum as a result of the universe's expansion. |
However, we know dozens of much more redshifted galaxies and quasars. |
Kinematic studies of matter in the Milky Way and other galaxies have demonstrated that there is more mass than can be accounted for by visible matter. |
Just below the center of the image is the blue, twisted form of galaxy NGC 2936, one of the two interacting galaxies that form Arp 142 in the constellation of Hydra. |
The filament connects two clusters of galaxies that, along with a third cluster, will smash together and give rise to one of the largest galaxy superclusters in the universe. |
Dark matter and dark energy are the current leading topics in astronomy, as their discovery and controversy originated during the study of the galaxies. |
Lying around 50 million light-years away, Messier 99 is one of over a thousand galaxies that make up the Virgo Cluster, the closest cluster of galaxies to us. |
Jardel used telescope observations of several of the satellite galaxies orbiting the Milky Way, including the Carina, Draco, Fornax, Sculptor, and Sextans dwarf galaxies. |
The SDSS was a mammoth effort to map out a million galaxies. |
Radio galaxies, for instance, give off energy in the form of radio waves. |
The fastest ' things' i n the Universe are blobs of superheated plasma that are ejected from black holes that are in the cores of extremely active galaxies known as blazars. |
They found galaxies that have two satellites that are as bright and close by as the Milky Way's two closest satellites, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, are rare. |
In a separate set of findings, astronomers looking at the outskirts of the Milky Way found two new star streams, remnants torn from dwarf galaxies or star clusters. |
Their report, which will appear in Astrophysical Journal Letters, suggests that radio galaxies may serve as beacons for finding other primordial groupings of galaxies. |
These loop clusters look geometrically like the clusters of galaxies, particularly the Abell clusters, which are small and dense as galaxy clusters go. |
For instance, astronomers can measure the density of small galaxies or the cores of larger galaxies by determining how well they act as gravitational lenses. |
This led them to suspect that the galaxies seen in visible light might be gravitational lenses magnifying much more distant galaxies seen by Herschel. |
A new study shows that the two spiral galaxies evolved in a highly similar fashion over the first 3 billion to 4 billion years of their histories. |
The research, supported by several ground-based telescopes, solves a 10-year-old mystery about the growth of the most massive elliptical galaxies we see today. |
For example, one theory has it that the most massive galaxies, as inferred by measurements of their total starlight, have the most X-ray binaries. |
Adding up the gases, Werk found that at least 10 times, and possibly up to 100 times, as much cold gas surrounds galaxies as researchers had previously estimated. |
The amount of image distortion is quantified by comparing the images to those acquired from galaxies outside the effect of the gravitational lens in the same region of space. |
Aimed at astronomy and physics majors, it offers thorough coverage of galactic structure and evolution, active galaxies, cosmology, and the history of the universe. |
Understanding how the first active galaxies and quasars formed in the early Universe and how they evolved along Cosmic Time is a major observational and theoretical effort. |
It tells us more about the powerful ionized winds that allow supermassive black holes in the nuclei of active galaxies to expel large amounts of matter. |
The well-known dipole anistropy, which is interpreted as being due to a motion of our local group of galaxies and is not a cosmological problem, does appear. |
Previous surveys had compared the motions of the local group of galaxies, including the one in which we live, to farily large reference groups of spiral galaxies. |
It is unusual to find galaxies so close to the Milky Way, yet Vela offers a dozen or more NGC galaxies in the eastern extreme of the constellation, spilling over into Antlia. |
Although the galaxies reside in patches of sky that contain no visible foreground objects, the team discerned the effect of gravitational lensing. |
Nearly all the afterglows that astronomers have detected come from gamma-ray bursts that arose in galaxies that lie 2 billion to 8 billion light-years away. |