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How to use frame of mind in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "frame of mind"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
What you need to do is to get in the right frame of mind by reading up on the subject.
Whistling a quick tune or two can really help you keep a positive frame of mind when life's little niggles get to you.
We won't know until the inspectors get there what his frame of mind is, but it's pretty bellicose in the meantime.
Once an individual has this frame of mind the sky is the limit for opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
After they pass their test people have a different frame of mind and it can help build confidence.
It would be a nice one to win, and I hope every player will approach the game in a determined frame of mind.
I have regular check-ups and I'm in a very positive frame of mind about the situation.
Come back at a later stage and maybe you will be in a better frame of mind.
Of course, we would have to put ourselves in the right frame of mind for this to succeed.
They do, however, represent a captive audience and, what is more, an audience in a highly receptive frame of mind.
Fourteen is not an easy age and getting your children into the right frame of mind for these tests can be difficult.
In any case, the ads, if you're in the right frame of mind, can resonate almost symphonically with the poetry.
You could end up in a frame of mind, a digressive meditation on the dislocation of people or cultures, or you could end up in prison.
Delightfully conceived and beautifully shot, the video captures Peter's carefree frame of mind perfectly.
If at any point in describing your options you find your opponents in an agreeable frame of mind, hit them with a yesable proposal.
She found question one very easy and it started her off in a good frame of mind.
Reading, writing and rereading my list keeps me in a positive frame of mind.
While trying to put myself into her frame of mind, a sudden and unprovoked eureka moment came over me.
Not especially in a mood to linger and look around I made a mental note to return in a better frame of mind.
A frame of mind such as this may incline you to greater intimacy with your nearest and dearest.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Then in an unhappy frame of mind he went down by the train to Stevenage, and was there met by the rectory pony-carriage.
In this ireful frame of mind, Mabel met the ladies of the Advisory Council.
And then he betook himself to bed in a frame of mind that was not unenviable.
Mr Armstrong found him in an unusually balmy frame of mind, anxious to go into the executorship accounts.
Wade was not in a frame of mind to see any picturesqueness in that frowsy crowd.
But the magistrate was not in a frame of mind to stickle for nicety of expression.
The kab ha-Yashar breathes a spirit of gloomy asceticism, and is expressive of a funereal frame of mind.
And this was the frame of mind in which I rode out of Lhasa on our march homeward.
I do not know how I came to see them, for I was not in an ornithological frame of mind.
Hicks consented to eat crow only after Mr. Ware had cursed and cajoled him into a better and more forgiving frame of mind.
It will be guessed that Mr. Chalmers Payne was in an irritable frame of mind.
On my way to Cs home I tried to put myself in the frame of mind of a genuine seeker after transcendental knowledge.
Mrs. Rushton was sitting at her work, in rather a disconsolate frame of mind.
And he finished his sentence with a practical illustration of his frame of mind.
But the gentleman, now coming up the drive, was not in the proper frame of mind for groundling observation.
He must keep in sympathetic touch with the new, damning the know-it-all frame of mind.
It was in that frame of mind that he returned to Mrs. Bracebridge's home from his visit to Lorrie Street.
I started the trip to see the real French Army in the most open but unexpectant frame of mind.
It was really amazing, for everyone seemed in a heavenly frame of mind, and self-denial was all the fashion.
Miss Garth's elaborate satire, addressed to her while she was in this frame of mind, was a purely gratuitous waste of Miss Garth's breath.
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