The Government has been accused of fostering a tax avoidance culture after it emerged that millions have been lost on a tax loophole. |
At the time, the Arab ambassadors expressed their interest in fostering more business links with Scottish companies. |
She says that she and her husband explained to their biological children about fostering and that the children are happy with it. |
In January 1981, Havering considered reassessing the couple as foster parents for long term fostering. |
Political reform in the country is fostering greater openness about past atrocities but little accountability. |
The party also earned a damaging reputation for miserliness by cutting pensions and salaries and fostering economic alarmism. |
The Government have placed fostering a culture of respect at the centre of their legislative programme in the Queen's Speech. |
There was a discussion on fostering greater regional connectivity in the field of energy. |
How do you strike the right balance between unnecessarily fostering fears and encouraging a blithe indifference to real and present dangers? |
He impressed judges with his business prowess and the commitment he has shown in fostering more than 60 children. |
By fostering individual bilingualism in anglophones, the program would also eventually produce qualified applicants for civil service positions. |
What appears to be at issue is whether fostering critical thought is done in a partisan manner. |
By fostering a work environment that is overtly misandrist and hostile to male employees they create discrimination against men. |
The Scottish Executive will shortly publish a report on the role of education in fostering transferable skills and personal attributes. |
Also fostering corruption are the hosts of permissions businessmen must obtain to conduct normal operations. |
He was taught privately, his father assiduously fostering his musical talents. |
The minority institutions have been accused of harbouring anti-national elements and fostering anti-national culture without a shred of evidence. |
Financial and material resources are often shared, and child fostering is common. |
Taxes with or without representation are evil, ever fostering harm and destruction. |
At 15, she took up golf and immediately thrived on her country's uniquely methodical approach to fostering the best young talent. |
The program is committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community participation. |
So we are training the workforce of the future and fostering growth and innovation. |
With aid and arms flowing in, the ruling group was interested not in fostering economic development but in self-enrichment. |
Those who paid more attention to the threat from popery argued for an eirenic approach to Dissent, in the hope of fostering Protestant unity. |
You said it depends on the corporation, so tell me what difference the corporate culture makes to fostering psychopathic behaviour? |
First, therapists ' empathic responses are often critical in fostering an open exploration of what can be a very personal area. |
Educational efforts, on the other hand, trigger guilt, thereby fostering the retreat into further denial. |
Rewards assisted in encouraging and fostering a positive learning environment. |
Staff turnover has remained fairly low, fostering the program's capacity to develop lasting relationships with parents and children. |
But the baby boy isn't Karen's son, he is one of the children she and her husband are fostering. |
If Chicago lacks the vision to see ahead, it will reap the harvest of fostering a kindergarten on the streets where gamins learn crime. |
For children, dietary guidance must focus on health promotion and habits fostering later prevention of chronic diseases. |
Throughout his long career, Domingo has been devoted to fostering the next generation of talent. |
But the repudiation of a dollar devaluation policy was subsequently pushed to an opposite extreme, thereby fostering a new set of disequilibria. |
Foods are over-sugared and over-salted to stimulate over-eating and consumption of sugar, fostering obesity, in turn generating millions for the health industry. |
Feminist theory could do much toward exploding the myth that parenting is a sex-linked trait, and toward fostering an understanding of how men can nurture and take on child care responsibilities. |
We take satisfaction in fostering long-term relationships with our clients, appreciating and anticipating their real estate requirements. |
How can economic resources be brought to bear in fostering innovation, and who should muster them? |
Maintaining and stabling horses is also costly, fostering the perception of polo as an elitist's pastime enjoyed by only the affluent. |
They are instrumental in fostering grass roots support for local air quality programs. |
Such debates are essential for fostering a consensus-building process, and I encourage you to make even more vigorous use of them this year. |
A show of this range can create an intoxicating sense of mastery, fostering the illusion that one can drink in the essence of a century during an afternoon. |
The music of Johnny O Leary was credited with fostering a renewed interest in traditional Irish dance and he was a firm favourite with those who enjoy a lively polka or sets. |
We grew up together while a close friend of my mother was fostering me. |
As a community committed to fostering a vibrant discussion of the issues of the day, we can tolerate frustration, anger, hyperbole, dissenting views or the use of biting humor. |
It intends to act as a go-between fostering the dissemination and sharing of new knowledge and initiatives. |
Canadians and the House of Commons are committed to fostering and treasuring Canada's diversity. |
God appears as a sadist and there is the psychological risk of fostering in human beings a doloristic mentality. |
Clarinetist Louise Campbell seeks to interrogate and renew the traditional concert format while fostering the creation of new works. |
One factor, and let's not beat around the bush, is that the Afghan government has accused the ISI of fostering all those things over there. |
By fostering intolerance, such words and deeds play right into the hands of our enemies and waken our national character. |
Learn how to make real change in a young girl's life by fostering positive self-esteem within her. |
Over time, ADC has experienced significant success in pursuing economic opportunities and fostering positive community relations. |
But it is a suffocating embrace, less concerned with fostering Abkhazian independence than with ensuring Russia's own prominence. |
This was so because a negative list approach connoted a more open attitude of fostering entry and new investment. |
We need to become more and more convinced of that-not by fostering extremism or narrow-mindedness, but by really living by those principles. |
The indispensability of the Pan African University in fostering African integration should be stressed. |
It is permanent fostering and the basic living expenses of the foster child are financed by the civil affairs bureau. |
This task is easier said than done and the courts should play a role in fostering this task. |
The blue pomander supports the highest communication of love, fostering the inspirational and devotional aspects. |
By its very actions the Liberal government is creating and fostering this environment across the nation of separateness, of divisiveness. |
Emmanuel d'Alzon invites us to work with passion and disinterestedness at fostering vocations for the service of the Church. |
They have the important task of fostering and developing cooperation getting over the political limits which often restrain the States action. |
Such an exertion can range from bringing Muslims closer to the faith to fostering social cohesion. |
Regional cooperation remains an essential element of the Stabilisation and Association Process and in fostering good neighbourly relations. |
This would, of course, short-circuit our plan of fostering gradual, but enduring growth. |
We believe that fostering dedication to the many facets of medieval culture is key to our growth as a barony and community. |
Most politicians today defend multiculturalism and sneer at Ukip policies, while assiduously fostering fears about immigration. |
All States have the serious responsibility of fostering the national interest and the common good. |
In the meantime, today's Russia is fostering sneering attitude to low-paid research scientists. |
This consolidation in the Basic Sciences Faculty is fostering interdisciplinary cooperation. |
Canada has a long history of building diplomatic bridges toward consensus and fostering practical strategies that garner widespread support. |
By fostering direct participation of young people, organisations see themselves as a useful counterbalance to the institutions. |
Such conferences would offer greater firsthand experience in fostering and pursuing the emergence of leaders and teachers. |
These effects were thought to be related to anoxia or death of fostering mothers during the lactation period. |
Just as important for the quality of our service and for securing the future is the fostering of the right way of thinking. |
Cridland, however, was adamant that fostering growth and cutting the deficit were not mutually exclusive. |
The Guggenheim certainly doesn't claim to be in the business of fostering local culture, nor would you expect it to. |
The Eurosystem believes that the use of inventive additional optional services should be welcomed, as they are vital for fostering innovation. |
This system must not mislead us into fostering the widespread learning only of these five languages. |
Supporting sustainable growth and fostering an economic climate in which job creation can flourish remains firmly at the top of the agenda. |
Driven by compassion, we are dedicated to winning the battle against breast cancer by fostering innovation and respect in all our initiatives. |
Mediation can be very useful because it focuses on maintaining and fostering ongoing relationships. |
The research tax credit is a very effective mechanism for fostering innovation in France. |
Since 1991, Bangladesh has been pursuing a policy of economic reform aimed at fostering growth in its small but vibrant private sector. |
They have a responsibility in regard to the price of coffee because of its relation to the fostering of greater equity. |
This forum is fostering closer cooperation as it shores up the democratic process in countries in the Caspian, Black and Baltic Sea regions. |
Overusing broad-spectrum antibiotics is just as bad as overprescribing antibiotics in general when it comes to fostering bacterial resistance to antibiotics. |
As a television director, I have spent much of my career making wildlife inserts for children's programmes, in the hope of fostering kindness and respect. |
The ISI came to the CIA for assistance in fostering a revolt that had developed in the Afghan countryside against Communist rule. |
The modern world has strayed somewhat from fostering the same sense of adventure that bred his youthful imagination. |
Both accused Johnson of fostering a leniency that abetted crime. |
The Midland Health Board has launched a quarterly newsletter to keep foster carers informed on issues, events and developments relevant to fostering. |
Sometimes you have to lend a good part of your day to fostering friendly relations with those about you even if you'd rather be doing something else. |
By fostering individual bilingualism in anglophones, the programme would also eventually produce qualified applicants for civil service positions. |
Huckabee should deliver a jeremiad lambasting Washington for its role in fostering the housing collapse and the Great Recession. |
This is a kind of cultural fostering in which the role of parents is reduced to agents providing the money to buy in what is needful for a rich and complete childhood. |
Todd Rundgren, a 1970s progressive rock musician with a loyal fan base, has become one of the first musicians to master the Internet as a means of fostering sales. |
It's an opportunity for box holders to thank a captive audience for their loyalty, as well as fostering goodwill, generating new business and cementing working relationships. |
We reject them because they will put still more power to politicians and bureaucrats, because they stifle economic development rather than fostering it. |
Some people loot while others lend support, and both of these took place in New Orleans. Some lean toward despair fostering anarchy while others respond to challenges with creativity. |
Placing the cannabis industry in the hands of nonprofits committed to fostering public health would rejigger the incentive structure. |
This attitude is somewhat patronizing, and if not corrected in time, it would hinder the fostering of good relations between United Nations organizations and their host countries. |
The aim pursued by the action plan is twofold: make mentalities evolve and allow for the fostering of a pool of competencies essential to the long-term development of the Group. |
Encouraging civic action, fostering repopulation, providing information and resources is the foundation on which we build and grow. |
In this way, each store's environmental indicators are reviewed, fostering a positive sense of emulation, while exchanging best practices is making it possible to gradually bring all stores up to the same performance levels. |
The Agreement marks a new beginning by fostering international trade and investment in order to build on the already significant investment by Canada in Europe and by Europe in Canada. |
They should become an important vehicle for fostering cross-party cooperation, notably through consideration of complex proposals while legislation is being drafted and not just after bills have been presented. |
These sessions are aimed at fostering awareness among employees with regard to the problems relating to dementia and arming them with sufficient knowledge to be able to deal with, prevent and manage disruptive behaviour. |
By being vigilant to the space the family offers to the looked after: the family should never be anything else than a family fostering him transitorily, with its wealth and limits, which is already considerable! |
It arises because of the cupidity of politicians and political parties, which attempt to buy votes in effect through fostering distorted values of parity price. |
Launched in 2002, the Bank of Canada Fellowship Program will contribute importantly to the Bank's objective of fostering leading-edge research through partnerships with outside organizations and individuals. |
Meditation has two aspects: it may be devoted to fostering an ideal that will transform and guide our lives, or it may be merely brooding on one's self as seen in the trivialities of day-to-day living. |
It also recommends that the Czech authorities remain vigilant in identifying cases where media professionals transgress the law through fostering racial hatred. |
Revamping employment systems helps employers integrate employment equity into their infrastructure and management practices, fostering a culture that supports an equitable workplace. |
True, the capability to handle these matters is essential, both for fostering a climate of probity in the Secretariat and for the financial savings involved. |
In addition, the sector plays a crucial role in fostering innovation, in particular for devices and networks. |
It aims to give pupils enough opportunities to practice with a view to strengthening their achievement, in a context of overlearning, thus fostering memory retention and skill development. |
We must nonetheless never forget that the key to improving social conditions is, firstly, fostering economic growth, which creates jobs and wealth, and secondly, redistributing this wealth judiciously. |
And while never actually fostering it, he has basked shamelessly in the myth that bald men are somehow smarter and more virile than their hairier brethren. |
The company's ability to innovate and come up with reliable technology has attracted the leading names in industry fostering the development of new market segments for partners looking for precious metals based innovation. |
While respecting company cultures and fostering autonomy, Gimv actively promotes companies' growth, helping them mature, innovate and distinguish themselves from their competitors. |
So? How does Davos rank on fostering innovation and creativity? |
These short-term assignments provided a very useful opportunity for ECB and NCB staff to gain from each other's experience, thus fostering an ESCB-wide team spirit. |
In fact, the integrity, independence and impartiality of the judiciary are essential to protecting human rights and fostering economic development. |
It turns out that globalisation, while promising sameness through brand-name consumption, was fostering, through uneven economic growth, an intense feeling of difference. |
Human rights education in schools, with a focus on fostering a strong sense of internationalism, especially concern for those in dire circumstances, would be helpful. |
Justice, honour and freedom are our charge for now and forever. We serve best by fostering these principles in ourselves, our children and their children so long as The Royal Canadian Legion shall survive. |
These upgrades will reduce gridlock and make the road safer while contributing to economic growth and fostering the development of tourism in the region. |
The app assists in the creation of intelligent shopping lists, step-by-step cooking instructions, and the fostering of cook-to-cook connections. |
Burk examines the role of oral communication in fostering student involvement in the classroom. |
While the following recommendations are not exhaustive, they provide a basis for consolidating the achievements to date and fostering further progress in the peacebuilding process. |
Mary began her fostering of Percy's poetic reputation in 1824 with the publication of his Posthumous Poems. |
The Palancia river, which has its source at Los Cloticos beauty spot, flows right by the village, fostering a rich and varied vegetation and excellent land for farming. |
Simon Jenkins is confusing freedom of expression with fostering hatred – a tactic much used by those who wish to be free to discriminate against others while being protected from being discriminated against. |
With his words, he showed his pleasure at seeing so many committed young people fostering democratic values and engaging themselves in political life. |
However, creating the appropriate environment and fostering the enabling factors is not enough and does not automatically link to the fulfillment of human rights obligations. |
Which demonstrates the heavy responsibility of military leaders, who need to teach, promote and exemplify the values required to prevent the brotherhood of arms being corrupted to the extent of fostering barbarity. |
To increase motivation among management, we will focus on preparing candidates for management positions, fostering continuous skills development and managing performance in accordance with our needs and objectives. |
The country was fostering a countrywide information and communication technologies network, and the aim of the Government was to build a competitive information society making good use of the country's best elements. |
By fostering coterie of highly skilled health researchers, the project is also striving to create positive momentum that will have a lasting ripple effect. |
Yet what a marvelous thing it was that in the sordid jail on Robbens Island there were people like Nelson Mandela, capable of fostering love with open arms instead of stirring up hatred and vengeance. |
I have received a number of letters from very thoughtful constituents who are concerned that we may be fostering human rights abuses through this trade agreement. |
I would like to say that Italy, a country held in high esteem and loved for its civilised values, asks Europe to fulfil its role in strengthening security and fostering integration. |
We need to continue with the approach this government is taking by fostering and building a strong Canadian economy to make sure as many Canadians as possible have jobs. |
Vertical integration needs to be replaced by more open and flexible market structures, fostering competition and allowing economies of scale to be realised. |
In a show of solidarity with developing countries, the participants vowed to continue their drive toward fostering development and ensuring efficient and prompt delivery of aid to partner countries. |
We do this by fostering SIC as an efficient payment traffic system. |
In 1993, the CAFSU launched a vast campaign aimed at educating the entire population on the island of Montréal about the importance of fostering social solidarity as a way of improving women's safety and sense of safety. |
Whether by this indirect means Leading Houses are actually successful or not in fostering innovation, remains an open question but certainly the effort goes in the right direction. |
Female distribution, genetic relatedness, and fostering behaviour in harbour seals, Phoca vitulina. |
The RSPCA said the young horses and ponies available for fostering are aged between one and three and are all happy, healthy and handleable. |
In Kirklees there are 185 fostering houss seholds and 418 looked-after children. |
A robust civil society and media enjoy unprecedented freedom in carrying out their watchdog function, while a Truth and Reconciliation Commission has begun its work in fostering the processes of contrition and forgiveness. |
The convocation of the first synodal assembly for Europe took place following the fall of totalitarianism, fostering at that time the new living conditions which now provide the basis for calling this second synodal assembly. |
A mix of traditional Japanese design and modern architecture is brought together with simplicity, refinement and avant-gardism fostering a cozy atmosphere and friendly scenery. |
Mini rugby is another variant of rugby union aimed at fostering the sport in children. |
The King's success in dividing the barons and in fostering a reaction, however, rendered such projects hopeless. |
Agricultural food production and water management are increasingly becoming global issues that are fostering debate on a number of fronts. |
Finally, another virtue is attributed to decentralization: fostering experimentation insomuch as the good practices of certain local government units can be replicated and benefit other local government units. |
This vision reflects an increasingly accepted view that whereas society cannot guarantee equal outcomes for its citizens, it must become much more resolute in fostering equal opportunities. |
Sub-national or federate data protection authorities are first-rate protagonists in the fostering of the principles of protection of personal data and respect for privacy. |
Venice and other Italian maritime republics played a key role in fostering capitalism. |
This range of measures must involve, inter alia, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship, allaying the fears attached to risk-taking and setting up a simple and efficient administrative framework. |
Against the backdrop of these challenges that we are confronted with, we are committed to fostering political dialogue as the essential mechanism for preventing recourse to insurrection and armed struggle. |
Alvarado's regime undertook radical reforms aimed at fostering development, but failed to gain widespread support. |
The move would have had the side effect of fostering relations with the Swiss. |
Coppem is conceived taking as reference the 1995 Barcelona Declaration in particular as to fostering the establishment of a free trade area, stability and development zone in Mediterranean Sea. |
The PLI successfully and quickly addressed the root causes of vulnerability among pastoralist communities, helping to retain their livelihood by fostering financial and economic integration with the society at large. |
This qualitative study sought to identify the benefits of fostering children with disabilities from a sample of 44 foster parents who reported having cared for a foster child with a disability in the past year. |
The war has polarised the European countries, and the Indians are fighting for independence, fostering the notion of Gandhism. |
In our time, perhaps more than any other, we need to reawaken a sense of wonder and reverence for the earth as one means of fostering a sense of care for creation and solidarity with others. |
Such defaulting member States need to restore the confidence of the international community by complying with all United Nations resolutions and fostering meaningful cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency. |
Going wide with the scope of engagement, however, is only half of the equation behind fostering strong citizen engagement. |
The legal community of Canada, especially legal scholars, were particularly active in fostering the debate and in calling attention to the issue of the search for balance between security and civil liberties. |
The foster family and the looked after might then build together a new sense of the fostering that would be less distressful for him, and more rewarding for the family. |
In the end, the underlying objective of all this persuasion, the heart of the matter, is fostering leadership and accountability on the part of everyone concerned. |
This program is committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community participation and the challenge of national competition. |
It's critical to hammer home the message that fostering is an opportunity for many. |
It also urges parliaments to ask their governments to ensure that United Nations documents on South-South cooperation make mention of the important role that parliaments have to play in fostering South-South cooperation. |
Attempts to justify this by the public taste for light entertainment or gratifying illusions is, in the present case, tantamount to frivolously disclaiming any guilt for something akin to the fostering of infantilism. |
Teachers can encourage students to have a sense of ownership for classroom learning by fostering a climate of give and take where they listen to each other respectfully, share ideas and consider alternative viewpoints. |
Chapter I of the document is an invitation to rediscovery the meaning and value of old age, fostering its proper charisms: disinterestedness, memory, experience, interdependence, a more complete vision of life. |
Like other enlightened despots, Catherine the Great played a key role in fostering the arts, sciences, and education. |
The broad and open availability of such public information is an important part of building participatory democracy, fostering open debate, and promoting good government processes. |
Many people can choose between a fixed-line provider and several wireless services. Finland's experience suggests that competition pays, fostering low prices and innovatory service. |
The meetings are held with the dual purpose of examining issues of security, arms control and disarmament and of fostering cooperation with and among research institutes in the areas concerned. |
This is not conducive to fostering the cooperation that would be needed for the proposed conference on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction. |
Physician enculturation, socialization and fostering feelings of belonging. |
He will be actively involved in fostering an academic environment and enhancing research opportunities for the trainees and faculty in neonatology. |
I am arguing, rather, that by endorsing and even fostering a pervasive instrumentalism, we help create conditions in which cheating is likely to be common. |
The Gallipoli campaign played an important part in fostering New Zealand's national identity and strengthened the ANZAC tradition it shares with Australia. |
In fact, manufacturers and utility companies figured prominently in the IES membership rolls and committees, fostering recommended light levels in access of 100 foot-candles. |
Chadwick Carter Blackwell is currently fostering two companies, however, from 1996-2000 he earned the Governor's Fellowship award which allowed him to get where he is today. |
The provision is intended to unshackle the power sector by fostering competition, transparency and efficiency for the ultimate good of the consumer as well as the sector. |
The K-12 Alliance, a WestEd science and mathematics initiative, is dedicated to promoting change and fostering excellence inscience and math education. |
While she is passionate about fostering, she says that fosterers need patience and understanding and have to be prepared to hear things that will upset them. |
The Macedonian emperors also increased the Empire's wealth by fostering trade with Western Europe, particularly through the sale of silk and metalwork. |
This self-determined growth, in the classical mould of fostering nations that history will mark, is what distinguishes the UAE in the eyes of the world. |
Thomas University embraces students of all faiths and remains dedicated to fostering the finer moral and ethical values that define the Judeo-Christian tradition. |
In Brazil, as in other developing countries, appointed bureaucrats are encouraged to advance the particular interests of their appointers as opposed to fostering agency goals. |
At first his body lay in state, but since so many people came to see it, the reformers were afraid that they would be accused of fostering a new saint's cult. |