It goes beyond the age, gender, location formula to match individuals based on mutual friends and similar interests. |
There is no magic formula for parenting teens but parents need to talk and listen to their children. |
However, formula fed infants are resistant to oral anticoagulants because of a high concentration of vitamin K in their diet. |
Unlike mammals, chicks do not feed on milk formula as their stomachs cannot digest it. |
The tips on rounding hours to the next quarter-hour or tenth-hour and dropping your own VBA procedure into a formula were most ingenious. |
The chemical formula for quinone is C 6 H 4 O 2, and its molecular weight is 108.1 grams per mole. |
He was breast-fed and is now being weaned on a vegetarian diet of pulses, vegetables, fruits, baby rice, pasta and formula milk made from soya. |
Notice that the formula involves the use of the exponential function, and that the angles must be in radians. |
The Lootens formula keeps sulfite content low, uses very little bromide, and adds small amounts of citric acid and potassium thiocyanate. |
And their professed adhesion to the economic formula of Socialism would not of itself be good enough to alter my attitude towards them. |
There is no clear-cut formula as to the effect of a rallying speech by a president on consumer spending. |
Simply buff the formula onto your face with the accompanying kabuki brush for a bronze goddess finish. |
The High Court said while granting maintenance, some formula or yardstick must be adopted and it must not be whimsical or arbitrary. |
The volume of each egg was approximated using the formula for the volume of a prolate spheroid. |
These grand masters of French pop-punk follow the Ramones formula of backing colourful, catchy, sunny melodies with raunch and muscle. |
In fact, I feel strongly that if ready-made cocktails are not going to stick to the classic formula they should choose another name. |
The new formula will be based on a simple percentage of income, net of tax, National Insurance and pension contributions. |
You're surely not suggesting that women should abandon their struggle for equality to stay home and mix formula instead? |
This was even more likely before fellow collectors started to pay attention to formula air letter sheets. |
The same formula appears in the recital relating to the purpose of the 1880 purchase. |
There is no formula for reconciling this conflict of principles and no easy answer. |
Please make sure that you don't reconstitute your infant formula with water that is not purified. |
The general notion of a well-formed formula is defined recursively as follows. |
At its most basic the structural formula is the chemical formula showing the bonds that are present. |
Like the molecular formula, the structural formula of a substance gives the exact number of atoms of each element per molecule. |
Still, any form of prophesying requires a logical formula and, for what it is worth, here is mine. |
Some alchemists spent their entire lives trying to discover the magic formula that would enable them to convert base metals into gold. |
To provide the full molecular formula, the structural formula must also be considered. |
That's about all there is to the game, but just because the formula is simple, didn't need to mean the gameplay was lackluster. |
Its nourishing shea butter formula also gives conditioning shine to lackluster locks. |
He is willing to give the formula for free to any country that asks, provided that they agree to lay down their arms and live in peace. |
However, such a complex formula would hardly be of practical use for analysing measured pressure relaxation curves. |
As it turns out, Dr. Jekyll has invented a chemical formula that can turn a person into his alter ego. |
He got the formula right, but had not looked up the melting point of aluminum. |
Yet in Chile, as in several other countries that have experimented with large-scale amnesties, the formula of truth not justice has failed. |
The original surf movies basically played the formula for laughs, with a few cheap thrills mixed in. |
One successful formula involves the skillful alternation between aerobic and anaerobic training. |
Butene and ethene have the same empirical formula CH 2 but different molecular and structural formulas. |
We've gotten a monomer from the most effective formula by analyzing its ingredients and chemical components. |
Bateman's method was the now familiar one of applying the complex inversion formula of the Laplace transform. |
Note that the proximity formula seamlessly extends to non-binary connectivity matrices. |
Divorce takes place when a man pronounces a formula or when a religious judge annuls the marriage at the instigation of the husband or wife. |
The extra costs were funded by the Department of Health according to a formula linked to the numbers of consultants expected to opt in. |
Its 92 problems illustrate the formula for summing an arithmetic progression. |
The formula also applies to configurations in which one or two of the touching circles are replaced by straight lines. |
The formula for computing the volume of a rhombus, that's something you forget. |
Babies who go to bed with a bottle of milk, formula or juice are more likely to get tooth decay. |
The formula is as old as the casting couch, but it's what you do with it that matters. |
No-one gets an easy ride, no-one receives hero status, and when they get the right ingredients the formula fizzes. |
With the screamo, the manic guitar riffage and the pseudo-intellectual lyrics, Horace Pinker have followed this tried-and-true formula to a tee. |
It follows the formula rigorously, meaning that, once the characters have initially found each other, complications must break them apart. |
Once the perimeter and the apothem are known, the formula relating the two to area can be used to solve for the area. |
A formula for the line integral of the geodesic curvature along a closed curve is known as the Gauss Bonnet theorem. |
I fed him some jarred baby food and apple sauce and helped him drink formula from a sippy cup. |
The gel-creme formula goes on smoothly and soaks in instantly, leaving you feeling silky soft. |
I fumbled in his baby bag for his bottle and formula before asking a flight attendant for a cup of warm water. |
The same formula applies to every version of orienteering, including night orienteering, mountain orienteering and rogaines. |
Anyway, using James's formula to calculate Griffey's chance of reaching 756 HRs, we can trace the arc of his career. |
Our soaps are made using a traditional Castile soap formula from the 19th century. |
Scientists said yesterday they believe they have found a formula which will lead to cats and dogs living longer. |
Mostly, though, it follows the romcom formula right through to its series of misunderstandings and foregone conclusions. |
Of course all genres have their formulas, and just like any formula film a romcom can be a joy when the journey is well done. |
The conditionally essential amino acid arginine has also been added to this formula to help support growth factor production. |
The results were used with a formula to measure a brain region called the medial-temporal lobe. |
Regardless of whether you choose to use the sight reduction tables or prefer the haversine formula you will require a nautical almanac. |
Common Rule does not give an answer, and it is bootless to look for a precise formula or quota. |
In this formula all dimensions are in inches and the mutual inductance is in microhenrys. |
Most rap still follows the initial formula of rhymed couplets that casually mix full rhyme with assonance. |
Consider the cost of 36 nappy changes a day, 24 feeds, five tubs of baby formula and four and a half boxes of rusks per week. |
The beach boffins came up with a formula to work out the quality of the grains of sand and its cohesive powers. |
He often returned to the topic of his first research paper on the error term in an asymptotic formula discovered by Gauss. |
One formula to prevent baldness included a mixture of wine, saffron, pepper, vinegar and rat dung. |
The only thing missing was the Gipper's slicked back do, all Grecian formula and hair oil. |
In his first season racing he won the Techno formula category last year and was second in the junior slalom. |
I just wish they'd give away free samples or sell smaller-sized bags so I can more cheaply see which formula this puppy prefers. |
Mick Inkpen hit on the magic formula of familiarity-breeds-content well over a decade ago, and has been capitalising on it ever since. |
It also taught us, by letting us shred some business plans that succeeded, that there is no magic formula for picking a successful business. |
They're trying to find the magic formula to get those younger viewers that the advertising agencies want. |
Her decision to re-enter formal education and gain a degree boosted her self confidence, but proved not to be the magic formula for a job. |
The proof needs another formula about tangents of angles that we have not covered on the Pi and the Fibonacci Numbers page. |
Express a small amount of formula from the bottle and wipe it over the nipple. |
But Maharishi has come up with a formula for world peace, which he believes can be achieved with large groups of meditators. |
These bobweights simulate the total weight from the formula used in weighing all the components. |
There, they pronounced the formula of unconditional surrender for the Axis powers. |
The United States Joint Economic Committee recently proposed a simple formula for sharing revenues from seigniorage as follows. |
Think of a screen as a formula or recipe of ingredients used to guide computer software to select a batch of good stock picks. |
Underfeeding can also result from improper feeding techniques and errors in formula preparation. |
But no matter how hard it tries, it is still steeped in a great too many of the standard formula facets of the traditional oater. |
As the Worthington Cup final proved, they continue to hold the formula for beating Manchester United. |
Some people think a meritocracy would reward literary novelists more than those who write formula romances. |
Mixing sentimentalism and human rights, however, remains just as potent a formula in the twenty-first century as the nineteenth. |
The major reported sticking point is the manner in which a profit-sharing formula is to be framed. |
Here, it is crucial that there is no formula that connects them, that our experience is irreducibly multiform. |
The other herbs in the formula are adjusted and dosed according to signs and symptoms. |
So your little metamathematical formula jumps off the page and applies itself to the universe. |
His formula gives an exceptionally brilliant tonal rendition and a very cool image color. |
If you have normal skin, use a dry skin formula during the winter and an oily-skin toner during the summer. |
The estimation methodology using this formula is explained in detail in the Appendix. |
An earlier version of the formula published on the newsgroup called for 2.5 grams of metol in place of the phenidone. |
In the second decade Patinir established a formula for the painting of calm seas, while interest in depicting stormy seas came later. |
But now the magic formula is lost forever in the new free-market multichannel onslaught and it is the viewers who, ultimately, have paid for it. |
The general formula is middle-of-the-road songwriting layered with U2 inspired bloat and some alternative or indie-rock window dressing. |
Currently, perfume manufacturers are not required to reveal the fragrance formula because it is considered a trade secret. |
Unfortunately the formula that produces big laughs on screen is somewhat less amusing for the fans of this latter long-running tragicomedy. |
The formula expects the current to be in amps, but we've been given the current rating in milliamps. |
Essiac herbal formula consists of equal parts burdock, slippery elm, sheep sorrel, and turkey rhubarb. |
Subsequently, Dippel turned to alchemy and claimed to have discovered a secret formula by which he transmuted silver and mercury into pure gold. |
They come in a special formula mix which contains blends of burgundy, clear yellow, rosy-red with golden tips and other red and gold bicolors. |
Computing individual hexadecimal digits using that formula relies on a venerable technique known as the binary algorithm for exponentiation. |
The only catch is that the formula works for hexadecimal or binary digits but not for decimal digits. |
Now Stirling's formula is a classical approximation for the factorial function, and factorials are one way to evaluate binomial coefficients. |
The chemical formula provides a great deal of information about a substance in shorthand form. |
The use of a Trinity formula of any sort was not suggested in the early Church history. |
Intending sororicides will do well to get this formula fastened in their memories. |
The aims of Quoting Caravaggio are ambitious and laudable, and Mieke Bal's formula for a contemporary baroque is intriguing. |
Epoxies come in a two-part formula of catalyst and hardener, and must be mixed together in equal portions to form an adhesive. |
And finally, a French physicist has come up with a mathematical formula for skimming stones on water. |
Elemental analysis is often used to confirm the molecular formula deduced from spectroscopic experiments. |
Generally, one formula includes 40 to 50 types of herbal medicine, such as ginseng, tuckahoe, honey, medlar and tuber of multiflower knotweed. |
The porter tries to conceal his blackness by using a toxic chemical formula on his hair and skin. |
The length of an athlete's blades is determined by a formula that includes his height. |
Quiet and shy, he looks down while he mumbles his answers, monosyllabically, to questions about the approaching formula one season. |
This number results from a formula that is intended to represent a boat's expected motion in a seaway. |
Is God a fool, a simpleton who can be fobbed off with an empty formula of words? |
Used either in formula or individually, it serves to regulate the metabolism, prevent bloating and counteract obesity. |
I can remember roughly how to differentiate a standard xy formula but sines, cosines and tangents are a mystery. |
This satin smooth and ultra-fine formula applies easily to the skin to create definition and structure. |
I fed him some jarred baby food and apple sauce, helped him drink formula from a sippy cup, and then we went on our long walk. |
Moutan is also said to move the blood, thus this formula contains two blood movers. |
Avoid blocking the nose with food or formula so your kitten can breathe easily and not panic. |
We need to bring a new formula for habitation closer to 500 m from the seacoast for which a positive view is necessary. |
Jarvis bonuses are calculated on a set formula which includes the meeting of operational safety targets. |
The result is disappointing for fans of musical innovation but a bankable formula to success for Maiden, who never pretended to musical genius. |
Non-commercial bus contracts in non-urban New South Wales rely on a funding formula to secure financial support for the delivery of bus services. |
The vinegar in this formula will help to remove stains, odors and soften the water. |
Therefore, this formula warms the kidneys and warms the spleen, secures the intestines and stops diarrhea. |
Section 4 proposes a formula for computing members' research output scores that takes into account quality, quantity and contribution aspects. |
A formula for the sum of n terms of this series can be obtained by the same method used for summing the ordinary geometric series. |
The long-term financial commitment required for tenure track faculty suggest that most formula and state appropriations are used for salaries. |
The dental formula of tenrecs varies considerably among species, reflecting the diversity of the group. |
The formula is nontoxic, o-ring friendly, nonstaining and will not degrade rubber or polymers. |
Indeed Cardan gives precisely the conditions here for the formula to involve square roots of negative numbers. |
Its formula of butcher's broom, organic birch leaves and organic rosemary help promote circulation to your problem areas. |
It was hard at first to square Richard's manipulativeness with his stupidity until you saw that they were the formula for his success. |
Maintenance payments will be calculated by a formula based on the income of the non-resident parent, discounting tax and pension contributions. |
Infant monkeys fed baby formula supplemented with omega-3 are stronger and more alert even at less than a week than monkeys given standard baby formula. |
They were brave because they resisted formula and eschewed attitudinising. |
After three days on foot in the Serengeti, the less-is-more formula of Natural High advocates makes complete sense. |
In the event that particular and substantial injustices arise from the formula it would remain open to the Law Society to grant waivers as they have done in the past. |
They've got a formula and they keep trotting it out year after year. |
My friend swears a European bitters formula has helped her digestion. |
While there are indications the formula may be changing, Eastman sees its patient loads increasing as the population swells while its funding fails to keep up. |
The formula didn't work as it was tied to economic growth, not the increase in healthcare costs. |
He prescribed a formula of herbs that includes schizandra, silymarin, milk thistle, licorice, dandelion and burdock as well as some Chinese herbs. |
The language is necessarily tortured in describing the 18,225 electronic scratch-ticket machines that would be apportioned according to a formula in the initiative. |
None of us need feel anxious about trying to be contemporary, he assures us, because none of us has yet figured out the magic formula of living in the past or the future. |
If a formula is successful, it will spawn myriad vomitous offspring, which will be rammed down our throats until we are no longer able to appreciate the original. |
Adam finally found the magic formula and we're back up and running. |
Closer, the celebrity women's weekly from the team behind Heat, seems to have found the magic circulation formula that has eluded more traditional women's titles. |
Where is this magic formula which will satisfy everybody all the time? |
You always know what to expect from an Elvis movie, and this one settles comfortably into its well established formula like a baby kangaroo in its momma's pouch. |
Firman, from Norfolk, is the reigning British formula Nippon champion. |
Once my students achieved success with these tasks, I would surprise them by reading aloud samples of haiku, as well as other formula verse, such as tanka and cinquain. |
The Human Growth Complex formula contains somatotrophin and other powerful ingredients and has become a favorite product of athletes seeking an effective legal formulation. |
Yes, I know you really want a British driver to win so you can get the bunting out but this is formula one, where only winning and money cut any ice. |
While both Weiner and Harbison focus on friends, they still follow the formula that every chick lit book must include a romance. |
The formula of most of their programs has Drew doing the house hunting and Jonathan doing the design and construction. |
At some point, though, the formula began to grow threadbare. |
Gap size was approximated using the formula for the area of an ellipse. |
Godel showed that in any formal system adequate for number theory there is an undecidable formula, that is, a formula such that neither it nor its negation can be proved. |
There is not a thurifer in the country who has not at some time created the world's finest incense only to mislay the formula and then forget how they made it. |
The formula contained nettle leaf, violet leaf, wild oat seed, chamomile flowers, cleavers and fenugreek seed added to warm spearmint tea or diluted juice. |
Yet his blithe rejection of free speech is a formula for tyranny. |
The following applet, for example, helps observe the relations between a function and its derivative and integral with not a single formula involved. |
Relying on their well-established formula of eerie melodies, pastoral soundscapes, babbling children and rhythmic clamour, their sophomore effort rings true. |
Director Lee Tamahori tries to jazz things up with some flashy editing but can't disguise the fact that the 40-year-old formula is beginning to wear a little thin. |
Congress is considering reconfiguring the formula for allocating money. |
The peace agreement provides a formula for southern rebels and the government to share political power and the country's oil wealth and other natural resources. |
The film-makers have clung sentimentally to the sweet, silly formula that made the original series an enduring favorite for more than 33 years after its debut. |
The chemists had some knowledge not only of the formula but also of the chemical structure of anthracene, which they knew to be related to that of alizarin. |
This work also contains the famous sine formula for plane triangles. |
A variant formula is still being used in the US as hair remover. |
Today, she takes the formula from me and sucks down every last drop of liquid like a desert-thirsty nomad. |
For Richard Nixon, the war on drugs was more than just a formula for padding arrest statistics and looking tough on law and order. |
It follows the formula as rigorously as it sticks to the facts. |
In high school we are taught the quadratic formula which provides the roots of any quadratic equation in terms of radicals involving the coefficients of the equation. |
Before 1836 the registered tonnage of sailing ships was a notional figure calculated by a formula based on the length, breadth and depth of the hold. |
At which point, to my astonishment, a midwife suggested feeding her formula but, to avoid spoiling her with a latex teat, she suggested the baby drink it from a cup. |
Mr. K had nothing but contempt for it all, sticking to his formula of discipline, repetition, and hollering. |
They will generally signal an interest in solid foods by biting the bottle nipple or showing an interest in licking milk or formula from a finger. |
But they are all we have, and you cannot re-engineer the formula without causing unforeseen results, possibly including the implosion of the institution itself. |
This marginal difference in formula makes no difference in this case. |
Often it means only that a lucky formula was hit upon early in a career that was thereafter sustained by a ready audience. |
This entailed entering the proportion of clutches initiated in each month into the Shannon-Wiener diversity formula and then taking the antilog of the diversity value. |
It also has found a formula that activates and energizes hundreds of millions of people to believe in a better future. |
Among the series currently in production, tinkering with the kids-and-fame formula is still the order of the day. |
Meanwhile, Daniel Larkin from Nagle Community College, Blackrock, Cork, has created a mathematical formula to do the perfect wheelie on a motorbike or bicycle. |
We adapt the general matrix multiplication formula to, where the vertex vectors consist only of column 0 and the second subscript refers to the row entry of the vector. |
It recommends that a radical new funding formula is devised to redress the balance, based on actual crime figures, not an arbitrary three-way split between the divisions. |
Indeed, Lion Air, with 45 percent of the domestic Indonesian airline market, has swallowed the Fernandes formula whole. |
Replacement values typically are calculated using an arboricultural industry formula based on a particular tree's intrinsic value for size, species, and health. |
The reason for the minus sign in Shannon's formula is that the p's here are probabilities, positive quantities between 0 and 1, whose logs are therefore all negative. |
The herbs in this formula all have active antiviral properties and are effective against herpes, shingles, flu, warts, and other viral infections. |
Most of my races are over in 10 or 20 minutes in karts or formula cars. |
A better formula for stultifying research is beyond contemplation. |
Following a well-established formula for regal portraits, Winterhalter created distant yet elegant formal likenesses of the rulers in full regalia. |
It is an unpronounceable name, perhaps because it is not really the name of a specific anthropmorphised entity but a formula that describes a process. |
This is due to the licorice in the formula and is not attributed to peony. |
The product is made using a secret formula that the company refuses to reveal. |
This formula excludes students who take longer than four years to earn their diploma, and GEDs and other special diplomas. |
Changing the funding formula for pensions is the most logical and painless solution. |
It can also mean a precept, rule, principle, maxim, formula or method. |
I'm just not sure that the formula continues to work for us at 50 given other uses we might have for that money. |
Is there a formula to calculate the triple point of a substance? |
But speaking out against partisan excesses is hardly a formula for popularity, and the blowback can get personal. |
Specific features include formula storage, formula rescaling, formula totalization and expanded auxiliary output function. |
In predicate logic, an atomic formula consists of a predicate together with its arguments, its arguments being terms. |
English was the official vehicle and the magic formula to colonial elitedom. |
Our method of the proof consists in proving a new monotonicity formula and an epiperimetric inequality. |
The generalized formula applies to all cases, the specialized one only works on simple problems. |
The formula that gives the components is the account of the matter, and the formula that gives the differentia is the account of the form. |
The PCTs budget from the Department of Health was calculated on a formula basis relating to population and specific local needs. |
A formula is intuitionistically valid iff it is forced true by every world of every Kripke model. |
An accelerating electric charge is known to emit electromagnetic waves according to the Larmor formula in classical electromagnetism. |
In the Middle East, Alhazen derived a formula for the sum of fourth powers. |
Moreover, the same formula holds when the spring is compressed, with F and X both negative in that case. |
A spell could consist of a set of words, a formula or verse, or a ritual action, or any combination of these. |
This prayer is the translation of the ancient formula Deus tuorum Corona fidelium. |
However, when the tournament reverted to a knockout formula in 1969, he did not prosper. |
The formula has radically evolved and changed through the history of the sport. |
The budget is funded by the member countries based on a formula related to the size of each member's gross national product. |
For example, Germany refused to share their formula for synthetic oil from coal until late in the war. |
Cracks started appearing early on, when financial markets began behaving in ways that users of Li's formula hadn't expected. |
This formula is also somewhat evident in Dahl's film script for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. |
The formula regulations contain a very strict set of rules which govern vehicle power, weight and size. |
The basic formula for determining whether someone will vote, on the questionable assumption that people act completely rationally, is. |
Pendragon, a leading mathematician, devised a mathematical formula that could be used to draw nonrepeating patterns. |
The growth of national big box and formula retail chains into the city has been made intentionally difficult by political and civic consensus. |
Using this formula the highest winds in hurricanes would be 23 in the scale. |
The plate configuration can be denoted with the plate formula or tabulation formula. |
The metal reacts with the halogens, giving rise to compounds with the general formula PuX3 where X can be F, Cl, Br or I and PuF4 is also seen. |
The above formula states that wave power is proportional to the wave energy period and to the square of the wave height. |
The formula is further related to the particle's decay rate by the optical theorem. |
The formula would represent calcic carbonate as a compound of a base and an oxyl. |
A formula equivalent to Heron's was discovered by the Chinese independently of the Greeks. |
The formula for the area of a rectangle follows directly from the basic properties of area, and is sometimes taken as a definition or axiom. |
On the other hand, if geometry is developed before arithmetic, this formula can be used to define multiplication of real numbers. |
The formula for the surface area of a sphere was first obtained by Archimedes in his work On the Sphere and Cylinder. |
As with the formula for the area of a circle, any derivation of this formula inherently uses methods similar to calculus. |
The general formula for the surface area of the graph of a continuously differentiable function. |
An even more general formula for the area of the graph of a parametric surface in the vector form. |
Its chemical formula is H2O, meaning that its molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms that are connected by covalent bonds. |
The vector formula for the magnitude and direction of the Coriolis acceleration is derived through vector analysis and is. |
This formula was acceptable to the Spanish government, and allowed Britain and France to negotiate with more legroom. |
The interdict was lifted after a year, when France intervened and proposed a formula of compromise. |
Gou derived a cubic interpolation formula for his astronomical calculations. |
Wright's solution was a numerical approximation and it was another 70 years before the projection formula was derived analytically. |
The formula for deriving the covert form, in which the relevant inflections do not occur in the main verb, is. |
Married couples may, however, effectively double the estate tax exemption amount by setting up the trust with a formula clause. |
The Constitution of South Africa, not being a conventional Act of Parliament, does not contain an enacting formula per se. |
Even the chemical formula of O4, tetraoxygen, is predictable as a group 16 element. |
Sodium sulfate, also known as sulfate of soda, is the inorganic compound with formula Na2SO4 as well as several related hydrates. |
Peter Rabbit had also appeared on the packaging of the infant formula Enfamil. |
For an exhilarating period, until spectacle and sequelitis restored formula to the throne, experimentation became big box-office. |
The formula we derive via superdiagrams generates cumulants for any number of gluons. |
To unapply the name from every formula in the worksheet, select only a single cell. |
It has long been known that, if range restriction is indirect rather than direct, this formula will undercorrect. |
Pegeen's unique and successful formula is evident from the abundant number of referrals, repeat business and the quality of its creations. |
A new formula has been formulated by CB-1 Weight Gainer, which is more than doubles its weight gain strength and decreases the needed dosage. |
Its light coverage and wheatgerm oil enriched formula quenches skin while concealing imperfections. |
However, using the quadratic formula is only one example of population dynamics behaviour. |
It could have been anything from the quadratic formula to British comedy to French verbs to why anyone would ever eat meat loaf. |
The quadratic formula solution and the numerical solution are plotted together in Fig. |
An elective quadratic formula is available to reflect such asset reductions during the calculation of excess related-party indebtedness. |
This formula is one expression of what we call the quantity theory of money. |
In this work, a two step iterative formula is proposed in which the order of convergence is quartic. |
Use Benford's Law, a statistical formula for evaluating the frequency of given values in a random sample, to expose implausible numeric data. |
However, the patient became ketotic within a few days of commencing the formula, so the unmodified formula was continued. |
The temperature dependence was modeled by the Arrhenius equation, a formula used to determine the rate of a chemical reaction. |
Curaforte Brillante is a new all-in-one formula that rehydrates damaged skin, boosts firmness and elasticity, and brightens and evens skin tone. |
Still, with the formula having been given the lightest of resprays by returning writer Chris Morgan, fans of the series won't be disappointed. |
Letterman's challenge is to fill CBS' late night void, and to capture those ratings points waiting to be won by his proven formula for success. |
That formula gets rid of just enough extra leap days to keep the calendar in synch with the earth's race around the sun. |
The makers say that once the formula liquifies the fat cell it's then passed through urine over a three-week period. |
What is the exact formula for using indigenous forms rather than the Russianized version? |
His is a low-cal, six-meal-a-day formula proven to help users lose up to five pounds every five days. |
Our goal is to deepen and extend the known connections between 3SUM, the other two classes and problems like formula satisfiability. |
A useful formula to correct this is bladderwrack, cola, cayenne, lobelia, damiana and burdock root. |
But can a 22-year-old winning formula save a flailing system? |
New Zealand is a major dairy exporter and its milk powder and formula industry is likely to benefit from a baby boomlet in China. |
Life Extension researchers have developed an innovative, dual-mechanism formula designed to combat immune senescence. |
It started as an alleged attempt to shoplift baby formula from a supermarket in Shrewsbury. |
Better quality lubricants use more of the ingredient dimethicone, which makes the formula denser, providing a much slicker, silkier feel. |
We will now try to find a geometric connection to the above algebraic formula using a geometry sketch pad convergence of a sequence. |
Some states even complained that the clawback formula penalized them more than it helped. |
This clear formula dissipates oil, so there's no build-up, no clogginess, no residue. |
Organic formula with tripeptides and hyaluronic acid, it's ideal for working into old foundation. |
The cream uses a unique formula to address the causes of stretch mark formation by stimulating fibroblasts and restoring firmness and elasticity. |
It would be a real blockbuster if we could come up with a magic formula to eradicate the common cold for good. |
There is a tried-and-true formula to courting Oscar, of course. |