As college is disputably the most formative time in one's life, collegiate architecture is a significant influence on a student's pilgrimage. |
During the first three months of pregnancy, the foetus is in a formative stage. |
All of these artists had their formative years in the freewheeling atmosphere of late 1960s Prague. |
He recalls in bright detail the books, teachers and mentors who served as formative influences in his intellectual development. |
A generation of British artists themselves were crucially indebted to Matisse at a formative stage of their careers. |
Their formative experiences were in the study or practice of military power. |
In this formative period, American theater was far more exciting than American plays. |
People owe a good deal to their parents and to their early formative years. |
Earlier, he would boast of his formative years stealing candy from kids in war-torn Africa. |
Experiences in the most formative years may well reconfigure the sensory cortices of individuals. |
In HPTH, bone formation rate is markedly elevated and increases in formative and resorptive markers seem to be of equivalent size. |
Booth's formative years were spent in Calgary where he built up a background in more left-field forms of music. |
I spent my formative years in New Malden, during which time I learned to ride a bicycle, a motor cycle and finally drive a car. |
I believe our likes and dislikes are imprinted in our minds from childhood, probably through our formative experience with our parents. |
The name comes from a glen on the isle of Rum in the Inner Hebrides and it was here they spent a formative period performing for wild dances. |
They ventured into sports much later in their life, having spent most of their formative years ruing their misfortune. |
The development proposal is at a formative stage and no planning request has been submitted. |
They have had formative years of almost uninterrupted prosperity, growth and success. |
This was a deeply formative experience, dividing the fate of the island from the mainland. |
And be aware of what may be imprinted on our impressionable and malleable children in their formative years by the people to whom we expose them. |
Many experience ostracism from their own families during formative years, with deep emotional scars resulting. |
Some of them, indeed, may have spent their formative years bobbing in America's yacht basins. |
Richard E Grant's directorial debut is a semi-autobiographical account of his formative years in 1960s Swaziland. |
Trade and commerce have had a formative influence on America from the Colonial Era onward. |
They'd spot my fascination for Hollywood's formative years, and my devotion to the novel. |
Mandy's formative years were spent in the velds and forests of the Northern Transvaal collecting shongololos and pulling the wings off insects. |
This is my birthplace and a city in which I have spent my most formative years. |
Mr Birch, 29, is the son of a fairground showman and spent his formative years touring fair sites around Yorkshire. |
None of them will be encouraged to abandon school early to spend their formative years in shadowy snooker halls. |
He may exercise professional restraint but in his formative years he was used to exhibiting a more volatile personality. |
As a whole, the show provided insight into the formative years of artists now known for wholly different notions of what painting might be. |
The Prinsendam was constructed in the formative years of atrium development, and features a unique stacked atrium design. |
He made decisive and formative contributions to geometry, calculus and number theory. |
Their puzzle comes from the fact that they are oriented obliquely to the direction of formative bottom current flow. |
Moon's formative years were spent in Laurel Canyon with Charles Manson's gang as neighbouring cave-dwellers. |
Researchers developed the intervention based on formative research needs assessment with the target audience. |
With extensive summative and formative research, we work to ensure that the lessons are age-appropriate. |
Among Baptist preachers, the most formative figure in the area of homiletics was John Broadus. |
Are your most formative years those of your early childhood or your early teens? |
The formative study found that among the Sosso, Fulani and Maninka, all girls are expected to be circumcised. |
Later, as a captive Indian's servant boy, he experienced life in a Penobscot village during his formative mid-teen adolescence. |
I was brought up in West Bromwich, and spent my formative years dyeing my hair peroxide blonde and scowling a lot. |
While implicit in both the Generalized Model and social marketing models, this involves formative and summative evaluation. |
The collocation of this process with the formative and summative assessment technology of the HSC examination further complicates the situation. |
This story had a formative influence on me and caused me to fret about the relationship between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. |
He exhibited infrequently during his formative artistic years, disliking the aggressive self-promotion it entailed. |
With such a goal, formative classroom assessment requires the gathering of the information needed to make instructional improvements. |
Since the majority of brain development happens post-natally, an infant's experience of the physical world is especially formative, Painter says. |
In both cases, learning to read was one of the great formative experiences of their lives. |
My father poured vast amounts of love and energy into me during my most formative years. |
But they have a formative influence in Hollywood, the likes of which are rarely found outside Hollywood, whose products radically shape society. |
The formative collaborative group assessment described in this paper is a very useful additional assessment tool. |
Timing of the administration of formative assessment relative to major assignments in the course is important. |
While feedback generally originates from a teacher, learners can also play an important role in formative assessment through self-evaluation. |
Appraisal is primarily a formative assessment, and should not be used as a regulatory instrument. |
Many have been behind bars for years and have spent the formative period of their life there. |
This information could be used to provide formative assessment to the individual students prior to progression. |
In addition, the shift from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered educational paradigm creates a need for formative classroom assessment. |
Recalling H.R. Haldeman's formative years as an advertising executive for bug spray, I forswore bug spray. |
Worship must be the central and formative experience in the life of the congregation. |
While the term andragogy was used rather sparingly in the formative years of the early 20th century, its use and practice have grown exponentially. |
However, the task of summative assessment for external purposes remains quite different from the task of formative assessment to monitor and improve progress. |
It formed an important formative influence on the young Tagore. |
If these institutions want a nonsecular future, they must construct serious and sustained formative experiences for their lay faculty, staff, and administrators. |
Finally, formative student assessment is not addressed in this plan. |
But, as fleeting as Picasso's involvement had been, Gauguin's example was formative, perhaps because it was so freighted with cultural significance. |
Many of our older members were a part of AORN in its formative years. |
I am sure that the school was a formative influence on both of us. |
In 1956 the young Wilson published The Outsider, a study of creativity arguing that psychological alienation is one of the most formative influences on Western culture. |
He spent his formative years working in D.C. go-go, and his compositions have that loose-limbed swagger, relying heavily on sampled horn screams and weeping electric pianos. |
We were room-mates during my formative years in international cricket. |
The specific type of rating form to be used, therefore, depends at least partially on whether the purpose of the assessment includes formative assessment. |
Language is employed as a formative element of the rhythm and music, but all a garble of German phrases, English sentence fragments, hissing, and hiccuping. |
I'm not really a fan of Real Ale, but my friend is well into it all, having during our formative years produced some absolutely legendary home brew. |
However, Ruby's insightful arguments and the formative influence of his work mark this collection as one that merits close attention from anthropologists and filmmakers alike. |
His mother was a formative influence, since he did not attend school. |
You include a story about a poem, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, really affecting you in your formative years. |
He eventually put his questionable formative training to good use. |
A critical task is to help the learner in constructing a personal learning plan, a process that entails formative appraisal and rigorous assessment of educational needs. |
Simply select a season from your formative years and recast that glorious summer as a coming-of-age narrative. |
The correlation is especially robust in the lower grades, when students are in their formative years. |
His formative student years were spent in Paris as a pupil of d' Indy at the Schola Cantorum, though he learnt more from the impressionism of Debussy and Ravel. |
How teachers teach is important, but it surely stands to reason that boys and girls need both male and female role models in their formative educational years. |
For a generation of moviegoers, there are few filmmakers more influential during one's formative years than Rob Reiner. |
His father's career as an anchorman and TV news reporter was clearly formative, but his own early career in sitcoms and soaps is likely more crucial. |
Hemphill is actually surprisingly handsome, with startlingly blue eyes and an odd portmanteau accent that belies his formative years in Canada after being born in Glasgow. |
Seeing friends crowd-surfing at their shows in Montreal only hinted at the formative, sometimes frightening experiences that the road had in store. |
We had chooks and ducks, and being simple folk we treated some of them as pets, at least in their formative days until they were ready for the pot. |
Little else is known of Evans's early life, and surviving records provide few details as to his formative years. |
Chaplin's years with the Fred Karno company had a formative effect on him as an actor and filmmaker. |
During the formative stages contact with nearby Linear Pottery culture settlements in Limburg has been detected. |
The Scopes Trial was a formative moment for modern creationism. |
The High Middle Ages was the formative period in the history of the modern Western state. |
Light music was especially popular during the formative years of radio broadcasting. |
During these formative years he also discovered the works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. |
A more formative event for his career than his formal education was an uncle's gift, when Lean was aged ten, of a Brownie box camera. |
When Nolan's family relocated to Chicago during his formative years, he started making films with Adrien and Roko Belic. |
The term microgenesis has been proposed for the continuous formative activity which underlies cognition. |
Thatcher was to describe this in her memoirs as among the significant events of her formative years. |
Pink Floyd began to use feedback from their early shows in 1966, inspired by the Who, whom they considered a formative influence. |
His formative schooling, from the age of 11, was undertaken at West Hatch High School, Chigwell, Essex. |
The two were assisted by Charlie Hunter, greenskeeper of the neighbouring Prestwick Golf Club, in Troon's formative years. |
Sedentary village life based on farming did not develop until the second millennium BC, referred to as the formative period. |
He spent his formative years in the town, studying its geology and wildlife. |
Neville Cardus spent some of his formative years as assistant cricket coach at Shrewsbury School. |
They use classifications which refer to a particular volcano's formative and eruptive processes and resulting shapes, which was explained above. |
Lastly, a formative tropical cyclone needs a preexisting system of disturbed weather. |
It is the only complete representative of the courtly branch in its formative period. |
Lehzen had been a formative influence on Victoria, and had supported her against the Kensington System. |
The formative period saw the spread of distinct religious and symbolic traditions, as well as artistic and architectural complexes. |
Emily suffered persistent poor health, but was of strong character, and a formative influence on her sons. |
Generation X is now middle-aged and ready to revisit its formative years. |
All the visual cues suggest a formative attachment by the artist to best shlock horror the eighties had to offer. |
Something may be marked as object by case morphemes, clitics, postpositions, word order or some formative of topicalisation. |
Others are considering the use of evaluation data in personnel decisions, for both formative and summative purposes. |
The working paper underlines that these two formative desiderate are compatible, correlative and complementary. |
The exhibit contains about 30 photographs of the fab four, in their formative years, taken by Curt Gunther and Robert Whitaker. |
In Maria, Efrain leaves a decaying plantocracy to spend his formative school years in Bogota. |
All interventions resulting from formative research were pretested with the priority population, and revisions were made accordingly. |
The nine-year-old was blighted by jumping problems in his formative years over fences, but it looks as though they have been ironed out of late. |
The nine-year-old was blighted by jumping problems in his formative years over fences, but they seem to have been ironed out of late. |
Reinterpreting its symbolic and mythological value, Llosa links the iconography of the stone stelae to corn, the principal cultigen of formative American cultures. |
At the ARC, projects included the formulation of nonaddictive analgesics, and the formative stages of research on methadone and narcotics maintenance. |
He proceeds chronologically with Gramsci's formative years gaining perspective in Sardinia on class struggle, neo-Hegelianism, and the Second International. |
Specifically, the ubiquitous images of bodily fragmentation in her film reveal the traces of traditional bunraku puppetry and Javanese wood-carving formative to her art. |
This paper reviews the literature and formative research findings describing pregnant and parenting teens' expressed needs for support and mentoring programs. |
Part 1 traces Richter's parentage, his formative years in Zhitomir, his move to Odessa as a teenager, and his training under Heinrich Neuhaus at the Moscow Conservatory. |
During what many archaeologists call the formative stage, Amazonian societies were deeply involved in the emergence of South America's highland agrarian systems. |
This was especially so in Italy, where Byzantine styles persisted in modified form through the 12th century, and became formative influences on Italian Renaissance art. |
The history part comprises six national or regional case studies of discursive processes that have defined parliamentarisms in some formative historical periods. |
Although the formative influences on the genre were primarily British, the bands that developed and codified power pop in the 1970s were nearly all American. |
During the station's formative years, funding came from the ITV companies in return for their right to sell advertisements in their region on the fourth channel. |
Knox did not record when or how he was converted to the Protestant faith, but perhaps the key formative influences on Knox were Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart. |
The 1560s were also important formative years for Byrd the composer. |
Formative evaluation was used to refine program elements and establish feasibility and acceptability. |
The Formative stage is equivalent to the Neolithic Revolution period in Europe, Asia, and Africa. |
Interpreting the architectonics of power and memory at the Late Formative center of Jatanca, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru. |
Estimates suggest that during the Formative period the site extended for about 2 square kilometers, with a population of five to ten thousand. |
Initial stages of the Great Pyramid probably date to the Terminal Formative Period and show stylistic resemblance to early Teotihuacan. |
The earliest construction evidence at Cholula dates to the Late Formative period. |
In the 1970s, Mountjoy discovered a waterlogged deposit dating to the Late Middle Formative period near the ancient lake shore. |
The government organizes various arts festivals, including the Al Qurain Cultural Festival and Formative Arts Festival. |
These are rare from the Formative and the Classic periods but become more prevalent in the Postclassic. |