The drop-top is pretty enough for forgiveness providing it can still keep out the rain. |
Plead forgiveness on the basis of the sacrificial death of God's Son for sinners. |
Immediately realising his mistake he is attentive and polite, seeking her forgiveness. |
Jesus came with a message of love and forgiveness and we can't let that get lost in the shuffle. |
I told the angel of my intentions and asked forgiveness for barging in so rudely before. |
It is true that Western creditors have announced forgiveness of a substantial amount of their share of the debt. |
As time moved on, and in the process of looking for answers to difficult questions, the thorny issue of forgiveness cropped up. |
Please forgive me and know that I likewise extend forgiveness to all who have offended, insulted, irritated, or otherwise ticked me off. |
Those self-satisfied smirks and self-assured snarlings will sooner or later turn to hands begging for forgiveness. |
Nelson Mandela demonstrated to the world that the ideas of peace could not be separated from reconciliation and forgiveness. |
I could hear her begging my father for my forgiveness, but I could also tell that she was failing as my father's voice dissipated completely. |
Just as I was about to beg their forgiveness, I saw the energy between them changing. |
There are many others, in scouting, involved and I beg their forgiveness for not mentioning them by name. |
Then, embarrassed by his own behavior, Orlando begged their forgiveness and hurried to retrieve Adam. |
This is a touchy topic, and not just because people tend to assume that understanding is a precursor to forgiveness. |
I am indeed guilty of gross misjudgment and misbehaviour, and must beg your forgiveness and the forgiveness of everybody concerned. |
But as the Lord taught us, we should ask forgiveness for our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us. |
Ultimately, we are called to love one another in trinities of mercy, love, and forgiveness, as God first loved us. |
When I confess my sins and ask God for favour he requires that my confession of sin include forgiveness of those who have sinned against me. |
In other words, forgiveness is for real sin, not for foibles, mistakes, excusable blunders, and things we can't help. |
In response the lord takes back his forgiveness and orders the unforgiving slave tortured. |
He will assess the neurobiological response associated with forgiveness and unforgivingness. |
When Derrida came to my uni a couple of years ago, he spoke on mourning and forgiveness. |
Asking for forgiveness and admitting your mistakes is a powerful weapon against unpardonableness. |
Or were the crimes she committed so unspeakable as to be beyond forgiveness? |
While forgiveness might be good for the soul, it needs both sides to proffer that olive branch. |
Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion and forgiveness. |
Such forgiveness, well meaning as it may be, is not going to bring people back from the dead or undo a lifetime of misery for others. |
Yet if this most deceitful of the 20th century's killers is calculating on forgiveness, he may be deceiving himself. |
Viewers could not help screaming and offering instant forgiveness because the hair-raising act had been so nearly perfect. |
To those who found it offensive, objectionable or even just irritating I can only ask for forgiveness. |
Or take the claim that forgiveness is superior to revenge, and that capital punishment is mere revenge. |
While forgiveness might be good for the soul, it needs both sides to proffer that olive branch, and that is not really happening. |
Have a compassionate heart that creates a little space for those who need a bit of understanding or forgiveness. |
We need to have the spirit of forgiveness for our brethren and overlook small mistakes which happen during the running of organisations. |
Horrified and overcome by guilt, Kate prays constantly for forgiveness and chastity. |
Joyce believes that the most important thing she learned in support group was the power of forgiveness. |
He recalled the intense despair, the tears and that hopeless cry for forgiveness. |
I can understand the Day of Atonement, because it is a day of forgiveness and pardon and on it the second Tablets of the Law were given. |
Through our hymns of praise, help us to celebrate the promises of your acceptance, love, and forgiveness. |
I can see that part of the Church's mission is forgiveness and second chances for the penitent. |
But as far as I remember, he has always blamed me for the destruction of his bicycle, with my pleas for forgiveness falling on deaf ears. |
Because we are human and imperfect, forgiveness can be very difficult for us. |
Yet somehow by the end, there's room for forgiveness and hope and and endorsement of the indefatigability of the human spirit. |
The discussion of prayer and pilgrimages, fasting and forgiveness, is both insightful and enticing. |
What I saw was not condonable, for he did not deserve forgiveness for such an atrocious deed such as this wanton destruction. |
Every day we live in the power of our baptism and in its dying-and-rising rhythm by confessing our sins and hearing the words of forgiveness. |
What priest hearing confessions and offering the comfort of God's forgiveness is exempt from the call to Christlike humility? |
What if contrition is self-centered and selfish, aimed at securing forgiveness? |
Or is it a meager, yet expressive hint that the forgiveness of sins is a foretaste of eternal life? |
On balance, I think I would have to come down on the side of mercy and forgiveness. |
In what ways is your perspective about sin and forgiveness being challenged? |
It's the teacher who teaches you how to live a life of tolerance, forgiveness and so on. |
I begged him for forgiveness of all my sins, and through Jesus I was pardoned. |
I now repent of all that is past and ask for your forgiveness for all my sins. |
Yet the atoning death of Jesus is the only basis on which man can claim forgiveness of sins. |
It is a sign of grace, both a confession of sin and a penance by which forgiveness may be obtained. |
When we sin we are to confess that sin, obtaining both forgiveness and cleansing. |
Therefore, we must turn around, change direction, and come to God for mercy and forgiveness. |
I tried to explain that I was making art, but there was absolutely no forgiveness. |
I said all my prayers and asked for God's forgiveness for my sins and lunged forward. |
Instead of just asking me for forgiveness, stop committing sins and do good. |
Redemption and forgiveness of sins is through the direct agency of his shed blood. |
This is as it should be in a season of forgiveness, of rediscovering tolerance and joy. |
People commit wrong actions, for which they require forgiveness or acquittal. |
We need to cast ourselves upon God's mercy and seek forgiveness through Jesus Christ. |
The cross of Jesus Christ reveals that the very heart of God is mercy and forgiveness. |
Christ rose for each of us, that we might rise above our sin through forgiveness, and live godly lives. |
But there's a lot more here, and the main theme, one of forgiveness, is as potent a moral as you'll find in the Good Book. |
And there's something I need to work on about forgiveness, to myself and others, but I haven't puzzled it out quite yet. |
I beg your forgiveness, Your Eminence, but we don't have any boards and considering the depth of the pit the wood will surely break. |
In short, a band that is gracious enough to perform two encores is worthy of forgiveness. |
There's a forgiveness about her, an enjoyment of life, which she spreads out to others. |
This book suggests that if you can achieve forgiveness, the side effect of forgiveness is a form of enlightened self-interest. |
Whereas Adam's sin closed the event horizon to the heavenly dimension for mankind, the forgiveness of sin opens this event horizon. |
The risen Lord's message to his disciples speaks of forgiveness and sin, and our epistle reading reminds us of our own sinful state. |
Paul recognizes his own capacity for evil, his actual sin and the forgiveness he has received, and his words explode into a doxology. |
For the remaining failures, I can only ask a reader's patience and forgiveness. |
Those responsible should be begging for forgiveness on bended knees instead of behaving in this way. |
We need to create a culture of tolerance and forgiveness and join hands together as one nation. |
For them there is a new life of forgiveness, peace, beauty and abundance from here to eternity. |
To accentuate his point, he referred to the Gospel which emphasises forgiveness. |
Parents, siblings, and extended family members hurt by past behavior sometimes found forgiveness and acceptance difficult. |
The Acholi tribe has sophisticated rites of forgiveness and reconciliation, a lesson to those of us in the West. |
So I think she is a person with an usual gift for loving kindness and forgiveness, and I wish her joy and happiness in her marriage. |
All the faults of the Italian people are whelmed in forgiveness as soon as their music sounds under the Italian sky. |
Its driver, insouciant about having one more dent to add to the several he had already accumulated, waved an airy palm of instant forgiveness. |
Third, we pray to obtain from him the forgiveness of our sins and the remission of their punishment. |
Then, assured that the company had repented of their evil deeds and intentions, he granted his full, sovereign forgiveness to all. |
When the reprobates returned to beg forgiveness, Cecily pointedly asked Algernon why he had pretended to be Ernest. |
He begged his god's forgiveness and asked him to have mercy on his children. |
Some people might think of judgment and forgiveness as incompatible, or as a contradiction in terms. |
It works like a leaven of forgiveness and nonviolence in a culture prone to revenge and retribution. |
In thinking about ethical justice, we veer between the notions of forgiveness and retribution. |
The righting of relationships in the whole community was inseparable from the experience of forgiveness from God. |
So any construal of forgiveness that seems flat or dry is obviously lacking. |
As we have remarked earlier, the only part of the Lord's Prayer which Jesus repeated was the part dealing with forgiveness. |
We chat for 45 minutes, touching on atonement, forgiveness and incarceration. |
How can people appreciate the wonder of grace, forgiveness and salvation if they have not first learnt about God's holiness and the gravity of sin? |
I do not believe in vile acquittals, phony appeasements, easy forgiveness. |
He made the declarations while responding to reporters' questions on the bilateral debt forgiveness agreement during yesterday's post-Cabinet news conference at Whitehall. |
Next it brought an experimental acquaintance with grace and forgiveness. |
Its symbolism speaks to them of service, communion, mutual forgiveness, oneness, and recognition of the fact that their bodies are temples of the Spirit. |
You must atone, apologize, and beg forgiveness for the thousands of LGBT lives you have taken. |
Distraught, confused and ashamed, both men broke down in the courtroom, weeping like children and begging for forgiveness. |
Jakes says he believes in the axiom that the act of forgiveness is not really a gift to others as much as it is a gift to oneself. |
Sam was asking for forgiveness and wanted absolution from Ian. |
If there's a positive thing to come out of the saga, it's the forebearance and forgiveness our political leaders have shown towards the shortcomings of the spy chappies. |
The Constitution does not mandate lenience, forgiveness or forgetfulness. |
She was right to go to the women, express her sincere regret and ask their forgiveness, but she was wrong to continue begging it once it was clear they would not give it. |
That everything is forgiven, and they can stay as they are and enjoy the consolations of forgiveness. |
In fact, he has spent the rest of 2014 publicly pleading with Patton for forgiveness. |
Most especially Luther disputed the sale of indulgences whereby, as Luther perceived, believers might buy forgiveness for themselves or their departed relatives. |
Without the historical fantasy, what's left is one long, pretentious kvetch, larded with hokum about forgiveness and redemption, that some men are geniuses and others are not. |
Funny how we really learn to forgive when we need forgiveness ourselves. |
The architect, however, takes the tool out of the artisan's hand and although he remonstrates with him for his clumsiness, begins to enact forgiveness. |
His eyes begged a silent plea of forgiveness, but she only shook her head. |
He ministered in mercy to the suffering, ministered healing to the incurable, ministered deliverance to those in bondage, ministered forgiveness to the fallen! |
This week's lunar eclipse brings Pisces forgiveness, Taurus a sense of the Zeitgeist, and Gemini a boatload of misinformation. |
To those who repent and hope for forgiveness, the display of Francis's stigmata offers the promise of death transcended, of resurrection and everlasting life. |
The scribes, perhaps those who had earlier lost face and are by now smitten with envy, aggressively confront Jesus about his right to offer forgiveness to the paralytic. |
The truly penitent know that complexification is the enemy of forgiveness. |
When the forgiveness of sins is considered, the use of the aorist tense in the Lord's Prayer makes clear that only a final forgiveness is sought when the Lord comes. |
He muttered a quick prayer to God, asking him for forgiveness. |
But selfies, like people, deserve our forgiveness, our forbearance, and our support. |
If it goes against their religion, all they have to do is ask for forgiveness. |
She said she would also tell the pope to focus first on prevention, instead of forgiveness. |
Maguire reveals she had a blazing row with a priest who heard her confession in prison, because she would not ask for forgiveness for the offences for which she was convicted. |
It is precisely here where the peculiarities of atonement and forgiveness may have to be considered, along with a specific reference to the circumstances. |
When we admit that we have sinned and ask God for forgiveness, we receive a kind of washing by the power of Jesus' blood-a washing that brings with it God's power to change. |
The package here offers students no up-front fees, loan forgiveness at 25 years, no real rate of interest, a generous grant and bursary system and a cap on the fee itself. |
The other angel, holding lilies, has a look of unconditional forgiveness. |
Once per year, on the Day of Atonement, Aaron the high priest entered the Most Holy Place of The Tabernacle to offer ceremonial sacrifices for the forgiveness of the people. |
For all our SINS, may the Force that makes forgiveness possible forgive us, pardon us, and make atonement possible. |
If Karzai thinks his drift towards the Taliban will buy him forgiveness, he is sorely mistaken. |
After praying for forgiveness, Fotros was redeemed by the imam Ali who gave him back his wings. |
Can we use student loan forgiveness as a way to incentivize bright young people to enter particular fields? |
Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without Church discipline, Communion without confession, absolution without contrition. |
When you broke one of his rules, you had to sacrifice something to earn forgiveness or to balance the books. |
But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. |
Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. |
A conversion experience can be emotional, including grief and sorrow for sin followed by great relief at receiving forgiveness. |
He earnestly offers to all who receive the sacrament forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation. |
Since Absolution is a return to the forgiveness given in baptism, strictly speaking there are only two sacraments. |
Instead, Lutherans teach eternal damnation is a result of the unbeliever's sins, rejection of the forgiveness of sins, and unbelief. |
To her came the erring native, the critic, the disobeyer on hands and knees, to beg forgiveness. |
After some time the real culprit came forward, so the repented indicters ran back to the wise man and begged for his forgiveness. |
Frank was taken aback when Lisa told him that she also needed forgiveness from him, for actions, for words, and for unspoken thoughts. |
He showed kindness to every living being and emphasized the practice of nonviolence, compassion, and forgiveness. |
Clarkson denied using the n-word but when shown the relevant footage, admitted it sounded like he had and begged forgiveness. |
We hope the church leaders can waken their fellow Alabamans to the moral damage done when forgiveness and justice are so ruthlessly denied. |
In the second ANCOVA, the dependent measure was forgiveness as defined by the absence of negative emotion. |
Francis met with rape victims Monday and begged for their forgiveness. |
Ulf the usurper's realignment and participation in the battle did not, in the end, earn him Cnut's forgiveness. |
Keymis informed Raleigh of his son's death and begged for forgiveness, but did not receive it, and at once committed suicide. |
Debt forgiveness is treated as taxable income, but can be excluded as taxable under certain circumstances, like bankruptcy and insolvency. |
Digby, the first to mount the scaffold, asked the spectators for forgiveness, and refused the attentions of a Protestant clergyman. |
Her encouragement enables them to approach God, and sue for grace, bowing on suppliant knee, to receive forgiveness. |
However, the late poems also place a greater emphasis on forgiveness, redemption, and emotional authenticity as a foundation for relationships. |
Some were hoping for apotheosis at Jerusalem, or forgiveness from God for all their sins. |
The omnibenevolent God, by definition, was unable to withhold forgiveness from his people. |
It stated that he accused Java of begging for forgiveness, because Ming China was mobilizing its army to punish them. |
Ameaux was punished by the council and forced to make expiation by parading through the city and begging God for forgiveness. |
And I receive your forgiveness only from you. A group's promises and forgivings are nothing more than the sum of its individual members' promises and forgivings. |
These all anticipated Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, and were sufficient to give the elect of that time forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation. |
The Macedonians quickly begged forgiveness, which Alexander accepted, and held a great banquet for several thousand of his men at which he and they ate together. |
This sacrament, known as Anointing of the Sick, is believed to give comfort, peace, courage and, if the sick person is unable to make a confession, even forgiveness of sins. |
Seeking forgiveness, the assassins travelled to Rome and were ordered by the Pope to serve as knights in the Holy Lands for a period of fourteen years. |
It states that revenge is a primary motivation for capital punishment policy and that true healing can only take place through repentance and forgiveness. |
In the invasion Gawain is mortally injured, and writes to Lancelot, asking for his help against Mordred, and for forgiveness for separating the Round Table. |
Till's sacralization of forgiveness at the end of Figaro similarly falls within an overall strategy of promoting Mozart as a religious thinker and artist. |
Yet when Cooper rescues a wounded, gun-shy yellow Lab gone feral, helping an animal in distress to heal gradually teaches him the importance of forgiveness. |
Crucicentrism is the centrality that Evangelicals give to the Atonement, the saving death and resurrection of Jesus, that offers forgiveness of sins and new life. |
Jesus was minjung and the friend of the minjung, teaching forgiveness and love of enemies, but Moses was also minjung, political leader of his people against oppression. |
Gildas then travelled to Britain, where he met Arthur face to face, and kissed him as he prayed for forgiveness, and Arthur accepted penance for murdering Gildas' brother. |