A natural endurance athlete, he spends a lot of time meditating, doing yoga, and simply focusing on breathing. |
All that really means is it will open up more opportunities for those focusing on selling within the long tail. |
The company is currently focusing on growing the business in the Asia-Pacific region. |
After dispelling their initial fears, they will find that life won't be too tough for them with the programme focusing on fun and games. |
We build machines on an assembly line, focusing on how to make them cheaper and ever more reliable. |
This intellectual travelogue takes readers on a tour through ethology, the scientific discipline focusing on animal behavior. |
Researchers are focusing on cancer patients who have had lumpectomies because this procedure is easier to correct than mastectomy. |
Undeniably focusing on their careers led them to attain a high level of artistic achievement. |
In focusing on the problems with the new science curriculum, my analysis here might seem one-sided. |
Indeed, Smith has talked of the surrealist influence in his work, focusing on his methods as akin to automatic writing. |
It'll be fairly light, but you're focusing on pumping the muscle and feeling the burn, not the weight. |
Certainly the myopia of focusing on oneself and one's own happiness, fulfillment, or satisfaction alone is detrimental to any relationship. |
The 17-year-old is committed to her Maoritanga and a fluent te reo speaker, as well as a talented artist often focusing on Maori themes. |
Specialist hospices for people with advanced dementia, focusing on terminal care, have existed in the United States for some time. |
Upper-level college texts focusing on individual biblical books from both Testaments further complement the series. |
She carried her cumbersome equipment herself, kept a low profile and discouraged people from focusing on her. |
In this tutorial we will be focusing on how we can create a photo mask from a new document. |
The book company, however, is focusing on accelerating its refurbishment programme, rather than opening masses of new stores. |
Claudio Saunt has written a thought-provoking ethnohistory of the Creek Indians focusing on the three decades following the American Revolution. |
Dish Network also offers several packages similar to the ESPN Game Plan focusing on different exclusive sports. |
More than ever our domestic media shoulders the responsibility of focusing on the seamy side of society. |
To this end, focusing on increasing your thaumaturgic power will also help you to increase your theurgic power. |
His catwalk show theme was nautical and used navy, red and white focusing on skinny trousers and cropped tops. |
Instead of focusing on the needs of the poor in the Third World they enforce the writ of western corporations. |
By focusing on urban papers, Ratner and Teeter have not accounted for the creation of sectionalism in the majority of the nation. |
By focusing on a niche, a company becomes so specialised to the needs of a very small part of the market that it is secure against competition. |
Even the fact that most charter schools are elementary schools, not high schools, represents a way of focusing on less expensive students. |
I'm focusing on these differences because it's important that we stress tonight that this is an institute for media studies. |
Military planners in the US are already drawing up contingency plans, focusing on suspected underground facilities. |
While focusing on the big policy picture, links get into the specific policy details, including footnotes at the bottom of pages. |
She would walk the halls ignoring everyone and only focusing on her studies and her revenge. |
More studies focusing on this particular problem are needed before a conclusion can be drawn. |
What do we lose by focusing on the detail rather than discerning the underlying patterns and meanings? |
Yet, unlike so many other releases, rather than focusing on the sweetness and melody of pop music, Massimo seems to be grasping for rock instead. |
The movie is quintessentially French, focusing on drama instead of melodrama and character instead of plot. |
So you just grin and bear it and somehow muddle your way through, always focusing on your kid's desire to have a good day with the other parent. |
We need positive comments rather than focusing on the negatives which do nothing to help the situation. |
It figures, considering how often I forget that I'm supposed to make a habit of focusing on the positive by writing it all down. |
What I will be doing is focusing on some recent developments in the debates produced by these familiar claims and counterclaims. |
It will provide a showcase of local technology, focusing on digital television, satellite broadband and the internet. |
Rather than focusing on managing existing infrastructure, administrators can focus on more flexibly supporting new business requirements. |
We are also focusing on linking the mobile handset to control digital appliances in the home. |
A sure-fire way to get beat is to be thinking about the last block rather than focusing on the next. |
Other macro themes focusing on such things as poverty and oppression are referred to fleetingly, if at all. |
Midsummer Madness is the Meningitis Research Foundation's fundraising extravaganza focusing on the period around Midsummer's Day from 21-24 June. |
Offering a pointed look, she pushed aside the celery she's been chopping, focusing on the conversation. |
She lifted her bag off of the conveyer, aware of his blue-grey eyes, the colour of storm clouds before a strong evening storm, focusing on her. |
The second tactic is to minimalize eye contact, as focusing on someone in public space might invade his or her privacy. |
Seeing the sign on the interstate for the exit he wanted, he shifted all of his thoughts back to the present, focusing on what he was doing now. |
The state is focusing on 15 industries, from shipbuilding to aerospace engineering. |
A particular concentration is on a binary structure present in many myths, focusing on the complementary elements. |
Leading medical research into bioelectronics is focusing on diagnosis, detection and monitoring of medical conditions. |
He shifted his position to his side while focusing on the silent sleeper next to him. |
The aim is for this equipment to be backed-up by real time CCTV focusing on the worst traffic black spots. |
We started thinking about it about a year-and-a-half ago, and have been focusing on the products using mood boards and diaries. |
Through focusing on the speed, intonation, and dynamics of utterance, each story can be much richer in meaning. |
I thought of the infinite possibilities as I scrubbed, focusing on the bubbles the bristles of the brush made. |
The filmmaker repeatedly misses opportunities to showcase the buildings, focusing on interviewees instead of architecture. |
The Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack is pretty typical comedy fare, mainly focusing on the front soundstage. |
In my view, this observation should be the starting point of any analysis focusing on the rationale of contempt of court. |
Some union chiefs are pushing for campaigns focusing on how families will be affected. |
Then a metaphor focusing on spiritual inner strength and age progression was introduced. |
So focusing on actual exchange rate changes would not take this uncertainty into account. |
The girl climbed out and glanced briefly up at us before focusing on adjusting her skintight skirt. |
Instead of focusing on stable conservatism, some emphasize episodic radicalism and periods of dramatic upheaval. |
Some of the multilateral agencies are not just focusing on GDP figures at this point. |
The room wasn't this warm before, he thought disconnectedly, keeping his brain from focusing on the painful and obvious enormity of his mistake. |
What we've been focusing on is providing tools for the legal profession to do pro bono work more easily. |
It concentrates on places devoid of human interference, focusing on patterns made on often extreme and uninhabited places. |
This extraordinary and unique piece is the first in a series of new work focusing on mythology. |
Thirty males and 22 females underwent conjoint therapy focusing on the marital relationship. |
We reviewed recent advances in Borna disease virus research, focusing on evidence of infection in humans. |
Many of them are financially independent singles who are postponing marriage and focusing on health issues earlier. |
He explained the incident to the press by focusing on the problems created by deinstitutionalizing the mentally ill. |
They tended to be the snobbiest group, their distinctive attitude focusing on gaining social status and pleasure. |
We understand many companies are focusing on upgrading systems rather than replacing them. |
Notice how he is more concrete, focusing on existing institutions and building on those to create an articulated Anglosphere. |
Top level remuneration will require authorised adviser status, upskilling and focusing on more upmarket clients. |
Two separate scales measured antidrug injunctive norms, focusing on 2 important reference groups for these students, parents and friends. |
I am looking at their jobs as civilians and in the military and focusing on how they coped with rationing and utility clothing. |
He worked at Minoie's back for a few minutes in total concentration, focusing on nothing more than helping his new friend. |
But in focusing on CFCs as a prime cause of ozone depletion in the stratosphere, we have largely forgotten exhaust from space rockets. |
I finished at a community college, focusing on computer programming, and am now working for a reasonable income. |
If you're meditating to calm your mind and your attention wanders, slowly return to the object, sensation or movement you're focusing on. |
Some, like Finland's TietoEnator, are focusing on certain vertical markets while gingerly expanding their global presence. |
He drove just short of the speed limit, his eyes focusing on the task ahead. |
That's a little beside the point, though, because my article was focusing on whether commuter Internet access was viable and feasible. |
He earned his doctorate from the New Orleans Baptist Seminary in Louisiana for studies in nonconformity, particularly focusing on Roger Williams. |
The officer inside the bulletproof glass of the second station is focusing on my cargo. |
During the last years, some vintagers have been focusing on growing red vines. |
I have been focusing on fitting my things into the very limited space this apartment affords. |
Now, the trend is toward increasingly specialized journals focusing on specific themes. |
Aristotle asserted the value of poetry by focusing on imitation rather than rhetoric. |
Avondale is focusing on six dye ranges with colors including khakis, grays, browns, burgundies and greens. |
He returned to what he considered to be his main vocation, theoretical physics, focusing on entirely novel topics. |
This article gives a good overview of dysphagia from an otolaryngology perspective, focusing on patients with cricopharyngeal dysphagia. |
Instead of focusing on running fast breaks and shooting the ball, NBA teams have turned to weight training and long, drawn-out, half-court sets. |
Instead of focusing on the length of your cut, concentrate on accentuating your best feature. |
This activity is part of a three-year curriculum reorganization for the department, focusing on assessment of core competencies and skills. |
One consequence of focusing on the process is that we know it is incorrect to say petrification takes millions of years. |
The culture wars foster false consciousness above all by focusing on abortion. |
Part one of the hour-long programme was soft focus and hagiographical, focusing on her limb-loss and subsequent work for landmine charities. |
Instead of a conventional fission reactor, it is focusing on a type of power generator called a quantum nucleonic reactor. |
We were packing up our daughter Hannah to head off by plane to her second summer at a camp program focusing on foreign language immersion. |
Some blamed early childhood centres for focusing on the three Rs rather than play. |
Each player is focusing on the task ahead, anxiously waiting to get his hands on the red ball. |
She talks candidly about her thoughts on cancer and how she feels more should be done to look into its causes rather than focusing on treatment. |
The dangers and harmful effects of webmasters focusing on search engines are very evident. |
First, I shall offer an analysis of the emotion of compassion, focusing on the thoughts and imaginings on which it is based. |
Also, I'm not clear as to why focusing on operating cash flow penalizes capital-intensive businesses. |
They create a fact file for a coastal animal, focusing on what it would need to survive. |
The company is focusing on getting its cocktail, a mixture of three drugs, to market. |
The campaign this year is focusing on children, young people and their carers. |
Lower your body at a moderate pace, focusing on the stretch across your pectoral muscles. |
It is calling for a new approach to nature conservation, focusing on whole landscapes rather than isolated pockets. |
How dare they spend a day focusing on such one-sided issues and call it education. |
The research so far has been focusing on visual stimuli and the depth of the processing as key factors of the development of hypermnesia. |
The case-study approach is particularly suited for contemporary phenomena, when focusing on the perspective of the actors involved. |
Aside from adding extra pressure, focusing on the outcome while you play can help you execute your shot cleanly and smoothly. |
Homoeopathy, herbalism, acupuncture and acupressure are popular forms of treatment, while focusing on improving posture can also be beneficial. |
This Department, includes five research teams, focusing on current problems of the citriculture and fruticulture in the Autonomy of Valencia. |
The company is currently focusing on skiing trips, but plans to diversify into rafting and scuba diving in the near future. |
Again focusing on the Adam and Eve story, most thinkers blamed Eve for original sin, for tempting Adam to eat of the tree of knowledge. |
After that, Philip, sweating profusely, moved over to the wall, next to the door, and braced himself, focusing on the entrance. |
She follows the three-year evolution of a class at the ballet school, focusing on three characteristically hard-working, gifted students. |
In addition to chunking time, historians also need to chunk space, focusing on specific areas of the world as well as on specific periods. |
This year's festival looks to the past to help the city celebrate St George's Day, focusing on the medieval pageantry of yesteryear. |
He set about cleaning up the business, focusing on customer service, the supply chain, marketing and branding. |
Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of jobs moving overseas, we should be concentrating on turning any threats to our advantage. |
He became an investigator, principally focusing on white-collar crime and political corruption cases. |
Move the eye to the left of the canvas after focusing on the stripes and after-images appear. |
By focusing on key events and the figures central to those events, you make women as good as invisible, runs the argument. |
First, they are presented as episodic, focusing on single events rather than issues and analysis. |
The government has an active right-wing agenda, focusing on decommunisation and lustration. |
Rather than focusing on punching or kicking opponents, aikido involves using an attacker's own energy to gain control or throw them off. |
I try to focus on the window displays of the shops that we pass instead of focusing on him. |
To that end, researchers are focusing on creating new types of fluorophores that are not only more stable emitters, but also stronger emitters. |
Instead, he prescribes taking a stance with your heels directly below your body and focusing on keeping your torso upright. |
One excellent way to forget it is to focus with righteous rectitude on the evils of others while focusing on the nobility of oneself. |
Our book's approach is literary and writerly, focusing on the form and acknowledging the literary impulse in nonfiction. |
By focusing on simpler questions, economists escape getting sucked into the labyrinthine intricacies of the human brain. |
Traditional poetry, with its innate rhythm and alliteration, as well as free verse focusing on social issues, flowed from her pen. |
The department is expanding its research in geriatrics, with a multi-million dollar project focusing on respiratory problems in nursing homes. |
Five sections then follow, focusing on laryngology, rhinology, otology, orofacial and lower airway surgery. |
He will be presented with the Marsden Medal tonight for his 40-year contribution to Antarctic research, latterly focusing on climate change. |
The event was an evening of entertainment focusing on the legacy the outgoing Bishop of Manchester will leave. |
The most moving of the three, this chapter has Spheeris move away from focusing on the performers and looks at the punk subculture itself. |
This is a wonderful and sensitive synthesis of Kabbalah, focusing on the mysticism of the Zohar and its later manifestations. |
In the meantime, the president, of course, is focusing on who actually leaked news of this top secret spying program. |
The program includes a clear mission statement focusing on the school counselor's role in supporting student learning and achievement. |
He argues for more community involvement and a holistic approach focusing on restorative justice initiatives. |
Especially in New York, where people are focusing on bad '80s fashion, like shoulder pads and leg warmers. |
Their approach is essentially anthropological and descriptive, focusing on the experience of paid work in modem Britain. |
The second section addresses Spanish Arabisms, focusing on their history and phonological change. |
As lung damage is the major cause of illness and death in cystic fibrosis, initially, gene therapy is focusing on delivering genes to the lungs. |
By focusing on one set of issues at a time, his team deals better with both day-to-day issues and future strategy. |
History at school had been taught from a Eurocentric perspective, focusing on colonisation or slavery in Africa. |
By focusing on the superficial, they missed what is truly revolutionary about the game. |
Rail investigators are still examining the cause of the crash, with inquiries focusing on the faulty points. |
You are totally disorientated but are told to keep focusing on the red dot, then at the spot vacated by the red dot when it's switched off. |
Most breeders practice some form of line breeding, generally focusing on one of the important studs in their breed. |
The market will be focusing on any comments applicable to the sector as a whole. |
He could tell that she enjoyed walking through the hallways, not focusing on anything but the conversation she was engaged in with him. |
This activity is based around a role play exercise focusing on a car dealership. |
The seminar's topic was Renaissance utopian literatures, focusing on More's Utopia. |
We are now focusing on what needs to be done in stages two and three of our turn-around plan to return to financial balance in subsequent financial years. |
Several exhibition catalogues have broken new ground in Japanese art studies by focusing on modernism or the transnational aspects of Japanese artistic practice. |
After focusing on bettering its sensitivity, the team switched its emphasis to more technical issues, using the instrument as a test bed for new technologies. |
Temple currently offers a variety of elective classes, focusing on everything from commercial real estate and residential property management to real estate law. |
By focusing on cost reduction and cash generation, Lord Hanson brought about a startling revival in the fortunes of many companies that he acquired. |
By mapping the face and focusing on features such as the eyes, nose and mouth, the system should be able to identify and help track down the closest match. |
It is an updated field guide and natural history guide to the herpetofauna of Pennsylvania, also focusing on species found in the northeastern United States. |
A high-flying young Chorley scientist is focusing on a career path which could help save thousands of lives after receiving record marks in her degree. |
People who are nearsighted have trouble focusing on distant objects. |
By focusing on the contact sheet this book provides insight into the creative and editing process of these fabled artists. |
We found that his stanza form in Don Juan does make subjects read more quickly than readers focusing on the rhymes of an elegy in a similar metre. |
The researchers are focusing on differences in gene expression within cells in a special site inside the hen's reproductive tract, called the oviductal sperm-storage tubules. |
Using this process they have sequenced 1.12 million fragments of genes of tumorous cells, focusing on cancers that most commonly affect Brazilians. |
The drama has been heavily trailered on the main channels, focusing on the shocking behaviour of one of the younger detectives, but there is more to it than that. |
If you stop applying force to your frame by focusing on low-impact sports, you'll build muscle, but your bod will assume that it can slow down bone maintenance. |
With a slow-motion gaze, the camera panned across a sea of nameless people, focusing on expressions of worry, boredom and anticipation as they awaited their party's arrival. |
It may be that we learn more about the past by focusing on the walk-on parts than by rehearsing yet again the well-known facts about those who occupy centre stage. |
While focusing on a narrowly defined data set, he manages to produce a volume that cuts a wide swath through the history of the motion picture industry. |
In the early chapters, the book follows a historical chronology rather than a natural one, focusing on how interpretations have changed with subsequent discoveries. |
Students embarking on a gap year in the developing world are focusing on fun and failing to learn about the culture of new countries, it was claimed yesterday. |
They seek to reduce what they see as needless clutter and eye candy, and to fashion beautifully spare pages, focusing on the most pleasing presentation of text. |
Equally lacking in some essential points are the various post-election party urgings which are aimed at decoying us into focusing on domestic issues. |
When taking tests, students should be encouraged to underline key words essay or short answer questions as this may help in focusing on critical pieces of a question. |
Added value must be defined by sellers in terms of buyers' needs, rather than focusing on customers as captives who can be cross-sold other products from a firm's portfolio. |
He has bought 1,000 acres in downstate Virginia, with his eyes on another 1,000 that eventually will include an educational facility focusing on about the environment. |
He is a third-generation Kenyan whose parents won fame as palaeontologists and archaeologists focusing on the search for the origins of human life. |
Many media representatives felt explaining the change took valuable time away from focusing on impacts and preparedness actions. |
A fairly unanimous consensus focusing on money as a means of exchange based on a monometallic standard and leading to a narrow definition of money is developed. |
Smelters focusing on recycled materials are prevalent in Japan and Europe, according to Duran. |
The program is focusing on a thermoforming process using glass-fiber-reinforced polyamide, PBT and polystyrene resins in order to reduce production cycle times. |
I haven't charted this yet, but it seems that there is an inverse relationship between focusing on maximizing investor return, and actual investor return. |
This provided a rationale for the ganzfeld paradigm and outlined the stages of the experimental procedure, focusing on the roles of the experimenter, sender, and receiver. |
Our exotic journey brings us closer to the culture, heritage, and wild places of Bali, focusing on those special locations that are off the beaten path. |
I expect that trend merely to be reinforced by the final week advertising blitz and disengaged undecided voters finally focusing on the choice to be made. |
You might try one of the online job-listing services focusing on academe. |
We're talking about focusing on the Hispanic community as a whole. |
It is a short step from focusing on emotions to ruminating on them, and research has shown that people who ruminate have an increased chance of becoming depressed. |
And President Bush had more than his fair share of detractors, mocking and deriding him for not focusing on his job. |
The danger remains that in focusing on bogus risks, we miss the real ones. |
He took the spyglass and peered through it silently, focusing on the boy. |
In the context of this, because it was a dust-up over a reporter, I think a lot of people, at least we have this positive benefit, focusing on that outrage. |
In pursuit of bigger game, I began searching for similar archaic behavior in humans, focusing on the apparently primitive vocalization of laughter. |
The labor party almost doubled its seats by focusing on economic equality and ignoring the peace process. |
The simple trick of leaving the destruction of bombs to the imagination while focusing on the strange chemistry between the two men is jarring and frightening. |
After leaving college in 1989, Elaine put her artistic pursuits into cold storage for 15 years, instead focusing on a career in graphic design and on motherhood. |
I shrugged and sat beside him, focusing on demolishing my ice cream. |
Maybe the way to do it is to stop using Remembrance Day to memorialize brave and virtuous soldiers and instead begin focusing on civilian casualties. |
But focusing on a particular product segment, or a particular market sector, or a particular core competency is not the same thing as having a big idea. |
Moreover, images and captions are always in accordance, focusing on the same event, so that, no other point of view on the action is showed, objectifying the events. |
The palette was gentle and pretty, focusing on rose pinks, lavenders, dusky mauve, mint, faun and pale lemon. |
But there is a danger that in focusing on the lunatic fringes of left and right, a rather false impression can be given of what the debates are really about. |
I treat the horse globally rather than only focusing on its symptoms. |
Because her children are not turkey fans, Judith created a Thanksgiving feast focusing on cranberry stuffed pork loin that is slathered with a garlic-onion jam. |
By focusing on national interests, the interests of ordinary people are shunted aside, suffering in the long run. |
By the same token, some analysts contend that focusing on cash flow from operations penalizes profitable and fast-growing but capital-intensive businesses. |
She later criticized the media on Twitter for focusing on her skin-tight white Glavis minidress. |
Lehman's script began after the jailbreak, focusing on the hero of the picture, an American who pursues Blake. |
At the end of the day the Mayor held a press conference, again restating his reasons for selling off the garden, focusing on the need for more affordable housing in the city. |
The introductory chapters are limited, focusing on key principles only. |
A careful history focusing on the nature of the pain and its relationship to bowel movements frequently provides the diagnosis of pain in the anorectal area. |
A secondary goal is to assess how well the vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies and cellular immunity, in this case, focusing on the SARS spike protein. |
The ad starts off by focusing on the taut abs of three pretty ladies. |
Things will take a turn more serious in late July when the court finally starts focusing on the evidence and not the theatrics. |
As their total opposition to abortion has made little popular impact, the anti-abortionists are instead focusing on restricting women's access to abortion. |
Brooke tuned their conversation out, her thoughts focusing on Duncan. |
Martha glanced over the chicken drumstick dripping with egg yolk and breadcrumbs very briefly, focusing on the younger girl's face filled with admirable aim to please. |
Sull presents new thoughts on disciplining children, focusing on affirmation instead of strictly punishment. |
Blurring one window and focusing on another window yields the same result of sending the window to the back of the pile. |
Politically, nothing is a more powerful distraction from the female conscience than focusing on bodyism. |
A major research effort in Dr. Nawrot's group is focusing on understanding in utero factors that shape disease risk later in life. |
The old model or paradigm focusing on class conflict has been discredited, and no new explanatory model had gained widespread support. |
This work is focusing on demonstrating the viability of the advanced British engine technology that would underpin the project. |
He laid out his objections in an orderly manner, focusing on one before moving to the next. |
Some early works saw publication, but she decided against focusing on either of these as future professions. |
In January 2005, Sky One commissioned a programme entitled Darts Players' Wives, primarily focusing on the wives and their relationships. |
It also runs a project focusing on construction workers migrating to Qatar. |
However she has been critical of the media focusing on her fashion instead of her achievements as a politician. |
Each year, the organisation marks World Health Day and other observances focusing on a specific health promotion topic. |
Cultural sociologists tend to reject scientific methods, instead hermeneutically focusing on words, artifacts and symbols. |
Wallinger's early work is noted for its social commentary, often focusing on class, royalty and nationalism. |
Corbyn launched the Labour campaign focusing on public spending, and argued that services were being underfunded, particularly education. |
The Scottish Labour Party published an 'Action Plan' in July 2016, focusing on the economy. |
Rather than focusing on punitive expeditions as favoured by his father, the young Prince Henry adopted a strategy of economic blockade. |
In Portland, the West Coast Eisteddfod is a yearly Welsh event focusing on art competitions and performance in the bardic tradition. |
The story begins in the Paleolithic, and was intended to come right up to modern times, always focusing on ordinary people. |
Michelsen Institute is an independent research foundation established in 1930 focusing on human rights and development issues. |
By overteaching children, we prevent them from focusing on the topics that are important. |
With large prey, mature wolves usually avoid attacking frontally, instead focusing on the rear and sides of the animal. |
Travel is largely by small or medium ship, focusing on specific scenic locations with accessible concentrations of iconic wildlife. |
Canada's ethnic and cultural diversity are reflected in its literature, with many of its most prominent modern writers focusing on ethnic life. |
Summer camps focusing on wildlife conservation are getting popular over the years. |
The book is a historical narration focusing on the pagan peoples from the earliest time up until the time Orosius was alive. |
Francis Bacon and other advocates of science tried to create unity in Europe by focusing on the unity in nature. |
The huge number of songs focusing on war include And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda and Universal Soldier. |
In the modern era, Lutz von Padberg published a number of biographies and articles on the saint focusing on his missionary praxis and his relics. |
By 1445, the Bank suspended operations focusing on servicing the Genoese state. |
MercoPress is an independent news agency focusing on news related to Mercosur and is based in Montevideo. |
Since the end of the Cold War the international community through international institutions has been focusing on preventive diplomacy. |
The municipal government sponsors regular health fairs in different areas of the city focusing on health care for the elderly and the disabled. |
The complex is divided into to various halls and galleries by theme, focusing on the Olmec and Totonac cultures. |
From focusing on supplying the British market to supplying East Asia with raw cotton. |
With the German naval threat removed, Britain began focusing on Germany as a bulwark against the threat posed by the new Soviet Union. |
More recently, authors have begun focusing on grammatical cues, and even the use of certain rhetorical strategies. |
There are approximately 20 privately published report series focusing on specialist areas of law. |
Soybeans are also heavily planted in West Tennessee, focusing on the northwest corner of the state. |
The tableau of Goa showcases religious harmony by focusing on the Deepastambha, the Cross and Ghode Modni followed by a chariot. |
However, Ford management performed time studies and experiments to mechanize their factory processes, focusing on minimizing worker movements. |
Adam Kerns joined AIA on October 1 as assistant general counsel focusing on financial regulatory issues, and Steve Simchak joined AIA Nov. |
Then, Aksumite civilization is presented via a series of chapters, each focusing on a specific cultural aspect. |
Alpha waves typically are seen when a person is relaxed and not focusing on a task. |
Sidestepping antibodies and focusing on killer T cells seemed like a practical alternative, Letvin says. |
One significant area of market opportunity that we are focusing on is restoring and maintaining a roofs reflectivity. |
Generally, one to two weeks time for rehabbing, focusing on lower extremity flexibility and core stabilization exercises. |
Massey Knakal Realty Services announced that Josh Lipton has joined as first vice president of sales focusing on West Harlem. |
Editor Schneider presents this bioorganic synthesis volume focusing on de novo computer-assisted design. |
Rozakis is focusing on a potential breakthrough in treating macular degeneration, a condition that gradually destroys central vision. |
In July 2001, the United Nations convened a panel focusing on the black market trade in small arms and light weapons. |
Developers need to have long term plans for construction projects rather than mainly focusing on the fiscal values, Mansi noted. |
Dirk, will be interviewed on CNNfn's Market Call with Rhonda Shaffler in a segment focusing on the Company's wireless printing innovations. |
In Brazil we are focusing on the continuing improvement at the Sao Bento mine, and on the potential of the Brumal property. |
This is done by focusing on the theorisation of the mental and manual division of labour in Marx's historical materialist theory. |
This section will place emphasis on neuro-musculoskeletal principles, by focusing on the kinematics of the lumbar multifidus muscles. |
These measures deal with the mechanical causes of stress but a new approach focusing on the physiology of the urethral sphincter is now reported. |
For two years, IceCube scientists watched for neutrinos after gamma-ray bursts, focusing on the muon neutrino subtype. |
This event includes 3 interactive workshops focusing on excellence processes, Chinese whispers and building brands involving the field force. |
September 30, 2014, focusing on the usage of Aperio PeerReview in toxicologic pathology. |
They start focusing on objects, develop convergence, stereopsis and colour vision. |
Kilpatrick tried a similar approach, focusing on health care for veterans. |
With tubal pregnancies on the rise, doctors are focusing on finding a better cure. |
Often focusing on the pattern, colouration and patination of objects, the result of the making process and subsequent traces of usage. |
Two supersessions focusing on globalization and the Web concluded that the retail industry is slow to embrace these changes. |
In its outreach programmes, the Congress focusing on the woes of farmers Uttar Pradesh who have lost crops due to unseasonal rains and hailstorm. |
Plus, Carol Klein will be focusing on the daylily, and we meet an artist whose roof garden is a celebration of creativity and colour. |
Day traders seek out stocks solely for their sharp price swings, often focusing on big technology names like Intel, Microsoft or Dell. |
The class have been focusing on David Walliams' Mr Stink and Gangsta Granny books during their reading sessions. |