As I attack, I weave from side to side, occasionally looping around the gunship I'm currently firing at. |
It resulted in the death, by firing squad, of hundreds of striking farmhands inspired, in part, by anarchist immigrant rabble-rousers. |
If you are in telecoms or telecoms equipment supply you are right there at the front of the firing line. |
He said that, when the firing stopped, he saw people being carted off in ambulances to hospital. |
However, in both the diaphragm and scalenes, the reduction in firing rate was most apparent in patients with high firing rates before surgery. |
Cut outside showing Jake's airship firing several lasers into the hole torn into the ship in its initial pass. |
The Viking's huge muscles were nearly as taut as the bowstring itself as he strained in bringing it back into firing position. |
The technique of making majolica begins with firing a piece of earthenware. |
During the second firing, the glazes interact creating the rich colors majolica pieces carry so well. |
In July it reported three attempted boardings in less than a week, with pirates firing automatic weapons at two gas tankers and an oil tanker. |
The firing mechanism mechanically fires the spotting rifle and uses a magneto to fire the rocket. |
Church continued to drive the Humvee on three tires for four miles while firing at enemy targets and changing magazines with one hand. |
The terminology refers to firearms capable of firing fully automatically, regardless of size, weight, or other considerations. |
He was an enormous man, capable of firing an automatic rifle with only one hand or lifting me clear up off the ground. |
The submerged firing of the missiles can be conducted in a single salvo while the submarine is moving at a speed of 5 knots. |
Off Norway, Triton challenged a darkened submarine but failed to elicit a response before firing a salvo which sent Oxley to the bottom. |
Walsh took the ball forward and off loaded to Coulter who had made a blistering run before firing over. |
In such an extreme situation the Raptor sounds like a heavy machine gun firing in the distance. |
It ends with Cusack throwing grenades and firing a machine gun to save her from pirates. |
It can be fired single or double-action, and has an automatic safety that blocks the firing pin until the trigger is pulled. |
The main gun's normal firing circuit operates the firing mechanism of AIMTEST and all main gun safeties are operational. |
The safeties include a firing pin block, safety notch on the hammer and the de-cock lever. |
The militants attacked the camp around dawn, firing indiscriminately at guards posted at the main gate. |
The pumping of pistons in a car engine firing up and down thousands of times per minute relies on heavy-duty lubrication. |
A touch is all that is needed to lube delicate trigger mechanisms, firing pins, ejectors, extractors and springs. |
The 3,400 tonne Anzac Class frigate was the 10th ship in the firing column, with HMAS Newcastle positioned astern. |
Other footage showed an armed man firing single shots from an assault rifle at the back of the heads of 11 others. |
Police firing rubber bullets and teargas dispersed the demonstrators, who gathered on the corner of Jeppe and Kruis streets. |
The attack on Rommel's lines started with over 800 artillery guns firing at the German lines. |
Even with the selector switch on semi auto, I was still firing just as fast as an automatic. |
I turned around to meet with the gaze of the gunmen that were firing at me a minute ago. |
Behind the armored cars, a couple of platoons of infantry came dashing out, firing rapidly. |
The proportion of troops armed with more accurate, but slower firing, rifles remained low. |
I clamped the Armalite under my arm, firing with one hand as I reached for the handle of the flare pistol tucked into my belt. |
The Russians and Lithuanians were quite active as well, firing one rider after the next off the front. |
Try your hand at coin-striking, archery or even crossbow firing and watch as the soldiers round up new recruits. |
Once an archer downed a target, he nocked an arrow while relocating to another firing site. |
Penalties are converted to an honor system, as in golf, allowing the NHL to save money by firing all the referees and linesmen. |
The assailants apparently fled after firing on several homes in the settlement. |
The hammer is equipped with a manual firing pin selector, which allows the shooter to use rimfire and centerfire barrels on the same frame. |
The Turkish battleship Turgud Reis manoeuvred in the Dardanelles to disrupt the Anzac landings, firing across the peninsula. |
Steve Wilson's vibes are deep in the rhythm section's pocket, riffing or firing off spare, hanging chords. |
He leapt up it as fast as he could, firing his last two revolver shots into the giant creature's head. |
The striker was lethal with his finish, firing a beautiful curling shot that gave Williams no chance. |
News of the firing only became public when the official retraction was published last month. |
The security personnel then resorted to aerial firing to scare away the rioters, which prompted the Taliban militia to fire back in retaliation. |
In the mid-to-late 1930s, Germany was able to annex nearby territories without firing a shot. |
The live firing practices included rapid-fire shoots enabling reconnaissance members to practice accurate instinctive shooting. |
Then the commander of the firing squad went forward and shot each in the forehead. |
This launch vehicle carries a triple launcher which is raised for firing, with the armor plates moving to the side. |
The exercises saw successful missile launches, artillery firing and torpedo runs. |
In an instant, both guns were firing away, launching a volley of shells at the remaining enemy Genos. |
For test firing, zeroing your rifle, or informal competition The Rock Jr. is tailor made for success. |
The equaliser followed a great passing move, Jonny Greenwood latching on to a through ball from midfield and firing home. |
The thugs raided the village and began firing their guns to terrorise the farmers. |
Two torpedo tubes are designed for firing remote-controlled torpedoes with a very high accuracy. |
The Vulcan works by firing a projectile at high speed into a landmine, ripping it apart without detonating the explosives. |
At this stage a party of yeomanry opened fire and when the firing ceased 14 people, including a married woman and two boys were shot dead. |
He began firing wildly, his silenced rounds lancing out, and hitting the wall all around the terrorists. |
Those involved in the ambush said a trap had been laid, and that the area was marked with defensive earth berms and firing positions. |
They say, except for jobs creation, the economy was firing on all cylinders from July through September. |
England have oozed that sort of confidence throughout this current campaign, and have carried on winning even when not firing on all cylinders. |
On a technical level, Scorsese is firing on all cylinders, but emotionally the film is a bit distant. |
Records are there to be broken and Celtic are firing on all cylinders just now. |
The forward line needs to be firing on all cylinders, and the team's penalty corner drill needs to be imaginative and forceful. |
There are exercises, refresher drills and firing practice on the ranges nearer the border. |
The agreement contains no minimum manning levels, the right to employ casual labour, and management control over hiring and firing. |
Rod winged another in the leg and he fell to a kneeling position still firing. |
A woman on disability benefits narrowly missed being hurt by a youth firing an air rifle. |
After rebuffing him, Gregory alleged, the pundit retaliated by reducing his pay and subsequently firing him. |
After firing just a few digitally generated rounds I was able to rapidly laser range a target and take it out with an airburst. |
With that he had walked over to the side of the court yard just to the rear of the firing squad. |
I am writing to object, in the strongest possible terms, to the firing of the luminously talented writer from your agony column. |
His deep, strong southern voice was getting wobbly, and his eyes welled as the realization of his firing a few weeks earlier sunk in. |
It's used to patrol for trespassers, set up live firing targets and recover rounds from the sand and tidal flats. |
Attack helicopters rattling low over the desert were especially terrifying, criss-crossing over the city and firing rockets into the centre. |
Proprioceptor afferents project to the phrenic motor neurons and affect their firing rate. |
For starters, Carlisle decided to attend the press conference announcing his firing, a rarity in today's game. |
Replying to a question by the advocate, he said he had not seen his client firing the rifle. |
The time between laser ranging the target and firing is approximately two seconds. |
He was out on the firing range and after 275 shots at the target, he hadn't hit it. |
The experiment has been carried out since July on the vast military firing range at Dundrennan. |
Soldiers can still take care of firing ranges and training areas, but the rest can be farmed out. |
The U.S. military left firing ranges in the Panama Canal Zone littered with thousands of unexploded rounds. |
The mortar can also be mounted in a vehicle, firing through the roof hatch, to keep pace with a mechanised advance. |
Macdonald's telegram to the Adjutant General in Calcutta, sent late in the evening, was the first to give details of how the firing had begun. |
In a passage on the war years, he includes the story about the single German air raider firing on the fish shop. |
The snap of close on two hundred crossbows firing in a ragged volley was a sound like sharp applause. |
We had an assigned firing bearing, and we went over the different trajectory options to get the best acquisition and kill. |
He used to peel down to his jockstrap, muscles glistening, sly grin flashing, while firing cryptic answers at the media, which he loathed. |
Invading foreign computer networks could shut down radars and electrical plants and disrupt telephone lines without firing a shot. |
Gonzo Antreya fought for all he was worth, juking, jinking, firing lasers, launching missiles. |
It showed an anti-aircraft missile unit firing at an allied warplane. |
This time, however, we are all in the firing line for environmental reasons. |
That leaves 36 the victims of the other units, including alfa, firing that day. |
When you are firing out at night, the red tracers go out into the blackness as if you were drawing with a light pen. |
A young officer loaded the rifles of the 12-man firing squad each with a single bullet, one of them a blank. |
Much of the enemy firing, Liebling surmised, seemed to be coming from the blockhouse on the right that Rigg had singled out. |
We analysed eye movements and neuronal firing in the abducens nucleus. |
An Army doctor stepped over with a stethoscope and chastened the firing squad when he determined that the heart was still beating. |
Even more damnably, Mother Courage has the chance to save her son Swiss cheese from the firing squad by paying a ransom. |
After the demonstrators threw rocks and paint bombs, police responded with overwhelming force, firing rubber bullets, water cannon and tear gas before launching baton charges. |
The rebels quietened crying children by firing their guns into the air. |
Children have been firing questions to their new friends by email, quizzing them on how long it takes to get to class and what a typical school meal is made up of. |
Later the lack of a common radio frequency among some units leaves Marines powerless to prevent another unit from firing on defenseless civilians. |
He was standing in front of the firing squad when his sentence was commuted to exile in Siberia. |
These agents provocateurs broke windows and carried out other acts of violence before turning on the other demonstrators, firing their weapons and making arrests. |
We also couldn't go firing darts willy-nilly as they are very powerful. |
Now he is his own man, hardened and scarred by backbench rebellions, geopolitical scraps and a hostile media firing on him from both left and right. |
A swath of regular military allies have sought postponements or rejected the idea of firing missiles toward Damascus. |
We shouldn't wonder at the sight of women holding the shotgun and firing. |
Liverpool were still not firing on all cylinders, but were looking good enough to get the win and, at this stage of the season, that's all that matters. |
Brinsley stepped up to the passenger side of the patrol car, raised a silver Taurus semi-automatic pistol and began firing. |
He was ambushed by two men firing shotguns as his cab pulled up outside. |
A man firing a repeating rifle faces a man wielding a sword. |
After firing the launcher is reloaded in under four minutes. |
In addition to the changes you mention, a free labor market would require rescinding any laws that prohibit an employer from firing any worker at any time for any reason. |
The main approaches to execution since the guillotine have been hanging, the firing squad, and the electric chair. |
This one has a simple leaf spring installed below the firing pin. |
Practical application filled the last two days, as the leathernecks fired computerized scenarios and practiced on the tracking and firing systems at an outdoor trainer. |
They are hard anodized to resist wear, and in place of a primer is an extremely tough material that cushions the firing pin and is said to be good for 3,000 impacts. |
The Clan came out firing on all cylinders in the first game. |
The humans stopped firing, slinging their smoking rifles on their backs. |
A bullet had struck a femoral artery and it was gushing blood as she kept firing. |
The four deaths were all as a result of firing anti-tank missiles! |
Lite can be used as a hand-held system, fitted to weapons such as machine guns, or used as a tracker for anti-aircraft or anti-tank missile firing posts. |
The firing of a new executive brought in to shake up the flailing show is getting dead-movie-star tabloid coverage. |
Olympian Kevin Jackson later accused du Pont of firing him from Team Foxcatcher for being black. |
Turkish gendarmes ran past me, shouting at the refugees to clear off, firing more canisters for good measure. |
Keep in mind that Carter, as a Senate-confirmed appointee, is not in the firing line of furloughs. |
Indeed he treasured his relationship with the conservative icon Bill Buckley, whom he debated repeatedly on firing line. |
As the last line of defense, the goalkeeper is also first in the firing line when blame and retribution are meted out. |
And Charles has had to face a firing squad of questions demanding to know why he left, how he could do this to us. |
Lumet considered firing Dunaway after she flubbed her way through her dialogue. |
The competition itself plays out like a game show with one nation firing off musical shots against another while surrounding beer drinkers roar with approval. |
Residents said tanks rolled down their street firing into their homes. |
You can even attempt to subdue a suspect by flashing your badge or firing a couple of rounds into the air in hopes of scaring the sucker into compliance. |
However, the rapid firing assault rifle proved most useful in ambushes. |
It sounded heartfelt and returned him to the good graces of GLAAD, the gay-rights group that had originally called for his firing. |
She supported the creation of watchdogs to look for graft in government, firing those who improperly profited. |
The P99 has the customary passive firing pin and disconnector safeties. |
Would she shrink from firing at a Serb setting off an artillery piece if he had eyebrows like Katarina Witt? |
At the same time, Iraqi potters developed luster glazes by adding metallic elements to the surface of the glazed piece before a second firing in the kiln. |
Now the same company has announced a takedown version of the Winchester Model 1892 lever gun, and I can't wait to get my hands on one for test firing. |
We fired a couple of salvoes at what we thought was the Bismarck before the Prince of Wales said we were firing at the wrong ship and we changed over. |
It sounded to me like an automatic rifle, firing about every second. |
Pantyhose hinders the detection of the chemicals preventing the nematocysts from firing. |
Bill accidentally faxed sensitive documents to our competitors, and such a major-league mess-up could only be dealt with by firing Bill. |
The English then closed, firing repeated and damaging broadsides into the enemy ships. |
Daltrey clashed with Johns over the production of his vocals, and Moon's drumming was so poor that Daltrey and Entwistle considered firing him. |
Flagpoles on many tors in and around the ranges fly red flags when firing is taking place. |
Workman, over the firing of Nancy McIntosh from the production of Fallen Fairies, and with actress Henrietta Hodson. |
Parts of Dartmoor have been used as military firing ranges for over 200 years. |
The author describes and illustrates the more primitive and inexpensive technologies of raku, sagger, sawdust, pit, and above-ground firing. |
In Victoria, Australia after World War II, many steam locomotives were converted to heavy oil firing. |
Kevin Bartlett excelled from placed balls, with the Lovat clubman firing over six two-pointers, including five in the opening half. |
Both the maximum temperature and the duration of firing influences the final characteristics of the ceramic. |
The OSCE team did not radio in or record the Russian mortar team firing on Ukrainian positions. |
On 1 December 2014, an OSCE observer was injured by Ukrainian counter artillery fire while observing militants firing at Ukrainian forces. |
Bryan got a shotgun and tried to scare off the wolves by firing into the air, but that strategy backfired. |
If no decoration is applied, biscuit or glost firing is the final operation in manufacture. |
He kept firing, yelling to Mace to follow Gallegos back to the Humvee. |
The PM would then broadcast a firing order to the SSBN submarines via the Very Low Frequency radio station at Rugby. |
The fourth gun resumed firing intermittently in the afternoon, and its garrison surrendered on 7 June. |
He heard the firing and as he walked he felt it in the pit of his stomach as though it echoed on his own diaphragm. |
Downstairs there was a kitchen common to all lodgers, with free firing and a supply of cooking-pots, tea-basins, and toasting-forks. |
In her Cambrian Explosion series, the firing covers most of the pieces' surfaces with a rough matte surface. |
After the pots have been glazed, they go back into the kiln for a second firing. |
Eight or so gunmen stood shoulder to shoulder in the gray-white trail before the barn, firing into the saloon's burning, bullet-pocked facade. |
It's out of the frying pan and into the firing line for Prince Harry. |
Cannon Fodder should be firing on all cylinders for the Birthday Girls' Celebration Mares' Handicap Hurdle at Towcester. |
But just as suddenly as it appeared, the firing squad cars were gone. |
The doctor checked again as the firing squad began to reload. |
The cliffs were defended by the German 352nd Infantry Division and French collaborators firing from above. |
Judge Les Spittle said the gun was a convincing weighty replica but effectively a cap gun incapable of firing anything. |
He laid into the Whigs as freebooters, swindlers and conmen but Peel's own Free Trade policies were directly in the firing line. |
The World Bank ranks the United States first in the ease of hiring and firing workers. |
But for tantrum-throwing singer Justin Bieber, a tattooed dude was just one of the many people in his recent firing line to boss around. |
The firing of a truck load of meat and two cases of assault enlived the strike of the meat wagon drivers yesterday. |
Different types of clay, when used with different minerals and firing conditions, are used to produce earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. |
Both armies blamed the other for firing first and denied entering the other's territory. |
Murat would attempt to regain his throne but was quickly captured and executed by firing squad in Pizzo, Calabria. |
Afonso made a bold approach to the city, his ships decorated with banners, firing cannon volleys. |
His depiction of the injustices of Spanish rule, and his death by firing squad, inspired other Filipino revolutionaries to seek independence. |
They developed serial firing technique to create a continuous rain of bullets on the enemy. |
In comparison, the Portuguese guns were light, had a matchlock firing mechanism, and were easy to aim. |
The matchlock which appeared roughly around 1475 changed this by adding a firing mechanism consisting of two parts, the match, and the lock. |
During repeated firing, guns could become clogged and explode, which could be dangerous to the gunner and those around him. |
The crew of the Endymion reported that they had been searching for five or six hours, firing their cannon every ten minutes. |
In balancing the harms, the greater harm to be avoided is a violent suspect firing and killing a police officer or any other bystander. |
Sintering is part of the firing process used in the manufacture of pottery and other ceramic objects. |
One method of inhibiting or ending a strike is firing union members who are striking which can result in elimination of the union. |
The firing is begun at the bottom of the flue, and gradually spreads outwards and upwards. |
Hills provide a major advantage to an army, giving them an elevated firing position and forcing an opposing army to charge uphill to attack them. |
Mickle Fell and surrounding moorland forms part of the Warcop Training Area, a Ministry of Defence firing range. |
In the 1920s this land was turned into rifle, grenade and field firing ranges and the core of a camp for the troops using these facilities. |
The firing point normally is at a defined point on the ground, and on a civilian range will usually be level and flat. |
Outdoor ranges without a covered firing point are usually grass, often on a slightly raised, flattened mound. |
Usually the top is at least five degrees in elevation from the 100m firing line. |
More information about reducing occupational exposures at indoor firing ranges can be found at NIOSH Firing Range topic page. |
Then they continued firing at the prisoners, many of whom were now struggling to get back inside the blocks. |
Rufinamide exhibits its anticonvulsant effects through limiting neuronal sodium-dependent action potential firing. |
He had been pulling the trigger of his slugthrower all this time, but now the firing pin clicked at last upon an empty firing chamber. |
As an example, firing strong-handed from the Weaver stance, we have our left foot forward and the right foot to the rear. |
With a brief psionic push, Nova teeked them aside and into the rock, firing her rifle at the soft areas just above the creature's rib cage. |
Finally Supervisor level 2 expands on that, allowing firing from barges, bridges, rooftops and over unusual sites. |
Police however were able to disperse the revelers by among other things firing warning shots in the air. |
The mechanism by which acetylcholine receptors on axons lower neurons' firing thresholds remains uncertain, Metherate says. |
However, Fenelon was not so clinical as his strike partner, waywardly firing over the bar when played through one-on-one. |
The visitors threatened to increase their lead, Josh Banks firing over before Mackin saved acrobatically from Owen''s strike. |
During the First World War, eleven men were tried in private and shot by firing squad at the Tower for espionage. |
Worn breech assembly components can cause the firing pin to protrude past the face of the breechblock. |
The atmosphere within a kiln during firing can affect the appearance of the finished wares. |
Primer brisance mostly depends on the length of the flame that leaps out of the flash-hole after the firing pin whacks the primer cup. |
Billy spent all morning firing caps with his friends, re-enacting storming the beach at Normandy. |
Paul, in Mdina, and featured torchlight processions, the firing of 100 petards, horseraces, and races for men, boys and slaves. |
He wore a brush cut that looked like static electricity firing up from his pink skull. |
After firing that off, he clumsily asked what a plantation mentality is. |
The 25-year-old helped comrades in the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards advance by firing an antitank missile when he was shot in south Aghanistan. |
Unfortunately, there were subsidence problems and concerns that the concussion from firing the guns was causing the cliffs to crumble. |
Forced by a hostile crowd to flee Mozambique, da Gama departed the harbor, firing his cannons into the city in retaliation. |
The video also showed Kim Jong Un navigating a tank, observing fighter jets and firing exercises, and posing for photographs with soldiers. |
Mobile defenses could be had underwater, too, in the form of nuclear submarines capable of firing missiles. |
The process was selfperpetuating as the gas was used for heating tar tanks and for firing carbonisation ovens, which would generate more gas. |
He installed a system of electrical firing so that all guns could be fired simultaneously, making Ocean the first vessel to be so equipped. |
His pal, Mr. Bruce, wound up firing them, went lawyerless, and botched his appeal. |
Victory's gunners were called on deck to fight boarders, and she ceased firing. |
Meanwhile, Carlton coach Brett Ratten is delighted to have star man Chris Judd fit and firing again. |
His torpedo ran on water with a rocket system filled with explosive gunpowder materials and had three firing points. |
On firing, some of the hot gases from burning powder were able to bypass the overpowder and filler wads and reach the shot charge. |
The results of the battle confirmed the value of firing guns by centralised director. |
Warships of the period were armed with guns firing projectiles of varying weights, bearing high explosive warheads. |
However, their ships proved difficult to sink despite severe damage and impressed the British with the quality of their firing. |
Before they could complete the turn, they were sighted by British destroyers who commenced firing. |
The sound of firing alerted the remaining German destroyers, who had been moving north, but turned south towards home. |
By the end of the month, Japanese artillery were firing shells into the harbour. |
After twenty minutes' firing the fishermen saw a blue light signal on one of the warships, the order to cease firing. |
Supplementary firing raises the temperature of the exhaust gas from 800 to 900 degree Celsius. |
Parliamentarian troops then used the cathedral to stable their horses and damaged much of the ornate sculpture by using it for firing practice. |
He knocked on the door of the Sash Assembly of God in Texas and began firing when it was opened. |
The use of large supplementary firing in Combined Cycle Systems with high gas turbine inlet temperatures causes the efficiency to drop. |
Maximum supplementary firing refers to the maximum fuel that can be fired with the oxygen available in the gas turbine exhaust. |
The man firing the gun turned his weapon on the larger target, giving Jenna the chance to pull out of the kill zone using the Suburban as cover. |
They showed diagrams on how to make nuclear firing circuits and radioactive cores of atom bombs. |
Using supplemental firing will however not raise the combined cycle efficiency for most combined cycles. |
Clearing the area of jelly, tentacles, and wetness further reduces nematocyst firing. |
The interior video shows the gunman firing the shot through the window. |
As a consequence, he was sent to the Chief Artillery Administration in Moscow and the research firing ground in Kolomna. |
You will be firing down on them, and you can use everything you have, even mortars. You will cut them to pieces. |
These wares were not yet actual porcelain wares as they were not hard nor vitrified by firing kaolin clay at high temperatures. |
The 21-year-old is shooting Labor Pains, playing an assistant at a publishing house who pretends to be pregnant to keep her boss from firing her. |
The lacquerware gives us a broader color selection than porcelain, because it does not require a firing process. |
The soldiers responded to a barrage of stones by firing into the crowd, killing between 13 and 50 people. |
Without the cover, the connec-tor has no protection against moisture or backblast from rockets firing. |
Make up some moderate to light loads and then after firing them in your rifle you should not full length resize this brass. |
Chris Innes, Ryan McGuffie and Ryan Baldachino were on target for the Borders side with Scott McLaughlin firing home Moreton's consolation goal. |
Firing pottery can be done using a variety of methods, with a kiln being the usual firing method. |
According to reports, heavy firing was reported from the Hamirpur, Mendhar and Barasingha sectors of Poonch in Jammu. |
The troops were lined up on deck, firing musket volleys, with full colours flying and the military bands playing. |
The colour of a glaze after it has been fired may be significantly different from before firing. |
Defensive firing galleries were built along the southern side of the castle. |
Prior to firing, some surfaces are burnished using various levigated slips. |
When he saw a second machinegun firing, he took a Lewis gun and found a high point on the parapet from where he could engage the gun. |
In April 2017, BAE Systems announced six successful firings by the Typhoon in 2016, including a simultaneous firing of two Meteor missiles. |
This eliminates the requirement for the firing aircraft to maintain radar lock, and thus greatly reduces risk. |
Brother of deceased Sana while complaining the police told that her sister was on bed rest due to ailment and suddenly firing started. |
The officers at the antaircraft school preferred Case I to Case III firing even when the modern Buffi equipment is employed. |
Pakistani troops initially exercised restraint however, responded befittingly when India started heavy firing. |
High probability of kill also requires firing to usually occur from the rear hemisphere of the target. |
British and German aircraft tended to use a mix of machine guns and autocannon, the latter firing explosive projectiles. |
In sigma-1 KO animals, a reduced afterhyperpolarization results in a higher firing frequency and a stronger muscle contraction. |
A bayonet made firing difficult, as its cumbersome shape hampered ramming down the charge into the barrel. |
These tests involved firing large amounts of ordnance at the frontal arc of T-80Us and T-90s, with and without Kontakt-V reactive armor. |
Now 14, Taira does not remember the incident clearly, but the ongoing firing near the border does not let her forget the pain either. |
When I'm on a covered firing line, shared with multiple rifleshooters, I wish we all had silencers on our rifles to save our collective hearing. |
Officers from Cleveland Police caught two teenage boys on CCTV firing what looked like air guns at the outdoor games area on Broadwell Road, Easterside, Middlesbrough. |
Arrowslits and barbicans were incorporated into the defences, with multiple firing platforms built into the walls to allow the massed use of archers. |
As mayor of Springfield for 10 years, I am appalled by the city's firing of Thelma Barone, who was hired in 2003 to build trust between the city and the Latino community. |
Two officers and five other ranks were killed or died of wounds, but the guns continued firing under local control and communications were maintained. |
The aggressive nature of his innings meant the righthander rode his luck at times but while he was firing at the crease, there was still a chance. |
On 9 October, Clary was liberated and the next day the divisional artillery was firing in support of the 33rd which had made contact with German forces. |
This was the location of the control room from which the bomb would be detonated, along with the equipment to monitor the firing circuits and telemetry. |
For about an hour, the Afonso was able to sustain a disadvantageous battle with the Indian ships, firing nearly 400 rounds and hitting two of the enemy vessels. |
This variant retained the twin, synchronized Marlin guns firing forward through the propeller and the twin moveable Lewis guns on a scarff ring firing to the rear. |
The Home Department of Gilgit-Baltistan has banned public gatherings, rallies, display of arms, aerial firing, disputed sloganeering, and illegal use of loud speakers. |
The Dutch fleet, no longer under threat, left without firing a shot. |
The dock was protected by a wall later named the Gunners Walk and a firing platform that may have housed a trebuchet siege engine during the medieval period. |
Two bodies were recovered from the Crail wreckage and, after a full military funeral with firing party, were interred in Portobello cemetery, Edinburgh. |
Upon detecting firedamp the candle is lowered and arrangements made for the ventilating of the area or the deliberate firing of the firedamp after the end of a shift. |
Deep passages and tunnels now connected the blockhouses and firing points in the ditch to the fort proper, with magazines and machine rooms deep under the surface. |
Steaming faster than merchant ships and firing at long ranges, a single battleship could destroy many ships in a convoy before the others could scatter over the horizon. |
The stationary firing of the first-stage development solid rocket motor, dubbed DM-2, was the most heavily instrumented solid rocket motor test in NASA history. |
An impressive goal against Newcastle apart, Sterling has been out of sorts recently and with him not firing Liverpool look decidedly beatable, as does Sterling. |
There were rebellions and mutinies following the debates, and in 1649, the Bishopsgate mutiny resulted in the execution of Leveller Robert Lockyer by firing squad. |
Various training was undertaken, including artillery firing. |
In theory at least, the direct-fire mortar could engage helicopters at close ranges by firing HE rounds with variable time fuses to achieve an air burst. |
As noted above, Crain's argument is that employers, where possible, select at-will employment, thereby maintaining the option of firing without cause. |
This has the disadvantage that the firing aircraft must maintain radar lock on the target and is thus less free to maneuver and more vulnerable to attack. |
These guns were rather ancient and had limited capabilities, with an effective lethal range of about 50 meters, and a firing rate of about two rounds per minute. |
One major contribution was the introduction of volley fire, which enabled soldiers to compensate for the inaccuracy of their weapons by firing in a large group. |