Cusack is playing a character we've all come to know and love, an angst-ridden guy who can't seem to figure out his life. |
All the same, it's rather embarrassing when I score lower than a technophobe when trying to figure out how to use a simple machine. |
But there was a background noise in the signal that just didn't go away, and they couldn't figure out how to get rid of it. |
Who knows if what I'm feeling for you is some schoolgirl crush or a real thing and that's something I have to figure out for myself. |
But it didn't take Scully long to figure out that coaching football was not his bag. |
Before doing the real thing, practice on scrap paper to figure out the perfect amount of paint and pressure needed to make flawless stamps. |
We're still trying to figure out why in the heck the lines ballooned out the way they did. |
We will figure out what the right combination of boots on the ground may be. |
They return to the occupational therapist to figure out new ways of coping with problems or to master a new skill. |
As their numbers thin out, they turn on each other, in an attempt to figure out who is the killer. |
They were all his father's cousins and uncles, or third cousin three times removed, which Jack couldn't figure out how that made them related. |
I open the box of matzos and break off pieces to eat while we try to figure out the difference between regular cooking time and microwave time. |
Now it's up to Julie to suit up and take on these meanies and figure out exactly what's going on. |
Try though I might, there are some people whose motivations, whose hardwiring one might say, I cannot seem to figure out. |
We try to figure out what is so, reasoning on the basis of what we already know. |
It seems only a select few are ever told about it, and even then, they have to figure out for themselves how the system works. |
Someone out there is going to read this and figure out who Lynn is and get that message-center operator to put a call through. |
You can drive yourself batty trying to figure out what every color is supposed to symbolize. |
I'm searching through my memory to try to figure out why on Earth I'd start to write poetry again. |
Scientists have been trying for half a century to figure out a way to get us there on at least a semi-permanent basis, to no avail. |
Folks are beginning to figure out how they can beat the system, so to speak, because there are all sorts of travel restrictions. |
I had a brief tinker with my blog template earlier, really to just try and figure out which lines relate to which part of the screen. |
I've actually got to figure out a place to end this so I can start the sequel to this story. |
Congress and the president were supposed to figure out how to cut the deficits or else they'd have a sequester, forced spending cuts. |
I use all the wood from behind my house to work on my toolshed, but I can't figure out how to turn the logs into plywood. |
I need to figure out a way to list my blogs topically, rather than by date. |
My tragic flaw is that I'm not clever enough to figure out if I'm being made fun of or not. |
I accidentally set my ancient Seiko digital watch to military time and can't figure out how to set it back. |
The right-hander was desperately trying to figure out why he was constantly being shelled last season. |
Scouts and team officials always play such a shell game that it's hard to figure out what's a true read and what's not. |
The school didn't have a uniform and like a big girl I spent forever trying to figure out what to wear. |
Staying in touch also helps you figure out whether he was the real deal or just a mirage. |
I can't figure out if you're a real feminist or a guy doing a parody of a misandrist feminist. |
And there was chaos there for a little while, as everyone just tried to figure out what was going on, and we started triaging the victims. |
The point of Trinity Sunday is not to try to figure out a mathematical or metaphysical puzzle. |
Everyone has heard of the Turing test, where you chat with a human and a computer and try to figure out which is which. |
Alex turned the paper several different ways, trying to figure out which way was up. |
I get up and sit on the edge of the bed and for a few minutes I'm in a twilight zone where I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do next. |
His one mortal enemy is change, and he has yet to figure out how to beat it. |
I spent the remainder of the night staring at the ceiling, trying to figure out how I could have blown such a perfect opportunity. |
If you're doing nothing towards the goal, you need to sit yourself down and figure out why you're sabotaging your own efforts. |
I've been sitting on this story for a week or so, trying to figure out what to do with it. |
For a number of years I've been muddling in the mire of trying to figure out who and what I am in relation to church, denomination, God etc. |
They can usually manage to figure out the writer credits on material that originally appeared without any and to identify uncredited artists. |
After about 30 minutes of desperately attempting to fix the tube and figure out some way of bodging the tyre, I gave up and called Heather. |
David and I floundered around for a year trying to figure out how to musicalize Batman. |
I can't figure out why he's popular in New York City, but then New Yorkers still mystify me. |
What matters is if we can figure out the association between nanobacteria and kidney stones and develop some kind of countermeasure. |
On the borderline between childhood and adolescence, I was still trying to figure out who I was. |
I tried to figure out the best way to get there, but it was obvious that the usual streets I would take were unpassable. |
It sounds from what you're saying like this is a nearly unpreventable problem at least for now until they figure out what to do. |
If he could figure out the brand of the cigarette, he could narrow down his suspects. |
It took us forever to figure out why we had a smell when we'd open certain upper cabinets in the kitchen. |
I just hope that we have enough time to figure out the unspoken moral ramifications of cloning. |
Can Bruce figure out a way to stop an unstoppable foe when he can barely get out of bed? |
I mean, it would be great if I could bring everyone with me but I was trying to figure out a way to sniff it out on my own. |
We're going to talk to a box-office expert and figure out what's going on and what can be done about it. |
Now, I had to figure out what to do with my evil, cruel, untameable, bird's nest black hair. |
Patients can often figure out ingenious ways to treat themselves when necessity forces their hand. |
Someday these bozos are going to figure out that it doesn't pay to try to set the CIA up as the fall guys. |
He tried not to isolate and figure out what the unusual stench emanating from the earpiece was. |
By finding and posting the unvarnished documents that drive the news, the blogosphere helps us figure out if we're being snowed. |
It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that this is not the reality for the vast majority of students. |
Intentional communities are something I've long been interested in, both sociologically and as a kid trying to figure out a good way to live. |
It leads to a bunch of poor, confused souls sitting around trying to figure out what they're supposed to do, rather than what they want to do. |
A soft-spoken voice echoed behind me while I was still trying to figure out why Joe was giving me that glare. |
They wanted a little breathing room in order to figure out how to deal with the problems in Edmonton's favourite entertainment district. |
He then quietly admitted that he couldn't figure out how to move the cards in solitaire. |
I'll be back later with the sorrowful news when I figure out how I want to say it. |
I bend down to inspect the chocolate chip brownies and to try to figure out how many I can have without spoiling my appetite for dinner. |
In the preparation, how hard was it to figure out which blood vessels, which veins, belong to which of the twins? |
I pace around the ventless room, trying to figure out where the gas is entering from, and what it could be. |
I suppose they're probably still trying to figure out how to cut Halliburton in on the action. |
I will have my maid come and pay you a visit in the morning so you two can figure out your wardrobe for the coronation. |
Why can't I figure out how to check my voicemail or get into the system to record my outgoing greeting? |
It didn't take long to figure out that this complex began as a plaything for a group of six retired and bored businessmen. |
He was pushing buttons on purpose, to figure out what would make him tick and what he would let roll off his back. |
The police are soon nosing about, trying to figure out the mystery of several locals who've gone missing. |
We need to figure out how we're going to handle what could be many hundreds of thousands of dead bodies. |
She says those collections won't resume until the city can figure out how to do so without hemorrhaging taxpayer cash. |
When we calculate turnout, we figure out how many active people there are in the entire population. |
That risk figure is calculated on the basis that you figure out what can go wrong and what the chances are of that happening. |
Investigators had to rely on other things to figure out what caused the airplane to experience an aerodynamic stall at a critically low altitude. |
She was a good student, and she couldn't figure out why she was called down. |
The culprit, an office worker, was robbing his female colleagues, but no one could figure out where he was stashing the purses. |
The scientists are currently using computer models to figure out the potential rates for carbon sequestration on golf courses. |
Before you can sterilize a medical device, you have to figure out how you're going to do it. |
Common hot keys are placed strategically within easy reach, but I did find the buttons hard to figure out. |
Until recently, the researchers couldn't figure out why the wasp's springtime parasitism rate was very low. |
They all just love me for no reason I can figure out and we pretty much had a high ole time. |
I was taught in college that one ought to figure out a program completely on paper before even going near a computer. |
There's been a stink in my classroom, for a week now, we couldn't figure out where it was coming from, but it smelled like metho. |
She called 911 from her car phone, but operators struggled to figure out where she was located as they listened to the attack occur. |
Our first order of business would be to figure out a method of allowing our citizens to vote one-handed. |
You know, I'm really beginning to think that I won't figure out what's going in Iraq until I buy a one-way ticket to Baghdad. |
We have to figure out how we stop toys being chucked down the gap between the head of the bed and the wall. |
My eyes opened slowly and I looked around, trying to figure out exactly where I was. |
You guys couldn't get to Peach's castle in the first place and you'd probably never figure out how to get to the heliport on the roof. |
And when I finally did figure out what he had said, I was struck dumb with shock, and I felt my face slowly infuse with heat. |
Using this, astronomers only needed to know the period of a cepheid variable to figure out how bright, and therefore how far away it was. |
The story focuses on Nathan Quinn, a cetacean biologist trying to figure out what whale song means. |
I have a first aid kit with a styptic pencil but I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do with it. |
The Titans have to figure out who is going to play left outside linebacker. |
This is simply a club that can't figure out its ballpark and needs a change of scenery. |
It doesn't take a genius, however, to figure out that a large sum of money changed hands. |
The guide below will help you figure out how to strip a subordinative verb to its stem. |
If you live overseas and can't figure out the time difference, that's your problem. |
The goal is to figure out why some people seem to lead a charmed life while others do not. |
Her other boarder and a friend spent hours trying to figure out the mathematical formula for solving the puzzle. |
And so we can just, in our mind's eye, try to figure out what might be going on in that jury room, how many holdouts there might be. |
In the traditional darkroom, a photographer would painstakingly figure out a 'recipe' for making each print. |
This book is here to try and help you figure out ways to suppress the feelings of depression following someone's death. |
If the artist can't figure out how SVGA palettes work, it's the programmer who writes a color-reducing and palette-matching utility. |
Even if it was the swages that caused the damage it does not take a genius to figure out the physics behind what would be most likely to cut. |
There aren't that many hot hatchbacks on sale today, and it's hard to figure out why. |
It requires a bit of fiddling but the BBC swingometer allows you to figure out what the benefits of tactical voting would be. |
Once you know how your business runs best, you need to figure out a way to systemize that process. |
Even my little laptop has the power and ability to sniff a wireless network, and figure out passwords etc. |
Okay, but then how would an airline figure out that he's a peaceable fellow except by, well, identifying him? |
Titania was stunned by the fair words that graced the paper, but she couldn't for the life of her figure out who wrote it. |
They're still combing through the wreckage now, trying to figure out what exactly happened. |
If a bowler could figure out the combination, he could open up the safe and get the money. |
It took me a while to figure out what exactly that mark was, it looked like those Indian burns that kids give each other. |
The one thing they wanted me to figure out was what was the common denominator with all my readers. |
She was sat on her desk, moving some puzzles' pieces, trying to figure out something, maybe an image, or a letter. |
Knowing this, you can try and figure out which pieces are which simply by how they're being moved. |
The valve pocket chamber and the pistons are pulled to figure out the compression ratio. |
Why does everything concerning the subject of love have to be so impossible to figure out? |
The tools will let you select the topics and the fields of interest to you and figure out what intelligent people are saying about them. |
Why a beautiful women would want to work around mentally insane men all day was something Rachel would never be able to figure out. |
And they had to figure out what to name the file, before they could close down the computer and head out into the snow. |
The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. |
If someone could figure out a way to do this in the case of motor vehicles, he would be an instant millionaire. |
Your local hardware store can help you figure out how much pipe you'll need and how many connectors, elbows and T-fittings you'll need. |
The story centers around the five teams, and not once did I believe they were able to intelligently figure out the clues. |
I wonder if the intended comedy is supposed to be in trying figure out if she's aware of what's going on. |
I think he's the subtle comic relief, but I can't figure out if that's intentional. |
You start to figure out all the characters have some sort of connection but you can't put your finger on it. |
Once a television crew arrived to interview me, and I could see the shock in their eyes as they tried to figure out where to place the camera. |
So I decided that I should plug this gap in my education and rented a few tapes of big matches to try and figure out how hurling works. |
The department was in a fix about the problem, as it had to figure out the exact amount spent by the subscribers. |
Carefully, one-handed, he peeled it off his right ear and set it on the passenger seat, unable to figure out how to turn off the neon flashers. |
You just don't see corgis in the middle of the Serb highlands, and even now I try to figure out how it got there. |
At the time, he found it frustrating that he could not figure out the right questions to ask. |
Someone has to correlate information from a variety of sensors, and figure out what's a false alarm and what's real. |
If the people reading the misinformation are not stupid, they'll figure out that there's more to this than poppets and candle-spells. |
Impatient people don't sit still and grok the whole page, check out the archives and figure out what's up. |
I don't think it's that hard to figure out why withdrawing into exclusive coupledom is unhealthy in the long run. |
Well, we're going to figure out what caused a fiery plane crash in Colorado. |
Just when we figure out the cross and empty tomb, something happens to remind us that Jesus' death and resurrection are a mystery. |
You move through a level to figure out where everyone's coming from, and then have the crosshairs waiting for them as they arrive. |
I've been doing my own work for 20 years, but I can't figure out how to get any lube into the freewheel, much less how to actually open it up. |
Anyway, wrestling with that was a lot like trying to figure out how to cut out this bag so it did that slouchy crumply thing I wanted. |
Before he can figure out what's happening, a bunch of albinos in white tunics and cream-colored fright wigs start shooting arrows at him. |
Now he is 26, and a mathematical genius who can figure out cube roots quicker than a calculator and recall pi to 22,514 decimal places. |
I sense unhappy sponsors beating on the doors, and producers cudgeling their brains trying to figure out what has happened. |
This effort took a team of engineers the better part of a full year to figure out. |
It was too hard for National to figure out how to solve that curly problem in the middle of Auckland. |
If we figure out that the probable ancestor of a flying group was a bipedal cursorial form, then flight likely evolved from the ground up. |
They're meant to be intuitive type of commands, not where you're not fumbling around trying to figure out what to say. |
Vera had been rather undecided on supreme powers and higher deities, leaving it to the theologians and philosophers to figure out. |
This statement is often said by Canadians looking at all the US tourists trying to figure out how to convert litres to gallons. |
Sooner or later an outside resource has to be pressed into service to figure out what is causing the problem. |
So at least if I know where the media is gathering, I can figure out where the prez is going to be. |
I only wish I could read German, so I could figure out what they're saying. |
Since I was well back in the procession of creeping vehicles, it took me a while to figure out what the hold-up was. |
Not being a whiz at geometry, I stared at the pattern for quite a while trying to figure out the formula for measuring the degrees of the angles. |
It took most of the next morning to figure out the glitch and devise a temporary fix. |
So the former researcher spent months delving into the science to figure out what went wrong. |
So figure out what to do with yourself before you become bored out of your gourd. |
It took him a few more moments to figure out how to gain purchase on the surface with his feet, but as soon as he had that, he was off! |
Pohnert used deuteration techniques to figure out which nutrients are being used to make the chemical weapons. |
So I could figure out that all religions were good and bringing the same type of devotion. |
So ever since then, I've been trying to figure out an economical solution for our curtain problem. |
I wanted to remove the misspelled word from the dictionary, but couldn't figure out how to do it. |
His death seemed so gratuitous, so uncalled for, that at first I couldn't figure out why it was in the film. |
At first you think there's some sort of grift going on, a con of some sort, which McConaughey is going to have to figure out. |
And I meant that on SO many levels, levels you will certainly understand once you figure out how to purposefully embarrass me in public. |
We tried to figure out what circumstance would warrant a restaurant guest standing on a toilet seat. |
Both of us have had to figure out what to do with discolored redwood in fences or decks. |
If you like diving into the game right away, it will take you a bit of time to figure out what the icons on the side mean. |
Is the system getting more and more convoluted as the board tries to figure out what ever-shifting community standards are in this day and age? |
In addition, before I can figure out ethics for sure, I need to decide which epistemology I'm going to use. |
It took me a few minutes to figure out exactly what I hated about this painting. |
Within days everyone would figure out who he was, and the dogpile would start again. |
Two weeks later I was living in a dormitory at the University, dating fraternity boys and trying to figure out why I hated it so much. |
I did spend the first half of the movie trying to figure out why a droid was wheezing and coughing. |
Eventually, we'll figure out exactly how to do it right, to balance between realism and cartooning. |
She tried to figure out when she lost her drive, her ambitiousness, when she lost her will power. |
Some survivors become strong enough to confront their abusers, but allow your counselor to help you figure out what's best for you. |
He's very, very powerful, a jack of all trades, that Clive. I can't wait for everybody to figure out how versatile he is. |
They need to figure out a way to sort of complete the role of the president in wartime. |
Soon everybody quieted down, and remained silent as we tried to figure out where to go to next. |
Uncertain how to interpret his quietness, she tried to figure out what to say. |
Now it doesn't take a genius to figure out if I put in 100 watts and get out 350 watts I am getting a lot of free energy. |
When we get there we'll find a way to survey the property and figure out a plan of action. |
My website design is so overly complex that it'll take him a long time to figure out how it works. |
Neither of them could ever quite figure out how they had survived growing up with her. |
Good sound guys can figure out the acoustics during sound check relatively quickly, but that's only going to go so far. |
It says it wants 10 percent minority representation, and then they have to jigger the system to figure out how to reach that number. |
You can figure out how much water you need to drink each day by dividing your weight in half. |
I had to figure out how to get the ball in the hole with my wedge and my putter. |
Without a job description to figure out who might be qualified for these pithy posts, the best one can do is hop on the Internet. |
Sure, some people will waste time with it, but a company should be able to figure out who's not doing their job properly and weed them out. |
If that's the case, then what they need to learn to do is figure out a way to adapt to this change in market conditions. |
He was motivated to figure out the problems, but he had difficulty adding mixed numbers, for which he often depended on his partner. |
Let them figure out how to keep the hotheads from spoiling the gravy train. |
Once a real plan is put down on paper, though, you can do real calculations and figure out whether it really works. |
You would think that by now they could figure out to put extra buses on during the festive period. |
So the sooner you figure out the real story, the sooner you'll have the jump on them. |
It also doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this is junk science. |
The interrogator talks to both via a teletype machine, and his goal is to figure out which is which. |
It is not enough to know the result of something, because it is necessary to figure out the reason why. |
Miles and Jack, on the other hand, are too easy to figure out, lovable cartoons, rascals who are losers by rote. |
Words and titles are about to become very important as people figure out which one of Cheney's goons ratted her out. |
I attempted to figure out if any of her words had a hidden implication, but she spoke flat out. |
Enron could bilk investors because, despite the razzle-dazzle, nobody outside the company could figure out Enron's game. |
He had given the horses some grain, and now he was whittling a figure out of a piece of wood. |
You don't need to be a Keynesian to figure out that if there's dropping consumption, there won't be any increases in anything else. |
Even though I couldn't figure out why there was an air line buried in the back yard, I knew Dad would be mad. |
Torres' career has been going so swimmingly, she still can't quite figure out why a friend kiddingly suggested she make a swimming comeback. |
To figure out the number of rolls of wallpaper you may need, use our handy Roll Reckoner. |
As one Redditor mentions, he's so versatile that it's hard to figure out what his real accent even is. |
She twisted her hands, trying to figure out how they had knotted the ropes. |
Once you figure out how to browse it, you stumble across carefully prepared exercises and workbooks. |
It's better to be able to figure out who the kooks are by their own words, so that one may treat them with the cold contempt they deserve. |
Well that was my first try at E-blogging, now I just have to figure out how to wrap the text! |
Then figure out which items you will continue to be responsible for and which expenses you want the allowance to cover. |
We are still trying to figure out what the codes mean, but we feel we are very close to cracking it. |
She rubbed her temple, trying to figure out the code before her, when she heard a knock at the door. |
The radar's job is to figure out which is the real warhead, so that missile interceptors can be launched to try to stop them. |
Instead, you should find a reputable credit counseling service to help you figure out how to manage your debt. |
In one fell swoop, Web analytics can help you figure out all the important information about people who visit your site. |
No matter where the guy is, the computer should figure out town, state, and abbreviation from the zip code, but that's another matter. |
If you're scientist, you want to prove X causes Y, because you're trying to figure out the laws of nature. |
So before you go any further leading her on, you better figure out if you love her back or not. |
And I think everyone needs to come together to figure out how to resolve this problem. |
In the end, the independent operator retains the right to sue, and it's not hard to figure out who's going to pay. |
And now investigators have to figure out whose claims are legit and who is scamming the system. |
Now, for the life of me, I can't figure out what the priest is getting at here. |
They just tell you that you have spyware on your computer, and leave it up to you to figure out how to remove it. |
On the flip side, minority Rover drivers are idiot boy-racers who still can't figure out which vehicles get right of way at a roundabout. |
Japanese car manufacturers, for example, already figure out where every tire, rim, and crankshaft will go after their cars die. |
She leaned against the doorframe, playing with a silver ring on her finger and trying to figure out what to say. |
It didn't take the Army long to figure out that they had a ringer in their midst. |
So the reader must resort to the apparatus and notes to figure out what interpretation is driving a given modernization choice. |
The final phase is to analyze the strength of the brand to figure out how risky those future brand earnings are. |
The Pentagon vigorously opposes that recommendation, but even a rookie spook can figure out that big changes are in the air. |
Yes, you need to figure out how to sell the service, but once you learn the ropes it's not all that hard to find customers. |
If it is a big house, consider bringing in an experienced person to show you the ropes and help you figure out the mixes. |
Companies need to figure out how much market share they stand to gain from localisation, before they invest. |
The receiver has to sort through this mess and figure out which signal to lock on to. |
Alex twirled round in a circle, trying to figure out which bus she was meant to be on. |
It took a bit of time to figure out if you were the midwicket, fine leg, long off or deep gully. |
He couldn't figure out how to assemble an engine of the magnitude he needed, so he'd have to steal a working model from the museum. |
If you want to establish clarity in your love life, you are going to have to figure out what you are really looking for. |
I met Karmen and Elle at the top again, the two of them breathless from trying to figure out how to control their luges. |
He already is helping to sell tickets, but it may take him a little longer to figure out how to sack the quarterback on a consistent basis. |
We also need to figure out how we can become cohesive units within our own party rather than a disoraganized swarm of attack dogs. |
I wish Brooks could figure out from week to week if he wants to be an attack dog or smarmy. |
Once you have that number, you simply use the look-up tables to figure out what your income tax is. |
The equating of lycanthropy and homosexuality's pretty direct here and it's hard to figure out why. |
When it comes to flamethrowers, after all, it's hard to figure out what's the truth and what's a tall tale. |
Their daughter has introduced my children to the idea of drawing tally marks to figure out problems. |
After a few hours he awoke, still twitching, and stared at the ceiling for awhile, trying to figure out what to do now. |
I drew the plans myself, straining to recall fifth-form technical drawing as I tried to figure out which way is up on a French curve. |
I had returned to the bed and was laying down, trying to figure out where I was and who was holding me captive, when the lock clicked on the door. |
He has tried to figure out different ways to find a winning formula. |
Now let's use Euler's formula to figure out how many faces there are. |
If I could figure out which was the buttonholer, I could have it. |
All local budding Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christies and other nosy parkers were running around last weekend trying to figure out what happened Friday Night at Bowmore Point. |
Not Downton Abbey, which is unable to figure out what to do with itself in a post-Matthew crawley world. |
It was a process of trial and error that took me two months to figure out. |
If you don't have the patience to figure out the codes and play the games, there's a cheat sheet that allows the viewer to see what's inside the section. |
Although no one could figure out where exactly he disappeared to under cover of the darkness, the neighbourhood woke up in alarm at midnight to find Pehlad's house on fire. |
Indeed, one of the functions of entrepreneurs, as opposed to academics, is to figure out how to make a public good into an excludable private good. |
Initially, they could not figure out if the bird was a kite or an eagle. |
Particularly once people start dying, you have to figure out how to make the humor not undercut the emotion of the piece. |
In this, I would later figure out that both of those concerns were unfounded. |
With a two-week shutdown of the factory due to start on Monday, it is thought workers will use the time to figure out what course of action to take. |
Nobody could figure out what was wrong with him, and my friend and her husband spent inordinate amounts of money trying to find out what was wrong with him. |
Meanwhile, since I was not LMFAOing, I scanned Twitter to figure out who was. |
But his essays show a man struggling to figure out the complexities of discernment and judgment. |
What is left is the puzzle and the enigma that we need to figure out. |
We viewers can feel the strain as Sedgwick tries to figure out what to do and how to be, and we feel for her, too. |
So earlier this week I had the blahs and couldn't figure out why. |
He was staring at the fireplace, his eyes wide, trying to figure out what was wrong with him when he was snapped out of his reverie by the sound of a gentle cough behind him. |
A few doors down, Jeff Nier was trying to figure out how to untangle the three-car pile-up in his driveway. |
The characters in this film have to figure out when their number is up and avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time, which is what we do as human beings every day. |
What the state really needs is to figure out how to elbow its way into the tech economy. |
Also, if the ballot counters can't figure out who voted for who, like last time, having the pre-election polls on your side makes it easier for you to steal the election. |
The orchestra leader has to figure out how to make them play together. |
Six months ago when we were saying we won't sell direct, we'll work with our dealers and figure out a better mousetrap, a lot of people were saying we're crazy. |
Because trees put on different kinds of wood in early summer and in late summer, dendrochronologists can count annual rings to figure out how old a tree is. |
His face relaxes, his eyes squint, his jaw drops, and he suddenly becomes the everyman, a guy with an open-mouthed gape trying to figure out the world. |
I'm already trying to figure out if I can legitimately skip this meeting. |
It is perhaps only by understanding the historical and cultural antecedents of Irish neutrality that we can begin to figure out a new way forward. |
These computations can be done on any part of your business, thereby helping you figure out what areas bring the best return on your time, money, and efforts. |
Ex-Im funding will now be temporarily extended, and then the GOP will figure out a way to reauthorize it for another few years. |
That makes devices more readily available to those who want to figure out vulnerabilities to exploit. |