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How to use ferret in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word ferret? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Directors always see something in you that you have to kind of ferret out, in a way.
But even these diminutive numbers tend to belie the extremely small spaces into which a ferret can fit.
On behalf of the ordinary reader, you feel he will ferret out the truth if anyone can.
Media organizations, having decided that Levy's disappearance is a major story, should explore every lead to ferret out the truth.
Finding the place almost deserted I had resigned myself to having a ferret around Lancaster Hole on my own, until I bumped into Ray.
Mr Smith then visited Saudi Arabia twice trying to ferret the truth out of the authorities.
Sam and myself were keen to have a ferret around in Pippikin via Mistral, but Alan was all psyched up to do his first trip down Lancaster Hole.
But Sid wasn't really the type that offered up information easily, preferring to have his barmates ferret it out of him.
The event included horse racing, helicopter rides, ferret racing and falconry displays.
The predators included 13 raptors, ranging from great-horned owls to the American kestrel, and a domestic cat and a ferret.
And the intended cafe society has all the charm of a ferret in a rabbit hutch.
John also reared and released 12 starlings, 11 house martins, eight blackbirds, three bluetits, three hedge sparrows and a ferret.
No wonder the keen-nosed pigs who ferret out truffles from the roots of certain hardwood trees are so avid in their work.
He had a nose for news and he was an untiring reporter, reaching everywhere to ferret out some news.
We sent award-winning investigative journalist Gregory Smith to ferret out the answers.
Trim in his black polo-neck, he looks like a designer hairdresser, ponytail swinging down the back of his neck like the tail of a ferret.
Sent forth to ferret out the shadowy terrorists, U.S. troops would go woefully unprotected against biological weapons.
If the guilty won't hold up their hands and confess, he and the Generals will ferret them out by force.
We wait until the dog marks an occupied burrow then enter a ferret to hopefully bolt the rabbit.
And everybody knows that they do it, and you try to ferret it out, because we're supposed to try to find things based upon the truth.
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Examples from Classical Literature
When she undertook to ferret out anything, she bent her whole energies to it.
As being in all the Texas mysteries, he was a natural person to ferret out information on every side.
He is a macerated little saint, with the eyes of a ferret and the heart of a mouse.
If you want to help, ferret out the groups who speak Dogon and give them the word.
When she comes out again it is as a rabbit comes from a bolt-hole when a ferret is just behind.
You do manage to ferret out the unpleasant aspects of our position!
It is most interesting to ferret out the origin of these words.
Was it not he who in single combat had met and conquered a young ferret!
He was endeavouring to pierce the darkness with his ferret eyes, when the chimes of a neighbouring church struck the four quarters.
While the city's health department agreed last week to a ferret hearing, the mayor himself has been publicly noncommittal.
He hung his bow over his shoulder, and as an overall he wore the skin of a grey wolf, while on his head he set a cap of ferret skin.
The ferret is mentioned, as being prolific in captivity, in Var.
Their breast plates were of skin stretched on reeds, skilfully made from a ferret they had flayed.
Satisfied, now, that there was imposture, he resolved to ferret it out.
It's his snaky movements and his ferret eyes that is getting on me nerves.
Everything from games and ferret racing to Yorkshire puddings and progressive, democratic politics will be on offer for curious folk.
The postman had been watching Pete out of the corners of his ferret eyes.
Of course, he had managed to ferret out my name from my companions.
Gryphus would have been sure to ferret it out in the search, and would then have treated it as he did the first.
They can't jump down in a hurry, and it won't take long to ferret 'em out.
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