The starch stored in natural plant sugars is harvested and then the sugar is fermented into lactic acid. |
Other fermented and probiotic foods include yogurt, kefir, raise, and tempeh. |
The presence of grapes in a salad is abominable, but sauces made from fermented grape juice are essential. |
Chilled banana cream with jaggery Jaggery, which is fermented palm sugar, is fabulous stuff. |
Most of the spirits found for the lower classes were weak concoctions of fermented herbs and cheap grains, and tasted much like boiled mud. |
Our sense of national pride has been turned into plain old jingoistic nationalism by people who just want to sell us fermented grain juice. |
Maybe some of them have been drinking the same fermented jungle juice as Denis Burke. |
A liquid fermented product, such as a Taiwan kaoliang wine or a rice wine, is contained in the aging tank. |
The kieves that held the fermented barley were placed underground and carefully covered with turf, for fear of detection. |
Interestingly enough, the smell reminded me immediately of kefir, the yogurt-like fermented milk I love so much. |
A reasonably priced sampler will give you the chance to savour and compare all of their fermented potables at a sitting. |
The Korean national dish is kimchi, a spicy, fermented pickled vegetable mixture whose primary ingredient is cabbage. |
Then, when this highly coloured infant wine is still only half fermented, it is poured into a large vat of cool brandy or grape spirit. |
A fermented horse's milk called kumis in Kazakh is also occasionally drunk at ceremonial occasions. |
Alcohol stimulates candida growth, so avoid wine, beer, hard alcoholic drinks, fermented apple cider and root beer. |
The heather would be fermented in giant vats at oil refineries and mixed with petrol before being taken to petrol stations. |
Not yet available in the market, this bread is made of naturally fermented rice starter dough with no artificial yeast or preservatives added. |
Kvass is a lightly fermented sour-sweet beverage that is commonly made of black bread or grain with yeast and somewhat resembles beer in flavor. |
The stuff you buy is the old pure beer, brewed and fermented by anal-retentives from ancient recipes. |
But Methodist rules forbid the use of fermented grape juice while Anglican church law requires the use of fermented wine. |
But Neal also uses Chardonnay, Riesling, Viognier, and Sangiovese, making verjus is similar to making wine, except juice is not fermented. |
New flavors such as blueberry also claim to reduce the risk of certain diseases, while fermented dairy drinks are thought to aid digestion. |
The lore holds that elephants can get drunk by eating the fermented fruit rotting on the ground. |
These are mixed with lukewarm water and left in a warm place until slightly fermented and sour, a process which takes, on average, a week. |
Asian diets now include fermented soy beans in the form of natto, miso, tamari, and tempeh. |
Local bars in some towns and villages will also sell poyo the sweet, lightly fermented palm wine tapped from the high tops of palm trees. |
A typical drink is palm wine, fermented sap tapped from coconut palm fronds. |
They climbed trees to tap palm wine or fermented grain beers from harvest surpluses. |
Regular dill pickles and sauerkraut are fermented and cured for about 3 weeks. |
Many of the greatest white Burgundies and sweet white Sauternes are fermented in small oak barrels with stunning results. |
Tej is a wine made from fermented honey and a special kind of hops called gesho. |
This imparts a distinctive taste to the fermented barley mash from which the water of life is distilled. |
Regardless of its ethnic origins, it will be a thin, brown liquid, made from fermented fish and salt. |
This simple dish can be enhanced with a little shrimp paste and a few small prawns, or with roast duck and fermented bean curd. |
The difference is that mead is fermented honey and water, while metheglin usually means mead infused heavily with herbs. |
One of his first jobs as a microbiologist was to see if maple syrup could be profitably fermented. |
Before coffee was ever roasted and brewed, the berries were fermented in water, creating a wine. |
I'm getting a slightly golden loaf with a moist and firm texture, and an interesting slightly fermented taste. |
While black tea leaves are fermented, green tea is steamed and dried right after picking. |
These are fin de siecle documents, grand apocalyptic opinions, unbendable and intractable, often fermented in a social and political cocktail. |
From experience, many Orientals consider fermented soybeans more palatable and digestible than unfermented ones. |
Was the wine in the wedding miracle of Jesus fermented wine or unfermented grape juice? |
Probiotic bacteria in fermented and unfermented dairy products can improve lactose digestion and squelch symptoms of intolerance. |
One of the Bush administration's achievements is to have fermented a climate in which any kind of criticism is instantly deemed unpatriotic. |
Top fermented, unlike lagers, this beer still demonstrates the lightness associated with bottom fermentation. |
Foods high in histamine, such as fermented foods, may exacerbate urticaria and angioedema in these individuals. |
The high starch content of corn can be converted to sugar and then fermented to ethanol fuel by brewer's yeast. |
Rattlesnake, having skin and head and tail removed, is fermented in sotol for serious foot infections. |
As the figures show, whole cow's milk is definitely not for everyone, at least not unless the milk is soured or fermented. |
Chiang dou-fu are cubes of tofu fermented in soy sauce or Chinese-style miso. |
Shrimp curry fired by fermented chili and pumpkin and a brunoise of stewed vegetables is delicious. |
The taste of the fermented tea is very pleasant, being reminiscent of light, sparkling wine or sweet Most. |
Undigested lactose fermented by bacteria creates lactic acid in the stool and other short chain fatty acids such as butyric acid. |
A common traditional food of Vietnam is nuoc mam, a liquid sauce made from fermented fish. |
Whereas gravlax has never had an offensive smell, the more fully fermented rakefisk is quite different in this respect. |
Popular drinks include palm wine, made from the fermented sap of the oil palm, and home-brewed millet beer. |
The fermented solution is moved into large copper stills for the distilling process. |
One cashew nut grows per cashew apple and it is from the fermented juice of cashew apples that cashew feni is made. |
It is not only cooked but also a type of flour used to make a syrup called cassareep as well as fermented to make an alcoholic beverage. |
The wine was then handled like a white wine, cool fermented and sulphured once dry. |
Many yogurts, fermented dairy products, and pill and powder formulas contain live cultures. |
Usually they celebrate with generous quantities of a fermented drink called chicha, which is often made from corn. |
Almost any vegetable can be fermented to make kimch'I, but Chinese cabbage and daikon radishes are the most commonly used. |
Using both aluminum and iron pots, researchers cooked fresh Chinese cabbage, fresh Chinese cabbage with vinegar, and fermented Chinese cabbage. |
Walk by a pile of good melons and the air should be full of heady perfume without rotting or fermented undertones. |
For example, Fante villagers may eat fish and bangu, a fermented corn dish, for breakfast. |
It gets all these remarkable qualities from soybeans fermented with a special culture. |
But the film has clearly fermented beautifully, showing its age and era in the most delightful ways. |
A type of sugar, glucose is manufactured in vast quantities, for example in corn syrup fermented from corn starch. |
Half of the wine was fermented in stainless steel, the other in basically neutral oak barrels. |
It means that the winery itself actually crushed the grapes, fermented the juice and put the wine into bottles. |
In the making of white wine, only the pressed juice of the grapes is fermented. |
Native bacteria ferment natural sugars to lactic acid, a major flavoring and preservative in sauerkraut and in naturally fermented dills. |
Because red wines are fermented with the grape skins, tannin levels are far higher in red wines than in white wines. |
It is a hard, crystalline substance which forms as grapes are fermented into wine. |
The mixture is then fermented with sugar, doused with water, covered for 7 days, and turned. |
The florescence yields a sap that is fermented into a toddy or into vinegar, or distilled into a coconut brandy called lambanog. |
Children who are lactose intolerant can often consume fermented milk products like cheese and yogurt as well as lactose-free fluid milk. |
The fermented drink burned my tongue and I ended up coughing it out, sputtering. |
Once fermented on their skins, these wines were golden in colour, full in flavour and aroma. |
No chance, this was a pottle of yoghurt, New Zealand-style, and entirely different from the fermented milk sold across the ditch. |
When making bread with the fermented dough, the dough must be removed from the fridge at least 2 hours in advance, to allow it to prove. |
The lawyer affirmed that both fermented and distilled liquor, when offered for sale at the grog shops, are not property. |
The filtered juice is fermented for up to three days, distilled, cooled and refiltered. |
They had only one meal in the evening consisting of fermented barkbiter roots and gruel. |
This may be accompanied by sourish and burning eructations, bowel discharges that contain sour and fermented material. |
And, though the English say cheese, the Koreans say fermented cabbage. |
Juice is squeezed from the cashew apples and fermented to produce wine. |
Still produced in the same way to this very day, grapes are picked and pressed early in the growing season and the free-run juice fermented for ten days. |
In this case, the beer is fully fermented, then filtered to remove the yeast, then carbonated and stored in a tightly sealed keg, ready for immediate drinking. |
Nuts, seeds and dried fruits are good sources of zinc, as are sprouted legumes, seeds and grain, tahini, fermented soya products like tempeh and miso, and legumes. |
If fermented fruit on the ground is out of the question, so too is the notion that the fruit could ferment in the stomach of elephants, the study authors say. |
All of the ciders are traditionally fermented using the rack and cloth method and champagne yeasts, resulting in a selection of critically acclaimed artisan ciders. |
That means that Champagne is fermented a second time in the bottle when sealed closed, which naturally produces the bubbles. |
Unfiltered fermented grapes make ochratoxin-A, a neurotoxic, carcinogenic, immunosuppressive compound. |
That sugar juice is then fermented in a process nearly identical to that used to make rum. |
There they were fermented in small open top fermentation tanks for 7 days. |
Besides contending with occasional fruit shortages, the waxwing must also be wary of an excess of fermented fruit, as alcohol poisoning is a real threat. |
Aging, curing, and fermenting enhance umami, so that aged cheeses and fermented soy and fish sauces, for example, contain more glutamate than fresh cheeses or unfermented soy. |
Korea's most famous foodie export is probably kimchi, made with fermented Chinese cabbage in brine with cucumber, onion, garlic, ginger and chillies. |
Six months did she hand over the fermented wet to people who were out on the boozeroo, and she saw a good deal of excessive drinking and champagne imbibing. |
For all that time, she ate nothing, for she was told she must fast, but each day, was allowed a jug of water in which barley had been soaked and fermented. |
When the beer is fully fermented it is transferred to bottles. |
The malted barley, yeast, and water are cooked, fermented, and distilled exactly the same. |
When a mother includes fermented foods daily in her diet both before and during her pregnancy beneficial microflora with colonize both her intestines and her birth canal. |
The replacement of milk with yogurt or fermented dairy products may allow for better digestion and decreased diarrhea and other symptoms associated with lactose intolerance. |
Change the microbial population in your body from bad to good by eating a probiotic diet rich in fermented foods and beverages like kefir and cultured veggies. |
The harvested Tempranillo grapes are fermented in the usual way. |
He wants to try a sorbet made of nuoc mam, the Vietnamese fermented fish sauce that is a staple in most dishes, though not an obvious ingredient in desserts. |
If the brewer's wort, referred to above, is not fermented but instead evaporated in a partial vacuum, the result is malt extract, a brown, sweet, and sticky concentrate. |
In 1949 the wineries were expanded by the government, who, for reasons of economy, blended grape wine with water, fermented cereals, and colouring. |
A special building is used for the ageing of Milmanda, a Chardonnay wine fermented in small oak casks which spends a long period in contact with its own lees. |
When all of the sugar is fermented to alcohol and carbon dioxide, and a small amount of oxygen is present, yeast can reconvert some of the ethyl alcohol back to acetaldehyde. |
In the winery, the frozen grapes are gently pressed and the sweet juice, rich in sugar, high in acidity and bursting with flavour, is run off and fermented. |
As the Romans made their way north, grape growing spread across Europe, and by 300 A.D., the use of fermented and unfermented juice in recipes was a common practice. |
A fermented beverage called mishla or wasak is made from ripe plantains and bananas mashed together with corn, palm fruits, and other ingredients, and mixed with water. |
It can also be soured into vinegar and fermented into an alcoholic drink. |
During dry periods, the prints fermented, and when the rain returned, they were preserved under layers of sediment and mud. |
The palm juice gradually fermented into a complex and potent brew. |
The first one is fermented and alcoholic, the second is a soft drink commonly drunk in Peru. |
Sucrose, extracted and purified in specialized mill factories, is used as raw material in the food industry or is fermented to produce ethanol. |
In contrast to making red wine, the juice for white wine is fermented without the skins and seeds. |
They've added a pod-storage step before the beans are fermented to see if that would influence their polyphenol content. |
The apple wines were fermented with Irish stout yeast, Belgian Trappist yeast, Sake yeast and Crispin's Colfax Classic apple wine. |
Bird on a Wire is blended four times using four different apple wines from naturally fermented, unpasteurized American fresh-pressed apple juice. |
At that time, vegetative cells of bacteria were not considered to be a significant health risk for acidified or fermented food products. |
Kumis, fermented mares' milk, is a popular traditional drink and horse meat is widely eaten. |
In general, avoid melons with dents or bruises, and those that indicate overripeness with a lot of give, sloshing seeds, or a fermented scent. |
The beer would be unrecognisable today, being a fermented concoction from the leaves of the rimu and manuka trees, molasses and wort juice. |
Their partnership was fermented in the most unlikely of places. |
High activity of phosphatase by LAB strains indicates their possible role in phytic acid degradation in fermented vegetable products. |
He triumphed with a menu of celeriac baked in barley and fermented hay, cured and smoked celeriac and toasted hay tea. |
Characterization of lactobacilli involved in the ripening of soppressata molisana, a typical southern Italy fermented sausage. |
The product is a powerful new weapon against spoilage, to help ensure production of longer-lasting, fresher-tasting fermented dairy products. |
A portion of the fermented paste may be mixed with three parts of water and boiled, resulting in an absit. |
Thus, brand recall is a confirmation that previous branding touchpoints have successfully fermented in the minds of its consumers. |
Also very popular in Thailand is naem, a raw fermented pork sausage similar to the Vietnamese nem chua and Laotian som moo. |
Common spices include garam masala, dried chili powder, cumin powder, turmeric and ngapi, a fermented paste made from either fish or prawns. |
These lighter coloured, bottom fermented beers first started gaining real popularity in England in the later part of the 20th Century. |
Because lactose cannot be fermented by beer yeast, it adds sweetness, body, and energy to the finished beer. |
In the Baltic countries, it is always a cool fermented beer and having a minimum of 18 degrees plato. |
Their nearest approach to a classic pie is their margherita, with a sauce that incorporates sweet, juicy garlic and some fermented tomatoes. |
Whisky or whiskey is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash. |
In Cantonese cuisine, mussels are cooked in a broth of garlic and fermented black bean. |
Apong or rice beer made from fermented rice or millet is a popular beverage in Arunachal Pradesh and is consumed as a refreshing drink. |
Instead, Rhea spreads out a banquet for Cronus so that he becomes drunk upon fermented honey. |
In tribal regions, a popular drink is the sap of the sulfi tree, which may be alcoholic if it has fermented. |
Most of the dishes are cooked like vegetable stew, flavored with either fermented fish called ngari, or dried and smoked fish. |
Cooked and fermented soybean is a popular condiment in all manipuri kitchens. |
Another unique and strong ingredient used by the Naga people, is the fermented fish known as ngari. |
Pakhala, a dish made of rice, water, and yogurt, that is fermented overnight, is very popular in summer in rural areas. |
For centuries, traditional fermented foods and beverages have constituted about 20 percent of the local diet. |
Other products such as soy milk, soy paste, soy oil, and fermented soy sauce are also important in Chinese cooking. |
When it comes to sauces, China is home to soy sauce, which is made from fermented soybeans and wheat. |
A number of sauces are also based on fermented soybeans, including Hoisin sauce, ground bean sauce and yellow bean sauce. |
The ash exudes a sugary substance that, it has been suggested, was fermented to create the Norse Mead of Inspiration. |
Corn, alfalfa, wheat, oats, and sorghum crops are often anaerobically fermented to create silage. |
For propagation, the seeds need to come from a mature fruit, and be dried or fermented before germination. |
In parts of the arid south and west, pastoral families may replace rice with maize, cassava, or curds made from fermented zebu milk. |
This is also how fruits are fermented into wine and cabbage into Kimchi or sauerkraut. |
It is a sweet, lightly fermented palm wine, and is found in bars in towns and villages across the country. |
The most common cold chocolate beverage is pozol, served fresh or fermented. |
Probiotics are ingested in the form of peja, a mixture of fermented rice water, buttermilk, barley water, lemon, and kutki. |
A Norwegian Lutefisk, which is cod that is fermented underground for a few months and considered to be a delicacy in Scandinavia. |
Production was expressed in milligram of penicillin G per kilogram of dry fermented material. |
Our sets came with a serving of steamed fillet of sea perch with fermented bean, and pan-seared fillet of rib eye with chef special sauce. |
Injera is a large pancake made from fermented tak flour, a grain unique to Ethiopia. |
The former is made into cheese and the latter is fermented into beer to convert the milk sugar into alcohol. |
Perissodactyls, in contrast to the ruminants, store digested food that has left the stomach in an enlarged cecum, where it is fermented by bacteria. |
Don't eat hot dogs, luncheon meats, cold cuts, or fermented or dry sausages unless they are heated to 165AF or until steaming hot just before serving. |
Soups with delicate sea vegetable, lightly seasoned with fermented foods such as miso, soy sauce, tamari, or sea salt, are usually included daily. |
They also grow tayberries, a raspberry and blackberry hybrid, and they have incorporated those in some of their test batches of fermented beverages. |
Doufuru is another type of fermented tofu that has a salty taste. |
American whiskey is distilled from a fermented mash of cereal grain. |
The shooting fermented support for the students' anti-Vietnam movement and aparamilitary group was formed, the Red Army Faction, which terrorised Berlin for a decade. |
The comic, 68, had to be rushed to hospital after suffering what was thought to be an allergic reaction shortly after eating a foul meal of fermented egg and a camel toe. |
West Country White Beer, a spontaneously fermented wheat beer. |
Benjamin Franklin created a fermented spruce beer, George Washington's beer recipe called for molasses, and Jefferson malted his own wheat and corn for ale. |
The most popular is made from fermented pear juice, known as perry. |
There are a variety of ways to vinify sparkling wine, but all are based on taking an already fermented wine through a second fermentation process in a sealed container. |
In addition, fermented dairy products may exert beneficial effects against diabetes through probiotic bacteria and a special form of vitamin K associated with fermentation. |
Once the skins are removed, the wine is vinified in the same way that white wine would be, and most are fully fermented, leaving no residual sugar. |
Fermented wheat germ extract differs from ordinary wheat germ in that it is fermented with baker's yeast to concentrate biologically active benzoquinones. |
After being harvested, the fruit is fermented, distilled in copper pot stills, aged for two years in French oak and then blended with fresh cream. |