There were thousands of books in that room, all new and almost equally fated never to be reviewed. |
It has been the most ill fated weekend of the whole Formula One racing history. |
Even the finest of rookies may be fated to burn out and plummet to earth as a cold cinder within a season or two. |
But is this new vehicle of unconstrained expression fated to come under the thumb of the powers that be? |
It is also a great New York story, a tai chi story, an accidental but somehow fated destiny. |
Furthermore, he was fated to do those terrible things, as oracles plainly stated at his birth. |
We are fated to live together and we must do the work of making that coexistence as painless as possible. |
The result is that most urban pet dogs are fated to a caged life with little care or physical activity. |
Despite their innocent closeness, the three friends are fated to separate after a violent incident. |
They believe, many of them, that they are fated, or charmed, or destined to do the things they do. |
The hard choice often perplexes them and they sometimes believe the decision is fated. |
It may be that the West is fated, by its very cultural plenitude, to host some minimal number of such parasites. |
But there remains someone on earth whom we are fated to love and who is fated to love us. |
Her career was a collection of serendipitous and fortuitous events that entice one to believe she was fated to succeed. |
I wasn't fated to run a seafood processing operation a thousand miles from anywhere. |
Doughty-Wylie was married, and the relationship between them was fated to be unconsummated and secret. |
This is a political freebooter and scoundrel who is fated to end up in the company of sinister and fascist-minded elements. |
The present district labour court system is fated to undergo a phasing out process and eventual total elimination. |
She ended up starring in the ill fated Buffalo 66, which led to their estrangement. |
Sugimoto's photographs suggest that that one is fated to become either a faultless corpse or a bodiless ghost. |
Will it ever be possible for a period to produce a style which is entirely original, or is our fashion fated to rest on what came before? |
I want to argue that the discipline is constitutionally fated to suffer from a quiet melancholic malaise. |
Willpower he was not acquainted with, lest he would have divagated from his fated path long ago. |
Benton was a standard bearer for what came to be called Manifest Destiny, the idea that the United States was justly fated to fill the continent. |
Labour is beyond reform and Respect is fated to remain in the political wilderness. |
For Ireland's most interesting local candidate, it seemed life was fated to imitate art. |
Telly joins forces with Ash, an ex-ice hockey star, now alcoholic waster, whose daughter was also on the fated plane. |
Food there was, without stint, for three times the men who were fated to live upon it. |
It is He who shows us the road ahead  even when the good sense behind love seems fated to come to naught! |
Always impressed by the great distance eels are fated to swim, I wondered where Eastern European eels go for breeding season, so I pull out an old encyclopedia, in Estonian. |
Yiyun Li is a phenomenal writer whose rapid if convoluted rise to literary prominence seems both accidental and fated. |
It seemed it was one of those competitions we were fated to win. |
The more foolhardy believe that if they are fated to meet a truck headlong at 100 kmph because they are driving on the wrong side of the road, then so be it. |
Our political culture seems fated to return to this sore spot. |
In other words, the life full of the Holy Spirit is not predestined or fated by God. |
All of which raises the question, is the era of free capital movement just a bubble, fated to end one of these years, maybe soon? |
Could the unearthing of that page really have fated this destiny for us? |
The country, as currently constituted, is probably fated for a lot of mutual misunderstanding yet. |
But in much of the rest of the world, the willful individual, moiling away against the system, may attain nobility in some moral order but is nonetheless fated to be crushed. |
We considered our options last night and after talking things through with our advisor decided to pull the plug on the ill fated mortgage application. |
Today, they have shown their detractors that they are not fated to live under the rule of strongmen. |
Against the Stoics he argued that a commitment to bivalence and the principle that every action has a cause does not entail that all actions are fated. |
The rule-makers are fated to be one step behind. Nonetheless, improvements are possible. |
On the external level, worldwide activity is fated to remain healthy and it is expected to help sustain European exports. |
However, we are fated to spend at least a few more minutes in conversation. |
Is this the dwelling fated by God for the spirits after such a long journey on earth? |
Theirs is a fairy-tale romance, with her knowing from the beginning that they are fated to be together, and him coming to her rescue like a knight in shining armor. |
The future is not fated, but will be fashioned by our values, thoughts and actions. |
He later becomes the king of a leaderless England when he removes the fated sword from the stone. |
No consensus exists on whether the characters are truly fated to die together or whether the events take place by a series of unlucky chances. |
On the other hand, it can symbolize a new and threatening conformism, with elected governments bowing to market-driven forces as if these latter were fated to rule humanity. |
Though he was fated, he was also free throughout the course of the play free to make decision after decision, to carry out his freely purposed action to its completion. |
But the translation of art from aristocratic cynosure into capitalist commodity was fated, in any event, and Duveen was bound to make the most of every opportunity to advance it. |
They are fated to favour their own, no matter how strongly they claim to be neutral observers balancing the scales of justice with blindfold firmly in place. |
And anyone reading Mr Atkinson's thoughtful books will come to the realisation that soldiers are fated, like Sisyphus, to relive the same events again and again. |
It is not fated to spill over into general sectarian violence. |
This is not an easy fight, nor is it one that we are fated to lose. |
For some observers, there is no doubt about the cause: the European construction has reached its zenith, so that it is now fated to reduce its ambitions in favour of a rationalization of the acquis communautaire. |
Are we fated to descend for the foreseeable future into a world of global protracted conflict and forsaken hinterlands in the Pacific among the major powers? |
Mental rigidity and stagnation are not the fated conditions of old age. |
But there have been traumas in West's life as a theatre man and the ill fated Peter O'Toole Macbeth was one of the most phrenetic. |
Of the estimated 1,394 men who left the trenches 1,094 were either killed or injured during the ill fated attack on the village of Serre. |
Before dying, Hector reminds Achilles that he, too, is fated to die in the war. |
Here, Patroclus alludes to fated death by Hector's hand, and Hector's fated death by Achilles's hand. |
The unequal development of material culture and social organization perhaps fated the relationship to be an uneasy one. |
The Warner Brothers Pictures film is set in post-apocalyptic 2018 with John Connor as the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators. |
Should England be fated to play France in the latter stages of the current Rugby World Cup, what better galvaniser to stiffen the sinews than the Bard's most patriotic play? |