As much as fascism, Nietzsche foreshadowed modernism, existentialism and postmodernism. |
Earlier generations of Americans defeated fascism and won the long twilight struggle against communism. |
Italian fascism was very distinctive from National Socialism, and neither resembled Japanese totalitarianism. |
Do you oppose fascism while keeping fascists within your circle of friends? |
According to this theory there was no difference between social democracy and fascism. |
An analogy could be made with how the emergence of European fascism should be taught. |
Third, his treatment of fascism in the late 1930s and early 1940s seems too broad. |
I joined the Communist Party because I saw they really were fighting fascism at home and abroad. |
The Italian partisans had risen up against Italian and German fascism only 20 years before. |
The connection between Berlusconi and Italian fascism is not difficult to decipher. |
His book is an important read for anyone who wants to understand how to oppose fascism. |
I detest the cult of body fascism, the more so since I live in its global capital. |
Condemnations of colonialism, class and fascism were all themes running through his work. |
Getting drunk is mostly an exercise of choice, one of the few available in the current climate of health fascism. |
On top of that, I'm probably indulging fascism, anti-Semitism and snottiness. |
Those seeking protection from religious fascism can rely on the judiciary to deliver them up to it on a plate. |
A conference was being held today to explore the rise of fascism and far right movements, and how to combat racism. |
Apparently her success was a heart-warming populist victory against the corporate body fascism visible in hip-hop videos. |
To be forced to argue your case is not a symptom of incipient clerical fascism, but of a respect for the views of others. |
Those who say a smoking ban smacks of fascism are closer to the truth than they realise. |
We may be fighting defensive struggles, against the war, racism, fascism and cuts in social services. |
The fasces of Italian fascism are nicked from the fasces carried by the lictors, symbolising the unity of the Roman people. |
It is not hard to imagine the painting as a condemnation of the Soviet version of socialism that followed fascism in Hungary. |
Clearly, fascism could serve as a way station on the road to other forms of anticapitalism. |
He robustly retaliates with the view that nothing is off limits in the defeat of fascism. |
The rise of fascism, with its Aryan ideology, made Sterne look at racism in her own country. |
Some pointed out the film's emotional power, others its use of irony and satire to criticize fascism. |
The lines between majoritarianism, nationalism, and fascism have been defiantly blurred, and quite logically. |
In these debates fascism is almost cast as a kitsch rejection of modern art, a retro return to a mythic, Teutonic past. |
So, fascism essentially meant the Mussolini movement's adoption of the fasces as the symbol of what became known as the Fascist movement. |
Dehumanising them and creating the impression that they are a minority to be despised is a tactic of extremism and the servants of fascism. |
It starts with three friends with deeply personal agendas to condemn fascism, elitism, classicism, racism and sexism. |
I've watched the spread of communism and the fall of communism, the spread of fascism and the fall of fascism. |
It acknowledges darkness, as well as the historic bookends of oppressive monarchy and violent fascism. |
Around 100 people attended what was a very moving tribute to those who gave their lives to fight fascism. |
Did you worry that losing weight was caving into body fascism or some other idea about beauty and what's attractive? |
Her success was seen as a heart-warming populist victory against the body fascism visible in hip hop videos. |
Neither panic nor complacency is a rational response to contemporary fascism. |
My piece was an attack on body fascism and a plea for tolerance of an infinite variety of body types. |
Joining in a united front against fascism is one thing, but being party to attacks on the working class is quite another. |
Does a critique of fascism, nationalism or racism promote abuse against fascists, nationalists, and racists? |
Firstly, fascism discriminates between enterprises and families according to whether they belong to the favoured nationality. |
The working class cannot rely on the corrupt and reactionary bourgeoisie to defend democratic rights or oppose fascism. |
If there is resentment then that is the breeding ground for intolerant politics like fascism. |
We have already slid into the infancy of theocratic fascism, and my brothers and sisters in Christ don't know they are being used. |
It's the dark shadow of the fascism of modernist brutalism, the truth incarnate that every Utopia is unachievable. |
The spectre of fascism is not haunting Europe, reports Dominic Standish from Italy. |
For some, there was fascism, a desperate escape from the nullity that was all that democracy seemed able to offer. |
He did this to harden up electoral support and build a core of activists committed not just to racism, but to fascism. |
As long as the head of state is a president who is faithful to the constitution, fascism is harmless. |
The strength of antifascism convinced many conservatives that support for fascism was risky. |
The author goes on to note that many aspects of Western civilisation overlapped with fascism. |
The penultimate chapter of the book asks if fascism can reappear in modern society, using the five stages as an indicator. |
Socialists defend the institutions of parliamentary democracy against dictatorship or fascism. |
The result of their gamble was military dictatorship and fascism throughout Europe. |
One of the key indicators of a society that is transforming from democracy to fascism or dictatorship is government control of the press. |
The precocious teenage poet was committed to leftist internationalism, the united front against fascism. |
I was never politicized before that, but I had to come to grips with this latent fascism, otherwise I couldn't have unfolded as an artist at all. |
Socialism, fascism, communism, corporatism and indeed our own hybrid democracy are all exercises in minimising financial risk in people's lives. |
The problem is corporatism in the public sphere, and corporatism in the public sphere is fascism. |
Mussolini's fascism attempted to remove class antagonisms through nationalism and corporatism. |
Their support for corporatism displays true fascism as Mussolini defined the term. |
When he got together with other photographers they discussed fascism, communism, the popular front and Mussolini's attack on Ethiopia. |
The ragtag Republican forces, resisting him in their forlorn fight against fascism, had encircled the town. |
This experience led some socialists to conclude that fascism was merely the instrument of the bourgeoisie for crushing the workers. |
What a sad fate for the nation that saved the world from fascism just 60 years ago. |
He created this and his other futuristic novels at a time when Europe was slipping into depression, fascism and war. |
By defending their innocence and resisting fascism, the Rosenbergs literally broke the back of the Cold War. |
By contrast, the Trades Union Congress, driven by detestation for fascism, was more robust. |
And thirdly, even when eliminationism is uttered by blustering fools, it is still fascism. |
One would have thought that a rise in fascism would come from someone else exploiting the disorganisation of our old enemies. |
Whole episodes of history, including the rise of Mussolini and fascism, would be omitted from official textbooks. |
Didn't Trotsky execrate those who claimed to believe there was nothing to choose between democracy and fascism? |
There, too, the working class was blocked from settling accounts with fascism and capitalism. |
It is not such a large step from that mainstream irrationality and hatred to fascism. |
Our heroes were the American volunteers fighting fascism in Spain under the banner of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. |
The post-Hitler decades have witnessed the rise of other manifestations of fascism and variations of killing fields across the globe. |
Whittaker Chambers declared that the writings of Ayn Rand, a hero of the more libertarian right, reeked of fascism and the gas chambers. |
That he came last with only 9 percent is a great victory in the battle against fascism. |
We feel free to laugh at his anarchic humour because we can feel we're laughing at fascism and the human stupidity that reinforces fascism. |
But many people said that it was the Italian resistance movement that liberated Italy from fascism. |
It's about fascism, and you can see the links to the whole series in the left-hand side of his front page. |
She concluded with a pledge to continue fighting against anti-Semitism and fascism. |
Organisational independence would be maintained but they would unite to confront and defeat fascism. |
The party focused on parliament, not mass action, and its leaders had no strategy for resisting fascism. |
Many came with the hope of turning Spain into a graveyard of European fascism. |
The mood through the great depression of the 1930s was usually one of deep despondency in the face of mass unemployment at home and the spread of fascism abroad. |
In defining fascism, it is useful to recall the movement's genesis. |
This is not democracy, it is dictatorship, and it is borderline fascism. |
This resulted in the evil of the conquest of Eastern Europe by Red fascism, replacing Black fascism, whilst freeing Western Europe from the Black fascists. |
His only objection to Italian fascism was that it wasn't fanatical enough. |
The trouble is that those who urged non-resistance to fascism then were, by and large, those who urged that we leave fascism in place more recently. |
Ortega shows little interest in fascism or capitalism or Marxism, and this troubled me when I first read the book. |
We were able to argue why fascism exists, what it is, and how we fight it. |
The welfare state offered collective security, optimism and promises of betterment as a counter to the discontents which has fuelled imperialism, Stalinism and fascism. |
But others did so from a genuine patriotism or a hatred of German fascism. |
But Julius and his comrades continued to pilfer American secrets for years after the defeat of fascism. |
Even Mussolini's fascism attracted Jabotinsky's Revisionist Party, and the Betar youth movement was, to some degree, modeled on the Italian blackshirts. |
Economically, this is the hallmark of the different varieties of socialism, whether you call it communism, fascism, Marxism, mercantilism, corporativism, or what have you. |
Which was the right thing to be, after all, because communism is as illiberal as fascism. |
The next thing we have to tackle is the fight against racism and fascism. |
When the prime minister who presided over all of this is hailed as a statesperson and visionary, are we not laying the foundations for full-blown fascism? |
Liberalism, welfare statism, mixed economyism, socialism, fascism, communism, national socialism and statist conservatism have all been resounding failures. |
He is not out to truly challenge the body fascism of ballet institutions. |
Old-style fascism of the interwar period is unlikely to reemerge. |
The mirror-image systems of communism and fascism promised to solve problems quickly through command and control. |
Therefore, Western supporters of the protests, like John Mccain, are agitating on behalf of violent Ukrainian fascism. |
Putin says the events in Kiev signal the return of fascism to Europe, even as he foments anti-Semitic sentiment at home. |
And then he sort of collapsed it into a rise of fascism, and SS pastiche groups. |
It emerged in a war-ravaged nation as a type of clerical fascism. |
The appeal of Kahanism, like all kinds of racism and fascism, lies in its simplicity and categorical consistency. |
The theocratic fascism of the networks must be defeated also. |
Fear of anarchy and of Bolshevik insurrection were elements common to all forms of fascism and important in attracting the support of the middle classes and petty bourgeoisie. |
We share their concern and resolve to work together to eliminate the monster of fascism injecting and spreading the poison of hate in our society, our country. |
The late 1930s was the era of the united front against war and fascism. |
Their role as workers, soldiers and activists in the fight against white supremacy at home and fascism abroad created vast social changes that set the stage for Brown. |
His personal history is inspiring, as is his intellectual brilliance, knowledge of and detestation of fascism, communism and morally repugnant capitalism. |
How shady it is that our modern leftists and peaceniks can detect fascism absolutely everywhere except when it is actually staring them in the face. |
The idea that liberalism was a disguised form of fascism became an article of faith for many in the New Left. |
The work of Ortega, Huxley, and the frankfurt school philosophers gave voice to this fear of homegrown fascism. |
But we might see in the man a little of fascism, as if Eichmann was smiling back. |
But fascism has never penetrated the organised working class movement. |
But the new lost generation had also witnessed the irrationality and terror of fascism, the burial of the old order and the nightmare world of alienated man. |
Generations of people around the world have endured autocracy and dictatorship, totalitarianism, fascism, monarchy, oligarchy and even anarchy without knowing freedom. |
He used his celebrity to speak out against fascism and racial prejudice. |
The forebodings of fascism have been in the air for quite some time. |
That, to me, is a recipe for chauvinism and potentially even fascism. |
If there had been this kind of wild and unrestrained marketization in post-war Germany or Japan, the legacy of fascism would never have been flushed out. |
He is leading an initiative to rewrite school books which he says unjustly glorify the partisans who struggled against fascism during World War Two. |
Given its many attempts at self-annihilation in the last century through its home-grown ideologies of fascism and communism, European guilt has a point. |
She will not escape the body fascism that pervades the modern media. |
On the other, the arid monochrome of dull and vicious theocratic fascism. |
A CABINET minister raised fears of a return to 1930s fascism, comparing modern right wing groups to Oswald Mosley's Blackshirts. |
Pacifist numbers during both World Wars were fairly low, especially in the Second World War, which was seen as a fight against fascism. |
Woolf and her husband Leonard hated and feared 1930s fascism with its antisemitism. |
The term Integral Nationalism often overlaps with fascism, although many natural points of disagreement exist. |
In 1936, the Spanish Civil War was viewed by many socialists as a contest against the rise of fascism which it was vital to win. |
But he too left for the US in 1940, because of the rise of fascism in Hungary. |
Douglas's idea of social credit, and that fascism was the vehicle for reform. |
I believe very strongly in fascism, people have always responded with greater efficiency under a regimental leadership. |
The failure of democratic parties to prevent fascism from taking over Austrian politics in the 1920s and 1930s traumatised Popper. |
The relation between racism and ethnic nationalism reached its height in the 20th century fascism and Nazism. |
Many political ideologies were theorised in Europe such as capitalism, communism, fascism, socialism or anarchism. |
Many critics in the 20th century identified Carlyle as an influence on fascism and Nazism. |
Thus communist tendencies would be consistent with toughminded radicalism while fascism would be characterised by toughminded conservatism. |
It was the beginning of numerous appeasements, but military counteractions could have eliminated the rising aggressive power of fascism. |
That is why the jackboot of fascism and dead-hand of communism were swept away. |
I've wondered if these people turn over their luggage to the skycap or do they think curbside check-in is submitting to fascism? |
In our age, nationalism, capitalism, communism, fascism, consumerism, cyberism, and even ecologism have become substitutes for genuine religion. |
Bihar has seen feudalism, capitalism, separatism, nepotism, fascism and dynasticism. |
This is nothing more than a demagogic effort to avoid paying the price of a correct policy vis-a-vis the religious fascism ruling Iran. |
She sees neorealism as accomplishing a paradoxical double movement encompassing both a repression of the memory of fascism and a desire for atonement for the past. |
Because of her dissatisfaction, she now disavows the merits of fascism. |
In the decades following unification, Italy started to create colonies in Africa, and under Benito Mussolini's fascism conquered Ethiopia founding in 1936 the Italian Empire. |
It was this physical resemblance that supplied the plot for Chaplin's next film, The Great Dictator, which directly satirised Hitler and attacked fascism. |
In 1936 Cole began calling for a Popular Front movement in Britain, where the Labour Party would ally with other parties against the threat of fascism. |
In the interim he pursued one of his most adventurous series, the so-called Hercules project, exploring the persistence of fascism in its hydralike forms. |
Among those who connect the unfolding of Eurabia with a popular reaction that might bring back fascism to Europe is Canadian columnist Mark Steyn. |