These extensional faults were reactivated as reverse faults during Neogene compression associated with subduction beneath the North Island. |
Of course, one alternative possibility might be to deny that causation is an extensional relation. |
Development of pillow breccia probably occurred along the scarps of normal faults in this extensional setting. |
This volcanism seemingly developed in an extensional setting near a shelf margin located in the eastern Neptune Range. |
The range was formed in the extensional environment associated with the Mesozoic and Cenozoic breakup of Gondwanaland. |
Subsequent melting of mica pyroxenite may produce potassic magmas as a result of orogenic or extensional, thermal or bark triggers. |
The development of extensional and shear fractures in volcanic areas is usually related to magma emplacement at shallow crustal levels. |
The metamorphic core complex is thus formed as mid-crustal rocks are exhumed by tectonic unroofing in an extensional setting. |
Conversely, in an extensional basin, older strata would be expected to develop higher grades beneath an overburden of younger rocks. |
He also questions the stratigraphy of the graben and the timing of north-south extensional tectonics. |
These techniques change the performance profile of the function, without affecting its extensional meaning. |
Bent specimens show folds on the compressional but not the extensional side, indicating that walls were originally flexible. |
Subsidence rates in foreland basins decrease away from the orogenic load, and are generally higher than those in extensional basins. |
But there is what philosophers think of as an extensional and an intensional way of describing our perceptions. |
A series of compressional and extensional tectonic events created the present geologic structure and physiography. |
These are intruded by less altered, dark anorthosites along east-west trending extensional faults. |
Post-collision events resulted in formation of the extensional regime with bimodal trachybasalt-rhyolite volcanics. |
In this case the folds found within the Miocene sediments have been interpreted as extensional folding in the form of the ramp anticlines and drag folds. |
Rocks and geological structures exhibit a mixture of compressional and extensional stress effects. |
The early Permian rifting in the North Atlantic involved siliciclastic sedimentation in extensional basins and widespread extrusive and intrusive magmatic activity. |
A major extensional event of Permian age post-dates all of these strata. |
In both cases, the sequence of events started with extensional basin magmatism and culminated in emplacement of plutons, passing through basin subsidence. |
On the island of Ikaria in the eastern Aegean Sea, a low-angle extensional ductile shear zone and two associated brittle detachment faults are well exposed. |
The local bending of the accretionary prism generates extensional stress within the shallow accretionary prism at the transition zone. |
The field evidence includes the presence of several longitudinal extensional folds such as a rollover anticline and drag folds that are related to normal faults in the area. |
Bozkurt mainly provides a short, but incomplete, summary of previous work on field characteristics of extensional folds, including rollover anticlines. |
It is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion. |
Some of these inversion structures appear to have been slightly reactivated by extensional tectonics during the Liassic and lower Dogger. |
The depositional pattern is indicative of a synsedimentary extensional regime involving low angle normal faulting. |
Definition and validation drilling accounted for 9,144 metres whereas exploration and extensional drilling accounted for 29,578 metres. |
Petrological studies indicated that anorthosites are mainly emplaced in rift-like extensional settings. |
An extensional setting is proposed for the emplacement of the Kunene Anorthositic Complex. |
The results may help to reconstruct the orogenic nappe structure that prevailed in the area before the region was reworked by extensional tectonics. |
These basins were interpreted to contain thick Old Red Sandstone sediments and to have resulted from the extensional collapse of thickened Caledonian crust. |
In other parts of the Selendi and Usak-Gure basins, the group contains only tilted sedimentary units due to the extensional tectonics in the region. |
The structures are bounded by a series of extensional ring faults that exhibit similarities to salt withdrawal basins, caldera collapse features and impact craters. |
It is proposed that evaporite dissolution led to the collapse of the weakly lithified overburden, and this deformed with a series of concentric extensional faults. |
In geology, a rift is a linear zone where the lithosphere is being pulled apart and is an example of extensional tectonics. |
These areas often occur when the regional stress is extensional and the crust is thinned. |
It seems as though there are both intensional and extensional aspects to the nature: intensionally, it is fully in each instantiation, but extensionally the nature somehow becomes many on instantiation. |
General semantics extensional devices such as E-prime and dating have been shown to help students write measurable goals that combat IFD disease. |
Another way to extend the notion of the extensional orientation is through grounding. |
Cell coalescence refers to the rupture of the cell wall when serious extensional force is applied to it. |
It is extensional shear, which generally has been associated only with twin-screw extruders. |
These rocks were interpreted as tectonites, layered and differentiated bodies developed in an extensional environment, or within a rift in a continental cratonic margin setting. |
Subsequent extensional faulting controls reservoir development. |
An extensional fault may be seen as a crack in the crust that extends down at an angle to the vertical. |
They also postulated recurrent convergent and extensional tectonics ranging from 2.0 Ga to 0.5 Ga from geochronological signatures of igneous rock suites. |
In addition to studying the extensional tectonics of the North Atlantic, I became more involved with the modeling of compressional and extensional regions using a desktop computer. |
Immediately following batholith emplacement a large intermontane basin, referred to as the Maritimes Basin, developed under an extensional tectonic regime. |
The structural pattern of the Tabular Jura, located between the Southern Black Forest and the Folded Jura, reveals a superposition of extensional Basement faulting and thin-skinned detachment in the sedimentary cover. |
The influence of Laramide tectonics is apparent in the Colville Hills area where shallow detached wrench, compressional and extensional faults overlie reactivated deeper faults of crustal scale. |
The extensional artist is the disciplined, self-challenging artist who is not given over exclusively to self-hypnotism auto-intoxication and self-congratulatory excesses. |
Three of these events are compressional, and the last one is extensional. |
General semanticists favor the extensional orientation with its cumulative and progressive scientific ways and its practical way of resolving disputes through testing. |
Alternatively such a fault can be called an extensional fault. |
The occurrence of 'wrinkle ridges' within the depression proves that compressive forces as well as extensional forces would be needed to create graben. |
Often the extensional fault systems are segmented in these rifts. |
I have been asked about extensional viscosity and its measurement. |
The three-volume set surveys the geology of extensional basins including rifts, passive margins, and inverted extensional basins around the world. |