Now philosophers tend to focus on reasoning at its most explicit and deliberate. |
The argument for the implicit renunciation, of course, also strengthens the case for the explicit. |
Many of the friends he was bar-hopping with took one look at the pictures of the explicit male nudes on the wall and left. |
As expressed in the catechism in the Book of Common Prayer, the mission of the church is made explicit as the body of Christ. |
An additional two acts involve a citizen's formal and explicit renunciation of citizenship. |
The link between electronica and shoegazing is made more explicit every day. |
The Church continues to insist that explicit faith, reception of the sacraments, and obedience to the Church are the ordinary means to salvation. |
Chapters 4-6 are more mathematically explicit, but not unapproachably so for the lay reader. |
The mathematical equations of Newton or Einstein make no explicit mention of direction in space. |
The sax and swung ride cymbal suggest sexuality, but the lyrics never make it explicit. |
The ability to share files between any two computers on the network was an explicit goal of the Internet, from day one. |
In the current war, virtual warfare has become an explicit part of military strategy. |
The materiality of the state no doubt depends on, amongst other things, our tacit or explicit acknowledgement of its power. |
Hopefully all recipients gave their explicit consent to receive such messages. |
This way of thinking was made explicit only when critics such as Vincenzo Borghini were put on their mettle to defend the Baptistery's antiquity. |
This approach to correct the continuum theories is being pursued elsewhere, but no explicit tests of its performance have been published. |
Peer influence is exerted via social support, social comparison, and explicit and implicit messages conveyed in intimate interactions. |
With monotonous regularity the action is carried out in the name, though not explicit in the article, of tolerance. |
There are no sentential complements, though pronouns and some noun phrases can be used to refer to explicit or evoked propositions. |
A parallel text in the Midrash is more explicit in relating the cherubs to paganism. |
In these depictions, done in a Western representational idiom, everything is explicit, and there are no secrets. |
Indeed, Blair came to power based on an explicit repudiation of its old reformist programme. |
Several mainstream game publishers are releasing bawdy games containing nudity and explicit sexual content. |
In our programs, an explicit contract is signed, and we are always a signatory. |
Such forms of struggle have a role to play, but they are not a substitute for the explicit fight for Marxism. |
The Department of Health in England has been explicit in its support for international recruitment. |
Primary care trusts are now charged with explicit responsibilities for all looked after children resident in their boundaries. |
Clearly, we must restate our conditions to take explicit account of the ways and methods of arriving at belief. |
Her meditations on the female body are sensitive and intimate and depart from the sexually explicit or confrontational. |
The rents, explicit and implicit, would then become part of the public troves. |
In the past, US strategy has placed explicit or implicit limits on the movement of American forces along these three axes. |
Mealtimes are loaded with messages, subliminal and explicit, to warn you off or turn you on. |
I agree that violence and explicit scenes should be sanitized but not at the expense of atmosphere or the story. |
One area where there has been much debate is the legality of testing for HIV without an explicit consent. |
Your Honours, I made some concessions either explicit or implicit on the last occasion which I wish to retract. |
It was an explicit invitation to the radical students to direct their criticism at the highest leaders of the Party and the State. |
The last chapter is on clinical audit and learning from systematic case reviews assessed against explicit criteria. |
He was surprised to discover what a talent he had for producing sexually explicit pap. |
Cultural mores emphasize learning by watching, not necessarily by explicit teaching. |
Prior to 1927, when county convict road gangs were sometimes used by the SHC, there is no explicit mention of the race of convict laborers. |
This explicit entrustment to the Security Council to enforce the ruling of the World Court raises high stakes for the international legal system. |
Some standards are more explicit than others, but efforts are underway to enhance the relationship between professional and liberal education. |
Many of those aimed at youngsters are barely monitored and contain explicit sexual references. |
We may make more explicit a point resulting from what we last said with reference to that question. |
Once again we see that Edwards is suggesting instances where a person can be regenerate before conversion to an explicit knowledge of Christ. |
But in February 2004, newspaper baron Lord Conrad Black of Crossharbour received an unusually explicit judicial whipping. |
So rest assured that while we're eager to show our appreciation we would never publicize anyone's name without their explicit permission. |
What impact do the raw and explicit lyrics in hip-hop music and provocative images of women in the videos have on our girls? |
Jogen Chowdhury is more direct, eschewing the archetype or the symbolic for the specific and explicit in his paintings. |
This paper focuses on the semantics of implicit arguments and compares it with that of explicit indefinites. |
To pretend or believe that any or all of this could be done without explicit state and military sanction is the most arrant nonsense. |
A creed is meant to summarize the explicit teachings or articles of faith, to imbed and thus protect and transmit the beliefs. |
This time he may do it, reasoning that he has nothing to lose when his removal is the explicit aim of the war. |
One can demonstrate to skeptics the explicit rules which govern a skill, or a game, but not those which govern an art. |
Future work may identify explicit factors mediating the links between somatic and psychological symptoms. |
First, there is a potential regress of rules, that is, that explicit rules requires further rules to apply them, and so on. |
Advertisers of pornographic content are prohibited from using rude words in the subject line of sexually explicit images. |
A helpful part of this section is an explicit description outlining how the program overcame obstacles and barriers to implementation. |
Religions with reincarnation as a central concept have dietary rules that are often more explicit. |
It is in this context that the strong sense of nationalism I see as being inherent in Blackfoot culture becomes explicit, that is, noticeable from the outside. |
The many particular proposals to which we agreed are less important than the report's explicit reaffirmation of the centrality of human rights commitments. |
It seems that many of those in the American elite who would recoil at the idea of explicit quotas are happy to tolerate more subtle systems that accomplish the same thing. |
What an extraordinarily explicit statement of scientific reductionism! |
The lyrics range from sappy to explicit, but the level of lunacy is nothing if not consistent. |
And he offered no explicit reminder that the NYPD had been saving thousands of black lives, along with many others. |
Today, there are no limits when it comes to explicit language and content in self-published erotica. |
The email gave explicit, step by step instructions on how to reformat and repartition a hard drive using a series of Boot disks and DOS based commands. |
They are then more the implicit signifiers of his own subject position than they are his explicit analysis or representation of such contradictions. |
But the Constitution, which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. |
News From No Man's Land mixes the anecdotage of the earlier books with a much more explicit and opinionated analysis of the state of television news. |
African countries are demanding an explicit apology from countries formerly involved in slavery and other past examples of white domination including colonial rule. |
Meanwhile, big dollar advertising campaigns have taken an explicit rainbow-hued slant. |
Instead, everyone agrees it has simply reinscribed too big to fail as explicit law. |
While not necessarily explicit advocates of anti-noise regulation, the writings of these individuals exemplified the martialing of the senses to describe the urban populace. |
Perhaps most fatefully, gone was any explicit pledge to formalize the agreement as a binding treaty next year. |
As a flustered Ally regales the encounter, a flashback reveals the entire, surprisingly explicit soap-and-squeegee affair. |
Properties of the posterior distribution of a parameter, such as its mean or density curve, are approximated without explicit likelihood calculations. |
If the angel invokes faith, it must share equal time with the vaguely mystical powers of magic, and the explicit artificiality of science fiction. |
For each question, the rubric specifies explicit grading criteria. |
And have the same prosecutors sought suit against corner shops for selling top-shelf material, which is consistently more explicit and also as accessible? |
To this unpracticed eye, at least from the photos, the statues are at once sexually explicit and wretchedly unsexy. |
But being so explicit is not as far-fetched as one might think. |
What is most relevant to Bell's Theorem is that the non-locality which it makes explicit in Quantum Mechanics is a small indication of pervasive ultramicroscopic nonlocality. |
Thousands of Vampire Diaries stories float around the interwebs, and every single one is way too explicit for its target audience. |
That is not the explicit focus of this effort, but there are some relevant analyses and sidelights, that are taken up again in the concluding essays. |
At the shrine itself, and in the devotions surrounding the mandatory baths, the principle that Mariology is Christology could not have been more explicit. |
As the author repeatedly points out, the pornographic material he seized wasn't simply more explicit than 18-certificate films or top-shelf magazines. |
This is about as explicit as 1Q84 ever gets, and even here the sense of things is allusive. |
In their meeting, Mao made explicit both his patience on Taiwan and animus against Moscow. |
He has also added a running paraphrase to each of the poem's twenty-four sections, making explicit much that the author's telegraphic style has compressed. |
At advanced levels, metacognitive development involves the development of explicit understanding about the fundamental nature and justifiability of knowledge and reasoning. |
Some were explicit, with messages written on them like that bony girl in the T-shirt. |
As the 70s dawned, mainstream black music made those sentiments explicit. |
First, let me say that my story happened quite awhile ago and I shall try to the best of my ability to be as factual, and explicit as my memory will permit. |
I remember being shocked not by the explicit carnality but by the confusion and hanky-panky, and the unhappiness. |
While eschewing explicit racialism, advocates of immigration restriction expressed anxiety that the immigrants posed a threat to the homogeneity of the United States. |
I would have been delighted to shock any confirmation hearing with explicit and shocking stories. |
Geostrategist Nicholas Spykman makes the Caribbean-Mediterranean analogy even more explicit than did Mahan. |
Consequently Alvina, or Vina as she was called, understood only the explicit mode of good-humoured straightforwardness. |
I gave explicit instructions for him to stay here, but he followed me, anyway. |
Ghettotech consists largely of four-on-the-floor dance beats at a faster tempo with lyrics that are sexually explicit and derogatory in nature. |
It was not until the time of the Roman Empire that the entire Roman world was organized into provinces under explicit Roman control. |
This bull prohibited the clergy from paying taxes to lay authorities without explicit consent from the Pope. |
This is implicit in the writings of Vitruvius and explicit in such 16th century authors as John Dee and Leonard Digges. |
And a tough neighborhood, it was, too. irate Mars, and sexually explicit Venus, the kerfluff of a moody moon, and self-important stars. |
Babbage is not known to have written down an explicit set of instructions for the engine in the manner of a modern processor manual. |
To further support this statement, a study researched the effectiveness of peer tutoring and explicit teaching in classrooms. |
The 1990s brought back the familiar idea that explicit grammar instruction and error correction was indeed useful for the SLA process. |
It was a partial adaptation of a satire by Juvenal, but with an immense amount of explicit invective against women. |
Similar to the blues, shanties often exhibited a string of such verses without much explicit or continuous theme. |
The leading men's magazine of its age, Playboy helped bring explicit photography, embodied by its famous nude centerfolds, into the mainstream. |
The Treaty for the first time gave member states the explicit legal right to leave the EU and the procedure to do so. |
No change in either country's position regarding the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands was made explicit. |
The explicit concept of an inertial frame of reference was not developed until long after Newton's death. |
This is false as is shown, for example, by Wald's explicit construction of a consistent semiclassical theory. |
The BBC's broadcasting monopoly was made explicit for the duration of its current broadcast licence, as was the prohibition on advertising. |
Mill was brought up as a Benthamite with the explicit intention that he would carry on the cause of utilitarianism. |
Yoshiwara has a large number of soaplands that began when explicit prostitution in Japan became illegal, where women washed men's bodies. |
The Prime Minister is a primus inter pares, with no explicit powers beyond those of the other ministers. |
These governments were all subordinate to the King of England, with no explicit relationship with the British Parliament. |
His instructions to Cornwallis during this time were vague, rarely forming explicit orders. |
However, the confusion was further compounded by the lack of explicit and contradictory instructions from London. |
No explicit government approval is contained within letters patent, only the seal or signature of the monarch. |
Out of respect for Mikhail Bakunin, they did not make their differences with collectivist anarchism explicit until after Bakunin's death. |
In antiquity, some began to ascribe it to Paul in an attempt to provide the anonymous work an explicit apostolic pedigree. |
The first explicit mention of the perpetual virginity of Mary is found in the pseudepigraphical Infancy Gospel of James. |
Taxation is considered one way to make societal costs explicit, in order to 'internalize' the cost of pollution. |
The day also saw 12 Dutch merchantmen caught by Blake's frigates after attempting to make a run for it, against Tromp's explicit orders. |
John appears to have been playing for time until Pope Innocent III could send letters giving him explicit papal support. |
However, Sikhism has never had a literal system of angels, preferring guidance without explicit appeal to supernatural orders or beings. |
Then he went off into his own updated, posteverything style, full of explicit dissonance, repetition and strange dynamics. |
In December 2012, the Cuban government officially banned sexually explicit reggaeton songs and music videos from radio and television. |
The island makes its first explicit appearance as a large rectangular island in the 1424 portolan chart of Zuane Pizzigano. |
A fully explicit grammar that exhaustively describes the grammatical constructions of a language is called a descriptive grammar. |
This enables straightforward and explicit calculation of the pseudohermitian invariants of the embedding which are also CR invariant. |
In languages that have a partitive case, the distinction is explicit and mandatory. |
A free relative clause, on the other hand, does not have an explicit antecedent external to itself. |
A dummy pronoun, also called an expletive pronoun or pleonastic pronoun, is a pronoun used for syntax without explicit meaning. |
The same year, trial by jury became a fairly explicit right in one of the most influential clauses of Magna Carta, signed by King John. |
Customary international law can be distinguished from treaty law, which consists of explicit agreements between nations to assume obligations. |
Currently, only a few nations offer explicit sui generis protection for traditional knowledge. |
There is no constitutional court and the supreme court does not have an explicit right to declare a law unconstitutional. |
One of the three, presumably Lloyd George although this was not explicit, would be chairman. |
The lack of explicit reference to God as the subject of the recompensing activity is not crucial in this instance. |
One of the deepest teachings of Confucius may have been the superiority of personal exemplification over explicit rules of behavior. |
Chesterton are famous, it avoids explicit advocacy of that economic system. |
The works confound stereotypes of Japanese etiquette, even as they update the tradition of the anatomically explicit shunga print. |
When a boxing or unboxing operation occurs in code, whether it was implicit or explicit, the IL generated includes the box or unbox command. |
John Judis, blogging that day at The New Republic, was more explicit. |
From now on, the quantum number m will be considered fixed unless stated otherwise in a explicit way. |
Central bank monetary policy has become an explicit tool of the redistributionist state. |
It featured violent and explicit messages from real sadomasochists after Jenkins left his phone number on cards in London phone boxes. |
There is no explicit dialogue regarding biological determinism or discernable study of the psychological make-up of the protagonist. |
We also make the circumstances under which these taxes can be imposed on out of state companies explicit with a bright line standard. |
If buffer overflow does occur in C, it is not detected unless the programmer has written an explicit check. |
Pollyanna McIntosh, seen in the trailer in an explicit scene with McAvoy, plays Size Queen, and said working with James was great fun. |
Some of the tables, however, are misnumbered, and more explicit working examples would have been welcome. |
The new code of conduct makes an explicit commitment to such minimally invasive sampling. |
Varenicline is a selective nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonist developed for explicit use in smoking cessation. |
The Tunga Bridge in Shimoga is infamous for the rather explicit PDA that couples indulge in. |
Other researchers have argued that direct instruction is a more efficient and effective approach since it is more explicit. |
He realized that man's behavior is often not guided by conscious thoughts and explicit purposes, but by unreflected rules of conduct. |
It is the explicit social mission of UWS to assist Greater Western Sydney that makes it so attractive to many staff members. |
Elsewhere in the show, Bailey appeared to make explicit reference to the absurdist visions of Hannah Hoch and other Dadaists. |
The quote suggests that enactment becomes recognized as reenactment, recognized as a matter of againness, through explicit theatricality. |
Constitution did not contain explicit provisions for acquiring territory, but he asserted that his constitutional power to negotiate treaties was sufficient. |
For once the explicit thuggishness, the feigned outrage to mask the shameless deceitfulness, the apocalyptic warnings, are failing to have an impact. |
There is less agreement about whether or not judgements of relevance or irrelevance are defensible only if the reasoning that supports such judgements is made fully explicit. |
This articles also says that in absence of an explicit choice of law, a protected consumer contract is governed by the law of the consumer's habitual residence. |
This may have been the earliest known occurrence of the idea of an explicit zero worldwide, although it may have been predated by the Babylonian system. |
The Department of State continually rejected proposals for joint cooperation, a policy made explicit in the Monroe Doctrine's emphasis on unilateral action. |
For example, Rosa read stories and asked the children to listen for explicit vocabulary, to read stories chorally, and to practice phonological rules. |
An explicit and legal recognition of federalism as such is promoted by parties such as Podemos, United Left and, more recently, the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party. |
Minimization of this injury is explicit in the Recovery Plan, several state statutes, and federal laws, and implicit in our society's ethical and moral standards. |
Today, even the trashiest Ritz Cracker can't compete with the explicit sexual imagery that pervades pop culture, so we channel our angst about advertising into new realms. |
During the war, an estimated 29 people lost their lives while being under explicit protection of the Red Cross symbol, most of them due to attacks by the Italian Army. |
Though spelling differences occasionally differentiate written words, in most cases the minimal pairs are written alike, since written Norwegian has no explicit accent marks. |
The character was known as the Thin Clergyman and was described as a writer, though his real name and connections to the series were never made explicit. |
Ambrose from drawing an explicit analogy between Abram's miraculous victory over four kings and the Nicaean council's similar victory over a dangerous heresy. |
CoCreate is the explicit 3D CAD modeling and data management software that provides companies with a lightweight and flexible approach to designing products. |
This principle was given statutory force by section 62 of the Environment Act 1995, although there are no explicit provisions as to how wildlife is to be preserved. |
We introduce explicit many-body interwire interactions that preserve time reversal symmetry and give energy gaps to all low energy degrees of freedom. |
Structured normwise, mixed and componentwise condition numbers for the Tikhonov regularization are introduced and their explicit expressions are derived. |
One source, the largely fictional Passion of Artemius, probably penned in the eighth century by John of Damascus, makes the legendary connection explicit. |
Teresa Margarida, who had neither title nor nobiliary capital, attacked Absolutism head-on, making explicit reference to the government of Dom Joao. |
They are naturally in touch with the collective unconscious, and will develop their own deeper understanding without explicit morals or didactic explanations. |
Tolkien included neither any explicit religion nor cult in his work. |
Howe was not given any explicit orders to assist Burgoyne, however, a copy Germain sent to Quebec explicitly stated Howe was to assist Burgoyne's efforts. |
Section 30 strengthens the EHRC's ability to apply for judicial review and to intervene in court proceedings, through giving explicit statutory provision for such action. |
In both cases, however, the process of royal assent is usually a formality, whether by constitutional convention or by an explicit provision of the constitution. |
Unlike the first Gulf War, this war had no explicit UN authorisation. |
The WTO is attempting to complete negotiations on the Doha Development Round, which was launched in 2001 with an explicit focus on developing countries. |
Revie's predilection for gimmicks was years ahead of its time, and done with the explicit intention of gaining acceptance from a public outside West Yorkshire. |
Chars can be considered as integers if need be without an explicit cast. |
Research almost universally supports explicit instructional practices. |
The novel is highly romantic, sexually explicit, and political. |
The film had several scenes including explicit language and sex. |
In his later poems, Milton's theological concerns become more explicit. |
Instead of arguing for explicit consent, which can always be manufactured, Pettit argues that the absence of an effective rebellion against it is a contract's only legitimacy. |
One of his two sisters, Margo, later helped in his medicide practice, often videoing the patients as evidence that the procedure was carried out at their explicit request. |
It is usually paid for by the host government to help newcomers settle into their adopted country, sometimes as part of an explicit citizenship program. |
Mystery shopper sales of R-rated movie tickets, R-rated films on DVD, and CDs with explicit lyrics were all down as well, though by smaller margins. |
The explicit economics of knowledge codification and tacitness. |
The intentionality of act which Levinas claims is the only explicit intentionality Husserl operates within suggests a kind of representationalism. |
That Rosicrucianism is non-Roman, if not anti-Roman, is clear from the explicit texts, such as that of the Confessio, which is declaredly antipapal. |
We derive an explicit rule for when eikonalization is valid, and provide a direct connection to the picture of multiple Wilson lines crossing a shockwave. |
Previous investigations have yielded conflicting results regarding the extent to which word method directed-forgetting influences explicit and implicit memory tests. |
Although not included as an explicit option in the UK census, the numbers of those claiming Cornish ethnic and national identity are officially recognised and recorded. |
At times it would appear that, according to El', the only acceptable way to construct such a theory is the direct and explicit application of the adaptionist program. |
Some countries and jurisdictions have explicit bans on sharia law. |