When there is an imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure, the excess is stored as fat. |
There had been high expenditure on repairs to the clock and the outside light. |
The sympathetic nervous system, not white blood cells, is critically important in the regulation of energy expenditure and thermogenesis. |
When the cost of living increases, everybody will cut wasteful expenditure. |
The Appeal did not produce annual income and expenditure accounts or balance sheets. |
Individuals are fully accountable to the organisation for the expenditure they incur. |
He pointed out that the 10m deficit was the accumulative effect of expenditure exceeding income on important projects over the past few years. |
These techniques provide a more accurate method of assessing energy expenditure patterns. |
It will need simple but accurate budgets and forecasts to check against actual income and expenditure. |
The Government wants to keep putting up taxes in order to support its welfare expenditure. |
After the unique, extremely rapid growth of welfare expenditure the welfare state reached its financial limits. |
The concept of the multiplier is based on consumption spending and on incomes that derive from expenditure. |
By shutting down their intestinal tracts during estivation, these anurans reduce their daily energy expenditure. |
If an employee pays directly for medical care, the expenditure comes out of the employee's after-tax income. |
Ng said Hong Kong's population was ageing and the government's medical expenditure would continue to grow. |
However, expenditure in the future might reasonably have extended that useful life for a considerable period of time. |
The Albanians have wrought great improvements in their capital with a minimum of expenditure. |
Another report, assessment and approval by City Council would have been redundant and a wasteful expenditure of time and money. |
The alcids have a high rate of energy expenditure during flight due to their flapping, nongliding technique. |
Over the last number of years the annual expenditure on the Rose was somewhere in the region of 1.2 million. |
The chairman of Shipston-on-Stour Board of Guardians submitted the estimate of expenditure from Lady Day to Michaelmas next. |
Members should be aware that all expenditure incurred in deriving exempt income will not be an allowable deduction. |
It was a lamebrain excuse on behalf of the Bahamian government to try to cut down on expenditure. |
Landcare tax deductions can be claimed by rural businesses for some types of expenditure to combat land degradation. |
Regular activity helps maintain a healthy body weight by balancing caloric intake with energy expenditure. |
The qualifying expenditure is available in full against rental income within the state. |
In a league table of national expenditure on state pensions produced by the commission, Britain was at the bottom. |
One feature that is absent from current regulation is any general restriction on campaign expenditure. |
After 2000, the expenditure continued to increase at an annual rate of 12.5 percent. |
We excluded food items from the price indexes when the average household food expenditure share was not available. |
In men, serum thyroid hormones were sensitive to marginal changes in energy intake and expenditure. |
A ten-year programme was introduced to wipe out the liability by introducing rigid controls on expenditure relating to the upkeep of churches. |
Now after the election we need a big campaign to stop any new expenditure on nuclear arms. |
If you use a sprat to catch a mackerel, you make a small expenditure or take a small risk in the hope of a much greater gain. |
The inability of the government and various state agencies to control runaway expenditure on infrastructure projects is shocking. |
The commitments made to Italian workers on employment creation were increasingly sacrificed to meet targets on reduced public expenditure. |
With expenditure likely to increase further, revenue augmentation may become a necessity to facilitate higher development expenditure. |
Further cuts and austerity measures affecting social expenditure can already be foreseen. |
Liquor and Gaming Authority had ultimate authority to approve and vet every year of their operations and expenditure plan. |
Spending by all government departments is still on target, as 680m earmarked for expenditure has not been spent yet. |
At the macrolevel, we won the Cold War by engaging in a long-term expenditure of resources while maintaining a large standing military. |
Phased cuts in educational expenditure as part of Structural Adjustment Programmes left buildings in a tatty, dangerous and unsanitary condition. |
The difference between the flows of taxation and expenditure is the fiscal surplus or deficit. |
If you are tearing your hair out over the excess expenditure, then fear not, for there is some great news for new couples. |
Difficult choices must be made in the allocation of scarce resources between current and capital expenditure. |
We have also increased our capital expenditure to an average of R2-billion per annum to deal with the backlogs. |
Instead of spending money on youth centres, welfare and social services, they have cut state expenditure and massaged the figures. |
However, caffeine can increase thermogenesis and energy expenditure, so the impact of coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks is unclear. |
Fair and accurate accounting should be based on the actual measurement of an expenditure or receipt that is determined in cash. |
The budget is part of a long anticipated medium-term expenditure framework. |
He portrays himself as a tightwad who is tight on the purse, spends nothing, drops taxes, and holds back on expenditure. |
An annual allowance of one seventeenth of the expenditure is given for capital expenditure on patent rights. |
After last year's belt-tightening, there's no reason to think that the expenditure ranking has improved. |
Family branches take turns to host the ceremony, with the expenditure shared by the whole village. |
It means a huge amount of capital expenditure is being mobilized for North America and the Gulf of Mexico. |
The sinking fund, where money for long-term expenditure goes, had run dry, so if there was a serious problem there would have been real trouble. |
The hope is that Sol Campbell's return, which is at least two weeks away, will render such expenditure unnecessary. |
But I do also wonder about the tsunami of unnecessary expenditure that engulfs so many of us. |
We can make substantial contributions, if only we curtail unnecessary expenditure. |
Apart from extensive and expensive capital expenditure, plenty of labour was required, skilled and unskilled. |
Excessive domestic borrowings to finance current expenditure has resulted in debt service payments approaching unsustainable levels. |
Many forget that the greatest item of public expenditure is not health or defence but Social Security benefits. |
Armed uprisings against colonial rule in Africa meant that nearly half the budget was devoted to military expenditure. |
Even Skype takes some considerable expenditure of time and sweat from the beginner. |
The root of the whole evil is useless expenditure in legislation, that delights the thieves, rogues, and vakeels. |
It is reassuring to know that the Scottish Executive husbands the expenditure it makes on our behalf so wisely. |
As far as I'm concerned, a lot of the expenditure goes to particular vested interests. |
They range from merging wards and eliminating luxury expenditure to controlling study leave and overtime and reviewing non-clinical vacancies. |
Examples of non-compliance include failing either to privatize or cut expenditure. |
The budget is divided into 'compulsory' and 'non-compulsory' items of expenditure. |
Enhanced parasympathetic activity of sportive women is paradoxically associated to enhanced resting energy expenditure. |
The advertising industry has been squeezed by companies cutting their expenditure in response to the economic downturn. |
Severe cachexia, as a result of increased energy expenditure mediated by the tumour, is also a poor prognostic indicator. |
Consultancy fees can be regarded as investments in human capital and hence treated as capital expenditure, something the economists love. |
Offset against this are operating losses running at some 2m per month plus the heavy capital expenditure necessary to build out infrastructure. |
Sales of wireless infrastructure are also expected to be lower due to a reduction in capital expenditure by the telecom companies. |
At a wider level the industry as a whole needs restructuring to deliver cost reductions and avoid duplication of capital expenditure. |
Capital expenditure accounts for 11 percent of the Eastern Cape's total budget. |
In the year to February 22 2003, the company had group capital expenditure of 2.7 billion. |
American corporations are saving more, but seem hardly inclined to go on a renewed capital expenditure binge. |
A fall in capital expenditure in the aftermath of an investment boom is generally not averted by cuts in interest rates. |
Costs, however, reflect past purchases of capital goods, made at a lower level of productive expenditure. |
To what extent should advertising expenditure be capitalized and recognized as an asset in a company's balance sheet? |
Fixed charges usually known as shop expenditure and establishment expenses or shop oncost and office oncost, are apportioned to the various jobs. |
The Group remains in a negative cashflow position as it used its available cash to finance capital expenditure and retire debt. |
I can sell the car and get a cheaper one, getting a cashback on the trade to reduce my expenditure. |
The orectic response to energy expenditure and the orectic inhibition to fat accumulation are feedback mechanisms which are impaired in obesity. |
Soon, the ceiling on poll expenditure was increased with necessary amendments to the law. |
The commission criticised poor financial management, breaches in employment ceilings and unauthorised expenditure in the health system. |
The hermit thrush is among the migratory birds being studied for energy expenditure during rest. |
Judging by the main outlines of revenue and expenditure plans, the budget proposal is fairly realistic. |
And he challenged the opposition to compile a schedule of the expenditure they would propose and of the reductions they oppose. |
Sales of local products produce local employment and therefore more local expenditure. |
Within a regime of cuts in the post-war Welfare State, the withdrawal of state subsidies and support, and low public expenditure. |
For example, it may be useful to have a credit card or charge card dedicated to expenditure on motor fuel. |
What, in particular, was the diet of national leaders who introduced sumptuary laws, to prevent extravagant expenditure on food and wine? |
Homeothermic mammals regulate their body temperatures, and hence their energy expenditure, to a relatively constant and fairly high rate. |
I was pleased to hear that staff expenditure had been cut but was not happy to hear that the issue of supernumeraries was not mentioned. |
The efficiency and cost transparency in the production can be enhanced sustainedly with less capital expenditure. |
These are based on the observation that expenditure is typically necessary to partake in such recreational activities. |
Seldom in peacetime has a British government sanctioned such a rate of expenditure increase. |
Or even, perish the thought, an expenditure that need not have its results measured in dollars and cents, but as an altruistic good. |
Additional expenditure has been incurred as the bank prepares for impending regulatory changes. |
People can still barely see improvements feeding through from the more recent loosening of the Chancellor's expenditure. |
Health expenses means expenditure on the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of illness, injury, infirmity or disability. |
The rising expectations of all classes conflicted with the need to reduce government expenditure. |
This is all down to a lack of capital expenditure on the railways by success Labour and Conservative governments. |
The good news is that business travel expenditure is one of the largest controllable expenses within a company. |
In addition, are these profits being converted into cash or are they being sucked up by items like capital expenditure? |
Our only real expenditure was enjoying leisurely drinks at cafes and sampling the local cuisine. |
This type of expenditure can only go ahead if cutbacks are made elsewhere, according to the report. |
France's first rearmament plan was adopted in 1934, only to be followed by a cutback in expenditure in the next year. |
Concentric contractions require the greatest energy expenditure, followed by isometric and eccentric contractions. |
We were joined by a mutual friend, a dark-haired looker whose expenditure on manicures and pedicures is legendary. |
Customer deferrals of capital expenditure are creating one of the worst technology investment climates seen in 10 years. |
Johannesburg is to issue a fourth municipal bond, with the funds raised being used to defray capital expenditure costs. |
The energy expenditure needed to ambulate with an above-knee prosthesis is far greater than that needed with a below-knee prosthesis. |
Running carrier services efficiently involved considerable expenditure on horses together with their equipment and provender. |
Financial rules forbid utilization of departmental receipts for expenditure. |
In recent years there has been a significant increase in both interest and expenditure on public relations activity. |
But his main concern was increased expenditure on road infrastructure and public works. |
The expenditure during the quarter ended June 2002 includes costs incurred towards the process of conversion of the company into a commercial bank. |
Extraction of the tree stump is achieved with this known uprooter by manual rotation of the screw threaded spindle which requires great expenditure of force. |
The coalition will be working very hard over the next few months to prune expenditure to bring down this tax rise. The process has already started. |
The cinema in digital video disc format can even be couriered to the exhibitor, thus saving on the expenditure and time taken for transporting the cans. |
The pact would have worked had the members been willing to cut public expenditure in good times to finance the inevitable budget deficits when business went south. |
The essential qualities of Judo reside in the execution of throws with finesse, without the expenditure of strength, joined to an irresistible rhythm. |
Tax relief is provided by the Revenue Commissioners in respect of expenditure incurred on the repair, maintenance or restoration of the approved building or garden. |
Something has got to be done to stop this inexorable rise in expenditure. |
That, in turn, might lead to the trial itself being brought to a premature end without result, and in consequence, the needless expenditure of much public money. |
What we have to do is get the expenditure and income budgets right. |
Every item of expenditure at her wedding will be subjected to intense media scrutiny, especially at this time of austerity. |
About half of our expenditure has gone to standing up the Afghan National Security Forces. |
Take a look at some of the bigger items of expenditure in your budget. |
In western societies, the family support for higher learning is virtually absent and the desirous youth often find ways of appropriate jobs to support their expenditure. |
The IAMB was supposed to supervise the CPA's control and expenditure of Iraq's oil wealth, but for months the US resisted making any concessions to the body. |
Public expenditure on retraining and job creation is risibly small. |
The requirement of a legislative appropriation applies to an expenditure by the Crown to perform a contract no less than an expenditure for any other purpose. |
These will be the actual benefits provided during the course of the year and may include provision for unforeseen outgoings and for possible expenditure in later years. |
This leads on to the idea that the sum of expenditure on all these little niche markets can equal or exceed the value of the heavily hyped blockbusters. |
In England, the increase of inoculable diseases was 20 per cent., notwithstanding an expenditure of 200 millions sterling since 1850 in sanitary works. |
Hospital bosses are ruling out any expenditure on non-essential items between now and the end of March, to ensure that they can come in on budget. |
Because of increased physical activity through involuntary movements, non-ambulatory children with athetosis are hyperactive and may have increased energy expenditure. |
Officials insist there is no set funding target but the money is understood to be earmarked for capital expenditure on roads and building programmes. |
Just as a writer can write without much expenditure, a filmmaker must, first of all, be able to express himself without much fuss about what is saleable and what is not. |
But economising on expenditure creates tension and conflict. |
And considering that the furniture itself may swallow a large portion of your budget, keeping expenditure tight on the rest of the space may become necessary. |
But we should campaign for a European nuclear-free zone, for massive reductions in European military expenditure and against international interventions. |
With a careful and timely matching of withdrawals with tax-deductible expenditure like livestock purchases, the tax incidence can be cancelled out. |
Mr Fuller added that the school has made sacrifices in expenditure and eight staff have taken promotions with no pay rise in an effort to reduce costs. |
There has been a sharp increase in expenditure on entertainment, education, cultural activities, transportation and communications, telephones and mobile phones. |
They ensure to the holder of the mark the goodwill associated with the marked product, which may entail considerable expenditure by the manufacturer. |
In Accounting Research Bulletin No.9 it was stated that any expenditure which is properly applicable to the future is presumptive grounds for carrying the balance forward. |
Similarly, as the Union's budget has increased, particularly for overseas expenditure, so, too, has the interest of international NGOs and third countries. |
Similarly, the increased expenditure on thoroughbred horses for hunting saw a substantial rise in the grandeur and expense laid out on stables from the late 18th century. |
Capital expenditure such as new plant or IT investment should be re-evaluated to assess whether it can be deferred without any serious business disruption. |
Scotland's beleaguered industrial sector is still enduring a combination of business failures and cutbacks on capital expenditure, according to new figures due out tomorrow. |
Each item of expenditure is followed by the closing sum total. |
These results question Canada's mass expenditure on supply-side policies. |
Capital expenditure is also to be reduced going forward and the company is planning on leveraging existing infrastructure with investment in new connections. |
The biggest expenditure in those days was the horse feed for the fire department, a touchy subject in a town that had already burned down a couple of times by then. |
For each state a minimum level of expenditure was set for programs to assist the poor, and for the most part the states have met these minimum requirements. |
If funding is provided for a short-term project, at its conclusion, a report is required itemising expenditure and summarising activities and outcomes. |
He is in control of the money coming into the household and the amount that is available for housekeeping, she has to manage the daily expenditure. |
Any expenditure included in the accounts where receipts or vouchers were not available was properly made in connection with the carrying on of the company's business. |
Female rejection behavior also may carry costs in terms of increased predation risk, energy expenditure, or wing injuries inflicted by spines on the male's forelegs. |
Souter's money has bought around half the billboard sites in Ayr, unconstrained by the tight rules on campaign expenditure because it is not representing any one candidate. |
Estimated expenditure on contribution-based jobseeker's allowance has also been reduced slightly, due to a reduction in the assumed level of unemployment. |
A source close to them said they would vigorously dispute any suggestion of reckless or fraudulent trading, excessive expenditure, mismanagement or undeclared income. |
It is therefore incorrect to say the Department of Education underspent, because at present there is no weak expenditure on the part the department. |
Capital expenditure on modernisation over the next three years will amount to 125 million, according to figures provided by the chief executive in an internal newsletter. |
Things are tight and there is little space for unnecessary expenditure. |
If money is spent on concealment, what is that money but a campaign expenditure? |
By shutting down their intestinal tracts during estivation, they reduce their daily energy expenditure and therefore increase the duration that they can survive dormancy. |
The lack of integration is partly attributed to the unrealistically low forward estimates of public expenditure outlined in the Government's first budget. |
The proportion of total expenditure that is devoted to food tends to decrease exactly in arithmetic progression as total expenditure increases in geometric progression. |
Utilization went up, out-of-pocket expenditure went down, and the freqency of depression diagnoses was lower. |
We are now analysing that expenditure with the aim of realigning it with the research, so that it reinforces what we now know makes a real difference for students. |
The demand comes in the light of the 200 job cuts announced by the Western Health Board last week and the continuing curtailment of expenditure across a range of services. |
We must hope that the story is just kite-flying by a Government looking at all the options for public expenditure savings, no matter how lacking in logic. |
There you go, selling off the family silver to meet current expenditure. |
When the expenditure by other Government Departments involved with the Presidency is taken into account, the overall cost comes out at over 9 million. |
Tenants must also be reimbursed for any expenditure on repairs. |
He supported Cobden's motion for the reduction of public expenditure, and in and out of parliament pleaded for peace. |
The position entailed responsibility for Wales, and expenditure on certain public services was delegated from Westminster. |
Between 1933 and 1939, federal expenditure tripled, and Roosevelt's critics charged that he was turning America into a socialist state. |
An alternative theory is that standing on one leg reduces the energy expenditure for producing muscular effort to stand and balance on one leg. |
Many nourishment projects are advocated via economic impact studies that rely on additional tourist expenditure. |
By the end of Fisher's tenure as First Sea Lord expenditure had returned to 1904 levels. |
Although expenditure per student is comparatively high in Japan, total expenditure relative to GDP remains small. |
As with larvae, these features allow the fish to remain suspended in the water with little expenditure of energy. |
The venture was not a commercial success, and, with expenditure exceeding income, the Company was unable to repay its loan. |
In 2007, expenditure was projected at SR380 bn and actual spending reached SR443 bn. |
Since 1993, the Prince of Wales has voluntarily paid income tax on the duchy income less amounts which he considers to be official expenditure. |
The official expenditure of the Prince of Wales is not audited by the National Audit Office. |
This practice represents a significant budget expenditure and is more expansive than in comparable communities. |
Cutbacks in expenditure after the war and the disappearance of its intended mission as a transatlantic transport left it no purpose. |
The energy expenditure correlated significantly only with bromoform concentration in exhaled breath after swimming. |
Then, following a general election in October, the incoming Labour government put the project on hold to reduce expenditure. |
However, in that year working expenses had ballooned due to unspecified exceptional expenditure, and slightly exceeded the gross income. |
There was opposition from some shareholders who saw the expenditure as money that should be distributed to them as dividends. |
In addition, there is the Treasury pressure, acute at the moment, to look critically at all avoidable or postponable expenditure. |
It would require a commitment too burdensome for the imperial finances and for excessive expenditure of military force for a new achievement. |
Looking at per capita expenditure, Iceland again has the highest expenditure with Norway coming second. |
More over, Zhang efficiently protected the dynasty from Japan, Jurchens and Mongols so he could save national defense expenditure. |
Participants completed a pretest survey and obtained pretest HR, BP, RPE, and caloric expenditure measurements. |
These figures show expenditures and utilization per insured plan member and unit costs defined as expenditure divided by utilization. |
Formulate strategies based on in-depth analysis of your competitors' capital expenditure data. |
One practical problem in the calculation of capital expenditure ratios is defining capital expenditures. |
The Government cannot know how to use an expansion in expenditure that would not risk seriously misallocating resources. |
Hospital admissions, the largest single item of diabetes expenditure, are often precipitated by hyperglycaemic emergencies. |
It is also usually automated while total expenditure per unit of product is decreased. |
This results in reduced energy expenditure, hyperphagia, and morbid obesity. |
Still, the numbers give you a rough idea of the ballpark expenditure. |
The basic cause of starvation is an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. |
Leeds has seen great expenditure on regenerating the city, attracting in investments and flagship projects, as found in Leeds city centre. |
It binds the government to eliminate wasteful and abstentious expenditure at all levels and promote simplicity in governance. |
Current capitation rates largely rely on diagnosis-based risk adjustments and the average FFS expenditure of a county where a MA plan operates. |
Over a hundred million RMB was saved accumulatively in terms of capital expenditure. |
There were also complaints about false muster rolls on the NREGA and fake expenditure on forestrelated projects. |
Upon arriving in the warning areas east of Okinawa, Badman focused on using their air-non-combat expenditure allowance of air-to-air weapons. |
Construction of Health Station in Irafaile administrative area, Foro sub-zone, at a total expenditure of 9-million Nakfa. |
Companies investing in NGA are also striving to achieve higher efficiency and reduce their level of operating expenditure. |
Eightyfive percent of the allocated amount was spent as nondevelopment expenditure of the Centre. |
In my view, the expenditure on subventing the conference is unlawful,'' he told the council in a letter leaked to the Echo. |
The kingdom's arms expenditure, social welfare spending and regional diplomacy all assume the availably of unlimited oil revenues. |
Caloric expenditure ranged from 22 kcal to 114 kcal for baseball, and from 17 kcal to 72 kcal for tennis. |
In absolute terms, German military expenditure is the 9th highest in the world. |
There is no downward flexibility in expenditure and credit levels. But outputs and supplies are downflex. |
The expenditure of time, money, and political capital on this project has been excessive. |
It is a recognised nuclear weapons state and its military expenditure ranks fourth or fifth in the world. |
Since 1979 expenditure on healthcare has been increased significantly to bring it closer to the European Union average. |
Agriculture expenditure will move away from subsidy payments linked to specific produce, toward direct payments based on farm size. |
Though his military expenditure was costly to the empire, Severus was a strong and able ruler. |
Several additional factors bloated the military expenditure of the Roman Empire. |
Under Mary, he had been spared, and often visited Elizabeth, ostensibly to review her accounts and expenditure. |
Under the austerity programme of the Cameron governments expenditure on the NHS, which had risen fairly steadily since 1950, was restricted. |
They insisted that they could not only control taxation, but also public expenditure. |
Wheatley claims Ken Clark cut prison expenditure intending to reduce the prison population. |
Parliamentary grants to the Sovereign are not treated as income as they are solely for official expenditure. |
In a 2010 survey of forecast expenditure at retail centres in the United Kingdom, Meadowhall was ranked 12th and Sheffield City Centre 19th. |
Very few lotic insects are strong swimmers, probably because of the energy expenditure required to swim against a current. |
Similarly, college expenditure on student education also varies widely between individual colleges. |
The revenue from North Sea oil has been used to support current expenditure, rather than creating a sovereign oil fund. |
Therefore, measuring the total expenditure used to buy things is a way of measuring production. |
This article is a list of countries by military expenditure in a given year. |
Military expenditure figures are presented in United States dollars based on either constant or current exchange rates. |
But this soon changed as Henry VIII doubled household expenditure and started costly wars against both France and Scotland. |
Researchers have found very little correlation between economic performance and social expenditure. |
As of 2012 Much of the military expenditure was focused on defence against Pakistan and countering growing Chinese influence in the Indian Ocean. |
The receipts ratio The expenditure ratio rose again after Thatcher's resignation in 1990, even climbing for a time above the 1979 figure. |
The inclusion of ten additional countries on 1 May 2004 has obliged the EU to take measure to limit CAP expenditure. |
Part of its long term capital expenditure is funded by long term loans from the Scottish Government. |
Much of the national budget was devoted to military expenditure, leaving few resources for healthcare, among other services. |
Finnish defence expenditure per capita is one of the highest in the European Union. |
However, the expenditure on military equipment and logistics and the losses in this endless fighting greatly outweighed the benefits gained. |
Some of this expenditure was used to build new towns, such as Bettyhill, which received tenants cleared from Strathnaver. |
He knew that its abolition depended on a considerable retrenchment in government expenditure. |
Another major component of central government expenditure in Scotland is on healthcare and healthcare related services. |
Another component of devolved central government expenditure in Scotland is on justice. |
The division of expenditure into these components is expressed in the identity. |
The Liberal manifesto at the 1906 general election included a commitment to reduce military expenditure. |
The majority of these funds are expected to be spent on environmental program expenditure and fundraising over the next two financial years. |
On average, expenditure for public junior high school students shrank 7,000 yen to 147,000 yen and for private junior high school students 15,000 yen to 109,000 yen, it said. |
Those swimming with barnacle encrustation require more energy and show a detectable difference in anaerobic energy expenditure than those without encrustation. |
The national military expenditure is the 9th highest in the world. |
Energy expenditure in growing pigs infected with pleuropneumonia. |
In an interview with the Economist this week, van Zyl said overcommitting on recurrent expenditure will result in unsustainable future obligations. |
It is adverse selection that leads US workers who anticipate high family medical expenditure to seek employers with superior health insurance coverage for their employees. |
This last method is the most satisfactory for anaerobic cultivations, as by its means complete anaerobiosis can be obtained with the least expenditure of time and trouble. |
She imposed public expenditure cuts on the state education system, resulting in the abolition of free milk for schoolchildren aged seven to eleven. |
Virement between these expenditure heads would be necessary. |
Network Rail regularly publishes a Strategic Business Plan detailing their policies, processes and plans, as well as financial expenditure and other data. |
The plans also detail the expected future demand and development of each route, their predicted expenditure and their maintenance and investment requirements. |
Energy expenditure in hip disarticulations and hemipelvectomy amputees. |
Naval expenditure fell from 1905 to 1907, before rising again. |
Specifically, goodwill acquired in connection with the assets of a going concern is considered a capital expenditure and, prior to the enactment of new Sec. |
An increase in non-developmental expenditure at the cost of productive investments represents an incondonable waste and a factor retarding India's economic development. |
Henry was bankrupted by his military expenditure and general extravagance. |
Royal expenditure on castles declined from the levels spent under Henry II, attributed to a concentration of resources on Richard's war with the king of France. |
After 1918, the prospect of war seemed so remote that Government expenditure on the armed forces, was determined by the assumption that no great war was likely. |
The nominal profit made was significant, helping to bring income and expenditure together, but it had a catastrophic effect on the overall economy of the country. |
The English Parliament also had repeated disputes with the king over such subjects as taxation, military expenditure and the role of parliament in government. |
The most important change there was the requirement that the Treasurer publish an annual report, along with a copy of the total income and expenditure of the Society. |
The sequence of events leading to the Revolution included the national government's fiscal troubles caused by an inefficient tax system and expenditure on numerous large wars. |
The equipment expenditure of the thin film photovoltaic cell industry is much higher than that of traditional crystalline silicon photovoltaic cell industry. |
However expenditure as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product had fallen, and was predicted to fall further, as was the UK's place among OECD nations' health expenditure. |
It brings his payings into close and convenient correspondence with his usings of commodities, and different branches of his expenditure thus become easily comparable. |
First was the minimisation of public expenditure on the premise that the economy and society were best helped by allowing people to spend as they saw fit. |
Gladstone opposed increasing public expenditure on the naval estimates, in the tradition of free trade liberalism of his earlier political career as Chancellor. |
And for this, in turn, it was necessary to keep public expenditure low. |
With the help of portable telemetric calorimeters and heart rate monitors, researchers measured and recorded each child's oxygen uptake, energy expenditure and heart rate. |
It has been suggested there is a strong correlation between tourism expenditure per capita and the degree to which countries play in the global context. |
Focus will now be on comprehensive and holistic primary healthcare, including preventive and promotive health, to improve health and reduce healthcare expenditure. |
However, responsibility for the Civil List element of Head of State expenditure and income from the separate Crown Estate remains with the Chancellor of the Exchequer. |
The All England Club, through its subsidiary The All England Lawn Tennis Ground plc, issues Debentures to tennis fans every five years to raise funds for capital expenditure. |
A large share of the UN's expenditure addresses its core mission of peace and security, and this budget is assessed separately from the main organizational budget. |
Prominent issues raised during the referendum included which currency an independent Scotland would use, public expenditure, EU membership, and North Sea oil. |
In a simple, probably oversimple, model of optimal public finance, the budget is balanced, with public expenditure and taxation being jointly determined as follows. |
But the Commission said lower than expected expenditure on the beef, fruit and vegetable, olive oil, and tobacco sectors would compensate for these overspends. |