Monaco is a special race on the Formula One calendar and Schumacher does not expect an easy weekend ahead. |
With respect, question time is when questions are asked, and one would expect them to be answered. |
There is a significant question mark over the level of pensions which members expect to receive and what they will actually get. |
More and more keelboats are coming to the area and we expect to see yacht racing develop significantly in the coming months. |
This is a less aggressive mix than you might expect for a movie about knights and jousting. |
Could the Gulf of Mexico oil spill finally end weeks ahead of the time BP officials say they expect to end it? |
After midnight towards daybreak I expect the rain to become most steady with the warm front directly over southern New England. |
Curious, thought the manageress, she was the last person you would expect to waltz in quite that late without so much as an excuse. |
You expect to waltz in here and take our movies with no more proof of your identity than a phone number? |
As far as we are concerned, we will throw the book at them and we would expect that magistrates do the same. |
Whatever he says over the next day or two, I expect he will probably take a year off and then decide what to do. |
Various polls show that up to 80 percent of Americans expect and accept some abridgments of individual freedom to combat the threat of terrorism. |
I do not expect the person who I have quoted here to come around to my way of thinking, though of course that would be well and good. |
Again, calculating and adding all these values will take a considerable amount of time, especially if we expect many future payments. |
Nobody can reasonably expect any future Tigers to suddenly appear on the scene. |
Each of the 50 rooms is different and a bit quirky, as you would expect in a hotel this rich in history. |
But if the injuries clear, I expect Aberdeen to put pressure on the sides above them. |
Anyone wanting to leave me ideas or suggestions is very welcome to, but please don't expect much in the way of credits. |
In fact, the only voice you might reasonably expect to rise in protest on your touching a painting or statue is that of your own conscience. |
Did you ever expect that your novel would receive such a warm welcome from the literary circles here? |
We can reasonably expect to know more in the future if we avoid the temptations of skepticism. |
But don't expect media giants to get a big lift from their Chinese operations anytime soon. |
Did she actually expect me to yell and hoot alongside with her and dance to Justin? |
Unfortunately, I tore a muscle in my abductor and the specialists have told me I can expect to be out for six to eight weeks. |
For diffraction-limited performance, we expect wavefront aberrations of better than 0.25 at all points in the image. |
The RX400h wafts along in leather and wood-bound luxury with the kind of equipment specification you expect of a luxury car. |
If a majority votes for the strike, they rightly expect the minority to abide by the decision. |
We expect 2003 to be a year of reasonable but not spectacular growth in economic activity and business revenues. |
I would expect the defense to go that route, to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. |
You can never expect a piano tuner to be entirely happy working with an electronic keyboard, but rarely have I felt so frustrated. |
Anytime we flip a switch, turn a key in the ignition, or mail a letter, we expect something to happen. |
We also expect them to quickly put down any wild-eyed, frothing animal before they can latch on to anyone with their fatal, infectious bite. |
Don't expect serious discussion of any of these issues from our federal courts. |
Add the demobilization process on their return, and they can expect to be on active duty for at least nine months. |
I suggest that you ask for more than you expect to receive so that you have wiggle room and can negotiate. |
We would expect strong active verbs in a news story about tsunami relief efforts. |
Pilots are usually well-educated, highly analytical types whom you would not normally expect to believe in luck or jinxes. |
Politicians have to be seen to be acting responsibly and must expect to be censured when they are not. |
To procure more large carriers today and expect them to be useful into midcentury is to be blind to reality. |
A person who is bitten by a rabid animal but given treatment with rabies vaccines can expect not to develop rabies. |
Since the officers opened the windows a few minutes after the smoke bomb went off, I don't expect to find much residue upstairs. |
The seven wins, six losses record won't go down as a great tour and there is no doubt Sir Clive will expect a much better return. |
This weekend's patrons can expect to be served shrimp bisque or rabbit pie with bay-leaf juice. |
Are we really entitled to shout questions at politicians and expect answers whenever we want? |
I expect City of York Council will also think it appropriate to drill these meters into the wide granite kerbstones that line the street. |
Is it realistic to expect them to address the equity versus efficiency dilemma? |
You will also need to be realistic about what you expect from your birth family. |
But at this point, political analysts expect the Conservatives to fail by a wide margin. |
Some people expect it to be dynamic and aggressive but the reality is that it's slow. |
How can the government expect these girls to change when they are taught to live a tedious and wearisome life? |
We expect our schools to set standards, impart values and encourage responsible behaviour. |
But it would be one step too far to expect them to give up their weaponry as this would be seen as surrender. |
How do we expect to be secure in our region unless we agree completely with everything said by whomever happens to be in power? |
At the pre-natal stage both parents should read up on the subject and have a fair idea of what to expect once the child arrives. |
In any case, the arbitration is going forward and his piece reads like he does not expect the organisation to emerge unscathed. |
Of course, Intel don't expect you to be buying this motherboard intending to use the on-board video to replace your whizzo video card. |
It would have been a very good save but it was one you'd expect an international keeper to make. |
Clare Francis speaks with the sort of received pronunciation you might expect from a former yachtswoman brought up in the Home Counties. |
When he voiced his suspicions to Sandy, he did not expect to receive such a violent reaction. |
As one would expect from the combination, it's a mostly upbeat effort with light rhythms and airy melodies. |
I would then expect to see a corresponding increase in airfares that surviving airlines will heartily embrace. |
Most local experts expect him to kick on with the academy and with whatever AFL side snaps him up. |
I've already taken a few knocks and expect to get kicked about a bit, but I can deal with it. |
This sort of pain is just what we would expect from natural selection, which is a jerry-builder. |
Multiply the wattage of each individual electrical device by the number of hours you expect to use them each day. |
We expect the ceasefire to continue holding in order to enable this process to move forward at a quicker pace. |
You half expect to see Harold Lloyd or Ben Turpin run across the frame chasing their wind blown hat. |
Rebirthing was felt to programme people to expect trauma and breath-though because of the linguistics used. |
He is a quiet man by nature, the last player one would expect to run off his mouth in the locker room. |
You expect to win some, lose some, but you don't expect to lose some, lose some and then lose some more. |
I've had one waterproofer come out for an estimate, which I don't have yet but expect to be substantial. |
That may very well be true, but how do you expect me to offer help unless you tell me what ails you? |
That means consumers can expect rebates and cut-rate financing deals to continue and both companies will have to slow down their assembly lines. |
Is there a danger we could expect too much of what is, after all, only a five-day event? |
The gloomy picture emerged as heavy rain lashed the UK and isolated areas in parts of the country were warned to expect flooding. |
This might do in the infants, but I'm afraid by the sixth form we expect something a little more sophisticated. |
I expect Kearins to put out an experienced side as experience will be vital in the white heat of Connacht Senior Championship football. |
We put the US on notice that we expect full proof, that we will not tolerate accusation by innuendo or slur. |
People expect photographs to be accurate representations or records of reality. |
However, the script fails him by falling flat in the moments where you expect the most to be delivered. |
Outside the grand clubhouse, you almost expect chaps to be wandering around in plus-fours and flat caps. |
The most entertainment he could expect was his mother's occasional rattle waving. |
The minute I type this I will expect the men in white coats to come and take me away. |
When we are afflicted with such illnesses, we expect to recover quickly and fully. |
They came out dry and floury, like something one would expect from a wartime ration. |
Forecasters expect significant accumulations of snow from Virginia and North Carolina into New England. |
Most observers expect the membership to bless the idea of expansion, either through an affiliate or a subsidiary. |
You half expect to see orange dimpled leather instead of eye whites when you look at him, but there is nothing robotic about him. |
There may be people in England and Wales who refer to white South Africans as Africans but I would not expect them to be numerous. |
Books reflect the mental atmosphere in which they were born, and on that account cannot expect to live forever. |
Exactly the kind of game you'd expect with the man who leads his profession in accomplishment and acrimony. |
Empires generally expect neighboring states and dependencies to accept their power and accommodate to it. |
Deep raspberry red in colour, nearer to a shade you might associate with red wine than what you might expect of a rose. |
I did not expect to see a noisy scrub-bird, a western bristlebird or a western whipbird. |
And if it does, you can't expect everyone to stand around and accept you as you are. |
They even come with guarantees and warranties, just as you would expect with a new model. |
Once I put on my new rims I loved them, expect for the large gap that I now had in my wheel well. |
The student with undergraduate deficiencies should expect to take more time working for the advanced degree. |
They expect no justice, no fair deal and no humanistic approach by the Indian leadership. |
But there's some typical things you might expect with runoff areas and whatnot. |
On past experience with your Journal I don't expect this pro-blood sports letter to be printed. |
Because, you know, even if I am traveling or taking an extended break or whatevs, the people still expect me to post reg'lar and good. |
Police are warning motorists to expect severe problems with road closures, especially on Friday, and advising people to make other arrangements. |
They were expecting that they would have no choice but to use deadly force because they could expect no mercy or no quarter themselves. |
We share hopes and dreams for our kids and expect that we will be able to provide for them as they grow into adults. |
Back to the music, what can audiences in the south expect from Tony's current tour? |
She had learned too early in life to be wary and watchful, to worry and to expect the worst. |
But we expect loyalty and have no qualms about throwing someone out of the group if they don't play fair with us. |
Bulk alloy prices have halted their free fall and are showing some signs of recovery, although few people expect a major rally. |
I tell you, I certainly did not expect a young college-aged girl, and her teenaged companion to get the jump on me. |
For these reasons, you'd expect liberals to be jumping up and down with joy. |
We have some good riders, they all jumped well today and we expect a good placing tomorrow if not a win. |
I'm getting so many new links from so many places, and I think people often expect a warblog, or at least a blogblog. |
They expect the spark to be everlasting, they expect eyes to never wander, etc. |
It's not particularly groundbreaking, but it's a good hour of fun that raises a laugh or two each week, which is as much as I expect these days. |
Smaller than you'd expect and very fragile looking compared to all the jumbos about the place. |
In my view, the judiciary has no right to expect that it should escape scrutiny or comment. |
As we've come to expect from them, this debut is a minimal, tranquil folk album that seems to have fallen out of time. |
I would take judicial notice of that and would expect justices to do the same. |
We expect judges to place their personal and political feelings aside when they judge a case. |
The company does not expect a hefty compensation bill as other insurers have also experienced tough times. |
If anyone can add a little grit to the well-worn formula, you might reasonably expect she could. |
It is not the sort of thing I would expect Junior to do and I can only believe he has been put up to it. |
The joyful scenes at the final whistle were what one would expect on such an historic occasion. |
Particularly when they are not coupled with other policy tools, one cannot expect sanctions to deliver quickly. |
The Yaris is a young driver's car and one that will please both the boy-racers and the ladies who expect their city car to have a bit of go and a bit of show. |
The Chinese have come to expect this sort of confused reaction, CNS Imports principal Steaven Chen says. |
The constituency most clamoring for executive action has already shown they expect little and will settle for nothing. |
Probably not, but don't expect the market power argument to get a run in the face of patriotic fervour surrounding our Aussie white knight fending off the dodgy Swiss raiders. |
And when you are in public office, expect to get caught in the crossfire, especially if there are RICO statutes. |
A scheme member can expect the trustee to respect these wishes, particularly if they are reasonable and appropriate, and if they were updated after the marriage. |
But, is it too much to expect both teams to go flat out to win? |
Contractors expect to take several days removing the derailed rail cars. |
It may have been a bit much to expect Dixon to visit the jazz clubs or to go up to Harlem to listen to some blues, but there was plenty else to do and see. |
It stands to reason that we cannot expect Namibia to flourish economically if this is the predominant mindset at work among our politicians and in our civil service. |
If government planning and welfare had the answer, shouldn't we expect government to read the score to us once in a while? |
You don't have to treat your waitperson like your best buddy, but you should give them the same respect you'd expect from any business transaction. |
By the end of Monday, we expect to see three to five centimetres of snow, with higher accumulations towards the Pennines, the North York Moors and the Wolds. |
You expect soldiers of all ranks to understand the need to respect the chain of command, regardless of personal feelings. |
Over the next few months, we can expect to see...a women's clothing line by Cultura and leather-bound address books by Italian stationary designers Campo Marzio Penne. |
They've grown addicted to the cash flow from sales fueled by financing and hefty rebates, and they've trained customers to expect a steady diet of the givebacks. |
You expect very small, very powerful guns to kick hard enough to hurt you. |
The facade of the five Georgian buildings is listed, and planners expect that the new grand entrance to the theatre will be on Granby Row, beside the wax museum. |
I expect that all organisations that receive public money, especially public institutions, act ethically, responsibly, and accountably in their use of public money. |
We can only assume that he was, as you would expect him to be, mortified by his own inability to keep his charges under control. |
We had rather hoped that you didn't expect anyone to believe that. |
People don't expect such opinionated commentary in what is supposed to a news article. |
Travellers who booked a package holiday through a tour operator or a travel agent can expect either a full refund or the right to rebook, but only if the flight was cancelled. |
We are being conditioned to believe that in exchange for a bargain, we just have no right to expect comfort in return. |
You can't expect a rank beginner like her to know all the rules of the game. |
I would expect it to be the other way round, can anyone explain? |
The river is where much of Southeast Asia comes alive, so expect to see children frolicking, men cormorant fishing and women washing and cooking in the shallows. |
Analysts expect the company to hold fire on any further price rises. |
Don't expect me to come running every time you want something. I'm not your servant. |
No one would expect detailed management histories of otters, beavers, muskrats, raptorial birds, and yet the success story of the Yellowstone cutthroat trout is worth telling. |
When a nation faces deadly attacks on its citizens at home and abroad, it is only reasonable to expect that its leaders will take appropriate measures to increase security. |
Intrusion of the wheel wells means the pedals have had to be offset towards the centre of the car, putting the accelerator where you'd normally expect the brake pedal to be. |
They expect speedy action to integrate that cloistered community into the army and the workforce. |
He is also concerned that they have led to significant grade inflation because they are closely tied to the grades that students expect to receive. |
But when the pageant itself starts to poke fun at the contestants, organizers should expect that they will lose all credibility. |
We would not expect that agreement to take part in the study would have altered their recording behaviour or their subsequent recall of the consultations. |
If he thinks that he can get a deal he likes, I'd expect to see a c'mon-guys-we-can-do-this conciliatory exhortation. |
Workers under 50 years of age can expect to live well into their eighties. |
Rigg pointed out a blockhouse on the bluff overlooking the beach, saying they could expect menacing fire from that area. |
But Kaku has made a second career out of this kind of boosterism, and it would be silly to expect anything different from him. |
Others expect that you're going to keep performing those circus acts. |
Parents expect to be buried by their children, not the other way around. |
But when the dust settles after the opening exchanges and we approach the business end of tournaments, we still expect to see the familiar faces of football's elite. |
But from the looks of it, you should expect all the explosions, and none of the civics. |
I think a guy in their first job, maybe because they expect to be a breadwinner someday, may be a little more money-conscious. |
Nevertheless, most legal commentators assume that the accused can expect acquittal, because breach of trust crimes are juridically not clearly defined. |
The name that most Republicans seem both to expect and dread to consider running is Vito Fossella. |
It sure runs better than you'd expect from a pile of junkyard scrap. |
The beds in my garden are jungle-like with the lush foliage I would normally expect to see towards the end of the month rather than at the beginning. |
And you can see from the wind rose for Geralds that the predominance of winds is as you would expect are from the sector which favors the approach from the west. |
People who go through this dilemma expect their organisations to motivate them to work by adopting methods such as get-togethers, meditation and yoga programmes. |
September is always a better month on the lough for both dapping and wet fly, so with a change in weather conditions anglers can expect much better fishing. |
I expect that things were no better for the Aborigines of Australia. |
Nor do they expect other people to believe this, sparking a hysteria that could make the fortunes of those with bullion. |
Weak sauce from him, expect a marketing blitz to whitewash over it. |
I expect newspapers to misquote and misunderstand Church officials and to overemphasize minor points, but not to make up quotations out of whole cloth. |
One would expect Lebens to adduce evidence from other cases of state sanctions. |
The man did not seem to expect such an affirmation and he appeared to be suddenly drained of his fury. |
The Pew poll also found most African Americans expect relations between police and minorities will actually get worse. |
Chuma's stubborn abstruseness has alienated some critics, but it continues to inform her sense of theater and may be the only thing one can continue to expect from her. |
In fact, I expect the ban will be lifted in whole or in part later today. |
They must expect the electorate to hold them to what they have said. |
John Kerry can expect many more trips to Algiers in his time as secretary of state. |
I'm happy to coordinate a group working through the Forum, but don't expect me to invite any of you psychotic whackos to my home for dinner and a movie. |
If, for instance, the pressure is low towards Iceland and Greenland and high down by the Azores and Portugal, then most of northern Europe can expect strong westerly winds. |
Based on theoretical conceptualizations derived from attachment theory, we would expect to identify mediational effects of perceptions of parents on behavioral adjustment. |
They then would expect the Senate to strip that amendment and compromise simply on keeping government open for 60 days. |
They tumble, juggle, balance, swing and hula hoop with a confidence and humour far beyond what you would expect for students of a tertiary course. |
The reason for this is because they do not expect outsiders to be well informed about dialects. |
It raises detailed problems in many fields, and it tells us what we would expect of an acceptable solution of these problems. |
Other clauses in the agreement strongly suggest that of the two, only Bruce could really expect to be a successful claimant. |
That is something I learned early on that Canadians expect from their leaders. |
Customers expect consistency in the quality of service they receive. |
For a grant this size, you would expect either that the vesting occurs over a considerably longer period or is backloaded. |
Just as she knows that she has every right to expect begifting and support, so he knows that he can expect sexual favors. |
A century ago you could expect to live 40 years.... Anything beyond that was borrowed time. |
It may look like a huge mess now, but I expect that it will all come out in the wash as time goes on. |
I should as soon expect to see a critique on the poesy of a ring as on the inscription of a medal. |
For most apes and probably for early hominids, we wouldn't expect much dadlike behavior. |
But who can fathom the subtleties of the human heart? Certainly not those who expect from it only decorous sentiments and normal emotions. |
The letter's false intent trumps any truths within, which one would expect of a woman who disingenuously calls herself Fidessa. |
This is a perfect dog-day. The atmosphere thick, mildewy, cloudy. It is difficult to dry anything. The sun is obscured, yet we expect no rain. |
Lloyd's Prayer was developed at Robert Redford's Sundance Institute, where you'd expect it to have gotten a good dramaturgical going-over. |
I expect Wakefield United will win the cup this year, from their present performance, but it is early days yet to be really sure. |
Maybe you suffer from foot-in-mouth disease, too, at least occasionally. If so, then I expect you've also learned about the remedy. |
Contrary to what one might expect of an essay on freeways, this one is neither a diatribe nor a paean. |
You'd expect the rainbows and possibly the browns, but not the blues and the goldies, which can look truly spectacular. |
Humians see no necessary uniformity in phenomena because they expect some logical law to which uniformity may be referred. |
Roman citizens came to expect high standards of hygiene, and the army was also well provided with latrines and bath houses, or thermae. |
We less expect That matter needless, of importless burthen, Divide thy lips. |
In the days of Christendom, a king seen to be in favour with God could expect to be ruler over a happy kingdom. |
When dealing with values in the unit interval we expect the speed of incremence to slow down the closer we come to maximal belief. |
Most political experts expect the Minnesota election to be decided in the courts or even in the state senate. In short, it's a mess. |
In 1468, Richard's sister Margaret had married Charles the Bold, the Duke of Burgundy, and the brothers could expect a welcome there. |
You just don't steal a man's gun and not expect a swift kick in the jewels in return. |
Up she goes to any likely ken, where she knows there are women that are married or expect to get married, and commences begging. |
You wouldn't expect teenagers to sing opera, but these kids will knock your socks off. |
Now the bore is recognisably the spectacular phenomenon that people expect rather than a swelling flood of water. |
A brand is in essence a promise to its customers of they can expect from their products, as well as emotional benefits. |
If I receive a Second, I shall stay in Oxford, so I expect you will give me a First. |
Rooms with frequent switching such as bathrooms can expect much shorter lamp life than what is printed on the box. |
One would expect that LOD scores based on small sample sizes would be unstable and contribute to lack of replication. |
Legionaries received 900 sesterces a year and could expect 12,000 sesterces on retirement. |
We expect happiness from states and things which are impermanent, and therefore cannot attain real happiness. |
And, if IBR programs are optional, only students who expect to have low wages will opt into the program. |
There is hardly a district to which we might expect a Roman official to be sent, on service either civil or military, where we do not find roads. |
He relied on the support of those below him, as without the support of his more powerful tenants a lord could expect his power to be undermined. |
And think not slightly of this advertisement, but retire yourself into your country where you may expect the event in safety. |
As a right, we come to expect it, and that happens through the mass media, the massest of which, by far, is television. |
But what else would we expect from a man who previously said, 'From my point of view, I would ban religion completely. |
We're an iconic thing, up there in the public eye, so we have to expect that. |
As such, knockouts are more common than one would expect from a defensive style. |
Lagat said he started the citizenship process in late 2003 and did not expect to become an American citizen until after the Athens games. |
With 379 seats compared to the Conservatives' 132, the Liberals could confidently expect to pass their legislative programme through the Commons. |
Members of Parliament who hold ministerial office or political privileges can expect removal for failing to support the Prime Minister. |
However, Boeing did not expect this problem to affect the overall delivery schedule, even if some airplanes were delivered late. |
We expect its findings within the next six months, and will share the results with the international community. |
One might expect that, as with electromagnetism, the gravitational force should also have a corresponding quantum field theory. |
She was an irritable, nervous woman brought up to expect high standards by her stern father. |
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. |
I don't expect my nonsailing friends even to believe me when I tell them what the Loran is doing. |
Her arrival into the docks was heralded as an example of the scale of vessel which the town could expect to attract. |
But when Roosevelt announced major regime changes people began to expect inflation and an economic expansion. |
Pentecostals expect certain results following baptism with the Holy Spirit. |
In turn, he tells the tale multiple times to the same or a different audience, and they expect to hear the version they know. |
Solti added a rider to her contract, stating that she should never expect to sing lead in the main house, so she sang minor roles as a mezzo. |
Take your three days off, Mr. Barlow, only don't expect to be paid for them on account you're thinking up some fancy ideas. |
While most expect the central bank to cut again today, not everyone is convinced commercial banks will onpass the full savings. |
The Vikings were experts in judging speed and wind direction, and in knowing the current and when to expect high and low tides. |
Jellicoe despatched a message advising Tyrwhitt that he should expect reinforcements, but this was delayed at Harwich and never received. |
It was Fisher's policy to conduct all manoeuvres at full speed while training the fleet, and to expect the best from his crews. |
One would expect for the earthworm population to decrease as the moles feed, however no research has shown this to be true. |
Many juveniles do not survive their first winter, but if they do, they can expect to live for about five years. |
The storms last summer washed away parts of the road so we can expect some rough patches up ahead. |
If there had been several migrations, one would expect descendants of more than one lineage to be found. |
Observers expect that Cubans with paying relatives abroad are most likely to be able to take advantage of the new policy. |
At a time when I was entitled to expect rewards and retirement, I was incontinently arrested and sent home loaded with chains. |
It's quite another to expect amateurs to figure out who is telling the truth about Iraq, or which priests have committed pedophilia. |
Advocates of nanotechnology expect a similar surge as tools become microscopic in size. |
Having shown clear support for the Gordians, they could expect no clemency from Maximinus when he reached Rome. |
Many college students now expect to sample, if not outright pirate, movies, music, software, and TV programs. |
One would expect a carefully made copy of an official standard, if it existed in Portugal at that time, would be accurate. |
Particular respect is owed them, in return for which the family can expect protection and patronage. |
Based on the rapid growth, scholars expect the global middle class to be the driving force for sustainable development. |
Please do not expect a big bang event in 2015 where everything is going to happen overnight when the ASEAN Economic Community comes into being. |
People expect musicians to stimulate participation by reacting to people dancing. |
Complete perfection is unattainable in this life, and the believer should expect a continual struggle against sin. |
By contrast, Luther did not expect anything to come out of the meeting and had to be urged by Philip to attend. |
He got a new bicycle yesterday, so I expect that today he will want to take it out riding and put it to the test. |
But we should expect such speech to occur in a medium in which citizens from all walks of life have a voice. |
Recidivous thieves, on the other hand, must expect corporal punishment, which is meted out in addition to fines in money or goods. |
A Ruler must justify his position by acting benevolently before he can expect reciprocation from the people. |
Some residents, and even some nurses, expect medical students to do a substantial amount of scut work, much of it of the 3 am variety. |
How do they expect that by preventing a shitton of rich honkies from going home will gain support for their cause? |
She's very popular and good with numbers, so I expect she'll be a shoo-in for treasurer. |
At the same time the posterior gape of the valves would lead one to expect a sinupalliate character. |
Another school skive! I only realised this when my dentist's receptionist told me to expect a fair wait till I could be seen. |
I expect there ain't a trick to maverickin' and sleeperin' and changin' a brand he don't know. |
Smilers can expect tweets revolving around Miley's dogs, hit new album Bangerz and selfies with her classic tongue pose. |
And it is ruining my social life. face keeps breaking out with pimples and I know I look repulsive, so how can I ever expect to have boy friends? |
I agreed to answer a few questions, but I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition. |
In a civil war, people must expect to be crushed and squeezed toward the burden. |
But we cannot expect a foreign nation to show that apathy to the answers of the President, which are more thrasonic than the addresses. |
If I couldn't even get a harmless little interview on Tinder, then how could any Tinderellas out there expect to get a date? |
When you buy a top-of-the-line refrigerator, you expect it to work for many years. |
You can't expect him to spare any more money, because he's borrowed up to the hilt from the bank for his new apartment. |
My Lords, if an understrapper from a television company talks to an understrapper of the RAF, you do not expect air marshals to jump. |
If you undertest your products before shipping them, expect more recalls and returns. |
Through her upbringing, Mildred's father had carefully programmed her to expect very little from life. |
Audiences can expect an evening of glamour, elegant evening wear, sassy ad-lib chat and harp music from Handel to Bernstein. |
Can we now expect a series of similar affluenza pleas in defence of anti-social behaviour? |
We expect to see this process not only in the accessory after-markets, but eventually in the SUV and truck OEM business. |
Head inside to find out the details including airdates and what to expect when the show returns. |
Sometimes when I'm feeling my Wheaties, I want to be the one to go out and experiment, and I expect the drummer to help me by keeping it down. |
Guiliani is hedging a bit, but he's not the white-bread cop so many blacks expect him to be. |