We were then able to start our feasibility trial in the United States for an investigational device exemption. |
These include exemption from paying corporate tax, withholding tax on dividends and tax on interest or royalties and capital gains tax. |
It is now illegal to hunt fur seals, except for an exemption allowing Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos to continue to hunt at a subsistence level. |
In a last-minute deal, the Americans were given a renewable one-year exemption for their troops, but the issue has not yet been resolved. |
The reality, according to Leon, was that matric exemption was no longer a sign of quality education. |
The proposal to give tax exemption on the pension received by ex-servicemen and their kin is laudable. |
Refusing exemption, he had joined the navy as a lieutenant and was about to take charge of the Admiralty's Educational Film Unit. |
The Act provides dairy producers who join together a specific exemption from antitrust laws. |
It's one of the major pleasures of having an exemption from the nation's antitrust laws. |
An employee only gets one basic exemption for the same job or the same employer, including any associated employer. |
This is commonly interpreted to mean that water was initially exempt, but in the final stages this exemption was withdrawn. |
Consider raising the small business tax and surtax thresholds for passenger vehicles and increasing the property transfer tax exemption. |
The government of Canada received a request from myself and my family for land in severalty and tax exemption. |
With an exemption from such surcharges, the playing field might be more level for micropower generators. |
Aztec musicians enjoyed high social prestige and exemption from tribute payments. |
A general exemption on the grounds of public interest is built into the legislation to protect what might otherwise be uncompetitive activity. |
Under another exemption, owners of premises renting rooms can refuse to take boarders for racial reasons when the owners have to share the unit. |
The only time the exemption does not apply is in cases of treason, a felony or breach of the peace. |
It is difficult to understand or defend the exemption of non-party citizens. |
From June 15, 2000 the exemption also applies to couples who have a decree of nullity or a deed of separation. |
The legislation, however, does not place a flat cap on the value of the homestead exemption that an individual can exempt in bankruptcy. |
But certain industries, including the offshore oil and gas industry, were given a five-year exemption to give them time to adapt to the changes. |
This basically provides an exemption so that the police can conduct sting operations for alcohol, as they do for tobacco. |
Archivists scour the collection for relevant pages, then conduct three separate reviews to see if they might be covered by a special exemption. |
Hence, if there is no valid or substantive argument on the basis of the application itself, there can be no grant of an exemption. |
For example, one of the main forms of assistance available to the charitable sector is the exemption from paying income tax. |
The bishop secured a papal bull of exemption from Canterbury's jurisdiction. |
The 1836 Marriage Act allowed for civil marriages in England for the first time, with the exemption of the royal family. |
Noble, bourgeois, and peasant alike associated status with exemption from public demands. |
The German authorities applied this decision, refusing the customs exemption, and the applicant sought to contest this before the national court. |
For assets acquired before that date, either the exemption rule or frozen indexation may be used. |
But the moves for exemption are likely to prove highly contentious, coming as they do in the run-up to elections to the Scottish parliament. |
Weaver also sought the repeal of the exemption for the requirement of a full-face photo in the case of religious reasons. |
They say that's a financial interest that debars us from having an exemption. |
A six year tax exemption was decreed to peasants who occupied and worked farms abandoned in the Thirty Years War. |
Tickets are on sale at the door and there will be a bar exemption in place for the night. |
They can now come within the new block exemption for vertical restraints, provided that the conditions therein are met. |
Other factors, such as the enhanced capital gains exemption and liability concerns, also make incorporation highly desirable. |
Any tax paid on inheritances above the exemption level is graduated, only rising to 55 percent for the largest estates. |
Strip the Church of its tax exemption and levy huge duties against its property value. |
I also grant him exemption from the two-year practical experience requirement. |
Benefits that would be denied include exemption from a requirement to have a separate work visa. |
Woodland enjoys several tax breaks, including exemption from inheritance tax after two years. |
No continent, to our great shame, can claim exemption from such brutalities. |
The maximum period of exemption from paying the minimum wage is one year and the minimum is three months. |
They cannot claim income tax exemption from the money they earn from doing live concerts. |
That's not to mention its exemption from the London congestion charge and road tax. |
Can we justify this exemption from standards by saying that it leads to a larger good? |
The exemption from capital gains tax only came into play if shares held in PEPs actually went up in value. |
Routinely, the request for exemption from the law is rubber-stamped and the ad goes ahead. |
The most important of these was exemption from the Grand Coutume, the export tax imposed on ships sailing from Bordeaux. |
There are good reasons why thousands of companies will seek exemption from having an audit from July onwards. |
If they get exemption from rent control law, their income would increase several times. |
In my judgment, the rule is that exemption from the rigors of war is in the control of the Executive. |
At various times during baseball's labor disputes, certain labor-friendly senators have held the repeal of the exemption over the owners heads like a sword of Damocles. |
This repeal will be challenged as an invasion of state sovereignty, but recall that Congress had no trouble in 1939 repealing the tax exemption of state and local employees. |
The bill introduces a temporary 6-year tax exemption on income earned from non-resident drilling rigs and seismic ships involved in exploration for petroleum in New Zealand. |
In 1310 the king granted life exemption from tallages, prises, juries, assizes, and royal ministries to Nicholas de Fakenham of Lynn, who is not known to have held any office. |
We are also campaigning for a 50 per cent reduction in income tax for multiplexes in metros and exemption of countervailing duty for colour negatives and positive film rolls. |
He introduced a bill to reduce military service from five years to three but to close the loopholes by which seminarists, students, and the rich could obtain exemption. |
By October, even those who had glommed his money decided that the exemption looked bad, and they withdrew the language from the controversial energy bill. |
The bedrock to the inheritance tax legislation is the exemption for assets passing between spouses where the value is reflected in the donee spouse's estate. |
Veterinarians may continue prescribing the old-fashioned way, without exemption, as can prescriptions to be filled out of state. |
This 5,600-cow factory farm has successfully negotiated an exemption to the organic requirement that cows have access to pasture, based upon Colorado's arid climate. |
There is a list of the basic licensing conditions which will be entitled to exemption, a white list of other permissible clauses, and a black list of impermissible clauses. |
To give relief to farmers, he announced a series of measures including total exemption from excise duty on tractors, dairy machinery and hand tools like spades and shovels. |
I also knew my military exemption was due to expire, and I would be forced to join the army, where gay conscripts suffer violent and sexual abuse. |
The decision by unelected officials to not extend the exemption has drawn bipartisan criticism. |
At the time of its application for exemption from filing requirements, their shares had been delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange and were no longer trading. |
In truth, the exemption of fishing craft is essentially an act of grace, and not a matter of right, and it is extended or denied as the exigency is believed to demand. |
He was in deep mourning and claimed exemption on the ground that he was interested in the funeral of a gentleman that day, at which he desired to be present. |
If the two companies can overcome that hurdle, they must then clear three others to secure the exemption they seek. |
I propose to grant full exemption from tax to the income of this Trust. |
There is no special exemption from English law for health professionals. |
The national department is to amend current exemption procedures and criteria later this year to ensure all those who cannot pay fees are duly exempt from doing so. |
After World War II begins, Zinn decides to enlist in the Air Force as a bombardier even though his navy yard job would have provided an exemption. |
Since the building tax exemption was a market correction, not an interference, that was a self-serving argument for slumlords and land speculators to make. |
Opposition MPs and education advocates are calling on the government to allow schoolteachers and professors an exemption from copyright restrictions. |
Its enthusiastic reception earned Rossini exemption from military service. |
Six months after we spoke, more than two-dozen have successfully qualified, and won the same exemption. |
The social package forms a critical part of the council's indigent policy, which enables destitute households to apply for exemption from paying rates. |
Why would some religious people want an exemption from following a core teaching of their religion? |
On more economical cars like yours the fuel savings are less attractive, although a London driver would no doubt be particularly attracted by the congestion charge exemption. |
He had caddied in the tournament the previous year and conned the sponsors so well about his golf prowess that they gave him an exemption to play. |
Another new exemption is income earned in Singapore after Jan 1 this year from investments in financial products like unit trusts, bonds and annuities. |
If however, the cash together with any other gains exceed your annual exemption you will be liable to capital gains tax on the excess at your marginal rate of tax. |
The Commission will in particular examine the exemption for passive income such as royalties and interest from corporate tax. |
However, the total tax exemption would apply only to the two days actually spent in the danger area. |
The airlines are seeking a reduction of only eight decibels or an exemption for all aircraft up to 30 years old. |
Rather, tax exemption for religious institutions has been the American practice since the disestablishment of churches. |
As further discussed below, the GST exemption is automatically allocated to gifts that are direct skips and to certain trusts. |
This allowed exemption on production of a certificate of conscientious objection signed by two magistrates. |
For contemporary buildings the term is seldom used with the notable exemption of the Palace of Arts. |
Since then a large number of changes have been made to the exemption criteria and to the qualifying system for the remaining players. |
As Hong Kong and Macau are Special Administrative Region, they're allowed to exemption from ban of gambling on mainland China. |
In establishing an exemption for India, the Nuclear Suppliers Group reserved the right to consult on any future issues which might trouble it. |
The Central Asian Revolt started in the summer of 1916, when the Russian Empire government ended its exemption of Muslims from military service. |
While a visa valid for one of these territories will be valid for all, visa exemption lists differ. |
Possession of a valid visa is a condition for entry into many countries, and exemption schemes exist. |
The federal government made an exemption for whisky prescribed by a doctor and sold through licensed pharmacies. |
He granted several privileges to Brittany, such as exemption from the gabelle, a tax on salt which was very unpopular in France. |
About 24 party members made politics their sole grounds for exemption, of whom 12 received prison sentences. |
These rights may include provision of services, such as health care, and exemption from taxation. |
It provided an exemption from a Canon Law prohibition of trading with infidels. |
Married couples may, however, effectively double the estate tax exemption amount by setting up the trust with a formula clause. |
Second, it refutes the common argument that copyright's First Amendment exemption is unprincipled and aberrational. |
This means each is free to allocate a portion of the GST exemption to the gift. |
Currently, the UK has an exemption which means that new homes and self-builds are zero-rated for VAT purposes. |
Alternatives are readily available and the previous cadmium quantum dot exemption expired with the Parliament's vote. |
Commonly held land was given, along with exemption from taxes as well as relics. |
The Governor's Conditional Veto preserves the new construction exemption from local rent controls on new rental apartment construction. |
In fact, the state of Minnesota, which prohibits the landfilling of rechargeable batteries, has granted a special exemption for Renewals. |
But the exemption was also born of prejudice and discrimination. |
Accordingly, the California SBE attempted as quickly as possible to promulgate regulations to implement the exemption. |
The city sought exemption from ad valorem taxation for the fueling station. |
This rule change eliminates the ambiguity that existed with the EBR exemption on teleselling with this method. |
A Schengen visa or a visa exemption does not entitle the traveller to enter the Schengen area, but rather allows the traveller to seek entry at the port. |
After months of lobbying, the UK beef industry did succeed in securing a limited exemption, to permit deboning in butchers' shops as well as in licensed cutting plants. |
The Garnishee Act, however, provides a statutory exemption for wages due to the judgment debtor for his or her personal labour and services on a hiring. |
The European Commission has formally proposed to the Netherlands to abolish the exemption from corporate tax granted to Dutch public undertakings. |
In 2006, The Secretary of State at the DCMS issued a certificate of exemption from listing for Fortress House, the then English Heritage headquarters. |
Respondents were invited to give their views on the circumstances accepted as possible grounds for exemption and the process by which exemptions could be obtained. |
Such certificates were not always easily obtained and a further Act in 1907 allowed exemption by a statutory declaration which could not be refused. |
In addition as the deceased spouse is subject to an exemption that full nil rate band is transferable to the surviving spouse's estate on the survivor's death. |
The tax exemption is based on the assumption that the duchy estate is inseparable from the tax exempt person of Prince Charles, which is now open to question. |
After the partition of Poland, the Prussian government took over and its government eliminated exemption from military service on religious grounds. |
This exemption from paying taxes led to their reluctance to reform. |
One revision to the version of the executive branch is the itemization of exemption case from the tax, including the obtaining of realty via urban renewal projects. |
Many houses gave up voluntarily, though some sought exemption by payment. |
It is important to note that the decision in Trident had no clear ratio, and did not create a general exemption to the doctrine of privity in Australia. |
It was this exemption that the Lancashire manufacturers exploited. |
Defence counsel Ilyas Siddiqui advocate filed medical report and application for exemption from appearance for one day in respect of Pervez Musharraf in the court. |
As well as a pifflingly low insurance group, the Be-Up enjoys reduced road tax, 70 mpg, congestion charge exemption and the mechanical simplicity of a knife and fork. |
The final regulations provide rules for making an election out of the automatic allocation of GST exemption to indirect skips, for any or all transfers to a particular trust. |
A coalition of waste and recycling industry associations and companies has banded together to fight the company's efforts to receive an STB exemption. |
Tax exemption is granted by the government to religious organizations. |
To give a fillip to sagging exports, the CMA has sought exemption from import duty on coal, pet coke, gypsum and other inputs from the five per cent imposed currently. |