According to the Scholander assumption, an excised leaf should suck air into open vessels if it is dehydrated at the time of excision. |
Small alterations to bases, including oxidation and alkylation, are mainly repaired by the pathway known as base excision repair. |
He had subsequent radical excision of the recurrent nodule, including surrounding abdominal wall, costal cartilages, and ribs. |
Tissue was cryopreserved as soon as possible after surgical excision and stored in liquid nitrogen vapor. |
A cancer, in the medicine of the time, could be eliminated only through excision. |
If patients have a less than 50 percent reduction in wart size, surgical excision or other ablative therapy should be initiated. |
Surgical excision gives excellent short-term and long-term results that lead to an eventual cure of nonfamilial myxomas. |
Obesity, insufficient excision, significant skin maceration, and chronic skin infection may increase the incidence of recurrence. |
On this evidence, it appears the excision of oral health from national health policy, contravenes the international health charter on all counts. |
Surgical excision, dermabrasion, electrosurgery and cryosurgery may be curative. |
Early excision and grafting have been shown to reduce pain, shorten hospital stay, and accelerate return to normal function in moderate injuries. |
Historically, radical excision with orbital exenteration has been the standard treatment for paranasal sinus tumours that approached the eye. |
No pathologic or radiologic features were associated with the finding of invasive carcinoma at excision. |
Wound excision involves removal of dead and contaminated tissue that, if left, would become a medium for infection. |
Numerous methods of treatment are effective, but the most commonly used are cryosurgery, curettage, and excision. |
A selective excision of palpably enlarged axillary lymph nodes was also performed at her request. |
Among the deaminated bases, uracil, hypoxanthine and Xan are repaired by the base excision repair pathway in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. |
Techniques for circumcision vary from excision without suturing to wound approximation with sutures and the use of tissue glue. |
This was confirmed at excision biopsy, which also identified the hypertrophied vessel cut during the procedure. |
Surgical excision has the potential risk of rendering a child athymic and prone for developing immune dysregulation and immunodeficiencies. |
Many centres, however, suggest surgical excision of all indeterminate follicular lesions to make a definitive histological diagnosis. |
Thoracoscopic excision or destruction by electrocoagulation of the T2 and T3 sympathetic ganglia is difficult. |
After their excision, the insula appears as a triangular eminence that is marked by a number of sulci and gyri. |
Treatment was by surgical excision and urethral reconstruction, which achieved a good result. |
He underwent an excision of a portion of the anterior temporal lobe and inferior temporal gyrus. |
As this procedure avoids a cutaneous incision it was assumed to cause less postoperative pain and a faster recovery than conventional excision. |
That would eliminate potential infection and restrict the extent of excision. |
Indeed, many sequences are improved enormously by the careful excision of cinematically uninteresting material. |
This procedure involves complete excision of the diverticular sac and has been perfected recently by the use of stapling devices. |
Extensive condylomatous or in situ lesions are amenable to treatment with wide local excision or laser therapy. |
Intein excision depends on the splicing domain of the intein and the first amino acid residue of the C-extein. |
Then, the superior portion of the excision is always in the thin skin of the eyelid. |
In general, surgical excision is the most effective and preferred treatment for primary skin cancer. |
Because lipomas generally do not infiltrate into surrounding tissue, they can be shelled out easily during excision. |
Treatment by surgical excision or physical ablation of the excess tissue may improve cosmetic appearance. |
Electrical dissociation of the atria from the great veins was carried out by surgical excision of the veins from their insertion sites and then suturing them back. |
A number of techniques have been advocated, including dermabrasion, cryosurgery, and excision of hypertrophic tissue by electrosurgery or with a laser. |
No randomised trials were identified that studied the efficacy of carbon dioxide laser, surgical excision, curettage or cautery, formaldehyde, podophyllin, or podophyllotoxin. |
The result is a highly decentralized, cellular, insular network of enemies that cannot be decapitated or stopped by the excision of a single cell. |
In germinal lineages, replicative insertions are frequent, occurring in premeiotic, meiotic, and postmeiotic cells, while excision events are rare. |
Tattoos can be removed by various means, including dermabrasion, excision and suturing, and laser surgery, though usually with some residual scarring. |
Both of them developed a very tight stricture, which was not dilatable, and so they were treated with excision of the stricture and esophageal anastomosis. |
We regard excision of any external component as unnecessary, especially if such excision is likely to be a major factor contributing to postoperative pain. |
Such features may vary according to whether the patient was pregnant, lactating, or had recently terminated her pregnancy or lactation at the time of surgical excision. |
Surgical excision via tonsillectomy provides definitive management for these lesions, with patients undergoing an uncomplicated postoperative recovery. |
A well-known example is xeroderma pigmentosum patients, who are deficient in excision repair and have a high incidence of skin cancer on exposure to sunlight. |
The court cases have undoubtedly had the merit of removing the taboo over reporting excision by the populations concerned and among doctors, social workers, etc. |
It suffered somewhat from the amount that had to be cut from the book, so how they'll handle the fourth one is anyone's guess, as it'll require twice as much excision. |
Ligation and excision of a small segment of the vas plus fascial interposition is more effective at occluding the vas than is ligation and excision alone. |
The structural and thermodynamic features of these stereoisomeric adducts are also discussed in relation to their reported low susceptibilities to nucleotide excision repair. |
Treatment includes excision or shave excision with curettage and cautery. |
Complete excision of the hepatic mass was performed concurrently with the hernia repair and duodenectomy. |
Radioactive iodine brachytherapy at the margins of wedge excision may reduce the risk of recurrence. |
The patient underwent a two-level decompressive thoracic laminectomy and complete macroscopical excision. |
The natural history of untreated DCIS remains unknown because most individuals diagnosed with DCIS are treated by surgical excision. |
Another class of repair enzymes specifically excises mismatched bases and defines a third mode of excision repair called mismatch repair. |
The treatment of choice for an oncocytic lesion is complete endoscopic excision or, if necessary, laryngofissure. |
A Weber-Fergusson lateral rhinotomy with total excision of the mass by craniofacial approach was performed 3 months after biopsy. |
The patient underwent a right lateral rhinotomy with wide local excision and primary closure of the right medial canthal soft tissues. |
The larger part of the leiomyosarcoma was found to be intravascular and tethered to the common iliac vein and IVC in the primary excision. |
Roentgenograms performed postoperatively confirmed the complete excision of the mass. |
Surgical excision of this slowly growing benign tumor was not indicated in this case. |
In both cases, radical mastoidectomies with cholesteatoma excision were performed. |
Initially, the patient underwent scar excision at the site of his previous malignancy and a biopsy of a distal buccal branch. |
Mohs Micrographic Surgery provides complete microscopic control of the excision of accessible forms of cancer. |
Her medical history was remarkable for an uncomplicated urethral caruncle excision 12 years prior. |
If diagnosed on laparotomy, the excision of the rudimentary horn with ipsilateral tubectomy should be undertaken. |
A retro mastoid suboccipital craniotomy was performed and gross excision of the cerebellar Space-Occupying-Lesion was done. |
The liver was dissected following an excision of the suprahepatic inferior vena cava and infrahepatic inferior vena cava. |
Bilateral salpingoopherectomy and an infracolic omentectomy were performed, in addition to the completion ureterectomy and bladder cuff excision. |
The lesion was curetted, and a miniplate was implanted at the excision site. |
Preoperative galactography increases the diagnostic yield of major duct excision for nipple discharge. |
An excision of the tumor, partial pancreatectomy, partial small bowel resection, and anastomosis were performed. |
Subsequent complete excision with electrodesiccation found a free-floating mass with a peduncle attached to the palatal gingiva. |
Both patients underwent total excision of their parietal pericardia with resolution of their ascites and elevated cardiac filling pressures. |
In this case the drop in cartilaginous dorsal height was helpful to deproject the nose, making dorsal cartilage excision unnecessary. |
The most common treatments are surgical excision, cryosurgery, electrocautery, and laser excision. |
Leddy performed an excision of the eschar on the dorsum of the patient's right hand. |
A 54-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis presented for excision of an infrascapular melanoma and sentinel lymph node biopsy. |
Treatments include antimitotics, physically destructive agents, and surgical excision. |
Making the incision long and tapering it to the mid-body of the mandible will prevent the dog-ear deformity that typically occurs following standard submental excision. |
Together, excision and infibulation are known as Pharaonic circumcision, from the fact that it is first known to have been practiced in the time of the pharaohs. |
Treatment options include curettage and dessication, surgical excision, radiation therapy, cryosurgery, Mohs micrographic surgery, and topical medications. |
In a case of PMDS with TTE, the optimal surgical approach includes tissue biopsies, hernoitomy or hernioplasty, orchidopexy and excision of Mullerian duct remnants. |
Steroid injections, metatarsal pads, and wide toe boxes all help with symptoms, although surgical excision of the nerve may be necessary for persistent pain. |
The recommendation for complete excision, however, has to be balanced with consideration of preserving vocal fold phonatory and sphincteric function. |
Her history included excision of a 9-cm neck teratoma shortly after birth. |
Spinal accessory nerve palsy commonly occurs as a result of iatrogenic injury, usually during lymph node excision in the posterior cervical triangle. |
In a 1974 study by Hart and Setlow, it was found that DNA excision repair capability increased systematically with species lifespan among seven mammalian species. |
Once the cyst is diagnosed, surgical excision is the treatment of choice. |
Surgical exploration and removal of the mass was done, but because the hyoid apparatus was incorporated in the base of the cyst, complete surgical excision was not possible. |