The traces of a scientific approach are still quite evident in Music of the Orient, but they are used in other ways. |
The rationality that Anglophile observers attributed to the British was not always evident to Britons themselves. |
He learns his birth name as a teenager, but nothing more, and it is evident that this void has created a corresponding void in his soul. |
His role as maverick was most evident was during his stints on the Open Market Committee, where he frequently squared off against the status quo. |
It is evident from experimental animal studies and from human studies that statins have salutary effects in heart failure. |
The captain's pride for his gloriously immense ship was evident as his deep, brown eyes observed the tall, ornate masts and large white sails. |
One evident reason for the absence of any form of bounding flight in bats is the difficulty of folding their membranous wings to save wing drag. |
In this new film, his leftist politics may be evident but they are never stated. |
The root system will have a deteriorated taproot and lateral roots will only be evident in the upper soil profile. |
Nonetheless, a purity of sorts still remains, evident in the heavy anticipation of the quadrennial event. |
It is evident that there is no question of whether he will do this, only about how long it will take. |
The difference between these two things is evident in the way that Mendeleyev's table leaves gaps, some with a question mark inserted. |
Movement and actions were scripted superbly, which is immediately evident when engaged for the first time in battle. |
In addition, small chondral fragments are radiolucent and not evident on standard radiographs. |
The root system will have a deteriorated tap-root and lateral roots will only be evident in the upper soil profile. |
To the evident delight of most citizens, the regime which had repressed them for so long was swept away. |
The old hag's presence was clearly evident as I climbed the mountain's long whaleback ridge. |
Nowhere was this adventitious attitude to life more evident than in the rural music scene. |
Its expansive qualities are also evident in its rulership over adventurers, entrepreneurs, risk takers, investors, and explorers. |
In some illnesses, for example migraine or epilepsy, the diagnosis may be evident from the history alone. |
Black deposits of mercuric sulphide were evident upon microscopic examination with white light. |
It is evident from different reports that many of the meters are giving erratic readings. |
My parents' love for antiques and fine art was made evident in every corner of the house. |
Despite the exertions of a late Friday night, it was quickly evident that the troops were wide awake early on Saturday. |
His reformist thinking was evident when he arranged for the remarriage of his young widowed daughter. |
We reanalysed the results of the 37 epidemiological studies to allow for the trend evident in the figure. |
A mild tetchiness and suspicion between the two counties has been evident in more than merely their refusal to contemplate a unified police unit. |
It is evident that the setae are homologs of the general spinules that cover the body surface via sculpturing of the Oberhautchen layer. |
Soft-drink and beer cans, food wrappers and scraps, incense sticks and general debris were evident after these sessions. |
In the witness box, it was evident that she could not accept the psychologist's conclusions. |
And just as we have noted that Weelkes's text authors were men or women of letters, it is now evident that Weelkes himself was as well. |
The Scots baronial style is evident in other exterior detail, and more so in the splendid woodwork of the interior. |
A strong work ethic is evident when a band comes this far in just over a year. |
This is evident not only in the imposition of an alien, Eurocentric repressive moral code, but also in acts of violence and sexual exploitation. |
The concept of the actor observing himself and experiencing alienation from the self is evident throughout the videotape. |
This is already evident with reference to what has happened in the kwacha's relationship with the major convertible currencies. |
The authors concluded that no significant difference in adverse events was evident among the various treatment regimens. |
On the altar wall, itself, the symbolic right and left are evident in the frescoes of the bottom register. |
Across the nation, the massive increase in voter registration that has been a hallmark of the campaign is evident among the young as well. |
The H-MESO1 xenografts used in these studies were grown s.c. in a mouse host, and some necrosis was evident as the tumors grew. |
Of these, 9 children had overt vitamin A deficiency as evident by the presence of xerophthalmia. |
The effort put in by everyone involved, the scope and the lavishness of the production are evident and can be mistaken for greatness. |
The Utrecht players are a very homogeneous group and they play the work with an evident relish. |
The evident relish with which he incarnates Evil is always funny and very convincing. |
This style is evident in her surreal, moody landscapes and still lifes, which the artist describes as balanced and serene. |
This is evident when they propose to narrowly restrict eligibility for Third World debt remission so as not to offend the bankers of the West. |
Disease is rife and diet related illnesses such as scurvy are evident everywhere. |
This is evident in the lives of the prophets, John the Baptist, the Apostles and the Lord Jesus Christ himself. |
Though it is little used today, especially since we have the completed Word of God, it was evident in the New Testament apostolic times. |
It became evident that a rift cut through society when later that evening demonstrations escalated into some smaller riots in the streets. |
Seen from that point of view, it is evident that even a bad review is better than none at all. |
Planning law is not easy for laymen to understand, which is evident from your editorial. |
It is evident that school-leavers who haven't learnt to think for themselves are going to be in trouble. |
It is becoming evident however that some strains that appear to have similar spectra of inhibitory activity produce quite different bacteriocins. |
All the ideas evident in early German expressionism are applied to the simple design of two cars roaring down a dark and desolate road. |
If the child is genetically female then a Barr body should be evident in approximately 10-20 percent of the cells. |
Yet despite their profusion and evident popularity these figures have received little scholarly attention. |
This is evident in a wider context in the isolationism that manifests itself in various ways in their policies. |
As evident from developed nations, high technology and technopreneurial skills are the driving forces in many of the prosperous economies. |
This renowned ruggedness has been evident since he lost the little finger on his right hand in a woodchipper accident a month ago. |
The girls are training very hard of late and a full panel has been evident in recent weeks. |
The same insouciance was evident in the other revelation anent local government last week. |
These influences are evident on this decidedly mellow album, which embraces a spectrum of rootsy, acoustic sounds. |
The Comtesse de la Fayette twitched nervously, her pointed nose turned aristocratically upward, her displeasure evident in her glance. |
Several important trends will be evident during the ascension of unlicensed bands. |
The tail has a dark band at the end, with a lighter tip, which, like the dark ruff around the neck, is evident when fanned open. |
These characteristics of good morale and team spirit were evident in Kerry's last few matches. |
They are a hardy and resilient species, a fact evident from their continued existence into the 21st century. |
The Zwinglian principle of the primacy of scripture is evident in his appeal to a lack of biblical warrant for auricular confession. |
The tumor or its effects, atelectasis or pneumonia, are usually evident on the chest radiograph. |
They get their name from the large numbers of thorns or spines evident on the back and tail. |
And while the outlook is not as bright in the high-fashion world of the ateliers, change is evident there, too. |
Mayr and Diamond's reluctance to appreciate the importance of fossil evidence is evident in their taxonomy. |
Furthermore, they were accompanied into the land by the tabernacle, an evident token of the presence of God among them. |
Week after week I read the letters and such a strong sense of passion is evident in the words of so many people. |
The same trend is evident among Hispanics at more selective universities, the commission said. |
The firm's advisers were at pains to claim that this was not a hostile move, but it is evident that the 810p per share price is not enough to satisfy investors. |
Despite the intrusion of the truth-telling stepsister, this mode is evident in The Privileges. |
This is most likely to be due to variation in Fe distribution within and adsorbed by plant tissues, and it was particularly evident in the root samples. |
Valens says that it is evident that the nativity is a notable one because all the triplicity rulers are in their own signs and two of them are angular. |
The Choir of Westminster Cathedral responds with a limpid beauty to the direction of Martin Baker whose patient enthusiasm is very evident in the ecstatic end-product. |
This reliance on custom over jurisprudence was evident in Nazma's case. |
Such exploration in drawing was also evident in lectures to students. |
There is an evident resemblance between those barons who humiliated King John and the Whig magnates who invited William of Orange to usurp the throne. |
The female skew was most evident during Saturday's opening ceremony rebroadcast, which attracted almost three-quarters of the female audience and 66 per cent of men. |
The team's nerves were evident in the 15th minute when normally reliable Ali Grant managed a fresh air shot when it would have been easier to score. |
The broad zoogeographic influences of Cape Cod on faunal composition as frequently recognized may be evident on a smaller, local scale in Cape Cod estuaries. |
The report simply says that an alternative route will need to be found for buses but it is far from evident how any such alternative route can be magicked up. |
The inevitability of globalization was evident even to the demonstrators who scuffled with armed Swiss national police units in seeking to disrupt the proceedings. |
The bigness, as evident in the Penguin Random House merger, has reached obscene proportions. |
That's especially evident in the sequence with an elephant shrew in Africa. |
Analysts said her hint that the taper could be flexible suggests less of a determination to push ahead with policy tightening than was evident a few months ago. |
A human being's evident fear is that he should die afore his time. |
I told him the literal translation, but knew he would find it too wordy compared to the English phrase, and this was evident in his botched attempt to say it himself. |
This desire to be hospitable to those of different faiths is evident across the country. |
On stage, the duo really shine, with heartfelt songs delivered with evident passion, while the between song banter shows a wry sense of humour, which also infuses their music. |
The results are most evident in representations of Aboriginality where indigenous artifacts, activities, and people are deployed as national icons in popular culture. |
Here the snake oil quotient is a bit more evident than in the skybox seats occupied by insights made using hard science. |
One curious thing about her is that her evident calculatedness, her shark-like remorselessness and her aloofness has never dented her immense popularity. |
The cosmopolitan nature of the city is evident from the presence of documents written in Ugaritic, Akkadian, Hittite, Egyptian, Hurrian, and even Cypro-Minoan. |
This preoccupation is also evident in his well-known fire sculptures comprising wire armatures bound with a wick and burnt in 10-second performances. |
The band's strong technicality is vividly evident throughout. |
Her strength of character was evident during her time in the witness box. |
The buzz of having everyone on stage is something that rubs off on each cast member and the camaraderie is evident as members help each other with dance moves for the finale. |
The shift is most evident in our schools, where critical thinking has replaced rote learning as the central goal of education. |
Slowly, as researchers learned more about the structure of histones, it became evident that patterns of acetylation and methylation could be quite precise. |
Nowhere are these disparate conditions more evident than in bab al-Salameh. |
They speak slowly and soberly, the pain evident in their voices, their faces etched with despair. |
The camaraderie and family atmosphere was evident among fans of all ages and backgrounds, many of them sporting Elvis-style quiffs and teddy-boy outfits. |
Regrettably, its evident scholarship has been combined with a heavy academic style, and the number of quotations from other authors becomes something of a distraction. |
His pianistic influence on Thelonious Monk, Abdullah Ibrahim and Stan Tracey, to name only three of scores of disciples, is evident throughout Piano in the Foreground. |
Especially where scab is evident in the field, the combine should be set for maximum cleaning, with higher blower speeds to remove the small shriveled diseased kernels. |
He summed up the season as being competitive yet friendly and with the trio applying to join next year it was evident that the league continued to grow. |
It is evident there is no truth in the single allegation made against me. |
Where capricious behaviour consistent with tabanca is most evident is in his unsupported opinion of what African-Trinidadian children do at school. |
For a party member to win high office in the face of human nature requires him or her to pull the wool over the voters' eyes, to bamboozle them away from the evident truth. |
He popped another serrano into his mouth and chewed with evident relish. |
The classic signs of raised jugular venous pressure and fine basal crepitations become evident at the later stages of heart failure when there is severe dysfunction. |
Unfortunately, however, China eventually reverted into a confrontational posture, evident in the middle of last year. |
It was evident that the enemy were ambuscaded in great force. |
According to those who witnessed the transfusion, the effects of the antibodies were seemingly evident within hours. |
The emphasis on the pastoral in Gregory Thompson's new production of As You Like It at the Swan is evident from the moment the audience enters the auditorium. |
It is not evident in the Pleistocene Wallacean evidence, as has just been demonstrated. |
Pegeen's unique and successful formula is evident from the abundant number of referrals, repeat business and the quality of its creations. |
Our weightiness in the water was again evident when we tried climbing into the life rafts that we'd launched. |
Beauman's zest for everyday comedy and a well-turned sentence is as evident as ever from the first scene. |
Importance of celebrating Milad un Nabi is evident from Quranic verses and references from Ahadith. |
Due to the work hardening effect caused by the cutting forces it became evident that a diametrical behaviour is present. |
This is particularly evident in her chapter on the sequences for the Alleluia. |
The fluid was pooled around the ankles and feet, becoming less evident a few centimetres above the top of the anklebone. |
This was evident at the sprawling Amaya Lake Resort, where we spotted Sri Lankan junglefowl, the national bird. |
Now for the first time it became evident that William had no longer any desire to keep James in power in England. |
In the fifties the need for a Klown vehicle was evident and a King Midget Frame was acquired and a Klown Kar was added. |
To avoid misunderstandings that could lead policymakers to misallocate funds, these results should be evident to readers. |
Significant growth in consumption was also evident in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Norway. |
Despite their regality and authority, both queens are generous, which is most evident in their gift-giving. |
The importance of appearing in this Directory is so evident to every land agent and attorney that we will discuss the matter no further. |
More recently it has become evident that calcium lactates can provide provide similar benefits in restabilizing recycled polyolefins. |
But no clear trends in these variables are yet evident in restructured firms as a group. |
Letters omitted by the lapicide or evident mistakes of the lapicide corrected by the editor. |
This fear, while still evident in some areas, appears to be dissipating. |
As Endeavour shuffled by crowds, its age was evident after 123 million miles in space and two dozen re-entries. |
It is evident that road to the bequeathal of power is not paved, nor is it safe, and walking on it is risky. |
Soon after opening it became evident to all three partners that operating revenue would not cover costs. |
Meanwhile, the concept of biophilia, or a human yearning to connect with the natural world, was evident in a few plant-oriented introductions. |
Early cell divisions were evident at the animal pole and eventually formed the blastodisc. |
Schuller showed no evident serious injury, he did develop a headache, for which he took four aspirin tables. |
This is made evident in the prominence of Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli as leaders of the reform movements in their respective areas of ministry. |
Where chaparral was more evident the cypresses were smaller and scragglier. |
The importance of wearing one's seat belt has never been more evident or emphasized that in the last several years. |
The fact that he had contracted dysentery and marsh fever soon became evident however. |
Self-contradictions are also clearly evident in some of the Chinese major claims. |
The former is evident in delicate, soft works such as Shakyamuni I, 2012, in which the Buddha appears to float amidst a muted, dream-like space. |
Additionally, from our data it cannot be ruled out that a different metabolization may be evident in injured muscle tissue. |
Male-dominance and sexism in video gaming is more evident than ever. |
Kupffer cell siderosis is evident on frozen section slides and corresponds to increased erythrocyte breakdown such as blood transfusion. |
The signs of a shakeout are evident beyond the bestseller list. |
Indian influence in Singapore is only evident through the Tamil migrants, which influenced, to some extent, the cuisine of Singapore. |
Calgarian Shenaaz Nanji's knowledge of Indian culture is evident throughout the book. |
The use of Chinese characters, in the past and present, is only evident in Vietnam and more recently, Singapore and Malaysia. |
By 1961 it had become evident that the old school buildings were unsuited to modern educational needs. |
The variety of ISO 8859 encodings is evident in the multiple character encodings which can be set in contemporary Web browsers. |
That later artists were aware of his work is evident in their own, sometimes explicitly. |
The spiritual expressions of his painting The Girlhood of Mary Virgin, finished in 1849, are evident of this claim. |
Lord Amberley was an atheist and his atheism was evident when he asked the philosopher John Stuart Mill to act as Russell's secular godfather. |
This sense of moral duty and the need to record it, are more evident in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. |
As evident from the last lyric, above, shanty lyrics were not limited to seafaring or work topics. |
This influence has lessened with time but is still evident with many tracks containing ragga vocals. |
The considerable loss felt by the English literary community at his death was evident from the elegies that it inspired. |
Though emails and texting have all but obliterated cursive writing, a fashion backlash is evident in the revival of monogramming. |
Edinburgh has a long literary tradition, which became especially evident during the Scottish Enlightenment. |
The failure of German production was evident from the start of the Battle of Britain. |
One historic example of tax avoidance still evident today was the payment of window tax. |
This formula is also somewhat evident in Dahl's film script for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. |
A typical Waugh trademark evident in the early novels is rapid, unattributed dialogue in which the participants can be readily identified. |
Shaw's increasing flirtation with dictatorial methods is evident in many of his subsequent pronouncements. |
It is almost sure that once Poseidon was worshiped as a horse, and this is evident by his cult in Peloponnesos. |
The disparity between knowledge in the First World as compared to the Third World is evident in healthcare and medical advancements. |
The obvious difference between courtly dance and common folk dance traditions is the most evident in Javanese dance. |
The palace court traditions also evident in Balinese and Malay court which usually imposed refinement and prestige. |
The growing voice of community colleges in the MLA was evident at the 2015 annual convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, held Jan. |
Traditionally, a laird is formally styled in the manner evident on the 1730 tombstone in a Scottish churchyard. |
It is perfectly evident to my mind that there exists a necessary, eternal, supreme, and intelligent being. |
This theme is evident in the Sikh festivals of Hola Mohalla and Vaisakhi, which feature marching and displays of valor. |
This seems to be evident from historical sources, and would fit well with what we find in the early medieval Irish and Welsh laws. |
Results from this well confirm that very little or no carnallite is evident in any of the three potash members. |
At Parc Cwm long cairn a variety of mortuary practices was evident and the deliberate ordering of skeletal parts noticeable. |
Roman mine workings of lead and silver are evident in the regions occupied by the Deceangli. |
Lead and silver mine workings are evident in the area, with several sows of lead found bearing the name 'DECEANGI' inscribed in Roman epigraphy. |
The culinary influence of Kerala is quite evident in the cuisines of Lakshadweep, since the island lies in close proximity to Kerala. |
This is very evident in many signature dishes and local foods, all of which have evolved to become American dishes in their own right. |
This is evident in Botticelli's classically inspired 15th century painting The Birth of Venus. |
Because of the relatively young age and great thickness of the system, Cretaceous rocks are evident in many areas worldwide. |
In other places more greenish volcanic extrusions are evident as harder veins within the sandstone bluffs. |
He also believed that the Volk were an organic whole, with a core identity and spirit evident in art, literature and language. |
A microcosm of these shortcomings were evident at the Battle of Bunker Hill. |
From the narrative of Ammianus Marcellinus it is evident that both Frankish and Alamannic tribal armies were organised along Roman lines. |
Over the recent years, the house sparrow population has been on the decline in many Asian countries, and this decline is quite evident in India. |
The most evident flaw that Odysseus sports is that of his arrogance and his pride, or hubris. |
In Amerikkka, this movement is evident from efforts to control the institutions serving and located within Black communities. |
This is most evident on the north coast between St Just and Zennor where the remains of the ancient seabed of the Pliocene era are visible. |
It soon became evident that King Charles's Castle had been built in a poor location. |
His own fiscal conservatism, he says, is evident in the antistatus cars in the driveway. |
When eaten in quantity, garlic may be strongly evident in the diner's sweat and garlic breath the following day. |
This is now most evident in the Southern Alps, formed by compression of the crust beside the Alpine Fault. |
This weakness became even more evident when the Lombards had to face the increasing power of the Franks. |
The Greeks and the Romans left a legacy in Europe which is evident in European languages, thought, visual arts and law. |
Noosemarks and skin piercing were evident and she had been thrown into a bog rather than buried or cremated. |
Similar historical cleavages also remain evident at the level of individual social identification. |
Domitian's tendency towards micromanagement was nowhere more evident than in his financial policy. |
It is my conviction that the evident stiffness and apodictism of the definitions cited was already predetermined. |
Bodacious living is evident everywhere, but it's easy not to notice the remarkable people and happenings that are present all around. |
This social capital is evident in the differences in the Salic Law's punishment for murder based on a woman's ability to bear children. |
This fact was already evident in his use of the term affinity within his concept of the system of kinship. |
Their hardihood is evident in their wild appearance, and they are beings who are cruel to their children on the very day they are born. |
Older Germanic words, particularly those concerning ritual, are often compared to Latin equivalents, as evident in the table of contents. |
It represented Rome in the shape of a lion, and had an evident interest in the distribution of bishoprics. |
The diverse origins of Malagasy culture are evident in its tangible expressions. |
This is evident in the community reaction to the brewery's new policies, which have gutted the social services available to brewery employees. |
And as for Hydromancie, and Choschinomancie, they could vanish as superfluous, as were evident and ridiculous even to the ignorant. |
However, it was evident that from time to time local revolts, led by local princes or kings, took place. |
However, it is evident that the power of the Throne of Ayutthaya had its limit. |
The history of Sasanian music is better documented than the earlier periods, and is especially more evident in Avestan texts. |
Intermarriage between the groups is evident in the major cities and urban areas. |
Such a double-minded person is perhaps hardly recognizable in this world, because his double-mindedness not evident inside the world. |
In tropical areas, seasonal variation was less evident and the disease was present throughout the year. |
Subtle, institutional discrimination was evident in the preponderance of blacks and underprivileged whites fighting the war. |
This is very evident in the very broad base of the population pyramid in the region which has prevailed since 1970 but at a declining rate. |
Many Dutch words borrowed into English are evident in today's American vernacular and emanate directly from the legacy of New Netherland. |
Varying degrees of nationalist or independentist sentiment are evident at the political level. |
This competition was evident in the colonization of what is now known as Canada. |
His fastidious nature had been evident in his careful snipping of a customer's hair and now he guided his pencil with the same adroitness. |
Scottish English influence is most evident in the southern regions of New Zealand, notably Dunedin. |
The absence of the Lyric's usual work-horse heldentenor William Johns was sadly evident here. |
The designation is more racial than cultural, and is evident to physical appearance. |
The existence of this Church in early centuries is evident in the writings of ancient travelers. |
Their beliefs and practices before the arrival of the Portuguese as evident in the canons of the Synod of Diamper. |
This trend has been strongly evident in federal substantive due process and Commerce Clause decisions. |
In the later books, some respect is evident for the cleverness of the old emperor in securing his position. |
Both the influence of Edward Coke and William Blackstone were evident at the Convention. |
After 1689 English parliamentary supremacy became evident in the relation of the English parliament to those of Scotland and Ireland. |
But it is evident that many of these are juristic rationalizings of what had been done for a long time through formal transactions. |
In Europe, the concept of the finery forge may have been evident as early as the 13th century. |
Others find the deliberate discord, playing against the evident parallelism of the two lines, stimulating and intriguing. |
What is not quite so evident is that the marginal revenue curve is below the inverse demand curve at all points. |
The hyperclean Dia style, evident in all large Chelsea galleries, is in full cry around the corner at the new Gagosian space on West 21st Street. |
It is evident that the greater the number of susceptibles, then the greater the increase in the number of infectives. |
He recalled his schooldays as a time of great happiness, as is evident in his Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College. |
Howard is an integrious man because his values are congruent with and evident in his words, actions, personality and life. |
These are recurring themes in American literature, and are quite clearly evident in Hemingway's work. |
The revolutionariness of St. Francis's individualistic approach is especially evident in the historical context within which it developed. |
Buckfastleigh is medieval in origin, as is still evident in the original layout of the town. |
Regions that experienced greater environmental effects as the last ice age ended have a much more evident Mesolithic era, lasting millennia. |
Early agricultural peoples preferred good forests on hillsides with good drainage, and traces of cattle enclosures are evident there. |
However, other historians have used Valera's work to deduce possibly valuable insights not readily evident in other sources. |
It seems evident that by the beginning of the 10th century B.C. blacksmiths were intentionally steeling iron. |
It is also evident that men are under the prevailing power of a worldly spirit, by their strait-handedness as to publick concernments. |
Their suppurating wounds, their goitres, their tumours are hideously evident on their hairless bodies. |
In the spring of 1559, it became evident that Elizabeth was in love with her childhood friend Robert Dudley. |
Dumbstruck with joy, she was unable to express herself verbally, but the gratitude in her face was evident to all. |
Very quickly it becomes evident that these webworks are part of an unaccountably large lair of thousands of spiders. |
It quickly became evident that, in practice, the original company faced scarcely any measurable competition. |
If a wolfcub had raised its head with such a movement it would have been evident that it was about to howl. |
This reductive materialism is evident everywhere, with many believing that their own thoughts are the product of what was once the activity of blind material forces. |
Wilder's cynicism is most evident in his cop-out, boy-gets-girl ending, which seems quite capable of producing an afterstory identical to the film we have just seen. |
It bears the evident marks of having originally been, what the honest and downright Doctor Douglass assures us it was, a scheme of fraudulent debtors to cheat their creditors. |
The complex origins and contacts of different peoples resulted in cultural influences coming together in the varied forms so evident today in the former colonial areas. |
Juarez opened negotiations with the international force, but it soon became evident that the French expedition had a more ambitious objective than debt repayment. |
After the heavy damage it sustained in the 1941 bombing, it was rebuilt in a simplified style, something most evident in the floor, which is almost completely unadorned. |
This form of personal attachment and spatial transformation is particularly evident when Pat Purdy talks about the 'lurky place' where the kids would seek refuge. |
This striving for perfection is very evident in his portrait drawings, where he searches with his brush for just the right line for the sitter's profile. |
This fascination with wild and bleak locations is also evident in his many landscape paintings of this period, which usually depict difficult or dangerous terrain. |
This was most evident in the staging of the first court scene. |
Milton's pure Latin prose and evident learning exemplified in the First Defence quickly made him a European reputation, and the work ran to numerous editions. |
His view of orthodoxy is evident in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. |
But in the summer of 1707 it became evident to Sidney Godolphin that some secret influence behind the throne was shaking the confidence of the Queen in her ministers. |
The mixture of hard rock and progressive rock, evident in the works of Deep Purple, was pursued more directly by bands like Uriah Heep and Argent. |
This is evident in many cases such as the French and American revolutions. |
It was evident that Germany could no longer mount a successful defence. |
This is evident in space probes that continuously move in outer space. |
With the strengthening of English cultural and political control, language reversal began to occur, but this did not become clearly evident until the 18th century. |
The influence of Bond in the cinema and in literature is evident in films and books as diverse as the Austin Powers series, Carry On Spying and the Jason Bourne character. |
This is evident in, for example, the art of India, Tibet and Japan. |
The significance of the universities to the history of the SRU is evident when it is noted that four of the oldest 17 SRU affiliated clubs are university teams. |
This is evident from literary evidence dating from the settlement period as well as from later scientific studies such as blood type and genetic analyses. |
The combination of agnatic kinship and a feudal system of obligation has been seen as creating the highland clan system, evident in records from the 13th century. |
The area where Livingston now sits was historically dominated by oil shale mining, which is evident from the bings which still exist on much of the surrounding landscape. |
Former airfield dispersals are also evident in the same vicinity. |
Immune-mediated polyarthritis is classified as either erosive or nonerosive on the basis of the presence or absence of radiographically evident joint destruction. |
That is most evident in European countries in which Romance languages are spoken and former colonies that have inherited the languages and other Roman influences. |
This is evident in the two species' vertical migration in the Baltic Sea, where they compete for the limited zooplankton available and necessary for their survival. |
In his writing on Ireland his love of music is very evident too. |
Nowhere is this fiery mix of spice more evident than in the dishes chili con carne, a meaty stew, and cowboy beans, both of which are a feature of regional cookoffs. |
Vast swaths of forest covered the land, which would eventually be laid down and become the coal beds characteristic of the Carboniferous stratigraphy evident today. |
The Romans knew the shape of Europe, but their knowledge is not evident from the map, which was only a practical guide to the roads to be followed from point to point. |
Confucian ideals are still evident today in the Japanese concept of society and the self, and in the organization of the government and the structure of society. |
The warming evident in the instrumental temperature record is consistent with a wide range of observations, as documented by many independent scientific groups. |
The influence of John Keats and other Romantic poets published before and during his childhood is evident from the richness of his imagery and descriptive writing. |
These ethical dilemmas are evident throughout the entire process of conducting ethnographies, including the design, implementation, and reporting of an ethnographic study. |
This was especially evident in the 70s BC when the social wars were going on between the populists led by Marius, and the senatorials led by Sulla. |