Workshops, luncheons, and presentations take place every day, and they offer both learning and networking opportunities. |
As a PhD student in politics and international relations I am wading through security related analysis every day. |
This wake-up ceremony is carried out every day of every year regardless of the weather. |
That way they would have to suffer every day of their waking life with the knowledge of what they had done. |
He walks his dog Jenny, an 11-year-old mongrel, past the river every day and saw the Environment Agency experts inspecting the dead fish. |
Even if people don't have to religiously clock in and out each and every day. |
It turns out that speakers of these languages use absolute pitch every day, but in conversation, rather than in the concert hall. |
The normal chaos that most people go through you do ten times as much every day, and it gets very stressful. |
Keep a to-do list of basics that must be done every day to ensure your galley maintains a high degree of quality. |
I was put in jail, but every day the warden let me read what had been printed locally about my case that day. |
All we ate every day was a piece of black bread and three potatoes cooked in their jackets. |
And the way it is perfected is, the singers do warm-ups, which are vocal training, every day. |
I used to walk past it every day, down a long, winding, black path to school in the morning. |
Since Christmas however, she had changed her route because she couldn't face walking past it every day. |
I hated not being able to have a wash, get wet clothes dry and having to walk in mud every day. |
He felt a wave of sadness wash over him again, but he ignored it, like he did every day. |
I worked in Lancashire for a few years, and in my first January there it rained every day. |
She's in a newspaper or magazine every day and she's good water-cooler gossip. |
These little incidents made me think about the countless dramas and crises that happen to people every day. |
And, in its own way, this pursuit is what makes every day exciting and challenging. |
I don't consider myself a caffeine addict, but I do drink diet Coke every evening and probably a weak coffee every day or two on average. |
My old chemistry teacher used to lecture us lads about the virtue of having 31 ties, one for every day of the month, so they never wore out. |
And it's no surprise. Nobody with any choices would agree to stand up in front of an undisciplined rabble every day. |
The Oliviers lived out at Collondale in their youth and watched every day as a weather balloon was released from the airport. |
It's all well and good to perform these actions in response to the alarm clock if that's what happens every day. |
The library is open to the public every day except Mondays with late opening hours on Wednesdays and Thursdays until 7pm. |
Here are some ways to help encourage your child to be active and get moving every day. |
We don't plan on having an Army Reserve where every Soldier is on active duty every day. |
It went on like that for a few months until it got to the point where we were truanting from school every day and smoking weed. |
In fact, my house actually backed onto their fields where I walked my dog every day, so it was hardly a trip into the unknown. |
Walking briskly for 45 minutes every day with no change in diet leads to weight loss of 18 lb in a year. |
She had become addicted to amphetamines since trying to lose weight five years ago and used small amounts of the drug every day. |
It is a kind of private paper which demands its quota of news every day, and not rarely becomes a mere recorder of spiritual journalese. |
By the time we started laying the adobe, it was mid-May and over 100 degrees every day. |
We watered them in, and we've been giving them a drink just about every day since. |
We kill animals every day of the year, sometimes for sport, sometimes for humane justified reasons. |
The historic City Hall Bonn is transformed into an outsized Advent calendar, where every day a window is lit. |
Ethylene or propylene gas mixtures were renewed every day after aeration of the jars. |
The bottom line is, even if you work out every day, aerobic exercise can only take the body so far. |
Even if you were a reporter like those irritating bastards who hound me every second of every day, you wouldn't know! |
Rob employs two assistants at the shop, or rather they just started showing up every day and he didn't have the heart to tell them not to. |
All three were flatting together at Linwood and training every day, with weekends off. |
My infant heart would leap at the sound of the lunch bell, and every day I would fall on that school dinner like a ravening wolf. |
I was afraid for my eternal salvation all day every day, in every thought and deed. |
My mother, who died when I was born, kept a diary every day from her eleventh birthday until she married. |
In Britain, where polls are issued by the major papers every day the bookies are something of an afterthought. |
They described their son as a keep-fit enthusiast who ran regularly, and cycled to work every day when he was at Barton. |
And, perhaps because the routine is the same every day, time seems to be whizzing past as if someone had overwound the clock. |
But then again, I suppose it's not something someone says to you every day of the week. |
The firefighters just turn up every day because it keeps the wolf from the door and it pays the mortgage. |
The bruising is almost completely gone and she's putting more weight on it every day. |
The local bus from Kyle of Lochalsh whizzes its way, as it does every day, through the wilds of Skye towards Portree. |
He told his granddaughter that she had to wind his grandfather clock every day without fail, but he wouldn't give her a reason. |
He lives a monastic existence, coming into the studio every day and spending hours alone painting his wraiths and winding sheets. |
I've been into kick-boxing and karate for several years, and I practice one or the other just about every day. |
Both still train with us every day so know the way we work and one will have to be recalled to provide us with cover. |
We baled the hay at the weekend, and stacks have been pushed over every day since then. |
There are some top class players out there who haven't even qualified and would wipe the floor with me every day of the week. |
When sick I want to be cared for by doctors who every day doubt the value and wisdom of what they do and this book will help make such doctors. |
He seemingly scheduled every day around publicly kissing up to the people who hate him most. |
It is something that is created and recreated every day through initiative and organised and coordinated activity. |
Almost every day evidence emerges in the courts of the lethal culture of knives and other sharp weapons that is infecting Britain. |
I don't know how I can look at my stupid, fat bulk in the mirror every day. |
Instead, it ended up being like a redshirt year in college for him, as he went to meetings every day but never graced the field on game days. |
So I just said the words on pieces of paper in front of the camera every day. |
There are people working their fingers to the bone every day for less than this proposed salary. |
At the very least, backup tapes need to be put in a fireproof safe on the premises every day. |
We do lots of wrong things every day, but to suppose that all such wrongdoings should be illegal is surely to grant too much to the law. |
Everything in it that she had once seen every day now seemed so foreign and alien, like none of these things had ever belonged to her. |
Priests and monks had to follow a strictly regimented set of activities every day. |
I am rehearsing the music every day because it has to blend well with the dialogues. |
The media focused on Dhananjoy's fate but not on the fate of lakhs of women who live in the shadow of death every minute of the day, every day. |
I went by a yacht yard beside the highway every day and one day stopped in and began admiring a Compac yacht. |
In her every day life, this up and coming model wears elegant and comfortable clothes in the colours of blue, yellow or green. |
But it's difficult to argue when traffic jams are landing us in a pickle every day. |
Already the network claims to keep 20 tons of potential waste out of landfill every day. |
The cleanup drew shoreside development, which, in turn, draws landlubbers to the waterfront every day. |
For example we do things that are comparable in their remarkableness but because it's an every day thing we don't think it's remarkable. |
Prices include three four-course dinners, breakfast every day and five yoga classes. |
You could eat the chicken stew every day for a week and not get bored, and the Lao tomato sauce makes Mexican salsa seem insipid by comparison. |
A place which hums all day every day and where the working hours are late for everyone and a lunch break is still not very fashionable. |
She had stayed up late every night and gotten up early every day to get in some more work and homework. |
Natural latex is a milky fluid produced by the rubber tree and is used for manufacturing scores of every day items. |
They grew up hearing every day how they lived in a communist country getting better all the time. |
The days dragged by slowly and every day she missed her parents more and more. |
We have searched as we could, my liege, but the northern lords object to our presence more strongly every day. |
There are also plans to establish a temporary cabin in the Market Place area staffed every day to answer queries and resolve problems. |
The kids I see and eat with every day still want to help this country, in spite of getting shot at while doing it. |
Market prices leap up every day as the uncertainty of the airport opening and supplies coming in increases. |
The gifted apprentice attaches himself early to a wise teacher, learning the craft at his hands, six or eight hours a day, every day of the week. |
I must wake up early every day to exercise and read the newspapers leisurely. |
This is despite the fact that we know she is a sharp woman who reads all the papers every day. |
The men and women of the RFDS perform their lifesaving work every day of the year. |
I strongly believe the education system fails young LGBTI people every day. |
Some people with migraines have to take medicine every day to prevent headaches. |
Have a regular pattern of going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, whether you are tired or not. |
And now I look at my kids with their little, you know, video games every day, and they don't speak a lick of Spanish. |
Erin also made it a point to treat her sweet tooth every day with a small piece of chocolate, hard candy or licorice. |
Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in the fact that the world is imperfect and gets more so every day. |
After riding the bench with Tampa Bay and Cleveland, he was given a chance to play every day and ran with the opportunity. |
That's a staggering 300 lifesavers rolling up their sleeves every day in order to touch someone else's life. |
But today the pattern changed and the hoped for high pressure ridge from Bermuda is beginning to build and it looks stronger every day. |
I the world we live in today, every day we are faced with things that are just not good for us any more. |
Roman is lightning quick and improving every day in practice, and Bean showed playmaking ability in the preseason. |
A friendly, likeable man with a rare sense of humour, he had a story for every hour of the day and every day of the week. |
I took a quick shower, dried my hair, and curled it in loose ringlets like I did every day. |
Scattered around the airstrip are some of Afghanistan's 10 million landmines, which every day leave innocent civilians limbless. |
Along with a rotating selection of appetizers and main courses, every day has its signature dish. |
They had to collect six trucks of grass every day to satisfy the appetites of their cows. |
To approving nods, he recalled his record as mayor, as he does on almost every day of his campaign. |
The lioness has been put on medication to increases its blood circulation and will also be made to undergo a one-hour exercise regime every day. |
Our staff and volunteers aim to grant a wish for every day of the year, which is a big ask. |
Do you need two hours in the gym every day to achieve your dream of a rock-hard body? |
Of course, they are referring to salmonella, E. coli, listeria and other dangerous bacteria found in our food supply every day. |
Ecotourism lite refers to businesses that make only a few cosmetic and cost-saving changes, like not laundering the sheets every day. |
He woke up every day anxious to get to work, roll up his sleeves and fight for American farmers and their cooperatives. |
The litter box should be emptied every day, because the stage of the parasite shed in the cat's feces does not become infectious for 24 hours. |
He works out every day, so that the muscles in his arms and legs are thick and ropy. |
The app works whether your phone is locked or not, and it can be told to repeat alarms so you don't have to reset it every day. |
A gold chain with a locket containing a picture of her late husband hung around her neck as it did every day. |
She insists that the whole corporate system is rotten and even murkier crimes are committed in the financial world every day. |
His actions have distressed the great many journalists who go to pains every day to uphold the lofty ideals of their chosen craft. |
It was a UNIX system, and I logged on as root every day without their knowledge. |
To the hundreds of children she sees every day, Hazel Martindale is the friendly lollipop lady who helps them cross the road. |
Nearly every day, news of another study confirms yoga's benefits for arthritics, asthmatics, depressives, people with HIV or cancer. |
She doesn't have a job and isn't allowed to go out, so she fills the long hours every day by teaching her kids how to swear. |
The rowing boats will be available during every day of the Easter holidays from noon to 6pm and later if the weather permits. |
Satellite television carries cricket, football and rugby every day of every week. |
Taking all aspects into consideration, I feel it is better to have the classes from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day. |
Millions of cattle and other ruminants pass so much gas every day, they now account for one-sixth of global methane emissions. |
The sea does not split, nor does the earth swallow up the terrorists who assail us every day. |
The cost of running the club is becoming more demanding every day and support from the local community is badly needed. |
I was seeing people every day who came to me looking for assistance and information. |
Most vendors arrive by the droves from villages every day, carrying sackfuls of vegetables. |
She will lay an egg approximately every day or two until she has a clutch of about three to five eggs, which may or may not all hatch. |
Hundreds turn up every day for their daily stroll, morning or evening as the case may be, around the lake. |
The more insidious threat comes from the long-term, low-level doses of radiation that the crew would take every day for several years. |
I love him dearly but could never contemplate having to live with him twenty four hours a day seven days a week every day of the year. |
The possible ludicrousness of what I was doing can probably be expressed properly when I say that the bus passes by my house every day. |
In the end it was a relief when I got the sack, because I was banging my head against a brick wall every day. |
Frankly, I'm disgusted by the atrocious writing I have to read every day as part of my job. |
At the time, I was working in a lumberyard and spending three or four hours splitting wood every day. |
Ski bums live in tents, car parks, bus stations, dog houses, whatever shelter than can find that can keep them skiing Fernie every day. |
Then they met every day at twelve o'clock on the sea-front, lunched and dined together, went for walks, and admired the sea. |
Their lobbyists breakfast, lunch and dine our elected representatives every day. |
And then he went on a tear in early 2013, creating one provocation after another, seemingly every day for more than two months. |
Ian is an aspiring journalist and promises to provide provocative news programs to complement the already regular news we offer every day at noon. |
Or will it relieve the pressure on parents who drive to school every day? |
Artillery and mortar duels all around the outskirts of Donetsk rumble angrily every day. |
Of course, that don't mean having a revolution every day like them yellow-bellies and Bolsheviki, or every time some job-holder does something he ain't got no business to do. |
We receive numerous testimonials every day, both here at Nelsonbach and in our homeopathic pharmacy, from consumers who have been delighted with the results arnica offers. |
When I was in the closet in my twenties, I considered suicide almost every day. |
I have worn my wedding band every day since we were married. |
I once told a student to shoot twenty racks of balls every day. |
If shopping is your thing there is a lively outdoor market every Thursday and Saturday, as well as the indoor market every day except Wednesdays and Sundays. |
If we tried to show appreciation to everybody else, just for a wee bit every day, I'm not saying the world would be perfect but it would be better. |
Because it is becoming less and less likely every day that they will prosper by attempting to repeat the actions of the Baby Boomers who came before them. |
Perhaps, in spite of the fact it's a pack of virulent lies, my response really will make a measurable difference in the quality and value of the products I buy every day. |
She became a shadow of her former self, like a ghost, an apparition that makes the same trip every day unable to finish it, bound to start it all over again. |
He had once been a burly, well-built man who, she imagined, had worked every available hour of every day to ensure that his farm ran smoothly and profitably. |
But people eat seven-grain bread with wheat and rye in it every day. |
One common denominator of super-affluent alpha men is the conviction, unchallenged every day, that the world revolves around them. |
So at the end of every day in the run up to a grant payment, I and a few others would pool whatever meagre amount we had into a pot, and play cards for it. |
Being a vegetarian and completely not trusting the cafeteria staff's ability to whip up anything remotely resembling a salad, I brought a sack lunch to school every day. |
She is loving her Advent calendar, mostly because she gets a little chocolate every day out of it, but also she likes searching for the right number for the day. |
Here in San Francisco, you see huge container ships gliding through the Golden Gate every day and you wonder if that's the one that's going to go kablooey under the Bridge. |
Unfortunately, the attention to appearance also leads to copious amounts of vitriol being spewed at famous women every day. |
There are over 3,000 Americans who die every day from diseases that could be treated with embryonic stem-cell therapies. |
Not only were the Rockies losing every day, they were getting whipped. |
But then stranger things happen every day in the whirligig of Taiwan life. |
Its fissures are forever present and not that far beneath the surface of every day life. |
As the summer progresses and multiple German attacks arrive every day, many German planes are shot down, but British losses of planes and particularly pilots become critical. |
So, I read a lot of books, got my ged while I was in there, and worked out every day. |
He must start every day where he had to leave off the previous evening. |
Cole challenged himself to write a chapter every day, and posted these entries on a blog. |
In the eons since those corals were formed, two hours have been added to every day. |
Or will it be more traditionally released, episodically at the same time every day? |
For the last two summer vacations, every day I would head out in the morning to explore kettle holes, would find two or three small sites and would come home satisfied. |
After applying retinoic acid every day for six months, only a third of users will notice moderate improvement in wrinkles or spotty discoloration. |
Two Service airboats patrolled the sea all day, every day, to round up sick birds and ferry them back to the on-site pelican rehabilitation hospital. |
Because we use knives and forks every day, we do not notice how they hamper us. |
It's not every day that I'm jolted out of a lazy reverie by an estate agent and a potential purchaser standing in the middle of my bedroom, admiring the view from the window. |
The news will please Ashurst and Colbury residents, who are dreading the prospect of an extra 4,000 vehicles streaming past their homes every day. |
Now, I hear it every day, if not on TV, then from kiddies in the street. |
They're exposed every day to potentially lethal doses of anthrax. |
We spoke almost every day, we shared our writing, wrote together, drew attention, caused havoc on the town and she even ventured to call us kindred spirits. |
To determine whether the child is receiving enough food, the doctor will do a calorie count after asking the parents what the child eats every day. |
And while Annie inflicts humiliation and degradation and withholds pain relief and food Paul is forced to write a new chapter every day simply to stay alive. |
That is seven children and teens killed by gunfire each and every day in America. |
So far, broadcasting certainly knocks spots off work experience at local papers, and I'm getting on top of new techniques, technology and tricks every day. |
As every day is different, I think about where I'm going and dress accordingly, but I'm at my happiest knocking about in grungy old gardening things. |
While there may be fancier options, I liked the comfort of knowing these guys are doing this all day, every day. |
The latest Hoyle product is Hoyle Crosswords, your basic paper and pencil word game that you commonly find each and every day in your local newspaper. |
Bad weather is a feature of hundreds of flights across the world every day. |
Luckily enough I have this dedicated flat that is just along from my house that I go to every day. |
It's why this amicus brief is gaining signatures every day and why the party of individual freedom can give voice to gay equality. |
Among the giants of fantasy, athleticism, and history, is there any room for the every day hero? |
He goes to the hospital practically every day for what he called a quick shot of chemo. |
The next 10 years are expected to see a revolution in the application of artificial intelligence to every day tasks. |
This astonishingly simple yet devastatingly graphic representation of mass carnage attracts many thousands of visitors every day. |
It distorts more and more every day of the month, every year, due to the slow effects of fault creep. |
We have weekly Monday meetings, but every day is different, from attending meetings to giving design directions, on and on. |
All because Murthy believes that gun violence, which kills an average of 86 Americans every day, is a public health issue. |
I realized that every day we are blessed with so much and I wanted to give back in some way. |
I had come to terms with death then, and I feel so blessed every day that I am still alive. |
For boatwright and Poitier, who spoke with Mengers nearly every day, the loss will be profound. |
All that grows now is a beautiful double jasmine of which I have bowls full every day, and zinnias, ugly and useful. |
Even if brandished as a symbol of freedom and expression, they were designed as weapons, and they kill people every day. |
Castellanos, for one, says that every day the Republicans aren't scoring points on the economy is a wasted day. |
Non-stranger rape or acquaintance rape is real and happens every day in America. |
Do people not fantasize about countless things every day that they never do? |
And then there's Galvin, who's living life every day in a worshipful way. |
Denise Eriksen says an experienced animal wrangler was on the set every day, vets were on call around the clock and the rooster made a full recovery. |
I do this every day, and yet the joy of waiting and at last touching again the diadem, only seems to increase as the days pass. |
I got to bring my kids to set every day and they got goldfish crumbs in the Oval Office carpet. |
Thus every day, on my blog, these strangers show up, just to shoot the breeze, flirt, kvetch, veer off topic and, most of all, pay zero attention to what I have written. |
Students have the option to live in or travel from home every day. |
I was going to the gym every day, I was a bit of a loose cannon. |
The taxi-driver said the traffic was only wojus. Rush hour got longer and meaner every day. |
La Tasca Raise a glass to La Tasca in Cardiff, where there's a two-for-one Sangria Hour every day from 3-7pm this month. |
Gay Byrne was on the radio every day going on about how banjaxed the country was and there just seemed to be no future for young people here. |
It rained every day from 29 October 2006 to 21 January 2007, 85 consecutive days. |
The 1844 Railway act of England compelled at least one train to a station every day with the third class fares priced at a penny a mile. |
According to the 2015 NHK survey on television viewing in Japan, 79 percent of Japanese watch television every day. |
Where every day is devoted to minimize the mental and emotional paper cuts of fear and helplessness. |
She attended to charitable works, serving orphans and the poor every day before she ate and washing the feet of the poor in imitation of Christ. |
Ferries cross between the two continents every day in as little as 35 minutes. |
The control centre for the South Western Ambulance Service is located at Exeter and is manned 24 hours a day, every day throughout the year. |
You've got to admire his persistence. He's asked her out every day for a month even though she keeps turning him down. |
In 2010, Stefaan Engels, a Belgian, set out to run the marathon distance every day of the year. |
There are Epistle lessons for every day of the year, except for weekdays during Great Lent, when the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated. |
Such is his dedication to the humble quick bread, he is in his shop at 5am every day perfecting his mix. |
Khagan Kublai dined with a large court every day, and met with many ambassadors and foreign merchants. |
The Crown Hotel at Bawtry is providing a racecard prize with entry open every day of the festival. |
As the United Nations special representative on sexual violence in conflict, I hear the harrowing stories of survivors of these crimes every day. |
There are nearly 440 municipal bus lines serving over four million passengers every day, in addition to intercity lines. |
Pat told me once at their house that I should not play badminton because I might fall. She, who rode horses every day of her pregs! |
Blood transfusions, coupled with safe medical procedures, save lives every day. |
Women come closer to breaking through the glass ceiling every day. |
There is a common saying in Cholula that there is a church for every day of the year. |
A good example is the word tomorrow, which denotes the consecutive next day after every day. |
I wash it every day and use a blow dryer and straighteners to keep it looking as good as I can get it. |
Rocket scientists in LSP do the same thing for real rockets and missions every day. |
He was supportive throughout the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 and Kennedy consulted him by telephone every day. |
The only plant which can take plenty of water is the indoor azalea, which can be watered every day so the rootball remains moist. |
To do my duty to God, and to the Queen, To keep the Law of the Wolf Cub Pack, and to do a good turn to somebody every day. |
She eventually gave up trying to wash our kitchen curtains every day, which Mossie loved to sit above and befoul. |
People do that sort of thing every day, without ever stopping to reflect on the consequences. |
The Venice Arsenal apparently produced nearly one ship every day and, at its height, employed 16,000 people. |
Even if you don't eat any foods containing cholesterol, your body reabsorbs cholesterol from intestinal secretions every day. |
The two largest and longest studies gave 921 men and women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes 600 mg of lipoic acid or a placebo every day. |
The publisher Daniel Macmillan dined with the couple every day during the trial so that Ivy could not quarrel with Arthur. |
So you look like you do nothing but spend all day every day banging on about the good old days, in a senilely demential style. |
The Manchester Evening News is a regional daily newspaper covering Greater Manchester, published every day except Sunday. |
This program will assure safe, reliable service for the over 100,000 commuters who rely on SEPTA regional rail service every day. |
The station is one of the busiest in England outside London, with over 900 trains and 50,000 passengers passing through every day. |
The Republicans contrive new ways every day to get less popular. |
In addition adjustments of the pH took place every day by way of adding either hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide. |
The little boy was unhappy about having to take a bath every day and decided to run away from home. |
For example, photography shop Artworkfoto in Funan DigitaLife Mall sells about five selfie sticks every day. |
Cook that the price of mealie meal rose every day but her pay remained the same. |
And now that it is so tempersome and cold you are always going out into the nastiness and getting wet or frozen every day. |
A CAMPAIGN has been launched to save a dancing lollipop lady labelled a hero by the schoolchildren she helps every day. |
It's not every day you come across a Hurdy-Gurdy, a Gittern or a Sackbut The workshop and concert are sure to be fantastic. |
The company cooking utensils were scoured every day, and the camp was as clean as bare, turfless earth could be. |
Experts agree that older people often worry too much about having a bowel movement every day. |
But the clock is ticking, and every day the credibility gap grows. |
As the turtle, every day has been a black day with her since her husband died, and what should we unruly members make here? |
So how can you get the most pitching opportunities on white marlin every day in the Gulf of Mexico? |
The service, available every day except Monday, will run between 10am-7pm and is open to hotel guests and Friday brunchers. |
Loto 6 tickets cost 200 yen and will be sold every day with draws every Thursday, it said. |
An agency official told a press conference, ''Aftershock activity still continues, with magnitude 4-level aftershocks occurring almost every day. |
A Kohl's shopper will be picked at random every day in every one of Kohl's 1,146 stores across the country and on Kohls. |
Campaign is spreading holiday cheer nationwide with one winner, every day in every store and Kohls. |
I ate the staple corn paste sadza every day and tasted fried mopane worms. |
He observed that every day the women had to spend four hours a day labouriously hauling well water for cooking and cleaning. |
It is not, after all, every day that a twelve-ton bookmobile disappears into thin air. |
Our research shows that three to five star hotels will cater for at least one gluten or lactose intolerant guest every day. |
I saw my sisters and parents working every day, so I was pretty much brought up to be a workaholic. |
The best way for men to get maximum benefits from workouts is to work alternating groups of muscles every day. |
Simple and ultralight, with touches of bitter almond and arugula flavors, Buckets of wine like this are drunk every day in Italian trattorias. |
The Ackers, on Golden Hillock Road, his launched its Whizz Kids programme which runs every day throughout the summer period. |
Adana Forsyth, 10, whose skin blistered at the slightest touch, was in agony almost every day of her short life. |
If I really wanted to take full advantage of their delectability, and to eat them every day, a plan was in order. |
Febold was always a good-natured cuss, but he really got peeved one year when the weather got hotter and drier and drouthier every day. |
Throw yourself an eggstravaganza each and every day by including heart-healthy egg whites in a multitude of ways. |
Living at the top of an elevatorless building meant trudging up twelve flights of stairs every day. |
There's a tendency to think professional athletes get graded only on game day. In reality, they're graded every day in practice. |
This Eben did every day till he grew out of knee-breeches into long corduroy trousers. |
Some researchers estimate that the state is losing a land mass equivalent to 30 football fields every day. |
After breakfast, she looked forward to the bouquet of red lehua blossoms and other flowers brought to her every day. |
The neighbors decided on a lift scheme to get their kids to school, so that they wouldn't each have to drive every day. |
The use of these has grown very quickly and now over a million contactless transactions are made on the Underground every day. |
Pupils went to school every day, except religious festivals and market days. |
But because men say, and it's true, that when someone writes entirely about wisdom, it often dulls a man's wit who reads it every day. |
Coming into contact with so many people every day, he too was infected and taken seriously ill and later died. |
The medical centre is under the direct supervision of the school doctor who is available on the Hill every day for consultation. |
Yangon produces 170 tons of rubbish every day so the plant will reduce emissions of methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. |
We will return with the aerators every day this week and monitor the situation. |
Montgomery, visited the architects' offices almost every day to shout at them. |