It was like an escarpment, sloping up gently on one side and dropping vertically to 90m on the other. |
We headed up the Lake Albert escarpment avoiding marching soldiers then stopped for an hour in the Budongo Forest for a walk with crombecs. |
I've clambered up rocks in the tropical heat in the vain hope that there might be grasswren on top of the escarpment. |
The main outcrops of this rock suite underlie the two steep-sided hills of the Boesmanskop to the immediate north of the main escarpment. |
The great escarpment is embayed by major valleys, and a belt of mountains lies between it and the coastal plain. |
Perhaps the most striking feature is the steep escarpment that characterizes the northwest-facing edge of the Cotswold Hills. |
Clearing the birch will help oak saplings and bilberries, ferns, mosses and lichens to prosper on the escarpment overlooking Nidderdale. |
The sediments that produced the beds were deposited in moderately deep waters located a hundred meters seaward of the escarpment. |
Heavy rains extended south to the Illawarra escarpment west of Wollongong, an area accustomed to drenchings from east coast lows. |
The first couple of miles are along the top edge of the western escarpment of the Hambleton Hills. |
The area sits in the western Rift Valley adjacent to the escarpment of the Fipa plateau. |
Instead, we aimed down an arrow-straight track with full-on views south to the level horizon of the Wolds escarpment. |
From the pass head due south up the ridge, along a rocky escarpment then up grassy slopes to a stony summit. |
The escarpment where the plateau met the plain became the Vindhya mountains. |
Crossing the Hakos Mountains at the edge of the Namibian escarpment is our greatest challenge. |
Legend has it that the lammergeier will sometimes dive at animals, even humans, trying to scare them into falling off the escarpment. |
It is built in a lovely location on the edge of an escarpment looking out over the Vale of York. |
Just after that there are good views west off the edge of the escarpment in addition to those north towards the Cleveland Hills. |
He relied on 15 Panzer Division and the Reconnaissance Group around Azizia to break up any debouchment from the escarpment by British forces. |
Everything was bone dry, and the cedar breaks below the escarpment held not a single robin, waxwing, solitaire, or bluebird. |
The additional height has been achieved through the building of a new 10,000 gallon reservoir on the top of the Cotswold escarpment. |
That night camp was made on soft wet moss at the foot of the last escarpment before the Kongakut forges out onto the plain. |
Most of South Africa consists of a vast plateau with upwarped rims, bounded by an escarpment. |
A parking facility, will be built by the Saint John Parking Commission on the escarpment off of Carleton Street. |
When the helicopter overflew the rim of the escarpment, it began to yaw to the right. |
They are bounded on the north and east by a massive escarpment, in places more than 1,000 metres high. |
Protected areas along the escarpment make the core areas of the Biosphere Reserve. |
Rockingham Castle stands on the edge of an escarpment giving dramatic views over five counties and the Welland Valley below. |
The plateau complex rises toward the southeast, where it climaxes in the Drakensberg range, part of an escarpment that separates the plateau from the coastal areas. |
While the muleteer and packhorses beelined for the next camp through the tilled fields, we insisted that the four of us hike along the escarpment for the rest of the journey. |
He has also gone further afield including BC and Alberta in Canada, Utah, and Britain but his local crags are the limestone outcrops of the Niagara escarpment. |
Perched high on an escarpment above the Cibolo creek floodplain, this area was once an important hunting area for Apache and later the Comanche peoples. |
Sheltered by the sandstone escarpment to the north and open to the south, this area is ideally situated for growing pears. |
For untamed Nature, the public could follow a pathway cut into the face of the escarpment along an old raftsmen's trail. |
Most of the plains Pokot, unlike those who grow crops on the Rift Valley escarpment above, scrape a living from scrawny cattle and goats. |
The serviceable track undulates and crosses many gullies, the trees are thinned, you can see out north over pretty fields, tightly bound by the curving wooded escarpment. |
We reach the far side of the Mara River and begin climbing Oloololo, an escarpment which twists and turns all the way to Tanzania. |
Her Chateau de Bellevue was on the edge of the Meudon Forest, with a long view of the Seine Valley down to Paris, and with the Sevres potteries tucked under the escarpment. |
It then runs near the southern margin of the national park via Trefil and the Llangattock escarpment to Blorenge where it turns southwards. |
Countless terrace fields of the western escarpment were abandoned where rainfed agriculture had been practised for many centuries. |
Wells lies at the foot of the southern escarpment of the Mendip Hills where they meet the Somerset Levels. |
On the Red Sea coast, there is a narrow coastal plain, known as the Tihamah parallel to which runs an imposing escarpment. |
In the meantime, the NCC had to limit its capital program to urgent health, safety and priority works such as the basement damp-proofing rehabilitation, office fit-up and escarpment stabilization at Rideau Hall. |
The escarpment lands will be stabilized largely through naturalization and physical work required to avoid slumpage, resulting in positive effects. |
The western border of Swaziland, with an average altitude of 1200 metres, lies on the edge of an escarpment. |
Supported cycling in the Central area by constructing traffic islands on the Graham Street bicycle contraflow lane and implemented the first-ever bicycle ramp on a staircase on Empress Street over the escarpment. |
Their setting, on top of a striking, heavily treed escarpment overlooking the Ottawa River, is an expression of the affinity that Canadians have for their geography. |
We wend our way along the western wall of the escarpment until finally get our first glimpse at Lake Natron, a view made more extraordinary by the sprawing lunar landscape that surrounds it. |
Construct a diorama of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes illustrating the Niagara escarpment, the Lachine Rapids and other obstacles to navigation. |
Even if the castle were dismantled, they remain the vestiges of a rampart barring the access to the headland Southern side, only side not profiting from natural protections of the escarpment of cliffs. |
You'll soon find yourself surrounded by chalk downlands rolling to the horizon, interrupted here and there by grassy burial mounds, primitive forts and the occasional white horse cut into the escarpment. |
A handful joined the Manchus as mercenaries. Today what remains of the fort at Albazino is a grassy rectangular escarpment above the roiling river. |
China's even heavier one lies unseen behind the escarpment. |
After lifting off, the pilot hover-taxied around a pile of brush on the west side of the clearing and departed in a westerly direction, toward the escarpment. |
Here the architects shaped the walls to the edge of the escarpment, advancing and receding almost as though they were actually a part of the cliff. |
There is no visual connection to the banks of the river below Parliament Hill, and river access is limited to a small lane that winds its way down the escarpment. |
Buy straight from cellar doors in the rolling hills of Lovedale and taste handcrafted-wines in Broke, a tranquil village surrounded by olive groves and the Yellow Rock escarpment. |
It was built on an elevated escarpment following its contours. |
In a poorly developed, semi-arid area with low and erratic rainfall and poor soil, local populations were forced to move from their homes alongside the river onto the escarpment above upon construction of a large dam. |
He fell back to a previously reconnoitred position on an escarpment at Mont St Jean, a few miles south of the village of Waterloo. |
By late afternoon, the French army had not succeeded in driving Wellington's forces from the escarpment on which they stood. |
Folkestone is located where the southern edge of the North Downs, escarpment meets the sea. |
Except for the river valleys and wind gaps, the crest of the escarpment is almost continuous along its length. |
The most distinctive of these is chalk grassland which is largely limited to steep escarpment and valley slopes. |
Flint axes have also been found on river terraces at Farnham, on Walton and Banstead Heaths and on the crest of the escarpment above Folkestone. |
It is bounded on its northern side by a steep escarpment, from whose crest there are extensive views northwards across the Weald. |
The chalk of that island's central ridge is cognate with that of the Pays de Bray's northern escarpment. |
The mountains descend in a huge escarpment to the Red Sea and more steadily to the Indian Ocean. |
From Corn Du, a ridge with an inner escarpment descends south towards Merthyr Tydfil. |
A graben is a valley with a distinct escarpment on each side caused by the displacement of a block of land downward. |
Other material is transported across or along the basin to the deep water parts of a rift lake along the escarpment margin. |
This is hotter, drier and less intensely cultivated than the Highveld above the escarpment. |
The plateau slopes eastwards from the massive, rifted escarpment along the coast of the Red Sea, to the shallow waters of the Persian Gulf. |
Along the length of the eastern coast runs a narrow and steep escarpment containing much of the island's remaining tropical lowland forest. |
Where erosion has exposed the frontslope of this, a steep slope or escarpment occurs. |
The frontslope of the cuesta consists of an escarpment that cuts across the bedding of the strata comprising it. |
The escarpment edge faces north, and in its most populated section, runs roughly parallel to the southern Lake Ontario shoreline. |
It reflects wave erosion of the klint escarpment, but also an increased content of granitoid material of the rapakivi formation. |
The Tihamah ends abruptly at the escarpment of the western highlands. |
Beyond the castle is the limestone escarpment known as the Eglwyseg Rocks. |
The hills are part of a Devonian lava extrusion whose appearance today is largely due to the Ochil Fault which results in the southern face of the hills forming an escarpment. |
These conditions are most often found on the escarpment of the North Downs and on valley slopes but may also occur on the plateau of the dip slope. |
The Chiltern Hills form a chalk escarpment in South East England. |
The gently dipping beds of rock were eroded, forming an escarpment. |
Goa is a part of the coastal country known as the Konkan, which is an escarpment rising up to the Western Ghats range of mountains, which separate it from the Deccan Plateau. |