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How to use escarpment in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word escarpment? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
It was like an escarpment, sloping up gently on one side and dropping vertically to 90m on the other.
We headed up the Lake Albert escarpment avoiding marching soldiers then stopped for an hour in the Budongo Forest for a walk with crombecs.
I've clambered up rocks in the tropical heat in the vain hope that there might be grasswren on top of the escarpment.
The main outcrops of this rock suite underlie the two steep-sided hills of the Boesmanskop to the immediate north of the main escarpment.
The great escarpment is embayed by major valleys, and a belt of mountains lies between it and the coastal plain.
Perhaps the most striking feature is the steep escarpment that characterizes the northwest-facing edge of the Cotswold Hills.
Clearing the birch will help oak saplings and bilberries, ferns, mosses and lichens to prosper on the escarpment overlooking Nidderdale.
The sediments that produced the beds were deposited in moderately deep waters located a hundred meters seaward of the escarpment.
Heavy rains extended south to the Illawarra escarpment west of Wollongong, an area accustomed to drenchings from east coast lows.
The first couple of miles are along the top edge of the western escarpment of the Hambleton Hills.
The area sits in the western Rift Valley adjacent to the escarpment of the Fipa plateau.
Instead, we aimed down an arrow-straight track with full-on views south to the level horizon of the Wolds escarpment.
From the pass head due south up the ridge, along a rocky escarpment then up grassy slopes to a stony summit.
The escarpment where the plateau met the plain became the Vindhya mountains.
Crossing the Hakos Mountains at the edge of the Namibian escarpment is our greatest challenge.
Legend has it that the lammergeier will sometimes dive at animals, even humans, trying to scare them into falling off the escarpment.
It is built in a lovely location on the edge of an escarpment looking out over the Vale of York.
Just after that there are good views west off the edge of the escarpment in addition to those north towards the Cleveland Hills.
He relied on 15 Panzer Division and the Reconnaissance Group around Azizia to break up any debouchment from the escarpment by British forces.
Everything was bone dry, and the cedar breaks below the escarpment held not a single robin, waxwing, solitaire, or bluebird.
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Examples from Classical Literature
At length they crossed the escarpment of the hill, and stood upon the summit.
This presented an escarpment on the river of about nine hundred yards in length, and is familiarly known as Scott's bluffs.
A few hundred yards below the falls, and on the left bank of the river is an escarpment from which we obtained some specimens.
The plain terminates, where we ascended, in an escarpment of vesicular trap-rock, which supplies the fragments of the creek below.
The Dunkirk shale loams are found upon the hill or escarpment.
A house is an escarpment, a door is a refusal, a facade is a wall.
In time she reached the edge of the vast escarpment below which stretched the loamy Vale of Blackmoor, now lying misty and still in the dawn.
Probably the escarpment that extends from Austin to Eagle Pass.
They came out upon the Niagara just north of the Queenston escarpment.
In the klint escarpment radioactive graptolite argillite and obolus phosphorite crop out.
Section from the north escarpment of the South Downs to Barcombe.
Silently he went on climbing the escarpment, digging into the rough rock.
At last, after what seemed months, and may, I now realize, have been years, we came in sight of the dun escarpment which buttressed the foothills of Sari.
There the basalt cliffs of the outside were reproduced upon the inside, forming an escarpment about two hundred feet high, with a woody slope beneath it.
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