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How to use epoch in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word epoch? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The end of the Cold War has ushered in a new epoch of imperialist conflicts.
His greatest contribution to his whole epoch was his determined struggle to build a vanguard party capable of leading the workers in revolution.
The epoch of the coordinates represents the date to which the spherical angles are reduced.
The archetype of the burgonet is perhaps the casque worn by the Swiss infantry at the epoch of Marignan.
It is nearly impossible to find anything on these defining features of the Baathist epoch.
In the end, the undiluted misogyny of the scandal sheets must be read in the larger context of the contradictions of the Revolutionary epoch.
The culmination of the cooling trend was the Pleistocene epoch, or Great Ice Age, of the last 1.8 million years.
This is the beginning of a new epoch, the beginning of a new great democracy.
Now, in the epoch of multiculturalism, the offenders are accused of being Eurocentric or of exhibiting cultural arrogance.
The global cooling trend that began in the Oligocene epoch and accelerated in the Miocene and Pliocene was catastrophic for the crocodiles.
When the forms of production come into conflict with existing social relations, a revolutionary epoch arises.
This epoch is characterized by the appearance of all of the presently existing orders and families, and many of the existing genera of mammals.
In an earlier epoch, the PT had made the repudiation of the debt a central plank in its campaign platform.
Latvia's undulating landscape is dominated by morainic hills and meltwater deposits dating back to the latest glacial epoch.
The objects on display all combine to describe the epoch but do not claim to exhaust the subject.
Then for each of the simulated epochs, a median of measurements taken at this epoch was computed.
Our epoch is characterized by startling advances on the one hand and conditions of extreme socioeconomic retrogression and distress on the other.
The long Eocene epoch witnessed only four independent first appearances of gastropods with a labral tooth.
It suggests finality, unalterable change, the dramatic passage from one epoch to another.
About halfway through the Pliocene epoch several important tectonic events occurred.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The epoch of life seems to be terminable at the further extreme by a planetary condition in which life is no longer possible.
She herself told me, in 1803, at Rouen, that at a very important epoch the peril of her life forced her from the seat of action.
With the establishment of the Abbasid dynasty, a new epoch in Arabian poetry began.
These quantities are additive for years after 1800, and subtractive for years before that epoch.
It is possible that the spiritualists may become the stoics of a new epoch of caesarian rule.
The venerable Orthoceras and the goniatite linger on through the epoch and into the first period of the succeeding era.
In the European ocean of the azoic epoch we find five islands of considerable size.
Saint Brigid is one of the great figures in the epoch immediately succeeding the first coming of the Word.
That which lingers after an epoch is generally that which lived most luxuriantly in it.
The system of Descartes was followed by Swedish philosophers of the Carolinian epoch.
Webster defines a chronogram as an inscription, sentence, or phrase in which certain letters express a date or epoch.
The chronicle of the Saboraim and Geonim as given by him is our guide for this epoch.
The introduction of malachite green marks another epoch in the history of the technology of the triphenylmethane colours.
This corrida marked an epoch, but it acquired the proportions of a catastrophe.
Some of these strata of the secondary, epoch have only had their horizontality disturbed, while others are quite vertical.
Since that epoch the exploitation has been continued by lessees of the diamondiferous grounds.
The first bone traces of human beings range back to an epoch posterior to the monstrous quadrupeds entombed in the diluvium.
Let b be the longitude of a minor planet in the initial epoch, that is to say, the epoch zero.
An undevout man in that land and at that epoch was an almost unknown phenomenon.
He was ignorant enough to think that the glacial epoch looked like a chasm between him and a uniformitarian world.
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