Supermarket shelves are filled with household cleaners containing strong chemicals which can pollute the environment and pose health hazards. |
Expecting any commander who is overly supervised in garrison to suddenly become an agile, adaptive leader in a field environment is unrealistic. |
This kindles something inside of them, which will hopefully grow into a love for the environment as they get older. |
Successful readjustment to the school environment depends partly upon the quality of the transition plan. |
This is a great opportunity to introduce children to water sports in a safe environment or to improve their skills if they already sail. |
Benefit the environment by protecting watersheds and enhancing wildlife habitats and biodiversity. |
Exothermic reactions involve the production of energy which is given to the surrounding environment as heat. |
The lymph fluid originates from the interstitial fluid, the watery environment that surrounds the cells of our bodies. |
The peaks and the valleys, rivers and the waterfalls truly make the whole environment a paradise. |
While the focus at the moment is on conserving water, it's important to remember if we look after the environment it will help the water cycle. |
He probably went through a long process of acculturation and adjustment into the cult-like environment of his new reality. |
We are in no way an underdog province beneath the thumb of a national environment ministry bent on keeping us down. |
The wireless environment is also limited by less established standards than exist for the wired Internet. |
According to Hannah, identifying the energy wasters in your home can have a direct effect on our environment as well as saving you money. |
Image getting weighed in public in today's environment before boarding an airliner. |
We'd recommend against choosing redwood or any other natural wood in the wet and windswept environment you describe. |
Differences in environment or health status may affect how people respond to subjective assessments. |
Slow-to-warm-up children need time to acclimate to a new environment and time to watch others do activities first. |
The accent is on creating a simulated environment for the customer to feel at home. |
But in the hothouse environment of academic science the flawed theory has been allowed to survive. |
To put together five-year spending plans in such an environment and to make projections on income over the period is whistling in the dark. |
Pressures within the academic environment itself may subtly push professors toward viewing their students as would-be clones of themselves. |
It's different when Right Wingers want to crush free speech and create a police state environment of informers and rats in a house of worship. |
Perhaps, too, the academic environment is just too rarefied, too unrelated to a recognisable outside world, to be satirically relevant. |
In the spirit of romantic aestheticism, beauty in the natural environment was seen to inspire enlightenment through cultural expression. |
The UN's project assumes that a price can be put on the environment and that life can be quantified and measured. |
The recovery environment will boot and present a menu system that is fairly easy to navigate. |
Bats feature prominently among organisms that occupy the aerosphere as they extensively use this environment for foraging. |
In order to begin taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the convention the state of the marine environment must be assessed. |
It is not an environment which encourages dressing room unity when times are hard. |
Will they put human health and the environment above chemical industry profits? |
Few of the dramatic postglacial changes in global environment escaped the attention of aboriginal humans. |
This is distinct from the notion of selection deriving from pressures exerted by the biotic and abiotic environment inhabited by the organism. |
The potential cost to the environment and human health justifies the level of new regulation. |
Noise in the environment makes it difficult to hear alarms or easily determine where the alarm is located. |
The urban environment is ailing and, what is more, there are precious few ways in which to address its problems. |
The report was a window into our boy, in an environment where we are not readily to hand to lean on or put things aright or correct him. |
After a long campaign by several environment groups, the International Whaling Commission imposes a moratorium on commercial whaling. |
We work in a very open environment to promote a free flow of communication, but this meeting really jump-starts it. |
Secondly, we may consider the effects of human action on the environment itself. |
It is very difficult to see how environment could be a factor in this racial difference. |
In an international environment consisting of sovereign states, admitting of no higher authority, order is sufficiently vulnerable. |
It was really cold while we were there but the Finnish environment is so pristine that the wintriness was inspiring rather than grim. |
The administration of justice has to be in a safe environment for everyone's sake, including the accused. |
American ideas about the environment grew up in conjunction with the process of westering. |
Again, no purpose is served by people who live in a totally different environment taking a judgemental view of the controversy. |
Do they have any concerns about the environment when they become involved in the rag trade? |
Even if we cannot yet fully count the value of the environment as such, we can put a figure on the cost of environmental destruction. |
The combustion chamber environment is very air-rich and the rotors have a lot of overlap to promote exhaust gas recirculation. |
Earlier, addressing the students, he spoke about the need to protect the environment and the hazards of pollution. |
It's a difficult environment at the best of times, but with roads cut, delivering aid to needy areas is proving to be a challenge. |
The General sits in his lifeless castle, the decadence of his environment acutely described. |
We're flooded with facts about what to do for the environment but we fail to change until a penny drops or we experience an aha moment. |
Mrs Smith fears the project will harm the environment and scare wildlife away. |
The second step is to help create the right policy and regulatory environment for broadband, and satellite, and wireless. |
The scientists from the University of California at San Francisco reared young rats in an environment of moderate continuous noise. |
The Ministry of Environment and Forests is calling students to play an active role in environment protection. |
I feel incredibly lucky to be in such a rad work environment with a most excellent group of people. |
The national environment programme devotes a separate action plan to greenhouse gas emissions. |
We hope to feature real-life examples of steps you can take to improve the environment in which you work. |
He explores a number of issues, from the environment and friendship, to slavery and racism. |
Winston acknowledged that this benefit is balanced against as yet unmeasured risks to the environment and to public health. |
The earth's miraculously complex environment has remained in balance for thousands of years, allowing human beings to thrive. |
Our national character might also find the ever-smiling country club environment wearisome. |
It was an excellent environment for the seismic acoustic and infrared passive sensors once you could get them into the ground. |
The use of quail as donor and chick as host provides a means for discriminating donor cells in the host environment due the unique properties of the quail nucleolus. |
Not only that, they are a rich environment for galaxies, hot plasma, and dark matter. |
The city has already made great strides in line with international standards to improve the quality of its environment and in particular to reduce air pollution. |
When you take clients to a restaurant you pay partly for the use of the space and a nice environment in which to wine and dine your business associates. |
The idea is to create some other vertical structures in this environment besides the antennas, flagpoles and windsocks situated all about the station. |
Bring the element of air into the environment with wind chimes and fans. |
Complementary approaches include aromatherapy and reflexology and these may, if nothing else, provide a quiet, relaxed environment in which to wind down. |
The seeds were the progeny of plants reared in a common greenhouse environment from the original seed collections, thus minimizing any possible maternal effects. |
In the end, there may be no way to tell just how much Reaganomics helped create and foster the environment that has led to today's tech-driven, high-productivity economy. |
Dixons is likely to echo the tough retail environment for brown and white goods and also for electronic items such as personal computers and mobile phones. |
Such an unhurried environment affords me the opportunity to reflect more. |
The potential cost to the environment and human health of pollution caused by badly-managed composting sites justifies the level of new regulation. |
In all tetrapods, LPFs in the environment result in release of adrenocorticotropin from the precursor molecule pro-opiomelanocortin in the anterior pituitary. |
When you add to this a jumped-up ego, fuelled by the environment and training given to firearms officers, the result is clearly depicted by this sad case. |
But in general, this operating environment is a well-oiled machine. |
In an insular environment a plant family may undergo adaptive radiation with new taxa adapted to and occupying different and sometimes narrow habitats. |
Its functions relate principally to the monitoring of radioactivity in the environment and of radiation doses received by Irish people in the course of their work. |
These radiation belts surround the Earth with a stormy environment of energetic particles that could affect the electronic systems and computers on board the spacecraft. |
The actual cost of creating and maintaining that environment is minimal. |
The trials compared the effects on the environment of weedkillers used in GM farming with those of herbicides used to spray the conventional versions of the same crops. |
The writer is a member of the environment action group Kalpavriksh. |
Organic farming has many benefits to the environment since it prevents soil and water contamination by chemicals which reduce soil fertility and increase acidity. |
It goes a substantial way towards neutralising the environment as an issue and it will encourage some waverers to cast their lot with the Coalition. |
Sewers will remain the Achilles' heel of York's flood defences if environment chiefs fail to invest in the city's drainage system, according to a city leader. |
Swapping a studio in Portobello for the working environment of a restored watermill in Angus has done wonders for their spirits and health, he said. |
This new law aims to protect health and the environment from the impact of harmful chemicals, but I understand that industry wants to water it down. |
They know it is an environment where you have to watch your step. |
It is also manifest in the successful accomplishment of functions that allow the system to interact with its environment while maintaining its own integrity. |
No information on the phenological plasticity of other benthic freshwater algae or on their capacity to acclimate to the naturally changing light environment is available. |
More interesting, perhaps, is the possibility that the co-eds themselves are the disease, unable to acclimate to the rural environment they've invaded. |
He always sought an academic environment and therefore moved from Llanelli to Cardiff, the site of his final appointment and where he lived out his retirement. |
Moving away from the academic environment was a shrewd move for Stoneham, who has trebled the amount of business she used to do at Oxford University. |
The author reviews the problems that have plagued history in the academic environment to dispel the popular belief that history is the same thing as the past. |
The actin cytoskeleton has long been known to be a key regulator of cell proliferation linking biochemical sensing of the environment with cell cycle progression. |
Cutting-edge research is continuing to increase the viability of quadrotors by making advances in multi-craft communication, environment exploration, and maneuverability. |
He also practices it by bringing transcendental techniques into the boardroom to create the mental environment to generate ideas. |
Then French obstetricians advocated that the method would reduce pain and create a birthing environment free of stress. |
Coaches have, nevertheless, found Zaatari a somewhat more accommodating sporting environment than their authoritarian homeland. |
She covers politics, culture, the environment and human rights in Francophone and Anglophone West Africa for the Voice of America. |
The critters have the propensity to devour their babies if alarmed and so require a calm environment for breeding. |
Champion says part of that stems from the competitive environment of the top schools, which vet their admittees so heavily. |
The spill would undoubtedly have been catastrophic for both the environment and local economy if it had occurred during the summer months. |
The environment division is the link between the COBOL program and the computer and input-output devices the program uses. |
Favism, a hemolytic anemia that follows the eating of fava or broadbeans, provides a textbook example of a genotype X environment interaction. |
Whatever we do to nature and the environment we will eventually do to ourselves. If we continually foul our own nest, we will pay the price. |
Do you think a child raised in a relatively gender-free environment will develop differently from other children? |
In some cases, the introduced species can disturb the environment so much that it becomes unsuitable for particular fish. |
In subsequent years, the environment became a formal policy area, with its own policy actors, principles and procedures. |
The developing European transport policies will increase the pressure on the environment in many regions by the increased transport network. |
Madyan was conquered and settled by Muslims, but the environment was considered harsh and the settlers moved to Kufa. |
The fashion industry has flourished in the changing environment of the fashion world. |
The environment is an extremely important, although not the only, foundation for our welfare or illfare. |
In this way, the virtual environment is presented immersively to the participant. |
Such an environment was especially intimidating to monarchs who derived much of their power from the disparity between classes of people. |
He was the first major figure to argue that mankind had evolved language skills in response to his changing environment and social structures. |
However, introducing improved incentives through a more competitive environment among providers and insurers has proved difficult. |
Andrea Leadsom, who was energy minister and May's primary competitor for party leader, was made the new environment secretary. |
This apparently reflects a general change from a more lacustrine environment in the lower member to a more fluviatile setting in the upper. |
It was in this environment that the Coal Measures were formed, the source of the majority of Britain's extensive coal reserves. |
Regardless of source, petroleum's effects when released into the environment are similar. |
An individual organism's phenotype results from both its genotype and the influence from the environment it has lived in. |
Generally this occurs when there has been a drastic change in the environment within the parental species' habitat. |
The Bengali ethnic fashion industry has flourished well in the changing environment of the fashion world. |
This particular area is subject to the transition from a more lotic environment to the lentic environment existing in the pool area. |
The main concern at this time was relieving student stress and creating a warm environment for them. |
Research has also shown that the home environment has a greater impact on future outcomes than preschool. |
For example, the US Environmental Protection Agency have studied the impacts of perchlorate on the environment as well as drinking water. |
Coal fueled electricity generation alone is a much greater source of heavy metal contamination in the environment than fireworks. |
Holbein returned to an England where the political and religious environment was changing radically. |
Production in a studio environment seems to lend itself to more experimentation. |
Tony Bennett, however, overcame the messy environment in an immaculate white suit and tie. |
These reflect the diverse environment of the largest continent in the world and range from India to China, the Middle East to Japan. |
The microbiome creates the immediate environment for our genes as they play out their part in disease mechanisms. |
The environment is threatened by the development of the economy and infrastructure. |
During Tsang's second term, he initiated modest reforms in areas of education, environment and food safety. |
Awareness of the environment is growing as Hong Kong suffers from increasing pollution compounded by its geography and tall buildings. |
The unique environment of Snowdon, particularly its rare plants, has led to its designation as a national nature reserve. |
In other words, don't spend the money unless you're sure you're going to have the legal environment to go forward. |
More general responsibility for the countryside and natural environment in England falls to the organisation Natural England. |
Monitoring is also carried out of many discharges to the aquatic environment including sewage effluents and trade and agricultural discharges. |
In reality only those applications judged to pose special risks to the environment are commented on in any detail. |
Its aim is to protect the environment from any adverse effects due to discharge of such waters. |
Her memoir gives some insight into the strange environment in which Thomas worked as a young priest. |
Female artists were distinctly a minority amongst the male dominated environment of the Young British Artists. |
The Courtauld uses a virtual learning environment to deliver course material to its students. |
Pessimistic representatives of negative utilitarianism can be found in the environment of Buddhism. |
The former largely focuses on the built environment and how humans create, view, manage, and influence space. |
The Iraqi poet Ahmed Matar left Iraq in the 1970s to take refuge in the more liberal environment of Kuwait. |
This, in effect creates a unique environment in which certain species are found. |
Concern for the environment has grown in response to global interest in environmental issues. |
In many areas of the country, the natural environment is threatened by development. |
The Archaic period in the Americas saw a changing environment featuring a warmer more arid climate and the disappearance of the last megafauna. |
The new party was founded in a social environment of great hope and expectation. |
During winter in Scotland, golden eagles soar frequently in order to scan the environment for carrion. |
These are dispersed, most commonly by wind, and if they land in a suitable environment can develop into a new gametophyte. |
The work sought to position itself so the everyday environment can cause the viewer to pause and regard the commonplace as extraordinary. |
This generated mixed and polarized views from locals and built environment professions alike. |
The vision for Glenrothes was to provide a clean, healthy and safe environment for the town's residents. |
Mining may not be necessary if the ore body and physical environment are conducive to leaching. |
To achieve this goal, the operating environment must be carefully considered. |
Can you accept yourself as a part of that nonjudged environment and allow yourself just to be a part of the world? |
Parc Cwm long cairn is maintained by Cadw, the Welsh Government's historic environment division. |
These fossils help scientists to date the core and to understand the depositional environment in which the rock units formed. |
Several chemical markers indicate a drastic change in the environment around the start of the Cambrian. |
We strive to create a no-pressure environment in which your child can fulfill her potential. |
This should be better for the local environment of the fish farm, but producing soy beans has a high environmental cost for the producing region. |
These characteristics ensure that they are representative of the environment where they are sampled or placed. |
Students from University College, London, were evacuated to continue their studies in a safer environment at Bangor. |
The lowlands are geographically the best environment for agriculture of the three areas. |
This may be the result of a departure from the environment of evolutionary adaptedness. |
Thus, from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, the modern environment is exerting evolutionary pressure for higher fertility. |
He has given this performance one time more or less, the audience is different, the social and political environment has changed. |
The Welsh Mountain sheep is well suited to the harsh environment in which it lives. |
The net effects on the environment are far less problematic than those of nonrenewable power sources. |
At any one point the salinity will vary considerably over time and seasons, making it a harsh environment for organisms. |
By physically seeing the marsh, people are more likely to take notice and be more aware of the environment around them. |
Dunes can likely be found in any environment where there is a substantial atmosphere, winds, and dust to be blown. |
Roundworms are typically microscopic, and occur in nearly every environment where there is water. |
The climate, geography, and environment of Finland favours bog and peat bog formation. |
Any depression in a marine environment where sediments accumulate over time is known as a sediment trap. |
The typical nesting environment includes a dark forested area adjacent to the beach. |
This can help with camouflage when the cuttlefish becomes visually similar to objects in its environment such as kelp or rocks. |
The introduction of plastic waste to the ocean environment by humans is new. |
Thus, these wastes must be shielded for centuries and isolated from the living environment for millennia. |
It is doubtful that reprocessing makes economic sense in the present environment of cheap uranium. |
Radionuclides that find their way into the environment may cause harmful effects as radioactive contamination. |
A benign environment increases the interval between nourishment projects, reducing costs. |
Aminopyralid and related herbicides can persist in the environment for several years. |
This is usually an arid environment with a small basin fed by a limited input of water. |
Mining activities by their nature cause a disturbance of the natural environment in and around which the minerals are located. |
As inhabitants of the largest environment on Earth, microbial marine systems drive changes in every global system. |
Birds adapted to living in the marine environment are often called seabirds. |
They are also unified by their reliance on the marine environment for feeding. |
The level of dependence on the marine environment for existence varies considerably with species. |
The high degree of overlap between marine mammal species richness and areas of human impact on the environment is of concern. |
A Viking poem portrays the environment as strongly pagan, with chanting Valkyries deciding who would live and who would die. |
The shell of Magallana gigas varies widely with the environment where it is attached. |
It is the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds a species population. |
Habitat can be defined as the natural environment of an organism, the place in which it is natural for it to live and grow. |
To detect these changes, algae can be sampled from the environment and maintained in laboratories with relative ease. |
Potential negative effects include hybrids that are less fit for their environment resulting in a population decrease. |
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. |
In addition, consideration of the environment beyond direct impact on human beings has gained prominence. |
It has been suggested that accumulating reactive nitrogen in the environment may prove as serious as putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. |
He used dog sleds and techniques of surviving in the environment which he had learned from the native Inuit. |
This also allows small objects to be detected in an environment containing much larger nearby slow moving objects. |
The security environment around Japan has become increasingly severe as represented by nuclear and missile development by North Korea. |
Natural England have contributed some research into the impacts on the environment of various realignment options. |
They live in a forest environment with patchy resources, and a male is unable to monopolize more than one female due to this sparse distribution. |
In Central Asia, human disturbances are minimal as this area has a harsher environment and is more sparsely populated. |
Within his definition, the physical environment retains a central significance, as the medium with and through which human cultures act. |
However, a red colour does not necessarily mean the rock formed in a continental environment or arid climate. |
It can be a valuable indicator of the biological and ecological environment that existed after the sediment was deposited. |
Every environment has a characteristic combination of geologic processes and circumstances. |
The type of sediment that is deposited is not only dependent on the sediment that is transported to a place, but also on the environment itself. |
The typical rock formed in a certain environment is called its sedimentary facies. |
When sedimentary strata accumulate through time, the environment can shift, forming a change in facies in the subsurface at one location. |
Eventually, small changes in astronomic parameters can cause large changes in sedimentary environment and sedimentation. |
Differences between successive layers indicate changes to the environment over time. |
In the UK, hunting foxes in urban areas is banned, and shooting them in an urban environment is not suitable. |
By repeated scanning, bats can mentally construct an accurate image of the environment in which they are moving and of their prey item. |
However, how much this is caused by evolution or by environment is not clear. |
This provides protection from the environment and reduces water loss through evaporation. |
Although often inconspicuous, fungi occur in every environment on Earth and play very important roles in most ecosystems. |
They proposed instead that a comprehensive regime to protect the Antarctic environment be negotiated in its place. |
The hydrochemical environment shifts from oxygenated to anoxic, as bacterial decomposition of sunken biomass utilizes all of the free oxygen. |
Seamounts are exceptionally important to their biome ecologically, but their role in their environment is poorly understood. |
Long stretches of beach, sand dunes, marshes, and maritime forests create a unique environment where wind and waves shape the topography. |
Those remained in estuarine environment continue to go through their life cycle more quickly than those traveled into freshwater. |
The toxins are very harmful to the people and animals in the area, as well as the environment around them. |
While the environment is teeming with bacteria and fungi, most are not pathogenic. |
The coastal marine environment remained productive, as indicated by fossils of pinnipeds. |
The environment in which the Inuit lived inspired a mythology filled with adventure tales of whale and walrus hunts. |
A part of becoming a pirate was to meet the expectation of uprooting their living environment and spending most of their time out at sea. |
They are a raw material in plastics manufacturing, and enter the natural environment when spilled. |
Chimneys and tiled stoves in private households alone discharge approximately 20 times more dioxin into the environment than incineration plants. |
They are used as a raw material in plastics manufacturing, and are thought to enter the natural environment after accidental spillages. |
A turtle's diet varies greatly depending on the environment in which it lives. |
There is no clear relationship between the amount of oil in the aquatic environment and the likely impact on biodiversity. |
By planning spill response ahead of time, the impact on the environment can be minimized or prevented. |
Genes and environment influence human biological variation from visible characteristics to physiology to disease susceptibly to mental abilities. |
The exact influence of genes and environment on certain traits is not well understood. |
Each plant was placed in the same environment and the same type of plant was used in each vase. |
Plants are known to thrive in an environment where there are few bacteria, plenty of food for energy, and water uptake is encouraged. |
The primary method of controlling the immediate airport environment is visual observation from the airport control tower. |
These formations may have resulted from carcass burial in an anoxic environment with minimal bacteria, thus slowing decomposition. |
Factors such as the chemistry of the environment may have been responsible for changes. |
Subfossils are useful for studying the evolutionary history of an environment and can be important to studies in paleoclimatology. |
The high concentration of this mineral is related to a depositional environment with a low sedimentation rate. |
They are particularly useful since they are sessile so that they are representative of the environment where they are sampled or placed. |
For optimal digestion, the environment of the rumen must be ideal for the microbes. |
Notably, cattle must be fed a diet high in fiber to maintain a proper environment for the rumen microbes. |
The practice of dairy production in a factory farm environment has been criticized by animal welfare activists. |
A summer camp environment may allow children to learn new skills in a safe and nurturing environment. |
Aboriginal people seem to have lived a long time in the same environment as the now extinct Australian megafauna. |
Group size is an important characteristic of the social environment of gregarious species. |
All that is required is the mastering of skills specific to the environment in which the work occurs. |
These sediments then provide an anaerobic environment which protects from further degradation. |
Regarding their own civilisation as superior, the Lombards did indeed provide the environment for the illustrious Schola Medica Salernitana. |
Slowly, through the following millennia, temperatures and sea levels rose, changing the environment of prehistoric people. |
The iron is oxidized to ferric hydroxide upon encountering the oxidizing environment of the surface. |
The bog environment is acidic, with a low concentration of dissolved oxygen. |
In the acidic environment of the bog, a chemical reaction forms insoluble iron compounds which precipitate out. |
The anaerobic environment and presence of tannic acids within bogs can result in the remarkable preservation of organic material. |
In the plains, intensively cultivated for centuries, little of the original environment remains. |
If genetic factors account for half of the variation of pubertal timing, environment factors are clearly important as well. |
The human Y chromosome is particularly exposed to high mutation rates due to the environment in which it is housed. |
In concert with the newly formed Italy, Bismarck created a diplomatic environment in which Austria declared war on Prussia. |
In the last third of the century, concern about humankind's impact on the Earth's environment made environmentalism popular. |
Used water drained back into the coastal zones may harm the nearshore environment of the Red Sea. |
When the common ostrich is experiencing heat stress from the environment the air flow is considered turbulent. |
Medieval church authorities believed that public bathing created an environment open to immorality and disease. |
Owing to the number of patients, warfare created a unique learning environment for these surgeons. |
Sierra Leone has a tropical climate, with a diverse environment ranging from savannah to rainforests. |
Nassau also created an environment of Dutch religious tolerance, new to Portuguese America and irritating to his Calvinist associates. |
The environment in Mauritius is typically tropical in the coastal regions with forests in the mountainous areas. |
A geographer is a scholar whose area of study is geography, the study of Earth's natural environment and human society. |
For example, they study how the natural environment contributes to the human society and how the human society affects the natural environment. |
In particular, physical geographers study the natural environment while human geographers study human society. |
The rivers and streams improve the landscape and keep the ecological environment of the city stable. |
This environment also has the widest variety of wildlife, such as macaws, parrots, quetzals, hummingbirds, iguanas, and various kinds of snakes. |
The summer rainy season and the melted snow in winter provide a great environment for irrigation agriculture. |
It was thought, however, that they should not settle too near, since that might too closely duplicate the political environment back in England. |
Notable areas include De Slufter, where the tide comes in and meets the dunes, forming a marshy environment rich in both fauna and flora. |
The environment has traditionally been deeply respected by Buryats due to the nomadic way of life and religious culture. |
The harsh climatic conditions of the region have in turn created a fragile balance between humans, society and the environment itself. |
It was believed that a certain person's behaviours were determined by the environment in which they lived and thus validated their domination. |
A less than ideal drying environment encourages the proliferation of pests in the bark, which may then require treatment by fumigation. |
However, the deterioration of the environment by the Spanish depleted resources for these people and finally made them submit. |
By building an environment that reduces barriers to trade, ASEAN trade will increase, thereby decreasing the risk of another food price crisis. |
The wider political environment in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries was also volatile. |
It also concerns other stakeholders, such as creditors, consumers, the environment and the community at large. |
Such laws may seek to balance dueling needs for preservation and harvest and to manage both environment and populations of fish and game. |
Laws that act to limit externalities imposed upon human health and the environment may be assessed against this principle. |
The harmonization of Chinese society and the natural environment is billed as a rising policy priority. |