Beginning in 1887, he offered a series of lectures in which he passionately enumerated what he felt were French contributions to the Renaissance. |
Two of these expressed powers, or enumerated powers, are the power to coin money and the power to regulate interstate commerce. |
If precipitate interfered with the operation of the system, counts were enumerated manually. |
In 1880, the city directory enumerated a total of 1,042 saloons, with 6.72 saloons per 1,000 individuals. |
The battery consisted of seven tests that were enumerated according to the construct they tapped. |
The possibilities are explicitly enumerated and probabilistically evaluated from the beginning. |
He will be able to use it in electro-therapeutic treatment in most of the ways enumerated. |
The press release announcing his initiative mentioned accelerators and enumerated various installations in American university laboratories. |
They enumerated a number of simple needs like places to shower, do laundry, and sleep safely when they were exhausted. |
It is the journey and the path to this truth that is enumerated in different styles and manners in the various religions. |
In this section the rights and duties which thus fall to his lot will be briefly enumerated. |
If the conditions enumerated are observed, the social revolution will painlessly melt into democracy. |
In other words, there was not yet in existence the Federal Government that very grudging granted enumerated power to the several states. |
I resist it only because I think leadership is a quality that can't be enumerated with scholastic precision. |
Cures using herbs for diseases such as fever, jaundice, dropsy and leprosy are enumerated. |
The federal government may have no enumerated power with which to wage a war on drugs, but states do have a general police power. |
The Tenth says that Congress must point to some explicit or implicit enumerated power before it can act. |
Legislation may be upheld on the basis of the enumerated power itself without application of the McCulloch test. |
He was also taciturn, but enumerated that he wanted a relationship with me. |
No additional provision may be added to a Signatory's rules which changes the effect of the Articles enumerated in this Article. |
Data are not available for incompletely enumerated reserves and settlements, and these reserves and settlements are not included in tabulations. |
As indicated above, many Aboriginal communities are incompletely enumerated and therefore are excluded from calculations. |
All decapod crustaceans and fishes were identified and enumerated, a representative subsample was measured and then all animals were returned to the system. |
Enumerating the right of freedom of speech neither enhanced its previous protection nor derogated the protection afforded other liberties not enumerated. |
You've got small numbers of banks in geographic locations where the geographic locations are enumerated or identifiable because of the email addresses. |
For example, the text may be misspelled, have too many characters, or simply not appear in the enumerated values. |
Adequate funds are needed for realisation of planned and enumerated items in the foreseeable future. |
He enumerated the three degrees of filial piety: honouring father and mother, not disgracing them, and being able to support them. |
In this sense, the grounds enumerated in the Code encapsulate many groups of persons who may be exposed to prohibited conduct. |
The restriction of the freedoms enumerated is impermissible unless their manifestation infringes upon the rights of others. |
In all of the areas you enumerated here as strategic tasks for your presidency, the Council made swingeing cuts, with the aid of your own vote. |
However, the maps use a black point to represent the 77 incompletely enumerated reserves. |
These geographic areas are called incompletely enumerated Indian reserves and settlements. |
Soon the crowd is in a moderated conversation with itself, with its arguments enumerated skilfully by the famous philosopher from overseas. |
The shareholdings and legal relationships were enumerated in the detailed agreement and the contracts referred to in it. |
Genocide and the other acts enumerated in article III shall not be considered as political crimes for the purpose of extradition. |
Is there unanimous consent for the withdrawal of the petitions enumerated by the hon. parliamentary secretary from the standing committees? |
The Leader of the Opposition enumerated very well the concerns that we have all had. |
The five priorities that you have enumerated and set yourself are, politically speaking, not merely a matter of logic but also of necessity. |
This addendum collates and summarizes the suggestions received in these two contributions as regards to the issues enumerated below. |
Because all quacks operate using the exact same methods, which are enumerated with extreme detail in nuts! |
They overturn laws passed by legislators, constitutionalize rights not enumerated in the Constitution, even determine the outcome of a presidential election. |
When the Constitution came into force among the original thirteen States, Congress was given only those expressed powers enumerated in the Constitution. |
In the construction of laws, wills, and other instruments, when certain things are enumerated, it is generally confined to things ejusdem generis. |
Under the additional power model, the enumerated power and the Necessary and Proper Clause remain distinct sources of authority to be analyzed separately. |
This strong national federalism, in which the states would play a decidedly secondary role, was rejected in favor of a national Congress wielding specifically listed or enumerated powers. |
But as I wrote last week, you cannot use semantic games to do an end run around an enumerated constitutional right. |
The English Bill of Rights, having no constitutional status, is ineffective to control Acts of Parliament which might infringe on the rights enumerated. |
Likewise, an encounter with the unhoped for does not simply call for a response where an object of futural expectation can be enumerated in an isolated sense. |
Plaintiffs enumerated a number of problems, defects and unworkmanlike conditions existing in the modular home constructed by the Defendant under its contract with plaintiffs. |
These files show that cabinet critics confronted Lady Thatcher and her acolytes with well-costed and fully enumerated warnings about the fiscal and political impact of the poll tax. |
Persons not included in registers but actually residing in the municipality will be enumerated according to one of two possible approaches that are currently being studied in order to make the final choice. |
The seminar recently organized by think tanks succinctly summarized the challenges for the resolution, including those that I have just enumerated. |
This extensive legal compendium was based on Maimonides' code, but uniquely arranged according to the 613 positive and negative commandments enumerated in the Pentateuch. |
In two and three dimensions the number of crystal systems, point groups, and plane or space groups were all enumerated. |
No one disputes that Congress can enact laws to carry out powers enumerated in the Constitution or necessary and proper to effectuate those powers. |
The application of special investigative measures enumerated under items 2 to 8 may last four months at the most, and shall terminate immediately when the grounds for their application cease to exist. |
Under paragraph 3, the Administrator is required to carry out additional investigations where one or more of the types of indicia enumerated at paragraph 11 of the Protocol are present. |
That's an initial commonsensical distinction that I think individuals are perfectly capable of making and that can be enumerated and objectively determined, although sometimes indeed even that border is not so clear. |
The Commonwealth Parliament is created by the Constitution, and only has enumerated powers. |
Legislatures of Canadian provinces are sovereign within matters enumerated to them. |
Article 41 stipulates that the Criminal Code shall apply to members who commit offences under the Code other than those enumerated in the Security Act. |
The second best option would be to remove all the enumerated groups. |
All enterococcal isolates were verified, enumerated, speciated and the antibiotic resistance patterns determined. |
The Working Group met with the concerned ministries of the Government of Iraq to address and resolve issues arising from 179 outstanding letters of credit that were enumerated in the note by the Secretary-General. |
The Registrar informed the Committee that negotiations were ongoing on the Host Country Agreement and enumerated the limited number of outstanding matters on which negotiations are continuing. |
It was sufficient that he demonstrate that he had suffered discrimination based on irrelevant personal characteristic enumerated as a prohibited ground in the Code. |
As pointed out above, because some of the Aboriginal communities in Northern Ontario were incompletely enumerated in the 2001 Census, it is impossible to calculate the total population living in these communities. |
As an example of the questionability of the data, Taché stated that the number of living children under one year of age who were enumerated exceeded the total number of births declared. |
The Assets enumerated in the Fourth Schedule to this Act belonging at the Union to the Province of Canada shall be the Property of Ontario and Quebec conjointly. |
In a recent test the rate was 8 cents for each person enumerated in the population count, 10 cents for each housing report, and 50 cents for each farm reported on. |
Holy Orders is one of the Seven Sacraments, enumerated at the Council of Trent, that the Magisterium considers to be of divine institution. |
In contrast, the talmudic homilists enumerated five transgressions on account of which Saul died. |
To make the most of your golden years, study the points enumerated above and then resolve to do just the opposite. |
Alexander Demandt enumerated 210 different theories on why Rome fell, and new ideas have emerged since. |
The invertebrae are usually forbidden, the only exceptions being several types of locusts enumerated in the Torah. |
The list enumerated what the organisation believed to be the 50 most influential figures in UK higher education. |
The powers and responsibilities transferred from the quarter sessions to the councils were enumerated in the Act. |
The life of angels is that of usefulness, and their functions are so many that they cannot be enumerated. |
Furthermore, no revision can be made to limit the fundamental rights of people enumerated in the Constitution. |
Imperial rights had been referred to as regalia since the Investiture Controversy, but were enumerated for the first time at Roncaglia. |
Some panellists enumerated other matters to be dealt with for a successful launch. |
However, because it was limited to enumerated writs for enumerated rights and wrongs, the writ system sometimes produced unjust results. |
The powers of all departments are limited to enumerated grants found in the Constitution. |
Thus, Tennessee was not among the states enumerated in the Proclamation, and the Proclamation did not free any slaves there. |
If you still live in the same riding where you were enumerated, corrections to your name or address can be made by telephone. In this case, you may be asked to give your middle name or date of birth to confirm who you are. |
Inasmuch as these ILO Conventions are not expressly enumerated in Chapter 3.1 of the Constitutional Framework, they are not directly applicable in Kosovo as part of that Constitutional Framework. |
Chrysophyte cysts were enumerated as separate categories during microscopy and the ratio comparing cysts and all microfossils was calculated. |
Technically the aim of this hearing remains undefined, though one may speculate that it will consist in drawing up a list of historical events which will form part of a list of enumerated crimes. |
I shall discuss in the following chapter the underlying principles and indications of actinotherapy in each of the diseases enumerated. |
As enumerated by US-CERT, America's cyber-security alert group, the Steam Protocol used for gaming responds with 5.5 times as much data as it receives and DNS from 28 to 54 times as much. |
Crucially, however, he is not told to record vyavahara specifically, which, given the exhaustiveness of the list, could easily have been enumerated. |
The United Nations War Crimes commission had in fact approved the list and considered the enumerated acts are not exhaustive but exemplative war crimes. |
The more proletarian occupations an author enumerated, such as short-order cook, hod carrier, or lobsterman, the more legitimate was his assault on the Great American Novel. |
Bidiagonal partition matrices are enumerated using the transfer-matrix method and are equinumerous with permutations which are sortable by two pop-stacks in parallel. |
The legislative powers of the federal Parliament are limited to those set out under an enumerated list of subject matters in section 51 of the Constitution. |
These matters are not explicitly enumerated in the Northern Ireland Act 1998 but instead include any competence not explicitly retained by the Parliament at Westminster. |
Here are enumerated the sound changes that transformed Common West Germanic into Old High German, not including the Late OHG changes which effected Middle High German. |
It detailed a representative government with enumerated social programs to remedy the numbing poverty of commoners through progressive tax measures. |
Otherwise, an enabling act grants only limited or enumerated powers. |