Economic freedom is based on endogenously managed development rather than exogenously controlled development. |
Nitric oxide is produced endogenously within the respiratory tract and is detectable in exhaled gas of humans and other mammals. |
Because these compounds are not produced endogenously, they must be introduced by means of the diet or intravenous infusion. |
Urinary citrate is mainly derived endogenously through the tricarboxylic acid cycle and is excreted by renal tubular cells. |
It was shown that gaseous ethylene inhibits both growth and geotropism in plants, and ethylene is endogenously produced by fruits. |
Plants also produce significant amounts of ammonium endogenously from processes such as photorespiration, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, and amino acid catabolism. |
The latter may be formed endogenously from cellular precursors, but they may also originate from exogenous sources such as diet, tobacco smoke or environmental pollution. |
The most common form of vitamin K in animals is menaquinone 4, produced by intestinal bacteria from exogenous naphthoquinones and transformed endogenously in our own cells. |
It allows normal and crisis regimes to be determined endogenously rather than being assigned exogenously, as is common in the literature. |
Consequently, the entire fiscal policy is embedded endogenously within this system. |
Fourth, there exists credit risk that is generated endogenously by the choice of agents. |
The cost of domestic credits is calculated endogenously by the model every year. |
The literature has yet to examine how policy endogenously affects contracting and expectations. |
Aniline may also be formed endogenously following ingestion of certain aniline derivatives. |
The capital structure of firms changes endogenously over time as a result of their financial decisions. |
The shoot or first leaf initiates endogenously within an area of the root. |
As an exception to the general rule of article 15.1, the Prohibited List may establish special criteria for the evaluation of Prohibited Substances that can also be produced endogenously. |
The fiscal authority's intertemporal budget constraint is respected, and the fiscal targets met, through a reaction function that sets the personal direct tax rate endogenously. |
Market discipline is determined both exogenously, by the level of uninsured depositors, and endogenously, by the regime and capital requirements chosen. |
Overall, a new sense of pride and accomplishment was felt in this endogenously produced, and publicly visible source of new information on women in both Africa and the Caribbean. |
The hymenium, or thecium, is generated endogenously within the hyphal layer. |
While some of these rates are exogenous, others are determined endogenously as part of a fiscal-policy reaction function that attempts to maintain on average a zero budget deficit. |
Consequently the objectives of this subject were to foster an endogenously stimulated relationship and mutual understanding between Jamaica and Namibia and by extension Africa and the Caribbean. |
Under fixed exchange rates, is unaffected by a terms-of-trade shock, while under flexible rates, the price level, P, is fixed, and is determined endogenously as the solution to the above equation. |
This feature affects the wage bargaining process endogenously, since firms, by leveraging, can pay lower wages. |
We hypothesised that statins might also be activating endothelial genes that are athero-protective, and that are controlled endogenously by the transcription factor KLF2 when it is activated by haemodynamic forces. |
Thus, human bodies contain some quantity of alcohol endogenously produced by these bacteria. |
But May's model generated fixed investment endogenously, throwing up figures much lower than those of the annual surveys of investment intentions, for whose performance we had acquired a degree of experience-based respect. |
Another theory of carcinogenesis has been suggested involving bacterial activation of endogenously formed N-nitrosamine. |
The authors develop a model that endogenously determines the number of entrepreneurs and the optimal quantity of financing and managerial advice provided by a public venture capital program. |
Budding can occur endogenously, in which the bud forms within the parent and is ejected when mature, or exogenously, in which the swarmer is formed outside the parent. |
This removes chance from the game and also eliminates the need to revalue the tiles because that will be taken care of endogenously by competitive bidding. Why hasn't Hasbro already done this? |
First, it would be inappropriate to include as a measure of labour demand a variable, such as GDP growth, that is endogenously driven by employment. |
As you know, the Commission initially proposed to prohibit the use of oestradiol in the light of advice that this endogenously produced substance is a carcinogen. |
These results indicate that management endogenously determines the capital expenditures and cash savings, and these two variables are substitutional in resource allocations. |