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How to use egocentric in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word egocentric? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
They were generally egocentric, were big spenders and worked for their employers for longer than five years before they started embezzling money.
I don't want to sound self centered of egocentric, but I was the reason he was happy.
Sociopaths are very egocentric individuals that lack a sense of personal responsibility and morality.
She can tell that he is still the shallow, egocentric man she once worked for.
He paints the characters as shallow, egocentric individuals who exist primarily to have a good time.
Are we all egocentric, narcissistic online exhibitionists who believe our lives are so important that they deserve to be publicised?
Eddie is a nice guy, so we can't imagine why he is so devoted to Gwen, a vain and egocentric diva.
Taking yourself out of the picture helps shift you away from an egocentric perspective and allows the other images in the dream to come forward.
Likewise, leadership theory is egocentric, emphasizing the power of the individual.
He has been shown to be dishonest, calculating, egocentric, manipulative and a control freak.
That is they tend to be aggressive, narrow-minded, egocentric, irritable, ignorant, and bad-tempered.
If one doesn't have a political conscience and if one has the material or physical means, it's easy to be egocentric.
For instance, drug-using mothers have been characterized as egocentric with a narcissistic orientation toward their children.
Destructive egocentric life is transformed and becomes Christocentric identification with the mission of God.
He proved a selfish, egocentric, ungrateful, and treacherous recipient of Noble's many kindnesses.
He is kind of an egocentric person and I guess if he doesn't read much, he doesn't think anyone does either.
It was a man's world, and being a man of his time, he had very narrow beliefs and lived in a totally egocentric world.
People discourse about the world in an egocentric way, resuming life to the size of their bellybuttons.
They develop a sense of justice, concern, and empathy for others, and become less egocentric.
This makes sense, given the egocentric and selfish nature of these crimes, compared to those of political activists, who often have ideological motivations.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Both worlds are egocentric, megalomaniac, filled to the full with unbridled human will and desire.
Taoism was out of the question as a substitute, because of its anarchistic and egocentric character.
Here again why not follow the egocentric plan of starting with what the student knows?
I do not remember any particular case, but I always took him and considered him as an egocentric person.
Many moral philosophers, those of the Kantian school without exception, labour under the delusion of this same, egocentric view.
It is egocentric and a little inconsiderate of the importance of other people.
Studies of paranoia and of egocentric personalities have resulted in the discovery of the only or favorite child complex.
It believes more in perpendicularity, thirdness, and ego-loss than egocentric transitivity.
Denzel Washington is mesmeric here as egocentric and possibly corrupt LA vice cop Alonzo Harris.
If pragmatism is not egocentric, it is at least anthropocentric.
His egotism, or egocentric method, is the fundamental fact about his work.
But you can't take advantage of her in an egocentric, arbitrary way.
Mencius pointed out our tendency to impose our values on others, which he considered egocentric and arrogant.
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