This disposition often resulted in a general upsurge in the overall economy and served to effectuate the general distribution of land wealth. |
For its part, Congress authorized the use of force to effectuate the Security Council resolutions against Iraq. |
The Pledge of Allegiance with all of its intended meaning does not effectuate an establishment of religion. |
She has completely ignored that the 21st Amendment was enacted to effectuate the repeal of the 18th Amendment. |
Its purpose was to enable the states to better effectuate their police powers by eliminating the discrimination in favor of out-of-state sellers. |
So what kind of metamorphosis does the photograph as a form of animation effectuate? |
With tactics such as definition, cultural persuaders create knowledge and effectuate control over that which they describe. |
The pressure-gradient force expresses the tendency of pressure differences to effectuate air movement from higher to lower pressure. |
The Customer is obliged to impose the necessary measures in order that Mulder Montage is given the opportunity to effectuate its rights. |
When he became the constitutional president on May 1, 1917 he did little to effectuate those provisions. |
Amendment 45 obliges Member States to set minimum criteria for delays within which system operators must effectuate connections and repairs. |
At the same time, civil society can look back on a century that witnessed an upsurge in people's ability to organize and effectuate. |
External actors should support and encourage indigenous actors who are engaging in internal discourse to legitimize and effectuate a particular human right. |
Informal and private meetings and use of subsidiary bodies to effectuate such a new formula would be preferable. |
Accordingly, the Court has authority to do all that is necessary to effectuate the grant of its appellate jurisdiction under section 73 of the Constitution. |
Similarly, our students and faculty also have the opportunity to effectuate change in our society by presenting their views and research to the world. |
It's the single biggest thing we could do to effectuate change and cut the legs out of some of the fundamentalist impulses in the Middle East. |
And awareness is the first step in the process of building a critical mass to effectuate change on issues. |
Lastly, the head of state is in turn required to effectuate his executive power only through these responsible ministers. |
To effectuate the guarantees enshrined in these Constitutional provisions, an impressive range of legislative measures have been enacted to end discrimination against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. |
These reforms, heavily influenced by European ideas, were intended to effectuate a fundamental change of the empire from the old system based on theocratic principles to that of a modern state. |
Donohue, Duffy and Gill, who have worked together in the Office of the CEO for the last eight years, will work together over the next several months, to effectuate an orderly leadership transition. |
No one disputes that Congress can enact laws to carry out powers enumerated in the Constitution or necessary and proper to effectuate those powers. |
He is determined to see that there will be full co-operation by the provinces in the spirit of that, but he will look to ways of working with them to effectuate that purpose. |
The north and south shall adopt and effectuate the agreement on the opening of the north-south consultative office for economic cooperation as soon as possible through exchange of documents. |
Accomplish all formalities in order to effectuate capital increases in compliance with the execution of the present authorization, to modify accordingly the by-laws and more generally to do all that may be deemed necessary. |
The intended outcome of such a framework is to effectuate the link between telecommunications service provision and benefits generated to society. |
It also noted that some time would be required for all the legislative amendments necessary for the adoption of the euro to be enacted, considering the relevant internal procedures to effectuate such changes in Swedish law. |
In order for this to occur, the Department will effectuate an environmental assessment of the site to determine the presence of contaminants or any other factors that may compromise the intended use of the land. |
The wall-mounting has to be installed in a way that the under-sink water filter is freely approachable in order to effectuate the cartridge replacement. |