But each day, I thank the powers that be that I live in a country where assistance is available. |
A strong and vigorous man, George preached living life to its fullest, approaching each day with vitality and courage. |
Carrying out similar duties each day at work makes the tasks generic, which interferes with your ability to recall. |
The insatiable yearning to know more makes each day exciting and each discovery a gem. |
Up to four different lectures were held each day by academics such as Professor Anthony Grayling. |
We got up each day, put our boats in the water, and drifted down the river. |
The amount and volume of material we receive each day is huge and unfortunately sometimes it's impossible to answer everybody's pleas. |
Tom is still performing, taking time each day to keep up with his dotted quavers and four beat notes. |
For the past several seasons, waterfowlers in eastern Texas have been allowed to take two whitefronts each day of an 86-day season. |
It follows from Galileo's theory that there should be just one high tide each day at a given location, and that it should occur around noon. |
Since then each day seems to have rolled into another before I've had chance to catch my breath and cross things off the To Do List. |
The planned cycle of seven books is underpinned by the conceit that there should be one book for each day of the week. |
Milk bottles would transport milk from the dairy to your door and you would recycle that bottle each day by giving it back to your milkman. |
Finally, Pentecost reminds us that each day is an opportunity to worship and praise God. |
Washing is done each day with a light coloured load alternating with a load of dark colours. |
The menu is different on each day with a right mix of variety of soups, noodles, side dishes and rice preparations. |
A Baptist church deacon, he prays each day his stage four lung cancer won't take him. |
This advertisement was running prominently in the newspaper each day in May. |
It was the wonderful, free feeling of roaming where they liked, of waking up each day to a different view. |
For the astronauts on board the Space Station there are no less than sixteen sunrises and sunsets each day. |
The strange message kept being repeated over and over again for about 15 seconds at 1.55 am each day. |
We then compared the total numbers of patients on each day of each lunar month. |
Although cigarette buts are swept up each day it is hard to be at it day and night. |
If you can't decide which method works best for you, experiment with one each day. |
Just as some people awake at the same time each day whether or not they set an alarm, Matta has an internal shot clock. |
After a trader completes a deal, the back-office staff confirm the trades by phone and also reconcile cash accounts at the end of each day. |
However, I suspect one cup of weak coffee each day is likely to have only a marginal effect. |
The results from the minute papers are tabulated and presented to the students each day and then selected topics are covered. |
To burn those extra calories, a colony of 150 weavers with no nest would have to catch and eat 4,500 more insects each day. |
You can figure out how much water you need to drink each day by dividing your weight in half. |
Five games on each day of the carnival means that there is non-stop action throughout the weekend. |
With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. |
There was a joint satellite session each day with speakers, panelists, question-and-answer sessions, and workshops in each city. |
The natural health guru suggests trying to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables each day to get the right variety of nutrients. |
The Canon photo management software creates one new directory for each day photographs have been taken. |
The nature of Robert's work requires him to carry a phenomenal range of equipment with him each day. |
The service ranks the most popular search subjects each day, listing leaders in music, movies, sports, and TV, among others. |
The outside lane in each direction will be closed during the work, after the evening rush-hour each day. |
A thin layer of shavings goes on the mats each day to soak up excess moisture. |
The buffet each day is complete with desserts made of tapioca, pumpkin, coconut, and bananas. |
He said hundreds of commuters already arrive late each day after sitting in buses crawling through rush-hour jams. |
I plan on running a mailbag each day, so feel free to send me any and all playoff questions that you have for your fantasy teams. |
Some countries require you to change a stipulated sum of money into local currency each day, but this money cannot be reconverted when you leave. |
The earth rotates once on its axis each day, or 360 degrees every 24 hours, or 15 degrees every hour. |
Because of the overwhelming response to my plea for questions, I will be caching them and answering a few each day. |
It has recruited celebrities and members of the public from across the Spanish-speaking world to read a section of the book each day. |
Play will start at the allocated time each day, with a 15 minute interval between matches. |
It's the perfect time to start over, rededicating yourself to adding that magical five portions of fruit and vegetables to your diet each day. |
Specifically, thyroid hormone helps regulate how many calories your body burns each day. |
Because this road is used by so many commercial vehicles, many trucks pass along the road each day. |
The pandemic continues its relentless spread about 14 000 people are infected each day. |
Needless to say, I'm now glad of the practice. I've thus been hopping in the car for an hour or so each day and driving around the place. |
I don't analyse visitor statistics in detail, just a one line summary each day, so I've no way of telling who was the two-millionth visitor. |
Readers can see the lead stories each day for free but virtually everything else requires a subscription. |
You should aim to get 700 mg of calcium each day, which is roughly the same as a pint of milk or two small yoghurts. |
He spent hours each day carrying out complex mathematical calculations to maintain the deception. |
They tackled between 30 and 50 kilometres each day in camouflage uniforms while carrying 10 kg backpacks through the towns around Nijmegen. |
Not only do these dark souls live each day consumed by hatred and bile, but they drag others into it. |
Moses and the Hebrews learned that they had to gather manna each morning, that they had to look to God each day. |
Their beloved son was beaten at school each day for refusing to fight the schoolyard bigots and bullies. |
That compares with the 45 regular fire tenders normally available to deal with the average 60 emergency calls made each day in the county. |
Now viewers will be able to choose to watch one episode each day or binge-view some or all of that week's shows. |
The sequences of these three episodes were very interesting because three entirely different strategies were mapped out for each day. |
He's slim and trim, doesn't smoke, hardly drinks, eats lots of fish, soya and salad, and does a half-hour workout on his exercise bike each day. |
Has the person been drinking at least one and a half quarts of liquid each day? |
At the start of each day, a semi-official guide is issued outlining the expected order of business. |
It's a secret place to write down your thoughts and inner musings or just somewhere to record what you did each day. |
I find that he is capable of performing at least sedentary tasks up to five days a week for five to six hours each day. |
Plus, you will need to set aside 40 minutes each day for contemplative prayer. |
I would finish each day dripping with sweat, the return journey was nearly all up hill. |
Researchers also advocate walking an extra mile each day to burn extra calories consumed. |
There are seven races on each day with the first race coming under starter's orders at 2.15 pm. |
All they sell is frozen ready meals, but they're prepared fresh each day and the name of the chef is on the packet. |
Perhaps I need to find a private moment of zen each day, a way to let the aggravation fly away from here. |
The bad news is as each day ticks on the funding allocation of over 1 billion per year gets taxpayers less and less road for their money. |
After her aha moment in 2001, she began to make it a priority to find a little time each day for herself. |
Our goal is to present ourselves to God with joy and thanksgiving at the start of each day. |
Do the 5 programs in the suggested order, or mix it up and decide which one you want to do each day. |
Bloggers generate masses of unedited web content each day about life, politics and everything. |
The three ships represent a tiny percentage of the 80 to 100 ocean-going vessels entering Hong Kong each day. |
Dishes such as the pork knuckle and pumpkin rice are only prepared in limited quantities each day and are best preordered. |
The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association says it is cruel to keep the working dog locked up for eight hours each day. |
The industry proudly claims that up to 40 million people eat their products each day. |
Take each day as it comes and at the end of the day, if things still aren't done, remember that tomorrow is another day. |
Therefore, his religious services in the morning and evening used to be a major event each day. |
The inland lake is filled with seawater each day, and stocked with marine fish. |
A safety boat and an onshore support team will be with the swimmers, who will swim in relays for around 12 hours each day. |
Thus there is an opportunity to learn or relearn a number of words each day. |
After that moment they became fast friends, they got along so well, they spent much of each day with each other. |
You're fishing new water each day, and you get into areas that the big yachts can't reach. |
Join us each day for stories about serpents, from flying snakes to Vietnamese cobras and North American copperheads. |
We calibrated the blood pressure measurement system prior to use each day with an aneroid sphygmomanometer. |
The bakery, which will make fresh bread several times each day, will officially open to the public on Monday. |
When I was a young Boy Scout at summer camp, my troop gathered at twilight each day to lower the colors for the night. |
If we divide each day into 24 equal hours, the length of a second will vary from day to day. |
An estimated 6 million Captchas are completed each day, costing users 10 seconds each, wasting an overwhelming number of labor hours. |
Using a loofah with a hydrating shower gel each day also ensures you'll have the smoothest skin. |
I have loggers, hunters, and shroomers about keeping an eye peeled for me, on top of hiking hours each day myself. |
You should practice at least two scripts each day with proper diction, pronunciation, and modulation. |
Both compartments were blacked out from 1600 h until 0800 h each day so that plants in the two compartments received a similar light integral. |
Hundreds of non-indigenous species are introduced to different habitats each day. |
The hours he worked each day to scrape the money for the health insurance, was it all going into video players and braised steak for dinner? |
I'm constantly trying to teach myself to take each day as it comes and to live for the moment. |
I gave him the passenger seat in my Morgan roadster, put the top down so he could sit up and see the sights, then drove him home each day. |
A money market fund's net asset value is also determined at the end of each day. |
Mark now stretches out four or five days a week for up to half an hour each day. |
A high fibre diet, plenty of water, and a dessert spoon of linseeds each day should help. |
Fresh calcium carbonate growth solutions were prepared each day and stored in sealed containers. |
In any case, never add a glass storm door if the door gets more than a few hours of direct sun each day. |
The Air Traffic Control element has been busy in Iraq, handling on average more than 400 aircraft movements each day. |
The golden plover breeds in short vegetation on upland heaths and peat bogs and adults also travel each day to feed on nearby pastures. |
It takes 800 vehicle missions each day just to supply forces operating in Iraq. |
The two men will eat the same heavy soup at the beginning and end of each day. |
One or two dessertspoonfuls of linseeds each day usually have the desired effect. |
A local handyman would lumber past each day on his way from odd-job to odd-job, eying little twelve-year-old Laura with a smile and a hello. |
Preliminary numbers show that about 8,000 to 10,000 vehicles were traveling on the road each day, a turnpike spokesman said. |
He was warm, witty and faced each day armed with a brace of one-liners and a trademark cheeky grin. |
The second pillar, salat, consists of ritual prayers said five times each day while facing toward Mecca, Mohammed's birthplace. |
He carries the mace in the Speaker's Procession each day and also into the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament. |
These cloths include silk and chiffon and each piece of work takes eight to ten days, and she has to paint from four to six hours each day. |
Currently, the rest of the unit were making merry in there rooms, enjoying the few hours each day they got off. |
This software has saved nearly 130 man-days during each day of the overhaul. |
I remember the sweet nothings that I exchange with Mum each day and my lips part in a smile. |
The old woman kept her word, and so it is that the tide rushes in and out again twice each day. |
We've also sold about 12 trays of strawberries each day, with 12 punnets on each of them. |
Also, because of the requirements of the shelters, a good portion of each day is eaten up when getting processed. |
Autumn was quickly slipping into winter and each day the climate turned colder. |
Most of the many hours he works each day are pro bono to help the administration with its policy on Iraq. |
Now the National Books website receives millions of hits and processes tens of thousands of online transactions and book orders each day. |
I could not help but love that quality about her and it only added to my feelings that were growing stronger each day. |
Eighty mendicants, we are told, sat down each day at her table, and blessed her name. |
An experiment at Northwestern University in Chicago used oysters that normally opened up their shells at high tide each day. |
Mr. Jared still lives in that house, now all alone, and the last I heard he was senile in old age, half crazy and awaiting death each day. |
As for food I have to try and have a substantial meal at a regular time each day. |
This raises the question of how primates are able to locate a sufficiency of ripe fruits each day. |
In order to monitor it all, I have a spreadsheet to record the number of steps each day from my pedometer. |
From the perspective of modern science as well, drinking about one-half of your weight in fluid ounces of water each day is essential for health. |
Schools and businesses close at noon each day for two to three hours for a midday meal. |
Little by little, discipline yourself to meditate at the same time each day. |
Therefore, he lives each day at a time, gratifying whatever desires turn up. |
I realised that the lowly-paid young assistant would reduce the price of perishables at the same time each day. |
But because many species are cold-blooded, some sharks eat only about 2 percent of their body weight each day. |
One whole meal and two collations each day, abstinence from flesh meat on Ash Wednesday, Spy Wednesday and Fridays. |
Thousands of free apples and oranges will be handed out each day as the government urges in-school tuck shops to serve healthier snacks. |
In addition, it is common for us to require afternoon siestas or cat naps of about an hour each day. |
When I opened my store I was determined that I would have afternoon siestas for about an hour each day. |
During summer at Shoalhaven, several new swarms left his property to set up new hives in the bush each day. |
Remember when you clutched your loved ones and swore to live each day to the fullest and be thankful for life and everything in it? |
Two to four liters of chyle are transported through the thoracic duct each day. |
Otherwise known as our circadian rhythm, our 24-hour body clock resets itself at sunrise and sunset each day. |
Life at the monastery is simple, with a handful of monks beginning each day with prayers and meditation. |
With approximately 10 larks to the pound, three hundredweight would account for about 3360 birds being killed each day. |
She is small and mousey and I can't help but think of all the bad news she must have to give people each day. |
We ensure that we supply enough unbooked appointments each day to meet the likely demand. |
Instead, start and end each day by washing your face with a glycerin or vegetable-based cleanser. |
Her two young daughters went to school each day in starched dresses and patent leather shoes. |
It was horrific and gruesome and I wondered how any of these women could get through each day without committing patricide. |
In one study, 400 women ages 19-71 were encouraged to walk 10,000 steps each day for eight weeks and to wear a pedometer while doing so. |
Believe me when I say that as little as three or four years ago, I was very clued-up about national and international news each day. |
Usually at the end of each day, I pull out the coloured pencils and drawing pad for my son. |
Throughout his writing life, Amis stuck to an unflinching schedule of 500 words each day. |
However, I try to take 15 minutes each day to read the daily comics in the newspaper. |
The selection features borscht, perogies, cabbage rolls, kolbassa and a daily special for each day of the week. |
The amount of weblogs that get a lot of traffic each day is pretty tiny in comparison with the number of weblogs in the world. |
There is a condition restricting the output of gritstone from the Old Hutton quarry each day to 400 tonnes. |
Feed the plant each day for the next 7 days by adding one teaspoon of sugar and one teaspoon of ground ginger. |
The 22 miles I'm walking each day is not an untypical distance for a family to go and get water. |
It is present in the camouflaged armed national guardsmen who greet members of Congress each day we enter the Capitol campus. |
I challenge the thousand of you who read Brain Waves each day to use your social networks for this purpose. |
Readers learn something about Somalis and Muslims and about the quiet, often-unseen battles being waged each day over culture and tradition. |
What's important is to grab each day that we do have and to live it with grace, and gusto. |
Very often you may be eating three meals together each day or sharing a cocktail before dinner or a nightcap when the day is done. |
The caretaker of the school will tend the site, closing an access gate and opening another entrance to the public at 4pm each day. |
Large female pupfish can lay about 25 eggs per day and may spawn with different males each day. |
In some situations you may need to turn your plant a quarter of a turn each day to ensure an even spread of light. |
To ensure correctness and durableness, only several characters are printed each day, which need to undergo repeated examination. |
I dreamed I lived in a tight little world where bulleted lists of goals encapsulated each day. |
The current restrictions mean there's no air conditioning allowed and from 1pm to 7pm each day you're not allowed to use non-essential services. |
These changes require each of us to bring a sense of passion and vitality to the table each day. |
If I had splay-feet, it must be that I didn't take care each day to walk a straight line and wear the right shoes. |
Moreover, the children are bussed out of their neighbourhood each day to a school of the father's choosing. |
According to a probe into the dealers, as much as 10 tonnes of African bushmeat may be arriving in London each day. |
Dr Simon has sent round a memo suggesting that a different duty team of doctor, nurse, and receptionist could run the service each day. |
Stand-in examiners have been drafted in to supervise the 28 tests carried out each day at the centre. |
The tires that roll the bus down the road each day squeaked as they stopped in front of her. |
Knowing nothing about my departure, the faithful animal still waited for me as usual, its eyes getting more doleful each day. |
They withdrew hundreds of dollars each day and bought the children new bikes for Christmas. |
He exercises different muscle groups each day, alternating between biceps and triceps and chest and stomach. |
Your chances of developing an irritated bladder can double if you're drinking more than four cups of caffeinated coffee each day. |
Once each day, you leave the park, every time with a greater reluctance for donning your shirt. |
According to my arithmetic, each day they utter at least a doorstop of a novel worth of words into the ether. |
Many towns and villages in Kent are little more than dormitories for commuters travelling to work each day in London. |
The new input file provides input on the depth of the controlled watertable for each day of simulation. |
As you advance in your ability to mentally rehearse your game, mentally play one hole each day. |
As Sikhs tie their turbans each day, they should be heedful that it represents a very real commitment to the founders of the Sikh faith. |
I recommend that those prone to dry skin take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed or hempseed oil each day. |
In the orthosis group, nearly all patients reported using their orthosis for about 5.5 hours each day for six days of the week. |
I lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks without being hungry because I ate a paleo diet and exercised two hours each day. |
I imagine her confessing that she ends each day with a pint of chocolate-chip cookie dough ice cream, but that's obviously not the case. |
The expedition carried a chronometer for measuring longitude, although winding it each day at noon was a challenge. |
There are five coachloads of people arriving each day and parking at Ashburner Street, near the market. |
And as he saw her making more of an effort each day, his esteem for her grew with an almost fatherly affection. |
Each stall has a feed box that can be preset for the exact amount of feed an animal is to receive each day, and a constant supply of clean water. |
However, in France, 500 fencing masters teach several thousand pupils each day. |
One suggested structure for in-service training involves a fifteen-minute briefing with staff from different areas each day. |
Part of me is worried that I've created yet another reason for me to spend more of each day staring at a screen. |
Hurst House is a private social club for foodies and uses food bought and prepared fresh each day. |
Prior to the two ladies feeding the pigeons, they had to go to open farmland each day to forage for food. |
There was an early start each day, admittedly, but I covered nearly 100 miles a day and got a lot done in between. |
I don't mean to imply that gender identity is something that genderqueer people just wake up and decide each day. |
I was collapsing numerous times each day and later, very much later, of course, I was diagnosed with profuse bleeding in my stomach. |
Five 80 gram servings of fruits and vegetables each day seems to be the amount needed for optimum protection. |
The first 5 minutes of each day were coded and analyzed according to a behavioral ethogram. |
There were seven major heavenly bodies visible to their naked eyes, so an astrological week grew up with each day guided by a planet. |
The insects weigh less than one tenth of an ounce, but eat their weight in food each day. |
There is space for 37 permanent residents and the centre offers day care and respite care for five people each day. |
Drink at least eight glasses each day, and preferably free of chemical treatment, such as chlorine and fluoride. |
The vegan should use a combination of beans, soy, lentils, nuts and veggies each day to get the complete protein package. |
So much so, the timetable has been revised to allow for an extra trip each day. |
Another of Hels's friends has just got a good new job close to home, so will no longer need to commute to The Smoke each day. |
Jupiter creeps rightward by a bit less than a finger's width each day, while Venus climbs a little higher, as if rising to meet it. |
He would bring a sandwich to school each day which he had carefully made himself from two pieces of dry bread. |
The gap between living standards in Australia and New Zealand is growing wider as each day goes by. |
On death row in Georgia, by contrast, prisoners spend several hours out of their cells each day. |
During the tour participants would rotate so that each day they rowed with a different crew. |
He gestured round the tiny kitchen where they had sat and breakfasted together each day for all those months. |
Rolling-store operators normally traveled set routes on each day of the week. |
Needless to say, I was on the lookout for somewhere I could get online to check my mail and browse the web a bit each day. |
I've now made it a rule to take care of at least one niggling work-related task each day. |
If you get a little behind each day, by the end of the week you'll be severely dehydrated, feeling lousy, and riding poorly. |
What that meant was that no more of the existing metal deck roof would be stripped off each day than could be re-covered that day. |
Several staff members were tasked with lightly re-editing stories and headlines each day for the new format. |
As a regular cyclist I know only too well the risks I have to face each day on my way to work. |
It added an hour and half each day onto my working day so that was my main grievance. |
A few returned each day to feed the cattle which could not be left untethered because much of the area is heavily mined. |
I guess you just each day get up and do what has to be done, and whatever the circumstances are, as things change you just cope as best you can. |
One of them had spent hours working with Sherry in Australia each day after training had finished. |
Up to 50 miles of ski trail doesn't just disappear behind you each day without a little effort and a massive amount of food consumption. |
This service provides 24 hour clinical pharmacy coverage each day of the calendar year. |
Throughout most of training camp, Flynn left the field house in Napa each day with a bag of ice wrapped around his right elbow. |
She arrived in court each day in undersized suits, sporting a Yorkshire terrier named George and a claque of supporters, her 13-year-old son Adam in tow. |
Nearly every Democratic officeholder in the land supports same-sex marriage, and each day seems to bring another Republican over. |
With supertankers carrying tens of millions of barrels of oil each day through sea lanes in the area, the task force runs continuing exercises to practice safeguarding them. |
I unliked a local photography business as they were posting multiple photos each day and I was getting tired of seeing pictures of people I didn't know. |
Most of us are busy enough without adding yet another item to our to-do lists each day. |
When he leaves each day, you clear the dishes but can't touch the tip. |
Joanne, an effervescent 42-year-old mother of seven, is a shadchan, one of the matchmakers who devote hours each day to arranging matrimonial blind dates, or shidduchs. |
At the same time a stream of visitors from Iran, including many clerics, are received by the ayatollah in his mud-brick home in downtown Najaf each day. |
Farmers can delay harvesting until conditions improve and suffer a drop of 0.5 units indigestibility for each day that harvesting is delayed after the grass has headed. |
The forenoon of each day was taken up cleaning and servicing the aircraft, but in the afternoon and during the dogwatches different sports contests were arranged. |
Miraculously we were ready to leave at seven o'clock sharp each day. |
The actors stayed in the same motel, and Eisenberg and fanning drove to work each day. |
Sometimes we make our achievements possible not by brilliance or talent but by the sheer, dogged determination that leads us to get up each day and try again. |
Unconsumed feed was collected from the cup and the carton box and weighed each day between 6 and 7pm to determine the daily consumption of each of the birds. |
The location of algae within the snow can change dramatically during summer days when warm temperatures and intense sun can melt the snowpack by 10 cm or more each day. |
She unconsciously marked each day off on her desk calendar in her office. |
To make the algebra work, each day had to have been twenty-two hours in length. |
Are you reliant on the bus, car or train to get from point A to B to C each day? |
The letter closes with noble words of faith and hope from the hot zone where screw-ups are met each day with selfless courage. |
By using large, easily mobile poultry sheds he allows his birds to benefit from clean, fresh ground each day around the farm's 100 acres of fields and woodlands. |
He looked emaciated, eating only an apple and a latte each day to survive. |
Businesses are suffering more each day in an area where the rents are extortionate, and the situation could boil over soon. |
A plenary indulgence may be gained each day up to and including November 8th, by visiting a cemetery and there praying for the holy souls and the Pope's intentions. |
The water levels are still very low and despite this the fishing was fairly good with on average of between twenty and thirty salmon taken each day. |
Some trackers come with a built in altimeter to keep you honest on the number of stairs you take each day. |
She got progressively better, and her conjurations lasted longer each day. |
The park spreads out behind the mouth of the river, where each day at twilight a flood of scarlet macaws migrates from the tropical forest to the mangrove swamps. |
For several weeks afterward the no-name man got up around 3 a.m. each day to harvest grapefruits, oranges, soursop and so on, from trees that he had not planted. |
More than 175 volunteers maintain the program, which monitor the welfare of the frail and elderly, by contacting them each day to enquire after their well-being. |
About 10,000 years ago, boulders and soils trapped beneath retreating ice sheets were moulded into drumlins, and it is believed there is an island for each day of the year. |
The locals said that the backwaters flow in at different times each day. |
In the end, then, we just bimbled about with half hearted plans each day. |
I go through each day and it seems like each day is dull or overcast. |
The proposal would see 4km of bitumen added to the partially sealed 47 km long Carnarvon-Mullewa Road for the purpose of transporting up to 100 road trains each day. |
Most siddurim list six verses of the Torah that we should recite each day to remind us of who we are and to caution us against idolatry and lashon hara. |
Paint is peeling from the upper decks and each day new debris falls into the water. |
Living vicariously through his teammates was better than being home, preoccupied each day with his eroding strength. |
We learned, as too many other families learned, of the terrible pain and loneliness that must be endured as each day brings another reminder of this very long goodbye. |
A week or so before transplanting outdoors, harden them off, stop fertilizing and watering, and put plants outside each day to help them adjust to new growing conditions. |
Smoke a pack of cigarettes each day and your annual radiation exposure will quadruple. |
Hundreds of people are continuing to sign up each day to our petition to save Terry's, with the number of signatures now flying past the 3,000 mark. |
The charity, which helps around 35 families each day and provides transport for around 900 people in Bolton, was served notice to quit in January. |
About 50,000 children in England bunk off school each day, despite the fact that millions of pounds have been spent on initiatives including town-centre truancy sweeps. |
For a while in my twenties, I was smoking about forty cigarettes each day. |
Days slipped by, and Rusty found it easier to wake up each day. |
If you'll take a few moments each day to look and listen for this engaging songster who often sing from an elevated perch, such as the top of a small shrub. |
As each day passes, the freshness of the memories are fading. |
I really prefer to fold up the futon each day and would love to have a Murphy bed or this nifty one I found that folds up on a gliding hinge to be a desk by day. |
Yosef, a successful lawyer, commuted hours each day to and from work. |
He had been left hanging, by handcuffs and not allowed to lower his arms for 22 hours each day for two consecutive days. |
Its aircraft ferry 100 tons of fresh Pacific salmon to Miami each day. |
At the end of each day the rubbish deposits are covered in a layer of earth, and there are stringent measures to stop polluted water leaking into the ground. |
We have various learning toys and aids in our home and there are many lessons taking place each day but I have never drilled him on facts or even used flashcards. |
The school appeared to swim upstream with the rising tide each day and went back out to sea on the ebb tide where they could be seen about a mile off the land. |
Smith told me that he especially enjoyed the plenaries given each day on agricultural watersheds, watershed cycling of pollutants and urban runoff. |
I have 2 Himalayan cats and 2 long haired dogs and vacuum the floors each day just to keep up with the dust etc. that seems to show more now than ever. |
Children under five are able to receive whole or semi-skimmed milk free of charge each day under the Nursery Milk Scheme provided they attend approved day care facilities. |
Every one of the 400 bedrooms had a coal fire, laid by the staff each day. |
Hundreds of thousands of movies are illegally copied each day. |
Breaking my fear into smaller, digestible portions by doing a little research each day made the whole situation more palatable. |