Most of the time the dying children are hidden under their mother's shawls to lend them some kind of dignity. |
If you've been dying to talk about a romantic outdoor interlude, amorous nature lovers can now rejoice. |
Yet cattle, the possession sacrificed by male elders to sanctify rituals of ukuzila, were dying off. |
The night was tinged with sadness for City by the sight of Cooper being stretchered from the field in the dying embers. |
Still, this is at least a step in the right direction, and perhaps a sign that anti-immigrant fervor is dying down again. |
The dying bulb foliage will be covered later in the season when the shrub regrows. |
Windsurfers may be a dying breed in the United States, but the sport is alive and kicking on the Italian Riviera. |
Her future, and all hopes of it, fluttered away like so many petals on a dying rose. |
For their sake, he made them all perish in the next instant, dying as quick as a living creature could possibly. |
They are brought together after 17 years when the roguish patriarch returns to the fold, apparently dying of cancer. |
The plants are dying and the ducks are getting desperate as their pond is dry as a bone. |
Would the antivenin arrive in time to save the dog from dying from the bite? |
It is clear he is mortally wounded but, true friend that he is, he manages to warn Pepe with his dying breath. |
Logically, as you become older and the probability of dying gets more likely, the life assurance premium increases sharply. |
Should popes, who rule for life, retire if they become ill instead of dying in office? |
Many smaller languages are dying out due to the spread of a few world languages such as English, French, or Chinese. |
Now the only way to fix the wells is to dive straight in, down 60 feet, to find the water they need to revive their parched and dying fields. |
She and her husband would have to live with the knowledge of what happened to their daughter until their dying days. |
Moreover, his ideal was to continue correcting and improving his understanding to his dying day. |
The film pieces together Caravaggio's life retrospectively, from the vantage point of the dying artist. |
It might turn out to be less an anomalistic act of a dying old enemy and more the herald of things to come from a new foe. |
To my dying day I will never forget the look on his face as he lost his seat. |
That kind of thing is a pleasure, and I certainly don't regret if I'm associated with Wilde to my dying day. |
That doesn't disguise the reality that they are scraping the barrel in a desperate attempt to save a dying industry. |
Two strikers, one English and one French, will be called up onto the stage to collect trophies that they will cherish to their dying day. |
He later sold it to the firm on derisory terms, a decision he regretted to his dying day. |
They pay less because they're doing a serious job in the scrag-ends of the planet to stop people from dying from extreme dehydration. |
To his dying day, in spite of his busy work load, he was a glutton for work. |
Because terminal illness and death are deeply personal experiences, the wishes of the dying patient should be considered. |
In the end, it took an absolute scorcher from Stephen Ferguson in the dying moments to salvage an ill-deserved draw. |
Both sides served a game of the highest standard with Portlaoise snatching victory in the dying minutes. |
In Nice, in the dying days of December, Europe faltered over the direction it was taking. |
If Lady Luck were a bit kinder to them they would have been out of sight as we entered those heart throbbing dying minutes. |
People should not be dying of conditions brought on by malnutrition in a world that has an overcapacity of food production. |
In his dying days as a player, he became somewhat of a journeyman, playing in Bolivia and Venezuela. |
Flash forward to the early days in Dublin, and the pizza that we had one evening in the dying days of the Indian summer last year. |
In true teenage fashion, she rebelled by dying her hair blonde, immersing herself in logo culture and becoming a mall rat. |
Why wait until our children are dying of smallpox or our cities are burning? |
Collectors have documented children's lore for centuries, often to record what they considered a dying culture. |
Sudden death smashed upon the kneeling priest when, having removed his helmet, he was administering the last rites to a dying fireman. |
Precisely what transpired is unknown, but he resigned all offices and spent the rest of his life in Europe, dying in Boulogne. |
The war story arc takes a slight breather as they work to save the dying man. |
Jay meets Peaches when she saves a dying man involved in a traffic accident. |
If designing a new tartan will save the Scottish Socialist party from dying out completely, I'm willing to have a go. |
Instead of dying in old age, the human being lapses into a coma and gradually shrinks to the size and condition of a fetus. |
Taking his privilege as a dying man and the king's uncle, Gaunt remonstrates with him, calling him England's landlord rather than her king. |
These animals are suffering in zoos and dying in zoos because of captivity-induced conditions. |
A dying craft, tarbooshes never seem to be anywhere except on the heads of tourists or in souvenir shops. |
For example, one should not talk of death, dying or misfortune and not reminisce about the past year, as this is a new year and a new beginning. |
You stop smoking to avoid dying of cancer or lung disease, but you get fat and run the risk of stroke and heart disease. |
As the tulips fade, the lilies take over, growing taller and taller to mask the dying foliage of the tulips. |
Spindle-thin trunks of Douglas fir and western larch stood in anemic, dying thickets, toppling like the flagpoles of small, failed nations. |
Mat Maneri plays some lonesome violin, letting strings weep in blank, tragic beauty, plucking and wailing and sounding like a dying dog. |
Since then, the earl had seen people dying in the great plague, the clergy conspicuous by its absence. |
Giant petrels, wandering albatrosses, penguins and other sea birds are getting caught in fishing tackle and dying by the tens of thousands. |
Again, as in other pieces, the autumn poem uses quietude, fine enjambment and spacing, to convey the weight of the branches, the dying process. |
I made it a quick one, not the long soak I was dying to have, and dried my hair into soft waves. |
There's so much more that could be said, but Fraser is dying to get on the computer, so I must dash now! |
Now, what I should have done next was to kiss her back, but I was dying for a wee, and had no option other than to run for the loo? |
A gurgling well sprang from the foot of the altar, saving the townspeople from dying of thirst. |
The husband dying soon after this connection, Stanley became more at liberty to pay his addresses to the widow. |
The weeds and rampant vegetation seem to be dying off, as if the owner has run amok with a weedkiller can a few years too late. |
When police failed to catch the burglar who ransacked her dying mum's home, Georgina Artingstall decided she would solve the case herself. |
As she lay dying she managed to whisper a description of her attacker to the detective who found her. |
It is in fact, her name being called by the dying man in the waking world, where the whiteness of his face is likened to the snow of her dream. |
The swell's dying now, and an onshore has chopped up the beautiful lines into white horses. |
She gazed upon him hour after hour, and her very soul seemed to speak out of her dying eyes. |
In the dying months of the boom, Beggs put together the deal with virtually no personal cash. |
A newspaper with an elderly readership can see its circulation dying off with its readers. |
The reality of her mother dying sank in deep as she saw the look of fear in her mother's eyes. |
Then Thomas stepped in with a drop goal and had the final word, scoring nine points in the dying minutes. |
She spoke no Japanese, so he spoke Ainu words first, and grew up fluent in that dying language. |
It was another of those games where we had to hold on in the dying minutes. |
The home crowd bayed for more goals and their pleas were answered in the dying minutes of the game. |
He tried to make amends in the dying seconds of the half, setting a clever pass into the run of Ross Hamilton. |
People do not attend chapel and church as much as they used to, so the traditions are slowly dying out. |
They are dying out because the wild flowers on which their caterpillars feed are being killed off by farmers, landowners and foresters. |
Remsi, who was dying a piece of cloth red, wiped his hands clean, though they remained stained, stood up, and held his hand out. |
Fairfax's readers are old and dying faster than they can be replaced, according to some wits at the company. |
Her skin glowed with an eerie light, as if she was lit with a dying fire from within. |
The signs included lots of dead and dying lugworms and the fish being put off their feed, although no fish deaths have been reported as yet. |
Mr Henry has also released a report which claims more river red gum and black box trees are dying along the Murray River than first thought. |
It was a weaving village, raising sheep for wool, making strong cloth, dying it, and sometimes making clothing items out of it. |
The main weeds dying back were creeping thistle, couch and mature knotgrass. |
A reduction in tooth decay would reduce the risks of children dying during dental anaesthetics. |
One thing very important to the dying is the knowledge that they will be remembered after they are gone. |
She means that we, the media, are too early to capture iconic images of dying children and that she, the aid worker, is too late to stop it. |
She looked over at her dying mother and felt tears once again swelling in her eyes. |
When they finally found the daughter, the wife and grandparents refused to let her go to visit her dying father. |
On the Wednesday after being up all night I was asked by a neighbour to drive her to Leeds to be with her dying mother. |
Anyone who kills a dying person is liable to the death penalty as a common murderer. |
His own lost mother makes a cameo appearance in the memoir as a dying woman in Majdanek. |
The bright sky shone down on the dying beast as its death knell rang in my ears. |
A Totton widow has pledged to fulfil a promise to her dying husband and continue his battle for justice after his death. |
What is set up as a life and death struggle, a dying father at the mercy of experimental science, is left unresolved. |
This uproarious comedy is about three Brothers who are brought together by the will of their dying father. |
After the accident, Wilbur spent several years at home caring for his dying mother. |
He was given a hardship discharge from services so that he could take care of his dying mother. |
Diane Keaton directs and stars in this patchy comic King Lear about a dying father and his three daughters. |
True, the exploits of a dying tramp and his smarter-than-Lassie dog do not strike one as immediately promising. |
Marmion described how, on one occasion, he had gone to the bedside of a dying man to help him prepare for death. |
The murderer has secretly been allowed out of a top-security hospital to see his dying mother. |
On the other hand, waking a dying person to inform them of their imminent demise goes against the principle of beneficence. |
The dying words of a young woman were a description of her killer whispered to a policeman as he cradled her in his arms. |
Everything that will happen happens because it is someone's last dying wish. |
Renato murders him, but with his dying words Riccardo declares Amelia innocent and pardons his former friend. |
She would protect it, because it had been important enough for him to mention in his dying words. |
His dying words and writing helped police catch the man suspected of killing him. |
She got as far as the airport before the dying words of her husband came back to haunt her. |
A former Surbiton resident is hoping to fulfil her mother's dying wish by finding her long-lost brother. |
The dying afternoon sun catches her white hair and her simple white T-shirt. |
Long ago I was told by an older and worldly wise relative that lying was a dying art, in spite of apparent evidence to the contrary. |
They have come together for a journey across the South and East of India to revive what they say is a dying form of art. |
A piece of wood dropped on the dying embers in the fire soon burst into flame. |
The room was quite dark, for the dying embers on the hearth provided only a faint radiance. |
But contrary to being a dying art, brewing is flourishing north of the Border. |
White could feel the disappointment curling off of him like smoke from a dying flame. |
The dying embers of the fire flickered and he squinted to get a feel of his surroundings. |
She also teaches those who are eager to learn the skills, especially the dying art of beadwork. |
Recent moves to revive the dying indigenous cultures have met with little success. |
A philately workshop was also arranged to train children in this dying art. |
You can explore glorious colour images of galaxies and the remnants of dying stars through an interactive jigsaw puzzle. |
You are advised to think twice about trying to fan the embers of a dying love affair. |
He saw her stirring the embers of the dying campfire and tiptoed stealthily up behind her. |
She fell asleep in the dying light of sunset, sad and with a death on her conscience. |
Cultural societies should try to enhance our dying traditional art and dance forms. |
Once upon a time there was a petty bourgeois intellectual born into the dying culture of a declining empire. |
Derry missed the chance of winning when they had a penalty saved in the dying moments. |
The various candidates had been busy rallying support in the dying moments before the polls closed. |
My first bad run-in with the university administration occurred in the dying days of my first year. |
Henrik Larsson squandered a chance to win the game in the dying moments when he hooked a shot across the face of the goal. |
Australia closed down the defending champions in the dying moments of the first quarter despite some wayward shooting. |
Tasmania, just seven points down, surged forward in the dying moments of the game. |
Reid was very close to doubling the lead in the dying moments when he hit a fierce shot following a Whatmore knock down. |
She wants to buy you sensible sweaters and knee-length skirts, while you're dying to express your inner diva with halter tops and studded jeans. |
We practice our religious beliefs, but I still have a problem with bringing a child into this sinful, dying world. |
If true love is all we have to lead us to the altar, then marriage is surely a dying tradition. |
This set of teenage girls cultivate their outlandish look by tanning themselves year-round in salons and dying their hair gold. |
I think that publishing pictures of anybody as they're dying is the lowest of the low. |
Volunteers of any kind are fast becoming a dying breed and this is a lamentable fact. |
Legalising physician assisted suicide would carry a high risk of undermining the care of all dying patients. |
Anti-euthanasia campaigners fear a law allowing assisted dying could become a slippery slope. |
In my mind, if we are thinking relationally, many things will change in our interactions with the dying and their families. |
Another poll last month found that four in five people would like the law on medically assisted dying changed. |
Hunter returned to his place by Missy's side in front of the glowing embers of the dying fire laid in the black iron stove. |
Since then Belgium, Holland and Oregon have changed their laws to permit assisted dying in different ways. |
She took her case to have the law clarified on assisted dying to the highest court in the land where a panel of five Law Lords give their ruling. |
The only thing moving was the dancing smoke from a dying cigarette in an ashtray on a table. |
These plants are frequently monocarpic, their rosettes usually dying after flowering. |
In the early days of homeopathy, Galenic herbalism was dying and allopathy was on the rise. |
The murders took place to collect insurance on slaves who were sick and dying and therefore would not, on reaching land, become marketable commodities. |
His dying wish was for a trip to Lourdes with his daughter, Shannon. |
With dying lawns in the south and new plants extending their ranges northwards it sounds as though our gardens will be looking rather different in years to come. |
For decades, he has made his living by dying in films like goldeneye, Patriot Games, and The Island. |
He lay in his elaborately curtained bed dying of the fever and from the leeches the doctors attached to various parts of his body to suck his blood. |
In other studies, religious commitment has resulted in reduced alcohol and drug abuse, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of dying from arteriosclerotic heart disease. |
In the 1980s and early 1990s, acid rain was at the top of the environmental agenda, with images of dying forests and lakes firmly lodged in the public conscience. |
Garden design is an ever-changing movement of different styles, with older ones never really dying out but simply being reincorporated into different plans. |
A few years ago birds began dying after landing on these lakes and getting slathered in bitumen. |
One month later, lobstermen in Western Long Island Sound began to report sightings of gravid female lobsters dying in the throes of abortive molts. |
It will wean us off the dying pillars of tourism and financial services. |
Gillingham tells Mary that he wants to make their lives simpler, but it sounds a little like the dying of the light. |
Anyway we will have a guest book up and running from tomorrow or Friday at the latest so if you are dying to be a part of it all then you will have your chance. |
As the curtain falls for the last time, we see a young woman holding a dying man in her arms. |
A wild look was in her eyes as she stared at the dying fire. |
One, a twin, was burned in an incinerator in the backyard after allegedly dying from respiratory problems at birth. |
Americans learned to look at a smokestack and see dying trees and fish downwind. |
They want to hear, even as smaller artists are just dying to be heard, drowning in the streams. |
She travels with her weedy brother, who is convinced he's dying of cancer. |
But for all of her comic relief, Blankenship became a tragic figure in the Mad Men mythos, dying silently at her desk. |
Alternative rock was literally dying on the vine, when along came this haunting beautiful eulogy that captured America's world-weary spirit and the Seattle sound. |
But he is one of the best deadline artists in the business, and his series on the dying of his father was unflinching and elegiac. |
They knew his fears and best hopes, his wishes and his dying dreams. |
Rivers told me in both 2010 and 2014 that, when thinking about dying herself, she fretted most about her daughter Melissa. |
I hold two people to blame and to my dying day I will hold them to blame. |
When he breaks down on camera it is while telling the story of a dying man who called him from his deathbed. |
He was diagnosed with sarcoma, a rare form of cancer, in August and had to come to terms with dying in a manner of months. |
Chamberlain, of course, chose Rome over the object of his heart's ache, forfeiting love and dying a broken man. |
He gives a bravura physical performance of the act of dying that can only have been born of extensive firsthand experience. |
Windermere who had the last word from a short corner in the dying seconds. |
I love the way that, in the apocalyptic destruction of Genesis, Nimoy sidesteps the action for the briefest second to show us the beauty of the last sunset on the dying world. |
Many sailor Moon story arcs, in the comics and on television, end with the sailor Senshi dying and being reborn. |
The most powerful telescopes in the world, spanning all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, were retooled and reprogrammed to observe the dying star. |
Her voice chilled him farther than her hands did, hissing like dried ice and dying smoke as it wreathed over his head and sucked into his mouth and clung damp to his lungs. |
Tindal almost grabbed a spectacular second in the dying seconds. |
The 10 men's extraordinary act of selfless courage in dying to assert their political status was in turn to bequeath political status on a resurgent republican movement. |
No one keeps numbers on how many women die of hg in the developing world, but experts agree many women are dying of it now. |
Our men are dying at the hands of enemies abroad and friends at home. |
The illusionist even claims that one of the islands contains the fountain of youth, reviving dying insects upon submersion. |
Obviously some of these men might have died anyway from a sudden rupture, but a clear distinction needs to be made between dying naturally and at the instigation of doctors. |
Cygan then sealed victory with his second in the dying minutes. |
If you push the Fat Man onto the tracks, however, he will stop the train, saving the five, but dying as a result. |
Otherwise, we're going to lose lots and lots of people dying of hunger. |
Despite her protest her strength was fading like a dying star. |
Some patients need to be in denial about what's going on while others want someone to talk to about their fear of dying or their acceptance of the situation. |
More stories like this one are inevitable as the recording industry makes war on its customers, in a doomed attempt to revive the industry's dying business model. |
As a result of this secrecy, Russian servicemen are dying in Ukraine anonymously, relatives in Kastroma said. |
Some of the stuff has been so shoddy and so sloppy that our soldiers are over there dying in the shower from electrocution. |
By using opiate analgesics and sedatives to provide comfort to a dying patient, we risk depressing respirations and causing hypotension, which may hasten death. |
He ended up relapsing and he also ended up dying on the street. |
The Coast Guard say many citizens who survived the deadly winds and raging flood waters are now dying of heat and starvation because the rescue effort is just too slow. |
The programme revealed that both sides in the assisted dying debate have a deep distrust of each other, and particularly of those who work in the medical profession. |
Dr Williams outlined his opposition to assisted dying in a sermon at Westminster Abbey earlier this week to mark the annual commemoration of Florence Nightingale. |
The essay itself seems an artifact of a dying tradition, and not just in its grandiosity. |
With this, she achieved her dying wish, to not be forgotten. |
But after resisting eddie, Frank makes his visit, and the dying man confesses a disturbing secret from decades ago. |
But as the terraces succumb to the bulldozer and the sterile atmosphere of the all-seater stadium, the art of the terrace chant is in danger of dying out completely. |
Let's say you were dying to see New Moon but you didn't want to spring for a babysitter, tickets, and overpriced popcorn. |
What else could she do but accede to what amounted to his dying wish. |
This book shows that inequality is literally a killing field, with millions of people dying premature deaths because of it. |
In the second scene, the camera switches to the father listening, angsting, dying inside, but saying nothing. |
The following Adagietto was like a long, melting appoggiatura composed of smaller dying falls and languid resolutions. |
The point is that, however secular our culture may be, notions of an afterlife seem to be dying rather hard. |
He spoke some Arabic with a West Texas drawl, like a Berlitz tape on dying batteries. |
People who were taught classical Greek and Latin at school are a dying breed. |
The least cornified, young cells stain violet or blue, more mature cells mauve and the most cornified, old and dying cells stain red. |
Bank swallows are skimming above the stream, snatching insects, curvetting, rocketing up against the dying light. |
Tragically, by 1991 he was dying of AIDS, the disease that she had worked so hard to 'dedemonise' in the light of the public taboos against it. |
Some more birds were scared off by the dicey smell. The man was dying gradually. |
As a dirtsider, the idea of dying in the cold of space terrified him, though he'd never admit it to his space-loving mate. |
Henry joined his dying father near Rouen in September, where the King partitioned his possessions among his sons. |
Didn't I tell you? As true as I'm drinking this porter if he was at his last gasp he'd try to downface you that dying was living. |
A detective asking you to buy illegal marijuana for a dying man would be police entrapment. |
He was reading one of those little fagazines, those little gay rags, that there were white gay men in California dying because they were gay. |
We dried in the sun on a boulder as warm as a dying stove, and fribbled and monkeyed with each other, priming for later. |
He's still Gothing up, dying his brown hair into black spikes, and he had on more eyeliner than I did. |
Plautianus's excessive power came to an end in 204, when he was denounced by the Emperor's dying brother. |
This was Geoffrey's dying wish and he had ordered that he be left without sepulture until Henry promised. |
The city's residents fled to the north, most of them dying during the journey, but the infection had been spread to the people of Asia Minor. |
By autumn, the plague had reached London, and by summer 1349 it covered the entire country, before dying down by December. |
The new king maintained that it had been his father's dying wish that he marry Catherine. |
Just before Edward VI's death, Mary was summoned to London to visit her dying brother. |
She felt herself swooping, then she was lying on the bed beside Gowan, on her back, jouncing to the dying chatter of the shucks. |
But people dying after long spells in hospital corridors shows that the NHS is now broken. |
His family was in crisis with children in the village dying of scarlet fever, and he put matters in the hands of his friends. |
The longue duree of river and rocks throws into relief the trivial pursuits of the dying man whose last thoughts are of a briefer time span. |
The attackers rushed the property, and stripped the dead or dying defenders of their clothing. |
In his dying moments, Laertes reconciles with Hamlet and reveals Claudius's plan. |
The ghost describes himself as being in purgatory, and as dying without last rites. |
Filmer's third son, Samuel Filmer, married Maria Horsmanden and lived in the Virginia Colony before dying childless soon after. |
In March 2017, Caine lost ten kilograms on a health kick and fears dying of cancer, saying his days were numbered. |
Edwards, however, was not a totally happy man as Wasps conceded their first try of the three Premiership finals in the dying minutes. |
However, midway through 1992 Hill broke into Grand Prix racing as a driver with the dying Brabham team. |
The increase was mainly due to older people dying and older people depend more on medical and social care. |
Those near a dying man encourage him to pronounce the Shahada as Muslims want their last word to be their profession of faith. |
All palliative care services provide support for both the patient and their relatives during and after the dying process. |
Philip Larkin, the preferred nominee, had declined, because of ill health and a loss of creative momentum, dying a year later. |
Early in 1876 Shaw learned from his mother that Agnes was dying of tuberculosis. |
Moray was mortally wounded in the fighting, dying at an unknown date and place later that year. |
It was reburied in Melrose Abbey in 1998, pursuant to the dying wishes of the King. |
After Cauchon declared her guilty she was burned at the stake on 30 May 1431, dying at about nineteen years of age. |
Characters are given to killing loved ones by mistake, and dying of grief, or of joy. |
For example, Stephen was only Pope for three days before dying of apoplexy, and was never consecrated. |
In the early 19th century, even as the old Gaelic harp tradition was dying out, a new harp was invented in Ireland. |
Some of the Welsh gentry continued to patronise bards, but this practice was gradually dying out. |
However they were defeated, one being killed and the other dying of exposure after the battle. |
Few of Cromwell's coins entered circulation with Cromwell himself dying in 1658 and the Commonwealth collapsing two year later. |
Narcissus is a genus of perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes, dying back after flowering to an underground storage bulb. |
Planted narcissi bulbs produce daughter bulbs in the axil of the bulb scales, leading to the dying off of the exterior scales. |
His second, a long range dipping strike from over 30 yards, in the dying stages of the game, capped a world class performance. |
Another legend has a player and his servant dying of cold in Beddgelert, noted by Welsh antiquarian Edward Llwyd. |
This was probably more as a result of older forms dying out than as a result of more modern forms evolving. |
Rieber proposed a more elaborate scenario, which included the animals dying of thirst or starvation, and being concentrated by mudflows. |
Wolves may catch infectious canine hepatitis from dogs, though there are no records of wolves dying from it. |
Although portrayed as loyal, honest and moral, Isengrim is forever the victim of Reynard's wit and cruelty, often dying at the end of each story. |
This mythical flower, which was almost certainly not the modern hyacinth, sprang up from the blood of the dying prince Hyacinthus. |
It looked as though England would claim victory over Brazil, but newcomer Diego equalised in the dying seconds. |
It was read to the dying Isabella, who ordered her Lady of the Bedchamber to seal it. |
As opportunistic predators, crocodiles would also prey upon young and dying elephants and hippos when given the chance. |
The rough world he lived in was on the cusp of the dying world of Antiquity and the new culture of early medieval Europe. |
The statue depicts with remarkable realism a dying Celt warrior with a typically Celtic hairstyle and moustache. |
Two of the terrorists were killed in the final fight, with another dying later in hospital and the final militant being captured alive. |
Lawrence River, used the local natives' knowledge to save his men who were dying of scurvy. |
The old Cossacks started giving up their traditions and liberties that had been worth dying for to obtain the pleasures of an elite life. |
For example, the first definition of starve includes dying of exposure to the elements as well as from lack of food. |
This French dialect is spoken by many of the older members of the Cajun ethnic group and is said to be dying out. |
Then, without another word, he rose and left the shelter, apparently in order to light the vessel's wick with a punk from the dying campfire. |
If a person died without making a last will and testament, it was tantamount to dying without making a last confession. |
I wondered how some of that compassion for a hawk could be rechanneled to help human beings like those I had just seen dying in Darfur. |
He fell onto the tracks in front of the train, suffering serious leg injuries and dying later that night. |
About 300 people were killed in the camp itself, with at least 98 of them dying from deprivation or torture. |
In recent years, The Manx language has been revived after dying out and is now taught in some schools on the Isle of Man. |
His travelling companion Anscar Vonier became the next abbot and pledged to fulfil his dying wish, namely to rebuild the abbey. |
In order to save himself from dying of exposure, he killed his horse, disembowelled it and crept inside the warm carcass for shelter. |
At one point he torturedly mimics his own emotions to provide Lucy's gasps as she lies dying of syphilis. |
The Internet was abuzz with reports of the actor dying in an accident in New Zealand. |
We might indeed have been the wraiths of the departed dead upon the dead sea of that dying planet for all the sound or sign we made in passing. |
Your chances of dying in this way are not astronomically high. |
A lot of what I write into the books is bleak and challenging, but I will be the Queen of the Aga saga to my dying day. |
How did such a decent team end up dying under Big Top's anachronistically corny canvas? |
York Rite was collared in the dying strides by a renewed bid from Red Alert Man in the gg. |
Guest and Beck were denied a double when York Rite was collared in the dying strides by a renewed bid from Red Alert Man in the gg. |
A trullo is a traditional Apulian stone dwelling with a conical roof, and my friend has converted it into a home, so I am dying to see it. |
The Journal has reported on hundreds of puffins, guillemots and razorbills being found dead or dying along the North East coast. |
This includes friends and relatives accompanying that person to a jurisdiction such as Switzerland where assisted dying is legal. |
A reporting mechanism whereby every case of assisted dying is reported to a monitoring commission. |
Australian koalas are dying by the thousands as a result of land clearing in the country's north east. |
I was horrified when I first heard news of the dying boys' last wish to hunt and kill a Kodiak bear. |
As if to prove it, lamebrain Lee launched 2015 by dying a death with his bandmates. |
Your pictures may have been those of a dying man but also a man who has once again beaten the system. |