Rabbits are running rampant, dormice numbers are dwindling and otters are on the increase. |
The gloomy outlook on bonuses comes as investment banks worldwide are retrenching in the face of dwindling business volumes. |
Rogue states are dwindling in number and are weakened by flawed economic policies, isolation, and illegitimacy. |
They are looking currently for high protein hay, and that would be lucerne, vetch and clover hay and those stocks are dwindling. |
In his consternation, making the most of a dwindling lucidity, he asks only that his brother accompany him to the hospital the following day. |
But the number of animals with the protective adaptation is dwindling, as local farmers give up their taurine herds for large zebu animals. |
For that dwindling portion of the population employed in manual labour, alternative work could be supplied. |
But dwindling crowds and a lack of repairs could mean the theme park's end. |
To save their broods, they dig canals between dwindling puddles and deeper pools. |
And our dwindling supply of eggs is getting more addled with every day that ticks by. |
His death was undoubtedly merciful, but he left a sad gap among his dwindling circle of friends. |
It had become a tradition to have a huge grilled beefsteak dinner in honor of the Snowgrazer's dwindling use of land foods. |
We are mostly a service economy based on low wages with a dwindling manufacturing and production economy. |
The Berkshire pig is the oldest breed of pig in Britain, but its numbers are dwindling. |
With rental income dwindling to a mere trickle on many estates in 1880-81, signs of alarm in the Big House were not hard to find. |
It is feared that dwindling gas stocks could lead to factory shutdowns and a return to the three-day week. |
The Confederation of British Industry said dwindling gas reserves could lead to factory shutdowns and power cuts. |
Archie performs his moth-eaten variety act before dwindling audiences in dog-eared music hall theatres. |
Nursing and support staff do a wonderful job but are constantly under pressure from ever dwindling resources. |
It reopened after the war to dwindling attendance because of the people's unforgiving response to its withdrawal four years before. |
Due to the dwindling supplies of naphthenic based crude reserves, a suitable replacement oil must be found for electrical apparatus. |
But despite developing their songcraft in the years since, dwindling album sales have seen them slip off the radar of popular imagination. |
Natural prey is vanishing in the dwindling forests, resulting in leopards hunting cattle and people for food. |
But the species is dwindling fast and is feared on the verge of extinction. |
And just this week, it was announced that supplies are dwindling and prices are expected to spike as weather warms. |
The result is that dwindling numbers of children are bussed to distant schools where they mingle with others who live many miles away. |
Continuing their protest tomorrow will only squander what dwindling public support they have left. |
So anyone can see why my attention was dwindling about halfway through first period. |
Britain's North Sea oil supply is dwindling, forcing the oilmen into ever more expensive offshore exploration in ever deeper water. |
A dwindling urine output progressing to oliguria is the renal manifestation of ACS, even when blood pressure is normal. |
Pleas for caution and restraint from the minority who still clung to dwindling hopes of agreement were drowned with jeers and catcalls. |
There was little relief for dwindling water supplies, with only a small amount of water falling in the Rocky Creek Dam catchment. |
Meanwhile, over-fishing has lead to a dwindling supply of certain species, including shrimp, sword-fish, grouper, orange roughy and scallops. |
They point to the dwindling numbers of street kids and handicapped persons who make a living by peddling lotteries. |
There is a feeling that the numerical strength of the armed forces is dwindling and that the Navy, too, is feeling the pinch. |
Fifteen years on, and the honourable member is a chancellor presiding over dwindling dole queues and a booming economy. |
The future looked dismal due to the lack of spare tires and a dwindling oxygen supply. |
There they dried off and set about to use their fishing net to replenish their dwindling food supply. |
Polls in Japan show support for whaling is dwindling among the mainstream public. |
Fforde's two previous books contain greater emotional depth, and it's disappointing to see his leading lady dwindling into a cypher. |
However, the London stock market where it is such a powerful force is dwindling in importance as a source of company finance. |
He is one of a dwindling number of farmers who depend sorely on farming for a living. |
And, during the dwindling seconds of her last game, she started to contemplate her future. |
Imaginative and sophisticated workouts are evolving to engage dwindling attention spans or cash in on punters addicted to the endorphin fix. |
But a dwindling band of reform-minded supporters say the prime minister does have some successes to his credit. |
But in his present situation, his dwindling resources could not feed even one mouth. |
It is the key to the fight back against pollution, global warming, and dwindling resources. |
The speaker's words mirror that disorder, the inability to sustain coherent thought, dwindling to glossolalia. |
Inevitably, this prompted more dire warnings about dwindling jobs in the fishing industry yesterday. |
The town, and county, already hit by shortage due to World War II, now were further discomforted by dwindling butter stocks. |
There are about 390 members spread far and wide but active membership in York is much smaller and dwindling. |
Is it not up to the property owner to see for himself that his real estate is dwindling in value? |
North Sea gas supplies are gradually dwindling, with much of the infrastructure now at a ripe old age. |
He said the farm's workforce was dwindling, with only four full-time employees. |
He said the bowling club left two or three years ago due to dwindling numbers rather than excessive rent. |
It seems that the stock of royal lands was dwindling faster than it was being replenished by forfeitures and reversions to the Crown. |
Every day of the week some green doom-monger can be heard in lament for the dwindling or extinction of some bird or other. |
He sullied his already dwindling credibility with an exhibition of arrogance, bad taste, and egotism that made for queasy viewing. |
To get days off, he continually dips his hands into his quickly dwindling leave balance. |
And employers, faced with falling demand and dwindling margins, cut back on salaries, raises, benefits, and other perks. |
Fisheries science has long argued that whalers were killing too many whales and that their numbers were dwindling alarmingly. |
Many of the krewes in Jefferson Parish are dealing with dwindling memberships. |
After an hour of on-and-off chit-chat and with our supply of lamingtons fast dwindling we decide to cut the poor kids loose. |
By one count, 1 in 3 of the 5,743 known species of frog, toad, salamander, and other amphibians are dwindling. |
His coworkers seem to find his endless prattling about his dwindling sales repetitive and boring. |
The largest problems they face now are lack of adequate funds to maintain proper care of their animals and dwindling land resources. |
The country still refuses to capitulate despite its weakening army and dwindling resources. |
A major cause of the dwindling numbers has been degradation of habitat through overstocking of sheep, bush encroachment, cultivation, erosion and alien invaders. |
Once they find takings dwindling they will be off and away to pastures new and local traders will not be able to afford the high rents and rates, so lots of empty shops. |
As a result of land reallocations in the past, partible inheritance practices among landowners resulted in plots of dwindling size in only a few generations. |
Probably out of a discontent with the dwindling resources dedicated to film in the traditional media, we onliners are defining our own film culture as we go along. |
Rather than sitting out in the open and reloading, he is better served with a gun that will take one of your dwindling supply of high capacity magazines. |
Bird feeders, and those that maintain them, play an invaluable role in the sustenance of countless birds otherwise threatened by dwindling habitat and resources. |
Think thirtysomething single women are the only ones stressed about their dwindling options for marriage and kids? |
They can exacerbate splits within a ruling leadership, foment popular unrest, or expedite a dwindling current account. |
But from the land of endless sheep and dwindling bird life a new imagery has arrived, a modern mythology placed there with the help of Hollywood, or should I say, Wellywood. |
The widespread worry about the fast dwindling wildlife of the country has been alleviated to some extent by the establishment of wildlife sanctuaries and National parks. |
People greedily exploit dwindling resources and pollute the atmosphere. |
After two decades of dwindling influence, NATO is refreshed and energized by the growing threat on its eastern flank. |
Structural steel fabricators and erectors are being hit particularly hard as they face the dual challenge of increased foreign competition in a dwindling market. |
The generation of men and women who sacrificed so much for our freedom is dwindling with each year that passes, and our collective memory is fading too. |
Adam muttered darkly under his breath about what he was going to do to a younger brother and shoved Sport after the quickly dwindling form of the pinto. |
Society in general, and the general decline in the nation's moral responsibilities, is also named as the reason for dwindling congregations and religious desertion. |
Network audience share is dwindling, advertising revenue is shriveling, and the once-flush news divisions are pinching pennies. |
Mynas and crows are blamed for the dwindling population of the indigenous laughing dove as they prey on its chicks. |
Protoculture supply was dwindling, the galaxywide war running down like clockwork as both sides' resources and infrastructures declined. |
He also increased the number of Patricians by adding new families to the dwindling number of noble lines. |
Montfort's support was now dwindling, and Edward retook Worcester and Gloucester with relatively little effort. |
The most significant reason for this change was the dwindling financial returns from his operas. |
With crowds dwindling clubs were forced to drastic measures in the hope of survival. |
He returned to Long Hill, and with his money dwindling made the decision to return to the ring. |
However, long term residential possibilities in Carlingford village are dwindling. |
Dugong's current number is dwindling and it is not clear how many are currently alive or what their reproductive trend is. |
Summer is the dominant season and lasts from May to October, the latter in spite of the dwindling daylight and inland position. |
For the remaining Portuguese, their greatest concern became their dwindling water reserves. |
After the 19th century, most Manchus had perfected Standard Chinese and the number of Manchu speakers was dwindling. |
In addition to the fast dwindling resources, the acid rain is going to add to the dire situation. |
Helms's dwindling reelection war chest has many speculating that this term may be his last. |
Drift nets produce bigger catches and it's hoped the move will protect dwindling stocks. |
Among the dwindling number of the Finno-Ugrian Setos of southeastern Estonia it is group singing that holds the past and present together. |
Could Mary and Caitlin and their turkey basters pose a greater challenge to America than the world's dwindling supply of fossil fuel? |
In Wild Ones, you talk about the dwindling numbers of several species. |
There are just 10,000 black and white ruffed lemurs left in the wild and numbers are dwindling fast. |
But it appears the numbers of lollipop men and women are dwindling calling into question the safety of our children. |
Home attendances may be dwindling this term at Pittodrie but outwith the Old Firm the Dons have the biggest away support in the country. |
But Serbians found their numbers dwindling having 15,000 more deaths than births every year. |
The airport, the world's fifth busiest, is one of the last refuges for dwindling populations of the Riverside Fairy Shrimp. |
People who live in the dwindling number of non-fluoridated communities should help educate their state and local officials about the need to fluoridate. |
In most places, the Pacific oyster was introduced to replace the native oyster stocks which were seriously dwindling due to overfishing or disease. |
For every Loner a guest puts down with their tranquilizer gun, the shooter gets an extra day added to her rapidly dwindling period to find a soul mate. |
In the early 20th century supplies of Red Cedar were dwindling so that pencil manufacturers were forced to recycle the wood from cedar fences and barns to maintain supply. |
Elements of Brehon law operated in dwindling remnants in the Gaeltacht in the west of Ireland and in the Scottish Isles, notable on the isle of Lewis. |
Cricketing authorities were looking to boost the game's popularity with the younger generation in response to dwindling crowds and reduced sponsorship. |
Over time, this wandering meant intrusions into other tribal territories, and the ensuing wars for land escalated with the dwindling amount of unoccupied territory. |
By 2080, they could disappear from Greenland entirely and from the northern Canadian coast, leaving only dwindling numbers in the interior Arctic Archipelago. |
Nonetheless, the remaining merchants of the dwindling city still maintained their old connections to the Kerala pepper plantations in the interior. |
The end result has been a dwindling population of the coral, and as a result a decrease in number of species that rely on the corals for their survival. |
In my little hamlet along the Schoharie, summertime visitors clamber over rocks to float in the dwindling swimming holes, which shrink as the summer heat intensifies. |
The demise of labor unions in the United States is a sad chapter in the story of dwindling adherence to the social teachings of the popes and bishops. |
Ratsiraka's dwindling popularity in the late 1980s reached a critical point in 1991 when presidential guards opened fire on unarmed protesters during a rally. |
Hence Japan's 686 universities and junior colleges are in competition with one another, each vying to attract new first-year students from a dwindling pool. |
If there is any analogy for our predicament, it is the story of the Tower of Babel, but of course the analogy is not understood outside the dwindling Judeo-Christian remnant. |
Anthony Grehan of the National University of Ireland, Galway, the virtually untouched site could benefit dwindling fish stocks and possibly aid medical research. |