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How to use drunkenly in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word drunkenly? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
I admit I didn't hear a note, because the crazy crowd sang every word, loudly and drunkenly.
He walked drunkenly over the cabinet on the wall and picked up a pan used for grouping chemicals used in various experiments.
He stood there a while, leering drunkenly, until the woman noticed him and let loose a scream.
I remember cringing in the kitchen while he raged about drunkenly in the dark.
On more than one occasion during the qualifiers Eriksson's jewel looked more like a rhombus that had slewed drunkenly.
The pair of boys fell to the ground, wrestling drunkenly, trying to get the better of the other.
It was produced by scary, hairy, lairy Martin Hannett and as a whole the songs drunkenly fall and clatter with wild abandon.
He told me a story of his childhood and I laughed drunkenly at its childish stupidity.
Suddenly frustrated by this state of affairs I leave drunkenly to head over to the next party.
It's the sort of music you sing along to at 3 in the morning when you've drunkenly got your arm round your best mate.
With this knowledge in hand, I happily settled back on the bed as he drunkenly muttered his hypnotising mutters.
Homeless people are usually unfit for any type of labor that doesn't require drunkenly swaying from side to side and ranting incoherently.
Most had stumbled drunkenly out into the streets or had retired to the guest lodgings upstairs.
I remember everyone drunkenly singing along to the chorus as the grizzly old bar manager brought up a half empty keg for us to polish off.
He was slurring just as drunkenly as ever, but even so, his words scared her.
In the garden I fell over the wall and drunkenly hushed my colleague, my batman, the other soldier in this two-person war against the future.
They chatter, well argue drunkenly anyhow, until around 4am before going to bed in their own separate bedrolls.
I found it tossed on the floor and picked it up, and I found my stockings hanging drunkenly from one of the bedposts.
In fact, the audience is very much like one of her suitors, left to comfort each other drunkenly while she gallivants with someone new.
On other days she would wander half drunkenly through the village, quarrelling with everybody.
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Examples from Classical Literature
He had reeled, had paused as he caught and steadied himself, had gone on drunkenly.
He laughed boisterously and drunkenly as he spoke and lurched backward over the sands.
Borckman drunkenly recognized the cheating without crediting the heart of good behind it.
Carthoris felt his craft reel drunkenly beneath him, and the engine stopped.
The man only laughed drunkenly, and, reaching out his hand, grabbed her arm and dragged her toward him.
This speech was drunkenly approved, and the men pressed forward.
As she righted sluggishly, the mainmast swayed drunkenly in the air but did not fall.
The port shrouds of the foremast carried away at the chain-plates, and the fore-topmast leaned over drunkenly to starboard.
With an effort I started toward the opening of the cave only to reel drunkenly against a side wall, and from there slip prone upon the floor.
He ground his teeth as he drunkenly pondered that irrefutable fact.
The deserted boat was in the trough of the sea, rolling drunkenly across each comber, its loose spritsail out at right angles to it and fluttering and flapping in the wind.
The father is her halrother, who, unaware of Mordred's lineage and unable to have a child with Guinevere, drunkenly invites Lancelot into their marriage bed.
There he stood, reeling drunkenly, dripping with cold sweat.
Like a wounded bird she dived suddenly Marsward careening drunkenly.
Several such clusters were praying, and in one the Mormon missionary was exhorting.He looked and saw the Mormon church careering drunkenly a hundred feet away.
His hat lurched drunkenly as he answered the girl's increase of speed.
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