It also had Renault's automatic parking brake, which sets itself when you switch off the engine and releases itself when you drive away. |
A grey heron meditates halfway up a tree, while a pair of red-wattled lapwings drive away all comers from their private niche. |
It is a deadly dull subject, almost guaranteed to drive away both voters and readers. |
By the time she reaches the plant, a two-hour drive away, she has fallen silent. |
Early one morning they drive away from the club, with Annabel high as a kite in the back seat, and crash the car. |
He precedes the dancers and it is his duty to crack the whip to drive away any evil spirits or forces of evil. |
If he had the ring, he could command a great army and drive away the hosts of Mordor. |
Hot, sulfurous gases waft from vents in the earth, kill trees, drive away wildlife, and sometimes threaten people's lives. |
The most beautiful beaches of the Gulf Coast are a manageable drive away and there are many day trips that can include time at the beach. |
They sought out a guest services representative and booked themselves into a 5 star resort, just a 20 minute drive away. |
I climb out and watch him drive away like a maniac as I shake my head in disapproval. |
The front wheel was still chained to the lamp post, as all the villains had done was jack the car up and put on the spare wheel and drive away! |
After making the snap decision to leave Bridlington, wreathed in torrential rain, we headed for Northumberland, a two-and-a-half hour drive away. |
Education is the vehicle for our future, don't make us drive away in a junker like this. |
Even Coonoor, a hill station in Tamil Nadu, is just a four-hour drive away. |
Just a 15-minute drive away, Branston offers another chance to relax and unwind in some splendour but requires a tad more energy. |
Contractors can load the device, lift it, pin it in place, strap down the load, and drive away. |
Zoe screeched and pinwheeled her arms as if trying to drive away a horde of mosquitoes, knocking his own arm down. |
It was believed that the juice of the dittany would drive away venomous beasts. |
As we began to drive away, we heard a constant grinding sound from the rear of the truck. |
After she heard the man drive away, she emerged from her hiding place, but was too scared to flag down the first few vehicles in case it was him. |
The younger son works as a tour guide for a holiday company, and lives with his family a ten-minute drive away. |
I barely got scratched and would have been happy to drive away and leave it at that, like the OP did. |
As Georgie and Gabe drive away, Gabe pops the question and Georgie accepts. |
A few beers and a short memory can drive away the day's problems, so the thinking goes. |
Perhaps he thought I was going to tie a shire horse to my car and drive away. |
An eight-year-old boy threw coal cinders to drive away dogs threatening his friends. |
The dense thicket of rules and exceptions will drive away, or drive mad, almost anyone else. |
Raphael helped him to catch a fish, the heart, liver and gall of which were used by Tobias to drive away a demon and cure his father's blindness. |
Why not just drive away after having a fender-bender with an empty car in an underground parking lot? |
I realize that if I didn't change, my quick temper would drive away my family and friends. |
Wash the long drive away with a swim from one of the sheltered swimming beaches, then dine on fresh seafood in a local restaurant. |
My favorite fishing spot is a 12-minute drive away, alongside a commercial gravel pit whose chain-link fence the river is always undercutting and dragging away. |
So the king organized the meeting and, at the end, the earth opened up and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas appeared and helped to drive away the Japanese. |
Now there's no more need to scrape your windscreen arduously and freeze your fingers off before you drive away. |
Scots pine for easy breathing and antiseptic properties, lavender to drive away mosquitoes, ylang-ylang to relax with: each oil has its virtues. |
He has just opened a riad in Marrakesh, a half-hour drive away, called Kssour Agafay, which doubles as a private members ' club and boutique hotel. |
They swarm in droves, pouring out of cars and vans with a mission to drive away with a fabulous treasure, for which they paid as little as possible. |
This is the lesser-visited Eastern Algarve, and the unspoiled beaches of the Rio Formosa national park are only a 15-minute drive away. |
Remember to return the nozzle to the hanger on the pump before you drive away. |
But I know how unpopular it is now to see someone who has been drinking prepare to drive away from a house party or a gathering. |
They protested that some of their horses were taken by miners and that the influx of so many men would drive away fur-bearing animals. |
They indicated that they had asked bar staff to let them know if the complainant attempted to drive away from the bar. |
The closest international airport is a one hour drive away from the Town of Hafford in the heart of the Biosphere Reserve. |
As the family tried to drive away, one man fired a shot into the car, hitting Ntombi in the lower back. |
Your vehicle's engine will warm up a lot quicker if you simply start the engine, wait 30 seconds, and then drive away. |
The Oliver premises were quarantined along with another farm, approximately a 15 minute drive away, since animals moved between the two farms. |
Therefore never drive away from the field before having written down the determined impulse figure shown on the display. |
Situated in a very popular village with all amenities with schools a short drive away. |
For safety as well as fuel economy, clear snow off your vehicle before you drive away. |
Whether it's a camper or a caravan, thanks to our financing offers, you can drive away and still have enough money for your trip. |
It was at one time the custom to consecrate church bells in the expectation that their chimes would drive away thunderstorms and ensure safety from lightning. |
The shaman must also be a person of good character who follows many specific rules or the magic formulas will not work to drive away evil spirits. |
As Myers orders him to drive away from a filling station without waiting for change, we feel embarrassed on behalf of the pump attendant left standing in their backdraft. |
As I drive away, I see mayapples along the edge of the woods. |
Usually bedecked in a powder-blue suit, she totters down the steps of one ancient pile with the purpose of opening another crumbling edifice a short limousine drive away. |
The car he designed was made from carbon fibre and was so strong it could drive away from its front-impact crash test because the damage was so light. |
Wroe would put a pillow in the oven, lay his head on it, and let the oven be heated as hot as he could bear it, to drive away a head cold. |
A kabaragoya, scenting food, tried to drive away the crows, slashing at them with its tail. |
The nearest substantial settlements are located at least 1 hour 45 minutes drive away. |
Wolverines usually wait until the wolves are done feeding, but have been known to drive away wolves from kills. |
He was ordered as well to drive away any intruders who were not subjects of the Spanish crown. |
The rain returned in the race, and although Moss's tyres rapidly deteriorated he was able to drive away from Hill and Trips to take the win. |
On the 11th the Americans decided to drive away the troops that were harassing them, and 2,000 American soldiers attacked the Morrison contingent on the farm of one John Crysler, which today is in Morrisburg, Ontario. |
Drivers in idling vehicles are not required by law to produce identification for by-law enforcement officers and may simply drive away when approached by an officer. |
Godwine and his second son Harold kept the peace off the Sussex coast by using Bosham and Pevensey to drive away pirates. |
Under the general Amir Khan Umrao Al Udat, the Mughal Emperor sent 8,000 troops to drive away the 5,000 Maratha cavalry soldiers. |
A short drive away is Blace, where you can sample the wines made by former wine waiter Ludovic Gros at the Domaine des Terres Vivantes. |
Many rural and small town detachments and police agencies in our sample were more than three hours' drive away from the nearest juvenile detention facility. |
The wrong name can confuse or drive away customers. |
The unidentified men took him from the airport through a private entrance and drove him to a police facility some two hours' drive away, where he was again searched. |
Male crabs click and wave them to attract lady crabs and drive away other males. |
The Seattle grunge explosion was just a drive away, and the riot grrrl movement, set up in part as a protest against its macho aggression, felt genuinely revolutionary. |
Indeed, Sava had to parry a powerful Jake Keegan drive away just before half-time. |
The heavy swaying of the main mummer is meant to represent wheat heavy with grain, and the bells tied around the waist are intended to drive away the evil spirits and the sickness. |
In the early morning, as I drive away to Lake Tota, townspeople at street corners wait for buses to take them to work. |
Pleasing to the eye at all angles, the side mirrors feature arrow-shaped direction indicators, while the aggressive exhaust tailpipes guarantee to turn heads as you drive away. |
He had no idea when Yusef had left, yet Dammam was a good twenty minutes' drive away, even in this trafficless mid-afternoon period. |
This root is used to ward off black magic and to drive away evil spirits. |
While he may have swooped in to compete with the thousands of crazy and colourful fans from all over the world, the superhero superfan can drive away in a Hyundai i10 for his effort. |
A panicky perusal of the boarding passes printed off so carefully the night before revealed that our flight actually left from London Luton, a good hour's drive away. |
Beating rhythmically on these wooden shields, menfolk dance through the rice fields to drive away evil spirits and rats, which eat crops and dig burrows, causing seepage and erosion. |
Elsewhere in the Kingdom of Fife there are charming fishing villages and beaches, while the home of the Dundee cake is just a short drive away. |
There's a long white-sand beach a minute's drive away and to the east there is miles and miles of spectacular hillwalking country. |
For their part, the employers in March spoke of their fears at seeing the accession of a populist government drive away from the Paraguay economy for a long time the few foreign investments that it benefits from today. |
When you decide to drive away from the parking lot, though, and the parking lot turns out be full upon returning, then you must buy a new parking sticker in order to park at another parking lot. |
Initially the English tried to drive away competitors, but after a few years, they claimed rights only to the waters south of these Arctic islands. |
All Hertz Fun Collection cars are make and model reservable, giving drivers the guarantee that the car they book is the one they will drive away in. |
A 10-minute drive away is the Cosmosphere, a brilliant interactive space museum with one of the largest collections of artefacts and spacecraft in the world. |
Witnesses told investigators the bus driver tried to drive away, but the man ran in front, grabbed the bicycle rack, fell underneath and was run over, Funes said. |