Restoration of a lake that drained away when a dam wall was breached is a major part of the plan. |
I had to wait for nearly two hours in that heat to take my first vault and that drained some of my energy. |
In wet clay or poorly drained soils, fig trees produce mostly vegetative, viny growth with few fruits. |
My vital energy has drained right out of me just when I wasn't looking, like a slow puncture in my tire, I have been let down. |
Perhaps a hundred yards into the trees, a wide, shallow creek drained from some unknown point in the forest into the lake. |
The curds are then cut, the whey drained and the curds rinsed before filling. |
Or if you fall for the siren song of the Evil One, you're going to be drained dry and cast into the pit of flames in due course. |
That includes bringing back the 10-acre lake built in the 1740s, but drained in 1922 when the dam wall was breached. |
The nervous and physical energy expended drained him in the second half, hence his withdrawal, said Williamson. |
Walker felt the warmth drain out of his soul as the door slammed shut and the light drained away. |
Trays were drained and pots flushed with tap water at fortnightly intervals. |
Spike poorly drained patches of lawn with a garden fork, top-dressing with sand to improve the drainage. |
Her smile suddenly froze on her face, and all of the warmth and teasing drained from her. |
I drained the oil, radiator, power steering and gas tank the best that I could. |
Dead legs and poorly drained internal valve surfaces represent places where a product or chemicals may undesirably pool. |
Bittern numbers had hit dangerous lows in the past as large areas of their reedbed habitat were drained, destroyed or neglected. |
The curd and whey is transferred to the curd machine where the whey is drained. |
In South Africa, a university president has drained the brains from Ghanain and Nigerian universities in order to Africanize his staff. |
Well now, it is getting closer to our moving date and i am feeling more and more drained by the day. |
Even people who care about the country are slowly having their will to change things drained out of them. |
Corruption scandals involving presidential aides have also drained his approval ratings. |
Winnie pushed away her unfinished toast and drained her glass of lukewarm tea. |
After they boarded, Blaine and Claire climbed onto the aft well deck and slept, their energy drained from the events of the last night. |
This means fewer rainouts because pitches are covered and grounds drained better. |
With a light shake of his head, Michael laughed and drained the last of his Coke, square ice cubes clinking against the clear glass. |
The defendant had also made use of the drain for his own purposes, since it drained water from his own land. |
If the cyst reoccurs, it can be repeatedly drained if it continues to be symptomatic. |
Steaming or boiling takes around the same time, and boiled broccoli should be carefully drained to avoid sogginess. |
But the joint filled with fluid and then re-filled after medical staff had drained it. |
The work is expected to take about a year during which time the surface will be levelled, drained and reseeded and flood lighting installed. |
The splinter could not be extracted, and the liver was tamponed and drained. |
The colour from her tan had all but drained from her, her limbs were heavy and powerless, but she was by no means dead. |
Still, as their winning streak drained the suspense out of the show, no event needed a running joke more. |
The wells were not drained and the ditches were filled with stagnant water. |
On a dry day, scarify the lawn to remove unwanted thatch and then aerate and top-dress any badly drained areas. |
The ground crew drained the tanks and we calculated that we had enough gas, with luck, for another 15-mins in the air. |
It was over as quickly as it had happened, leaving him feeling completely drained, his tightened muscles now limp and shivery and cold. |
Jared sat down across from his miscreant son, feeling drained and exhausted and not very happy at all. |
What's more, protein tempers blood sugar fluctuations, preventing the spikes and crashes that can leave you hungry and drained. |
The choice helps explain why California drained its once plentiful reserves in short order. |
The neurologist who examined her found and drained an epidural abscess from the lumbar region. |
Most terraces are drained by grassed waterways designed to convey excess water to stream channels without erosion. |
When he arrived home that night, he looked wan, slightly more drained than usual. |
Add the drained waterblommetjies, replace the lid and allow to heat through for about 5mins. |
These well drained, moderately to rapidly permeable soils were formed in glacial outwash. |
Cory hastily drained the bottle, recapped it and laid it in the barrow, then seized the handles. |
Actually, we kind of suspect he's long since had all his Suffolk blood replaced with fresh stuff drained from young, nubile nymphets. |
When farmland is afforested or peatlands drained, the owner gets a certain tax relief. |
Typically, the basins are internally drained, resulting in the formation of saline ephemeral lakes known as playas. |
Some wetlands were drained, as noted above, and rivers and watercourses were canalized. |
New Orleans is a city built on silt and drained marshland, positioned at the mouth of the Mississippi River. |
The series consists of very deep, well drained, fine silty alfisol formed in loess. |
He had drained his mug by the time his mother had finished giving Astrid the third degree about her plans. |
I felt drained and hungry, not to mention that my brain was filled with the desire of sleep. |
Lack of open space to relieve hard-packed pavement and gap-toothed Main Streets drained by malls and sprawl sap the life from downtown. |
Also, if you work out for too long or too frequently, you can also become injured or lapse into a drained and depleted condition. |
She closed the door behind his large frame, then leaned back against and closed her eyes, emotionally drained. |
It so drained Dunwoody that he felt forced to consult a sports psychologist. |
It didn't really get to me when I was on the golf course but right after I finished, I was drained. |
Once the blood has drained, the stall-owner plucks off the feathers, removes the entrails and hands the bird over in a bag. |
The ship was plunged into total darkness as the engines drained power from everything except themselves and life support. |
These guys are too drained even to cope with the interaction of a friendly card game together. |
With intuitive insight, they will begin to recognize when their body is stiff, sore, tired or emotionally drained. |
It is rock music that sounds blokeish, yet prematurely middle-aged, drained of subversion or the capacity to shock. |
The soil was too sandy to grow food, an urgent need, and poor quality drinking water had to be drained into barrels sunk beneath the ground. |
The course was as usual in superb condition but the oppressive heat drained the strength of the competitors and the scores reflected this. |
Peaty soils dominated hollows and lower slopes with tallish heather, and subalpine soils dominated the freely drained ground with short heath. |
Over the last few weeks, I haven't been sleeping well, and coupled with a heavy dose of cold, it's left me pretty drained. |
Alternatively, they can be drained with a needle and syringe, although the sac of the hydrocele may fill with fluid again after a few months. |
McCollum didn't speak for two days in hospital while his lung was being drained of blood. |
From the day following the lymphangiography, the volume of drained fluid gradually decreased and finally stopped. |
A click, a pause and the monotonous hum of the dialtone left me feeling weary and drained. |
Nonnative tamarisk or saltcedar has invaded many wetlands, and others have been drained and filled. |
Hundreds of officers are on the case, working as hard as they can even though they are physically drained. |
Rocky and stony soils are usually well drained, but at the same time not too fertile. |
Raw materials and processes are simply drained of all value save monetary value. |
The length and frequency of the resulting punishments have drained the manager's resources. |
Bermuda has been a favourite tax haven for many years, but the burgeoning population has drained the islands' resources. |
Her small body was bandaged and a tube inserted in her side drained her liver. |
Also there are various generations of grouse butts, the latest new, semi-subterranean, wood-lined, gravel-floored and drained by plastic pipe. |
Only when he had drained the cup of every fleshly pleasure could he accept those deeper thirsts which drove him on. |
The inky wastewater is easily drained and rinsed from flexo pulps, but is very difficult to clean for reuse or disposal. |
The mother-of-two suffers from the chronic fatigue condition, myalgic encephalomyelitis, which leaves her feeling completely drained of energy. |
No swamp should be drained, no stream covered with concrete and turned into a green slimy drain. |
Regaining the Commonwealth 1500m crown in Manchester drained her physically and emotionally. |
The unsmiling subjects in his deeply shadowed, melancholic portraits seem drained of emotion, perhaps worn out by life's events. |
Dress the leaves, then add the drained, diced apples, walnuts and crumbled cheese, gently mixing so they are evenly distributed. |
Up by the horse corral, near the river that drained into the pond, a branch could clearly be heard snapping. |
Her effusions were drained and the fluid again contained abundant mature lymphoid cells. |
Instantly his ears popped, and the pressure drained out of his head in a dizzying rush. |
Thus with the water drained from the land, the subsequent volcanic activity in the Mesozoic and Cainozoic would be sub-aerial. |
The Li Basin was fed by rivers that drained the adjacent hinterland of basement rocks. |
While the other three actors are excellent, Huljak is neither word perfect nor has drained her acting of histrionics to suit the space. |
Elevator workers drained the fluid into empty soap containers and didn't change the labels. |
The ice cubes can then be drained into glasses for drinking water as they melt. |
Each tube was inverted and drained on clean, absorbent paper, then allowed to air dry for 10 to 15 minutes. |
They fear already stretched NHS resources will be further drained as the number of sick elderly people continues to grow. |
In this way the agriculture is being constantly drained and the resources go to the hands of the traders. |
This confusion could have drained away cognitive resources needed to process story information. |
A small network can see its resources drained considerably by an infestation of bots. |
Whatever was done to her, it drained her of all memories and caused much mental torment. |
And somehow, even drained of all colour and illuminated by only inspired sunbeams, the pictures manage to take on a life of their own. |
In fact, his already pale complexion had drained of what colour it originally had, and his smile had vanished. |
The mixture is then drained, put in shallow wooden trays and covered by pinholed plastic. |
All semblance of evil were slowly drained away as he drank swallow after swallow of this liquid fire. |
The pipes have perforations so some drained water can leak back into the soil as it flows the length of the pipe into a stream. |
There are moments when I feel tired by this, and drained, but then I get up the following morning and decide I'm going to face these people down. |
We allowed flow to continue until less than 1 drop of perfusate drained from the circulation in 10 seconds. |
In recent years, the collection has been in trouble, its fate uncertain, its coffers drained by legal battles and mismanagement. |
He ordered the nearby swamps and marshes in the city of Salinus to be drained, in order to prevent an unknown pestilence, probably malaria. |
Soils of the gap floor are Andover, a deep, poorly drained loam of low permeability derived from sandstone and shale colluvium. |
This produced serosanguinous fluid rather then chyle, and we inserted an intercostal drain, which drained 600 ml in the first 24 hours. |
It is low because as well as being affected by the dry summer, it was partly drained for repairs. |
Pavel drained his glass, set it on the table with a loud clank, and leaned back in his chair. |
The President was impressed with the claret and drained his glass in seconds. |
But the symptoms of deprivation are much the same as those of excess, and I am left weak and drained, an empty husk until I take another dose. |
When they were small enough, swamplands were drained and then used to pasture animals or planted with crops. |
It could be that a fashion for clever-clever post-modernism has drained the soul from our playwrights and the politics from their writing. |
It now seems the valley below the cove was gouged out during an earlier ice age by a glacier, which drained the caves. |
If your soil is poorly drained, it may be necessary to put a little coarse sand at the base of the hole. |
The boy was admitted to hospital, and three days later the swelling was incised and drained under general anaesthesia. |
The abscess was incised and drained, and his airway symptoms immediately improved. |
Badly drained, unmaintained and over-used, most of them were in such poor condition that matches often had to be abandoned. |
The track was not used often, but had a water ditch on one side which would regularly have to be drained through a sluice gate. |
The dykes are interpreted here as partially drained feeder dykes to higher-level sills within the complex. |
Eastward lay the Sonoma floodplain, an expanse of diked and drained bay lands, with tidal creeks and sloughs shining in the distance. |
Famine and disease had ravished and dispirited the people and emigration had drained the land of most of its youth. |
About 1,000 square miles of the drained wetlands are used for sugarcane farming, and the rest is urban sprawl. |
He took it, and filling half-a-tumbler with neat spirit drained it at a gulp. |
In the morning as the dismal crowds drained from their former residences into the Mission Square the old man died. |
You leave the theatre drained and enervated, wishing you could get that time back, 15 minutes of awesome explosions notwithstanding. |
A repeat of this enthralling spectacle would send everyone home happy, if a little drained. |
Any euphoria from that win had drained away long before the final results were announced about 2am. |
Once the moment of euphoria had passed, would not life threaten to be as empty as the drained glass of celebratory champagne? |
Fans should try and understand that at a competition, when you finally get off the ice, you're exhausted and drained. |
When he pulled the gunk out that was blocking the downpipe, it roared and shook as the water drained away. |
The westerner is lulled into a dreamland and as the money is quickly drained away, so are his standards. |
Spices like ginger, fenugreek, cloves, cardamom and hot peppers are simmered in butter, then the solids are drained off. |
After such a long time in storage, all the oil will have drained to the sump. |
Maybe being emotionally supportive to others over the last few days has left me drained. |
Add the hot, drained pasta to the sausage and pancetta over medium heat, tossing until well-coated. |
Heat the oil in a small iron skillet or frying pan, add the drained chorizo and fry for 2-3 minutes. |
The undisturbed forest was criss-crossed by natural swales that drained runoff to a wetland in the valley north of the site. |
His parasitic exploitation of Ella does not stop until she is completely drained of memory, language, and finally, sanity. |
Tip in the beans, the ricotta and the drained pasta and fold lightly with fork. |
Drain in a colander and press out the moisture with a spoon, roughly chop and stir in the still-warm drained aubergines. |
For weeks after each match he was mentally drained, sometimes coming out in cold sores. |
The opera house burned down in 1995, in part because the adjacent canals had been drained, and the fire boats could not reach the scene. |
I could instantly see how the tea was progressing, and the plunger kept the leaves out of the way until the pot was drained. |
In pocosins drained by small canals and natural sloughs, mud turtles crawled up to the warmth on half-submerged logs. |
The land was highly regular polder, punctuated by a grid like system of canals and waterways across the drained areas. |
Red clover is grown widely as forage for dairy cattle in regions with poorly drained or low pH soils that are not suited for alfalfa production. |
At first glance the drained muds of the Blyth estuary were dotted with shelduck, redshank, curlew, wigeon, pintail and black headed gulls. |
Subsidence of drained marshlands caused gas pipeline fractures, resulting in several dramatic explosions. |
It drained a section of the canal for maintenance, didn't pre-warn the moored boaters, but just untied and pushed the boats away from the bank. |
The Avilla series consists of very deep, well drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in gravelly and loamy alluvium. |
Fairly well drained, rocky or gravelly soil is the Laurel's natural preference. |
His soldiers leveled their villages and his engineers diverted and drained the water that gave the marshes life. |
The anger he had evinced earlier had drained away, but Macario did not forget the earlier wounds his pride had suffered. |
Physically exhausted, emotionally drained and severely dehydrated, Ashby started to hallucinate. |
If its soil is well drained, this little plant with its peculiarly shaped tubers will have no trouble naturalizing. |
The next few classes dragged by slowly and after the day was over she felt physically drained. |
I was working as a radio announcer in RTE, and the shift work and the commute to and from work drained me of any excess energy. |
Soils tend to be high in acid with a predominance of clay, low in pH, but well drained and moisture retentive. |
Heat a wok until smoking, add the drained greens and cooked garlic and toss for one to three minutes until heated through. |
The diversity and broad appeal that had been the linchpin of its success now drained away like vital oil. |
He slumped in his chair, drained by the unsurmountable odds stacked against him. |
We were physically drained from the first mission on oxygen, but the Army and Marine troops were relying on our support, so we pressed. |
The Government plans to introduce a new EU directive which will require oil and brake fluid to be drained out of a car before it can be scrapped. |
These soils produce the best yields under no-till if they are systematically drained and crops are rotated. |
Owing to the increased flow of the water carried by the new drain which drained a larger area, damage was caused to the plaintiff's land. |
Thousands of them had to be drained of their glandular mucus to make one single purple toga. |
Ultimately, maintenance drained the water tank, squashing that tricky freezing problem, and we took off. |
They drained the water drum and refilled it afresh, and left with a hearty goodbye and thank you, hugs and a kiss from Sarah. |
If the pump cannot be drained completely, store the sprayer where it cannot freeze. |
Actually, pools need not be drained in the southern areas of Mid-America, but the water level should be kept constant. |
The moat was drained of water with only moss growing at the bottom and the outside walls crawling with thorny vines. |
The land is sinking because the aquifers are being drained, and it won't work any more. |
New equipment would be needed on the site if a new park is to be built and the land would have to be drained at extra cost. |
But today, most of this flow has been stopped and the wetlands drained to provide land for sugarcane production. |
It all began with a swampy piece of land at the top of Liardet St, which was drained and filled to become terra firma. |
Many have been found in reclaimed parts of Holland's Zuider Zee, after the land has been drained. |
Camber is the vertical curve provided across the road width with a crest at the centre so that the water flows to the edges and is drained off. |
Wetlands were being drained so the land could be developed, estuaries were being reclaimed and forests were being cut down. |
Further, large tracts of its marshy breeding grounds were rendered unsuitable as they were drained and cleared for cultivation. |
The reason for this decline is that wet meadows have been drained and converted to arable land or to improved grassland. |
Steven explains how the land has been slowly drained, reclaimed, and industrialised. |
That's because earlier generations of farmers drained wetlands and cleared the hardwood forests to expand crop acreage. |
But their most serious threat today is habitat destruction as swamps are drained and forests cleared. |
So far from the sea, fish ponds were a vital source of food and they were perfected as boggy land was drained or dammed all over the area. |
The central parts are drained by the rivers Test and Itchen, the western by the Avon, and the eastern by the Hamble and the Meon. |
Its charter granted monopoly rights to trade in lands whose waters drained into Hudson Bay. |
In the north-east is agricultural land on chalk or limestone well drained by rivers. |
The milk had to be obtained from cows fed within an exact specified area, which included land drained by the rivers Swale, Yore, and Cover. |
North of the mountain range is the Oti plateau, a savanna land drained by the river of the same name. |
We came into work one morning, and found that the tank had sprung a leak during the night and all the water had drained out. |
Here it was colder than Donner Summit, as the colder air from the Truckee River and Prosser Creek drained to the lowest point. |
Not very large, just enough to hold the water that drained from the local land. |
But the program, which included such dishes as drained tuna on dry toast, was the worst. |
The slides were removed from the Coplin jars and carefully drained of any remaining liquid. |
Finally the last of the deserts were finished, and the last glass of brandy drained. |
She watched the new girl silently, seeing how much of the drink was being drained. |
Instead of answering him, WooJin took the cup and drained half its contents. |
And I've had my funds drained on past tours traveling in a car or a van that needed endless repairs. |
I picked up my glass again and drained more of it in an effort to get rid of more of my headache. |
Lifting the glass again, he drained out the remaining contents, his eyes closing as he savored the last drops on the alcohol. |
My slight feeling of content drained away, and my heart filled with despair. |
His confidence drained away and he became more temperamental and increasingly isolated. |
As Donnan looked at the gibbering madman in the crystal ball, his anger drained away. |
Ian continued loading the truck, but his earlier enthusiasm had drained away. |
For a little while, all the colour and happiness drained away from our lives. |
Slowly, my anger drained away, along with, it seemed, the blood from my face. |
He once again made all the running on the restart but their confidence visibly drained away as they failed to breach the rock solid defence. |
Her fear slowly drained away as she kept his impenetrable onyx gaze questioningly with her own. |
And yet one would hate to see all the emotion drained from what is one of the most important days in the life of any teenager. |
Silly little first kisses were fine for people who hadn't truly found love, but that feeling drained away. |
But when I saw him beaming on TV, arms raised in triumph, some of my enthusiasm drained away. |
A number of calls went inexplicably against Joe and it was clear that they drained his confidence as the game wore on. |
In some ways it's been draining, or at least the changes have left me feeling drained. |
I've been totally drained of energy, and this morning, for instance, I found it nigh on impossible to get myself out of bed. |
Some people live in clutter, thrive on noise, and allow themselves to be drained by demanding friends and acquaintances. |
Anyone who would be president of Egypt will have to work until he is drained of energy. |
I was acting tired and weak, as Edward had to think I was still being drained of my power. |
If we lose the vigor and intensity of our youth, or from overwork, we become drained, exhausted, burned out, longing for the vigor of old. |
His is the bitterness of a man who once knew trust and goodwill, who has been drained of it all in an instant. |
I asked if it was getting annoying, being drained of energy when there's so much to do, but she said she didn't have the energy to get annoyed. |
But NHS officials insist that developing countries are not being drained of nurses. |
And because our treasury is being drained of hundreds of billions of dollars desperately needed at home. |
The simple task of sealing the hole inexplicably drained him of energy and he leaned back against the rock wall of the cave and sighed wearily. |
He had a little wobble in his third round but drained some tremendous putts to keep his momentum going. |
She closed with birdies at two par-fives, on the sixth and ninth, and drained a nine-foot putt at the par-four eighth. |
At the next, he drained a 40-foot curling putt to go one over par, and raised his arms to the heavens, a la Faldo. |
The composure with which he drained the winning putt in the Walker Cup five years ago was the mark of a man who responds well to pressure. |
The doctors therefore simply inserted two abdominal drains under local anaesthetic, and about 50 ml of fluid drained from each. |
A watershed is a topographically delineated area and is a geo-hydrological unit that is drained at a common point, that is, a stream or a river. |
Add the red bell pepper and scallions to the drained potatoes and toss with the dressing. |
If you're a self-described foot dragger, dawdler, delayer, postponer, deferrer, or are feeling overwhelmed and drained, this course is for you. |
The hill here offers a striking view of the drained lake of Montady, the fields laid out in concentric circles like a message from space. |
She sang them with heart and soul and with an intensity and passion that left many in the capacity audience emotionally drained. |
On that occasion a cyst that was aggravating nerve joints was drained and the shoulder joint was cleaned up. |
Meanwhile, a jar of peppers had been drained, with the vinegar being kept to one side. |
This dish contains oysters shucked and drained and wrapped in bacon slices and baked for 10 minutes in a hot oven. |
A shudder passed through her body and all the colour drained from her face. |
The cup is drained of air and applied to specific areas of the body causing the skin to tumefy, or swell. |
Stir in 2 tablespoons drained green peppercorns in brine and salt to taste. |
He also suffers from stomach pains and has been drained of energy. |
If all the people who claimed to work on the underground railroad really had, the South would have been drained of slaves. |
He punctured my eardrum, drained the fluid and inserted a plastic tube. |
To allow the work to take place, the service reservoir has been drained down temporarily, and engineers are using this opportunity to give it a routine clean. |
Filmed in Riga, Latvia, in monochromatic, sepia tones, the film evokes a world drained of life and color. |
Three impoundments are stocked with bluegill sunfish and brown bullhead and partially drained to an appropriate depth for stork foraging during the late summer months. |
To be productive, those soils were artificially drained many years ago. |
Since the Normans had passed through only two weeks earlier, it is possible that the town was simply drained of supplies and that the Franks did not believe it. |
A tension drained out of him at the sight of those tousled raven locks. |
He also recommended that storm water should be drained to the rivers. |
The amount of fluid drained should equal or exceed the amount instilled. |
The man did not seem to expect such an affirmation and he appeared to be suddenly drained of his fury. |
The buy-out had drained the Lampoon's resources, and an infusion of fresh cash was urgently needed. |
Roofs are of corrugated iron drained by copper spouts and downpipes. |
Later indoors I trim it more closely so that the root is apparent, dip that in a powdered rooting hormone and pot them up in a well drained soil-less potting mix. |
All the fight had gone out of him and he was drained of all energy. |
But there are lots of cars on the road that still use traditional coolant, and that should be drained and replaced every couple of years to remove any built-up crud. |
Chalk and similar soft, bedded limestones provide crumbly soils that are both well drained and have the capacity to retain water in the microporous rock structures. |
Amid the gasps from the audience, the senators' faces drained of smugness. |
I figured that parallel valleys all drained to the same place, so I tramped downstream along a creek until it emptied into a river adjacent to an unfamiliar trail. |
She drained the beer and tossed the empty into the bin with the others. |
For example, improperly drained drip pans on air conditioning units, and standing water in humidifiers and dehumidifiers, can grow bacteria or mold. |
Sam took a sip from his nearly drained water glass and sighed. |
I would be worried but all emotion seems to have drained away. |
His entire being had been drained by the immense blast he'd unleashed on the assaulting legions, but Rakael's desperate cry for help had catapulted him out of his repose. |
In the past she has admitted she found working on the BBC1 soap extremely stressful and her more traumatic storylines had left her feeling emotionally drained. |
Jessie felt drained, the bickering with Phoebe had cut her to the bone. |
The result is a media effort drained of its ability to feed the beast with hard news stories. |
The special port facilities, which could be drained to allow repairs on ships' hulls, have been closed and the heavy machinery dismantled and moved to Liverpool. |
For the body withering under the polluted skies of the City, with all the energies drained by the daily rigmarole of life, this is manna from heaven! |
I decided against a bottle of wine as Mother had already drained her Kir with some speed and had begun to confuse her spoonerisms with her malapropisms. |
In fact most of the kids had left either to go to the high school library or some other class, so the study hall itself was drained of most of its occupants. |
She looks like she's going to be sick, her milky skin drained of blood. |
I found that the water was only up to my knees and as it drained away, the body's molecular structure decomposed leaving behind it a silvery shimmer of light. |
But they did not have things all their own way as the Greek players drained a succession of three-pointers to keep the contest close in the second half. |
For centuries bogs have been drained and converted to agricultural land. |
All my earlier anger had drained away, and I just wanted to hug her again. |
Tectonic uplands bordering active faults are usually drained by steep catchments feeding alluvial fans, adjacent examples of which coalesce to define continuous bajadas. |
Her rage drained away and she was just a little girl inside once more. |
Unfortunately, the interim left the property operating at a loss, its coffers drained. |
The relatively recent death of his wife at the hands of a drunk driver has left Harry alone and emotionally drained, with only his job giving his life purpose and meaning. |
She flopped down on her bed, her emotions all drained out from her. |
The reference above to root rot is cautionary only, since this disease would not be problem if badly drained soils and water logged conditions are avoided. |
The supervisory board of the Bulgarian National Bank was a straight jacket for the elite, which drained the financial system in a pagan and barbarian way. |
The well drained limestone land is ideal for tillage and livestock, according to the agent, while there is also a pond and woodland walks on the site. |
It seemed that as soon as I stepped foot inside I was drained of energy. |
It's a time to be refreshed and restored, not drained and wearied. |
The reason that the land was so waterlogged is because the weir systems keep the Thames level artificially high, thereby affecting all the land that should be drained down. |
Surgeon Nigel Heaton examined Best before he was taken for blood tests, X-rays and ultrasounds, and then drained away a build-up of fluid which had become infected. |
After all the hullabaloo of the holidays and trying to get everything ready in time I'm left feeling drained with a profound sense of anti-climax. |
Stored liquids should be only a small fraction of the storage capacity because successful solid and semi-solid storages require excess liquids to be drained off. |
He drained the wine from the tumbler and turned away from the window, and there was no self-pity in his gravelly voice. |
And the medications were sold to the government at huge mark-ups that drained the health care budget. |
Sheer granite peaks and deep cirques are drained by clear, cold streams. |
He debated with himself until he had been drained of his burst of courage. |