He grew up poor, with a violent, domineering mother and a cold, distant father. |
Ruthless, clinical and forever domineering they haunt a team who just can't make that final breakthrough. |
That's not a good base for a lasting and healthy relationship, and you're right, it's domineering. |
Or is it that they are so controlling and domineering that we don't know how to talk about anything else? |
Stage fright masks itself as a domineering style, or as coyness, egoism, or pride. |
Considering that his production style is as domineering as it is remarkable, this is no easy feat. |
His gallery of types included the domineering battleaxe, the hen-pecked husband, and the pretty, flirtatious girl. |
The archetype of the domineering, meddling woman persists in folk motifs and literature throughout history and across cultures. |
Though domineering and convinced of his own infallibility as a younger man, her husband was not cruel or intentionally uncaring. |
My husband wasn't in the least bit domineering but he was a strong man so there was no need for me to worry about bill-paying or problems. |
I laughed myself silly over her comparison of children to terrorists, and her tales of her domineering, movie star mother. |
She has told the court her mother was difficult, domineering and physically and verbally abusive towards her. |
We all love it when he plays a scene big because he's wickedly good at it, hilarious and domineering. |
A highly regarded consultant and teaching doctor, I found her manner imperious and domineering. |
Albert lives with his domineering, bossy, bullying, unhappy, horrible mother. |
Pursued across the continent by her domineering mother and agent, she hitches a ride with an unknowing gang of holidaymakers. |
He was a crablike manoeuvrer, crafty and unreliable, domineering towards followers, ruthless towards rivals. |
I am also a Taurus, they say that we have bad tempers and are very domineering. |
Described as powerful, domineering and charismatic, he alternated affection with explosions of anger that terrified children and staff. |
He was raised by his mother Lorraine, a social services worker, and father David, a domineering man who works as a brewer's drayman. |
He possessed an erect, upright bearing and as his hair turned gray, he became more physically impressive but not domineering in appearance. |
The male had to be domineering, imposing, and always taking the initiative. |
This reflected her domineering and headstrong character, in contrast to Bill's more cautious and conservative nature. |
Several embarrassing montages seem directed by the domineering pop soundtrack due to their literalist take on the lyrics. |
She let her career overtake the relationship, and she's become too controlling and domineering. |
He was a bluff, domineering character who exuded confidence though politically he often showed signs of naivety. |
You also tend to take a know-it-all attitude and to be domineering, which others feel and resent. |
There's nothing quite like a domineering matriarch to fall in love with and Streep not only neuters her on-screen male counterparts but the audience as well. |
How was it she could appear to be so domineering when she wanted to? |
The tiger again looked so powerful, so domineering, and so strong. |
Grossly overweight, chain smoker, heavy drinker, compulsive gambler, adulterer, arrogant and domineering, he seemed to be working his way through each of the deadly sins. |
But I am here to tell you that swans are preternaturally strong beyond ordinary imagination, clannish, quick to anger, domineering, and that they posses a decided mean streak. |
Mr. Speaker, in no way could the approach I described be called centralizing or domineering. |
Public life is sapped of its motivation and politics takes on a domineering and aggressive character. |
According to Liberal Party ideology, we need a strong, domineering central government. |
The 2009 Escalade isn't shy about announcing its presence in a domineering way, at least visually. |
These kinds of controlling and domineering behaviour are called woman abuse or family violence. |
Your contacts will usually be authoritarian and domineering and will have a very strong work capacity. |
At the same time, our domineering, materialistic, bellicose attitudes must be replaced by a spirit of reconciliation, harmony and generosity. |
The poor will be grateful to us only if we are not domineering towards them but serve them with humility. |
They are energetic, ambitious, domineering, sociable, optimistic, and dynamic. |
It also includes things that can be more subtle, such as domineering and controlling behaviour, and demeaning sexist jokes. |
Unlike other European leaders, she is neither charismatic, nor flashily intellectual, nor domineering. |
He has a short fuse and when pushed may become loud, rigid and domineering, bringing a high level of stress to the team or his peers. |
In essence the teacher should not be so much of a demanding and domineering figure but should instead be someone who is responsively helping the student in learning. |
The downside of all that diligence and efficiency is a tendency to be hypercritical, which can manifest in rude and domineering behaviour. |
They are kept in line by the dominant – often domineering – figure of Lafontaine. |
Seeing the lads leering in that domineering row at the front of the stage like they used to sounds tempting. |
Her image is of a domineering matron of rigid moral standards, but in practice, she was more easygoing than that. |
It's a masterpiece of short-form tension – a confluence of sound and image so viscerally evocative it feels almost domineering. |
Under pressure, he acts in a domineering way, but he needs to consciously stop and listen to others before charging ahead with his own idea. |
The mother is an irritable, domineering onychophagist who has always rejected the patient, despite her role as an older sister, and a schoolteacher. |
Allison and Cole have lost a child, his family is shady, and his mother domineering. |
The father's extramarital activities are beginning to wear on his marriage, and the mother is a basket case trapped in the iron grip of her domineering queen bee of a mother. |
They look less like domineering control freaks than out-of-control weaklings, capable of producing endless reports and paper laws but paralysed under the slightest pressure. |
The family shared housing with the ever present and domineering Sara, who rarely had a kind word for her daughter-in-law. |
He refused to budge, and Anne retreated further from public view squashed by his bullying and domineering manner. |
Weighing in on the matter, they have all but tried and convicted Wayne Gretzky as a domineering dad in the process. |
Isabelle started to starve herself as a means of rebellion, wresting a measure of control from her domineering mother. |
She is domineering, prone to tactless remarks, and often self-centered. |
She's very masterful, very domineering and would look great in leather. |
A shy, sensitive, clearly unhappy boy's troubled relationship with a domineering, thick-skinned father is captured in that single wounding chuckle. |
They went to live with his mother who was an avaricious, domineering woman. |
It was not even Hitler, nota bene, who was analogous in Mrs. Woolf's mind to the domineering husband, but the man who proposed to stand up to Hitler. |
A teacher, whether brutally domineering or gently insistent, is still capable of suffering tunnel vision, a limited perspective of which he or she may be quite unaware. |
Simplistic chord structures and things just very impressive in the way that a lot of old heavy metal music is very penetrating and domineering and drowns things out. |
Maybe there is a Jungian association in the collective unconscious of film-makers between the image of predatory female insects and domineering mothers. |
During his years with Real Madrid, an increasingly tubby but still marvellously effective Puskas struck up a famous partnership with the Argentine centre-forward, the domineering Alfredo Di Stefano. |
Likewise, national standards are generally rejected by Quebec as domineering, though they are supported by many in English Canada as a way of operationalizing social rights. |
Do we want to hobble our few indigenous energy resources and become even more dependent on one or two dominant, and often domineering, external suppliers? |
Reacting against the domineering Abstract Expressionism art trend, many Los Angeles artists sought a cooler, less personal and less passionate mode of expression. |
Had to file, had to file, but I couldn't – a fierce domineering fatigue had taken hold of every limb, and I went to sleep at 5pm and slept the livelong dream-free night, hoping the morning would bring difference. |
The United States has become the 'lightning rod' for this increased animosity, due to its global power and the domineering presence of Western culture. |
The 20-minute, surreally comic film is about a man, W, coming to terms with the death of his domineering mother, only to discover she's happily spending her death in a nice flat in Crouch End, north London. |
Milton's God, by contrast, is legalistic, domineering and dry as dust. |
Polly had a spice of girlish malice, and rather liked to see domineering Tom eat humble-pie, just enough to do him good, you know. |
As part of BDSM play they can enhance the domineering tread of a mistress or hobble the steps of a slave. |
He played a lonely Welsh farmer trying to free himself from a domineering mother. |
Dealing with the aftermath of individuals who learn and model disrespectful and domineering behaviour to gain control over others creates significant costs for society. |
This is also true when Matt's Command talents manifest themselves in pushiness or in domineering behavior. |
Ideas of companionate marriage and the cultivation of an affective self imply masculinities that are more sensitive and less domineering. |
This is frequently the case among pranksters, who engage in hacking because it gives them a feeling of superiority and control over institutions that they perceive to be domineering in ordinary life. |
While grandiose narcissism is characterized by an extroverted, self-aggrandizing, domineering and flamboyant interpersonal style. |
His next act of manslaughter will be met with the wrath of the Earth Goddess, suggesting a domineering matriarchate embedded within the surface patriarchate. |
He plays the role of a meek husband who has been emasculated by his domineering wife. |
She is a domineering woman, and it is implied that her husband ran off without the formalities of a divorce because he could not stand her any more. |
Another strength is the humanity of the film, seen in the emotional confrontation between him and his teensy bit domineering mum, beautifully played by Anjelica Huston. |
Amy, daughter in tow, moves in with her colorfully domineering mother, Maxine, and brother Vincent, an overeducated and undermotivated aspiring writer. |
Igbos, from the southeast, like my family, are supposedly domineering and money-grabbing, while Yorubas, from the southwest, are seen as cantankerous and treacherous. |